In-Running Blog

3 Aug 2017 Archived In-Running Cards

13:30 Stratford 2m3f Hcap Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
White, maroon star, dark blue sleeves, dark blue and white quartered cap Asockastar 32 15 (54%) 11.00 8.40 (74%)
Asockastar Pace Rating
Emerald green, white hoops, white sleeves, emerald green armlets, red cap Irish Thistle 11 Recent form poor in-running 22 (44%) 20.00 15.00 (74%)
Irish Thistle Pace Rating
Gold, black hoops, gold cap Go On Henry 18 Inform recently in-running 9 (75%) 13.00 17.50 (138%)
Go On Henry Pace Rating
Dark blue, pink stripe, striped sleeves, pink cap Sage Monkey 18 Inform recently in-running 5 (71%) 5.05 4.70 (91%)
Sage Monkey Pace Rating
Dark blue, white star, red and white striped sleeves, dark blue cap, white stars Drumlang 317 20 (48%) 32.00 30.00 (94%)
Drumlang Pace Rating
White, black star, black sleeves, white stars, white cap, black stars High Aspirations 68 18 (75%) 13.00 10.50 (79%)
High Aspirations Pace Rating
Yellow, red cross belts, red sleeves, yellow stars, yellow cap, red stars Volcanic Jack 12 33 (52%) 132.91 110.00 (83%)
Volcanic Jack Pace Rating
Black, pink spots, pink and black striped sleeves and cap Aregra 343 8 (44%) 11.50 8.20 (69%)
Aregra Pace Rating
Light blue, red cross belts, light blue sleeves, red stars Daulys Anthem 292 7 (54%) 2.68 1.01 (1%)
Daulys Anthem Pace Rating
White, royal blue spots, royal blue sleeves, white armlets, red cap Castley Lane 100 5 (50%) 111.70 100.00 (89%)
Castley Lane Pace Rating

13:40 Galway 2m6f Beg Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Yielding

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Purple, yellow spots, purple sleeves, yellow spots on cap A Rated 99 Inform recently in-running 4 (57%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
A Rated Pace Rating
Maroon, white star and armlet, white cap Ballela Boy 27 Inform recently in-running 8 (73%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Ballela Boy Pace Rating
Emerald green, white star, white chevrons on sleeves, white cap Bosman Rule 218 5 (38%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Bosman Rule Pace Rating
White, dark blue epaulettes, hooped sleeves, dark blue cap, white star Cassells Rock 78 Recent form poor in-running 15 (38%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Cassells Rock Pace Rating
White, royal blue cross of lorraine and diamonds on sleeves, royal blue cap, white diamond Dont Tell No One 371 4 (67%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Dont Tell No One Pace Rating
Pink, black chevron, striped cap Fly Rory Fly 27 5 (56%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Fly Rory Fly Pace Rating
Grey, black seams, black sleeves, grey seams, quartered cap Fruits Of Gold 1 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Fruits Of Gold Pace Rating
Emerald green, dark green sleeves, dark green cap, emerald green spots Jeannot De Nonant 20 4 (67%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Jeannot De Nonant Pace Rating
Maroon, white star and armlet, maroon cap, white star Just Cause 12 8 (47%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Just Cause Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, white cap Oathkeeper 80 8 (80%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Oathkeeper Pace Rating
Black, white star, white star on cap Poormans Hill 25 Recent form poor in-running 3 (23%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Poormans Hill Pace Rating
Purple and orange stripes, orange stars on sleeves, orange diamonds on cap Present News 12 2 (67%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Present News Pace Rating
White, emerald green stars, yellow sleeves, maroon cap, white stars Silverfort 12 1 (25%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Silverfort Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, emerald green cap, white star Tesseract 60 Inform recently in-running 8 (73%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Tesseract Pace Rating

13:50 Goodwood 1m2f Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Dark green, beige stars on sleeves Euginio 17 27 4 (80%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Euginio Pace Rating
Dark blue and pink diabolo, chevrons on sleeves, pink cap, dark blue diamond Kings Gift 14 19 4 (50%) 15.00 5.00 (29%)
Kings Gift Pace Rating
Purple, orange disc Grey Britain 7 21 6 (50%) 14.39 3.00 (15%)
Grey Britain Pace Rating
Royal blue, white hoop, striped sleeves, white cap, royal blue star Twin Star 10 13 2 (33%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Twin Star Pace Rating
Yellow, black chevron, black sleeves, yellow armlets, yellow and black quartered cap Good Omen 11 15 Inform recently in-running 6 (75%) 10.20 1.01 (0%)
Good Omen Pace Rating
Royal blue, red cap Mutarabby 16 27 4 (80%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Mutarabby Pace Rating
Royal blue, white cap Leaders Legacy 2 42 4 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Leaders Legacy Pace Rating
Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap Mukalal 1 27 5 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Mukalal Pace Rating
Yellow, black epaulets Addeybb 13 20 2 (67%) 7.00 6.00 (83%)
Addeybb Pace Rating
Light blue, dark blue armlets, dark blue cap Archetype 15 26 4 (100%) 16.50 14.50 (87%)
Archetype Pace Rating
Light blue, royal blue epaulets, royal blue sleeves, light blue armlets, white cap, black star Emenem 6 33 Inform recently in-running 9 (75%) 18.81 6.80 (33%)
Emenem Pace Rating
Lime green, royal blue epaulets and cap Monticello 12 20 6 (60%) 17.91 10.00 (53%)
Monticello Pace Rating
Silver, tassel on cap Morning Suit 3 13 Recent form poor in-running 5 (38%) 26.09 26.00 (100%)
Morning Suit Pace Rating
Royal blue Hold Sway 5 56 3 (60%) 5.80 5.60 (96%)
Hold Sway Pace Rating
Purple, gold braid, scarlet sleeves, black velvet cap, gold fringe Frontispiece 18 26 1 (33%) 9.40 2.00 (12%)
Frontispiece Pace Rating
White, black hoops, white sleeves, red cap Rays The Money 8 12 8 (80%) 40.00 10.50 (24%)
Rays The Money Pace Rating
Dark blue, white braces, diamonds on sleeves, striped cap Rumpole 4 38 2 (50%) 17.56 14.00 (79%)
Rumpole Pace Rating
Red and black diamonds, red sleeves, black armlets and diamonds on cap Society Red 9 19 6 (60%) 17.13 12.00 (68%)
Society Red Pace Rating

14:00 Stratford 2m Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Pink, dark blue spots, sleeves and spots on cap Dove Mountain 14 15 (35%) 3.20 1.52 (24%)
Dove Mountain Pace Rating
White, black epaulets, maroon and white diabolo on sleeves, black and maroon quartered cap Milrow 34 10 (59%) 1.77 1.01 (1%)
Milrow Pace Rating
White, emerald green hoops, white sleeves, emerald green stars, black cap Astrum 7 21 (49%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Astrum Pace Rating
Maroon, yellow stripe, light green sleeves, yellow armlets and spots on light green cap Miss Benefitz 43 7 (44%) 60.52 60.00 (99%)
Miss Benefitz Pace Rating
Emerald green, white stripe, white and red halved sleeves, red cap Diamondsaretrumps 4 Recent form poor in-running 2 (20%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Diamondsaretrumps Pace Rating
Black, large yellow spots, black sleeves, yellow spots, yellow cap Orions Might 18 30 (58%) 10.17 6.00 (55%)
Orions Might Pace Rating

14:10 Nottingham 5f Nov Stks

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Yellow and white (quartered), yellow sleeves, white armlets, yellow cap Cherry Oak 4 15 1 (50%) 48.96 46.00 (94%)
Cherry Oak Pace Rating
Red, white sash, royal blue cap Crotchet 5 1 0 (0%) 8.02 1.07 (1%)
Beige, dark blue armlets, dark blue cap Dandys Beano 1 16 0 (0%) 9.36 1.07 (1%)
Dandys Beano Pace Rating
White, large black spots, black cap Harmonica 2 1 0 (0%) 15.50 6.80 (40%)
White, purple cap Kandy Kove 3 26 0 (0%) 13.00 4.60 (30%)
Kandy Kove Pace Rating
Mauve, light blue cross belts Maygold 6 13 1 (100%) 6.60 2.08 (19%)
Maygold Pace Rating
Claret, gold braid, claret sleeves, claret cap, gold tassel Mother of Dragons 7 12 1 (25%) 3.95 3.25 (76%)
Mother of Dragons Pace Rating
Cream, maroon sleeves, pink cap Three Little Birds 7 12 Inform recently in-running 5 (83%) 5.03 3.50 (62%)
Three Little Birds Pace Rating

14:15 Galway 2m2f Nov Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Yielding

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Pink, light green spots, pink sleeves and cap Townshend 52 Inform recently in-running 5 (63%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Townshend Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, white cap Dont Touch It 98 Inform recently in-running 11 (79%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Dont Touch It Pace Rating
Black, red sash, striped cap Peregrine Run 27 9 (47%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Peregrine Run Pace Rating
Light blue, dark blue cross of lorraine, quartered cap Our Dougal 14 Inform recently in-running 11 (61%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Our Dougal Pace Rating
Maroon, white star and armlet, maroon cap, white star Potters Point 16 8 (67%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Potters Point Pace Rating
Dark blue and white diamonds, white sleeves, red cap Rathvinden 27 6 (67%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Rathvinden Pace Rating
Maroon and white check, maroon sleeves, check cap Rocky Court 12 16 (64%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Rocky Court Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, emerald green cap, white star Landofhopeandglory 38 13 (76%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Landofhopeandglory Pace Rating

14:25 Goodwood 1m6f Grp3

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
White, emerald green hoops, white sleeves and cap Alyssa 9 26 5 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Alyssa Pace Rating
Black and white (halved), sleeves reversed, red cap Dawn Horizons 5 20 3 (50%) 15.61 9.20 (56%)
Dawn Horizons Pace Rating
Yellow, royal blue stars, yellow cap Diamonds Pour Moi 7 83 1 (25%) 12.50 6.00 (43%)
Diamonds Pour Moi Pace Rating
Dark blue, yellow cap Dubka 4 26 6 (67%) 9.60 1.62 (7%)
Dubka Pace Rating
Royal blue Endless Time 1 42 7 (64%) 3.74 1.01 (0%)
Endless Time Pace Rating
Purple and pink diamonds, white sleeves, red stars, white cap, red star Harlequeen 2 350 3 (43%) 15.00 15.00 (100%)
Harlequeen Pace Rating
Grey, black triple diamond and sleeves, yellow cap Lucy The Painter 3 26 Recent form poor in-running 17 (59%) 85.00 44.00 (51%)
Lucy The Painter Pace Rating
Royal blue, white cap Natural Scenery 8 33 6 (55%) 11.10 1.70 (7%)
Natural Scenery Pace Rating
Silver, gold braid, maroon cap, gold tassel Aljezeera 11 75 1 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Aljezeera Pace Rating
Claret, gold braid, claret sleeves, claret cap, gold tassel Melodic Motion 10 33 4 (67%) 6.96 2.58 (27%)
Melodic Motion Pace Rating
Claret, gold braid, claret sleeves, gold cap, gold tassel Rich Legacy 12 26 3 (43%) 17.17 8.20 (45%)
Rich Legacy Pace Rating
Dark blue Wild Irish Rose 6 14 Inform recently in-running 6 (60%) 8.19 7.00 (83%)
Wild Irish Rose Pace Rating

14:35 Stratford 2m Hcap Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Yellow, dark blue chevron, yellow sleeves, dark blue stars, yellow cap, dark blue star Comanche Chieftain 23 Inform recently in-running 10 (38%) 6.28 1.01 (0%)
Comanche Chieftain Pace Rating
Maroon, white star, white sleeves, maroon armlets and star on white cap Shining Romeo 28 Inform recently in-running 21 (72%) 10.00 1.80 (9%)
Shining Romeo Pace Rating
Light blue, grey and light blue chevrons on sleeves Authorized Too 9 Inform recently in-running 13 (52%) 4.70 2.62 (44%)
Authorized Too Pace Rating
Red, white sash, emerald green sleeves, emerald green and red check cap Workbench 79 23 (52%) 11.88 7.20 (57%)
Workbench Pace Rating
White, emerald green disc, emerald green sleeves, black armlets, black cap Londonia 16 9 (43%) 6.22 6.00 (96%)
Londonia Pace Rating
Emerald green and red (quartered), red sleeves, emerald green cap Pengos Boy 50 Recent form poor in-running 2 (29%) 24.48 12.50 (49%)
Pengos Boy Pace Rating
Dark green, maroon sash and sleeves, white cap King Alfonso 16 12 (60%) 6.62 4.60 (64%)
King Alfonso Pace Rating
Emerald green, royal blue disc, striped sleeves, royal blue cap Tamarillo Grove 27 21 (41%) 11.16 9.00 (79%)
Tamarillo Grove Pace Rating

14:45 Nottingham 6f Nov Stks

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Emerald green, yellow epaulets, yellow sleeves, emerald green armlets, yellow cap Eirene 7 34 1 (50%) 3.18 1.08 (4%)
Eirene Pace Rating
Grey Island Drive 3 22 1 (100%) 2.72 2.74 (101%)
Island Drive Pace Rating
Yellow, dark green diamond, diabolo on sleeves and diamonds on cap Captain Jameson 6 1 0 (0%) 28.00 5.60 (17%)
Black, maroon cap, white stars Charles Fox 1 1 0 (0%) 20.14 16.00 (78%)
White, large royal blue spots and sleeves, royal blue and white hooped cap Redtedd 2 14 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Redtedd Pace Rating
White, purple cap Sands of Mali 5 19 1 (100%) 7.01 1.01 (0%)
Sands of Mali Pace Rating
Purple, light blue sleeves, red cap Ferrier 4 1 0 (0%) 23.00 20.00 (86%)
Yellow, purple epaulets, yellow sleeves, purple stars, purple cap, yellow star Ravens Raft 8 29 1 (50%) 17.10 9.00 (50%)
Ravens Raft Pace Rating

14:50 Galway 1m Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Yielding

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Purple, red star and sleeves, red cap, purple star Aussie Valentine 12 33 13 (57%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Aussie Valentine Pace Rating
Grey, emerald green diamond and cap Elm Grove 15 32 14 (52%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Elm Grove Pace Rating
Grey, pink chevron, pink cap Stipulate 6 2 Inform recently in-running 19 (63%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Stipulate Pace Rating
Red, white disc and sleeves, black and white striped cap Spruce Meadows 4 19 11 (52%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Spruce Meadows Pace Rating
White, purple panel, check cap Fountain 3 19 3 (38%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Fountain Pace Rating
Dark blue, white star, white sleeves, maroon stars, white cap, maroon stars Remarkable Lady 14 10 10 (45%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Remarkable Lady Pace Rating
Light blue, large pink spots Be Kool 13 17 7 (41%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Be Kool Pace Rating
Yellow, purple disc, purple spots on sleeves, quartered cap Dinkum Diamond 10 16 24 (37%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Dinkum Diamond Pace Rating
Red, yellow sleeves, emerald green cap, white star Nebulla 5 220 4 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Nebulla Pace Rating
Yellow, royal blue chevron, red cap Tribal Path 9 8 Inform recently in-running 31 (63%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Tribal Path Pace Rating
Orange, royal blue chevron, diabolo on sleeves, royal blue cap Knockmaole Boy 7 2 11 (58%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Knockmaole Boy Pace Rating
Purple, yellow cross of lorraine, yellow cap Ace of Diamonds 18 120 1 (20%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Ace of Diamonds Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, white cap Clonard Street 11 32 9 (56%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Clonard Street Pace Rating
Royal blue, emerald green cross sashes and armlet, striped cap Collision Course 8 12 Inform recently in-running 7 (58%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Collision Course Pace Rating
Royal blue and yellow diabolo, yellow chevrons on sleeves, white cap Snoozing Indian 17 10 Recent form poor in-running 5 (38%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Snoozing Indian Pace Rating
Royal blue and white hoops, white chevrons on sleeves, white diamond on cap Total Demolition 2 27 Recent form poor in-running 14 (44%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Total Demolition Pace Rating
Dark blue, white epaulettes, royal blue and white halved sleeves, royal blue cap, white star Roibeard 16 2 8 (57%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Roibeard Pace Rating
Red, dark blue inverted triangle, dark blue cap, red spots Beau Et Sublime 1 32 9 (53%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Beau Et Sublime Pace Rating
Purple and light blue quartered, light blue sleeves, purple spots, light blue and purple quartered cap Cairdiuil 17 29 (43%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Cairdiuil Pace Rating

15:00 Goodwood 6f Grp2

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Silver, tassel on cap Cardsharp 2 21 4 (67%) 3.35 2.00 (43%)
Cardsharp Pace Rating
Emerald green, royal blue sleeves, white cap, emerald green spots Barraquero 3 30 2 (100%) 5.50 1.01 (0%)
Barraquero Pace Rating
Black and red check, red sleeves Bullington Bandit 10 19 2 (100%) 38.09 38.00 (100%)
Bullington Bandit Pace Rating
Silver, gold braid, maroon cap, gold tassel Etefaaq 6 19 3 (100%) 28.42 27.00 (95%)
Etefaaq Pace Rating
Red, yellow stars, halved sleeves and star on cap Grand Koonta 7 21 3 (75%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Grand Koonta Pace Rating
White, emerald green chevrons on sleeves, emerald green cap Green Power 4 28 2 (67%) 23.00 10.00 (41%)
Green Power Pace Rating
White, dark blue armlets and cap Headway 9 44 3 (100%) 5.22 5.10 (97%)
Headway Pace Rating
White, red sash, red and white striped cap Invincible Army 5 1 3 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Invincible Army Pace Rating
Dark blue and yellow (halved), dark blue sleeves, yellow cap Nebo 1 19 2 (67%) 4.24 1.86 (27%)
Nebo Pace Rating
Purple, white seams, striped sleeves, purple cap U S Navy Flag 8 21 3 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
U S Navy Flag Pace Rating

15:10 Stratford 2m3f Nov Hcap Ch

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
White, emerald green hoops, white sleeves, emerald green stars, black cap Exitas 16 12 (60%) 35.11 11.00 (29%)
Exitas Pace Rating
Dark blue and yellow (quartered), striped sleeves Pemba 196 6 (55%) 12.20 5.00 (36%)
Pemba Pace Rating
Light blue, green sleeves, quartered cap Capsy De Mee 139 2 (67%) 7.80 1.31 (5%)
Capsy De Mee Pace Rating
Maroon, white braces, maroon sleeves, white stars While You Wait 32 Recent form poor in-running 18 (42%) 37.73 38.00 (101%)
While You Wait Pace Rating
White, red star, grey sleeves, grey cap, red star My Mo 28 16 (43%) 28.00 32.00 (115%)
My Mo Pace Rating
Royal blue, pink braces, white sleeves, pink and royal blue quartered cap Theo 11 Inform recently in-running 13 (52%) 1.96 1.01 (1%)
Theo Pace Rating
Emerald green, white braces, orange cap Earls Fort 42 10 (56%) 16.50 16.50 (100%)
Earls Fort Pace Rating
Purple, white disc and cap Fair To Middling 43 7 (54%) 7.43 5.60 (72%)
Fair To Middling Pace Rating
Purple, light blue seams, hooped sleeves and cap Raleagh Mountain 373 Inform recently in-running 5 (83%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)

15:20 Nottingham 1m Mdn Stks

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
White, black and white halved sleeves, yellow cap, white spots Afterburner 4 27 0 (0%) 22.63 6.00 (23%)
Afterburner Pace Rating
Emerald green, white cross belts, orange sleeves, white stars, white cap, orange diamonds Bamo Mc 12 22 0 (0%) 73.50 100.00 (137%)
Bamo Mc Pace Rating
Royal blue, yellow stripe, sleeves and cap Big Bad Lol 14 31 0 (0%) 14.00 13.00 (92%)
Light blue, red seams, striped sleeves, red cap Glenn Coco 6 35 1 (100%) 17.00 3.55 (16%)
Glenn Coco Pace Rating
Red and white (quartered), striped sleeves and cap Ididitforyoooo 8 47 1 (50%) 6.00 4.60 (72%)
Ididitforyoooo Pace Rating
Dark blue, white seams, striped sleeves, dark blue cap Long Socks 2 50 2 (100%) 8.98 9.80 (110%)
Long Socks Pace Rating
Yellow, white seams, yellow sleeves and cap Saradani Bay 15 1 0 (0%) 35.93 10.00 (26%)
Dark blue, light blue disc Suit Of Lights 11 5 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Suit Of Lights Pace Rating
French navy, gold lightning bolt, french navy sleeves, gold armband with white stripe, gold cap Swaffham Bulbeck 7 17 2 (100%) 8.20 1.01 (0%)
Swaffham Bulbeck Pace Rating
Purple and orange diamonds, purple sleeves, orange armlets and diamond on cap True Colors 1 21 1 (100%) 7.05 3.00 (33%)
True Colors Pace Rating
Grey and white stripes, red cap Lady Prima 9 12 2 (100%) 100.60 65.00 (64%)
Lady Prima Pace Rating
Pink, large black spots and spots on cap Love Me Again 10 22 0 (0%) 5.94 3.60 (53%)
Love Me Again Pace Rating
Royal blue, white stars, red and white striped sleeves, red cap Steady 5 1 0 (0%) 20.54 11.00 (51%)
Dark blue, light blue seams, diabolo on sleeves, quartered cap The Lady Rules 13 1 0 (0%) 76.10 100.00 (132%)

15:25 Galway 7f Listed

Track: Turf. Going: Yielding

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Orange and white stripes, orange sleeves and cap Duchess of France 16 33 Inform recently in-running 7 (78%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Duchess of France Pace Rating
Maroon, white star and armlet, maroon cap, white star Flirt 11 24 6 (29%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Flirt Pace Rating
Pink, light blue sleeves, red cap Orangey Red 9 19 6 (46%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Orangey Red Pace Rating
Emerald green, pink sash, white sleeves, pink cap Raymonda 2 29 4 (67%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Raymonda Pace Rating
Red, yellow panel, black sleeves, red and yellow striped cap Truffles 8 32 6 (60%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Truffles Pace Rating
Emerald green and royal blue diabolo, royal blue armlet, royal blue star on cap Valentana 5 17 Recent form poor in-running 3 (19%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Valentana Pace Rating
Black, white disc, black cap Drumfad Bay 12 17 6 (67%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Drumfad Bay Pace Rating
Purple, pink spots, pink sleeves, pink spots on cap Elusive Beauty 4 29 10 (53%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Elusive Beauty Pace Rating
Dark blue Alphabet 14 19 7 (70%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Alphabet Pace Rating
Grey Florida Times 15 20 4 (80%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Florida Times Pace Rating
Dark blue, pink triple diamond, pink sleeves, dark blue cap, pink diamond Groundfrost 3 18 1 (25%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Groundfrost Pace Rating
Yellow, maroon hoop, white sleeves and cap Im So Fancy 7 21 Inform recently in-running 4 (67%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Im So Fancy Pace Rating
Royal blue, orange disc, striped sleeves and cap Music Box 10 8 9 (75%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Music Box Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow stars, black sleeves and cap Smoulder 1 8 2 (33%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Smoulder Pace Rating
Maroon, white hoop, yellow cap Stormy Belle 6 1 7 (64%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Stormy Belle Pace Rating
Claret, gold braid, claret sleeves and cap Sweet Sounds 13 8 Recent form poor in-running 2 (33%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Sweet Sounds Pace Rating
Black, maroon star, striped cap Casla 5 3 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Casla Pace Rating
Pink and grey diamonds, pink sleeves and cap Camellia Japonica 17 Recent form poor in-running 5 (38%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Camellia Japonica Pace Rating

15:35 Goodwood 1m2f Grp1

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Grey, black seams, black cap, grey pom pom Blond Me 9 77 6 (60%) 26.00 20.00 (76%)
Blond Me Pace Rating
Yellow, black epaulets Nezwaah 5 32 Inform recently in-running 7 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Nezwaah Pace Rating
Red, white sash, royal blue cap Queens Trust 7 43 Inform recently in-running 5 (56%) 10.90 4.00 (30%)
Queens Trust Pace Rating
Pink, grey sash So Mi Dar 3 323 4 (100%) 5.60 5.00 (87%)
So Mi Dar Pace Rating
Purple, white seams, striped sleeves, purple cap Hydrangea 4 41 Recent form poor in-running 4 (40%) 14.50 14.00 (96%)
Hydrangea Pace Rating
Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves Shutter Speed 1 78 3 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Shutter Speed Pace Rating
Royal blue Sobetsu 2 62 1 (25%) 9.19 2.22 (15%)
Sobetsu Pace Rating
Dark blue Winter 6 41 Inform recently in-running 6 (86%) 1.98 1.01 (1%)
Winter Pace Rating
Royal blue Wuheida 8 20 2 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Wuheida Pace Rating

15:45 Stratford 2m6f Hcap Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
White, royal blue spots, royal blue sleeves, white armlets, red cap Moorlands Mist 147 Recent form poor in-running 11 (41%) 30.99 11.50 (35%)
Moorlands Mist Pace Rating
Yellow, red star, armlets and star on cap Moorlands Jack 39 28 (61%) 8.90 3.30 (29%)
Moorlands Jack Pace Rating
Royal blue, orange stars on sleeves and cap The Trigger 14 6 (55%) 2.34 1.01 (1%)
The Trigger Pace Rating
Purple, white stars, halved sleeves, white cap, purple star Brave Helios 50 11 (34%) 4.60 4.00 (83%)
Brave Helios Pace Rating
Emerald green, black cross belts, yellow sleeves and cap Kilcascan 102 Inform recently in-running 28 (64%) 11.50 9.00 (76%)
Kilcascan Pace Rating
Dark blue, white star, red sleeves, white stars, red cap, white star Fled Or Pled 15 Recent form poor in-running 2 (17%) 14.84 12.50 (83%)
Fled Or Pled Pace Rating
Maroon, dark green chevrons, armlets and star on cap Legend To Be 25 1 (33%) 21.20 18.00 (84%)
Legend To Be Pace Rating
White, dark green triple diamond, diamonds on sleeves, white cap, dark green diamond Tribal Dance 56 Recent form poor in-running 20 (37%) 81.85 70.00 (85%)
Tribal Dance Pace Rating

15:55 Nottingham 1m Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Purple, pink star, pink sleeves, mauve stars, pink cap, purple star Woody Bay 7 26 Recent form poor in-running 24 (45%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Woody Bay Pace Rating
Royal blue and pink stripes, royal blue sleeves and cap Dutch Artist 1 11 5 (36%) 8.40 5.00 (54%)
Dutch Artist Pace Rating
Dark blue, pink sleeves Wealth Tax 4 27 Recent form poor in-running 4 (50%) 12.74 1.01 (0%)
Wealth Tax Pace Rating
Black, white sleeves, black spots, royal blue cap Badenscoth 3 9 5 (56%) 5.00 3.70 (68%)
Badenscoth Pace Rating
Emerald green, white disc, white sleeves, emerald green spots, white cap Tan Arabiq 8 28 Inform recently in-running 6 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Tan Arabiq Pace Rating
Emerald green, red seams, red sleeves, emerald green stars, red cap, emerald green star Captain Revelation 10 28 14 (38%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Captain Revelation Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow hoops, white cap Hidden Oasis 5 9 13 (54%) 5.62 5.50 (97%)
Hidden Oasis Pace Rating
Royal blue, yellow seams, royal blue sleeves, yellow spots, red cap Ingleby Angel 9 13 Recent form poor in-running 28 (42%) 29.00 25.00 (86%)
Ingleby Angel Pace Rating
Bronze Prosecution 2 26 Inform recently in-running 4 (67%) 3.16 1.78 (36%)
Prosecution Pace Rating
Black, white hollow box and sleeves, striped cap Dominannie 6 17 6 (50%) 14.50 6.60 (41%)
Dominannie Pace Rating

16:00 Galway 2m4f Nov Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Yielding

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Beige, dark green diabolo on sleeves, black cap Robin Des Foret 23 Inform recently in-running 7 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Robin Des Foret Pace Rating
Emerald green, red stars, red star on cap Dorans River 23 6 (60%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Dorans River Pace Rating
Emerald green, white star, white chevrons on sleeves, white cap Its All Guesswork 26 3 (60%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Its All Guesswork Pace Rating
White, emerald green stars, white sleeves, quartered cap Oakly 23 1 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Oakly Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, white cap Bhutan 11 3 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Bhutan Pace Rating
Dark blue, white, dark blue and red detailed stripe on body, sleeves and cap, red tassel on cap Lac Kivu 64 1 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Lac Kivu Pace Rating

16:10 Goodwood 7f Nursery

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue Gold Town 5 20 3 (60%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Gold Town Pace Rating
Purple and white diamonds, purple sleeves Tangled 11 20 3 (75%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Tangled Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow star, red sleeves and cap Billesdon Brook 4 7 5 (100%) 4.01 1.01 (0%)
Billesdon Brook Pace Rating
Grey, maroon triple diamond, white sleeves, grey cap, maroon diamonds Starlight Mystery 6 20 4 (67%) 11.55 2.08 (10%)
Starlight Mystery Pace Rating
Royal blue, light green epaulets Poetic Steps 3 21 1 (50%) 7.80 5.30 (63%)
Poetic Steps Pace Rating
Black, pink spots, armlets and spots on cap Jedi Master 12 19 3 (50%) 33.20 2.80 (6%)
Jedi Master Pace Rating
White, black stripe, white and red striped sleeves and cap Veejay 7 12 2 (100%) 6.24 6.20 (99%)
Veejay Pace Rating
White, red seams, red and white quartered cap Royal Household 15 19 2 (67%) 23.18 28.00 (122%)
Royal Household Pace Rating
Dark blue, beige seams, armlets and cap Barbarianatthegate 2 11 3 (75%) 39.23 34.00 (86%)
Barbarianatthegate Pace Rating
White, light blue spots, white sleeves, light blue cap, white spots Poets Prince 16 17 3 (100%) 13.77 8.00 (55%)
Poets Prince Pace Rating
Purple, light blue chevron, light blue cap Cosmopolitan Queen 1 20 1 (33%) 8.28 5.30 (59%)
Cosmopolitan Queen Pace Rating
Maroon, silver braid, maroon sleeves, silver armlets, black cap Central City 17 42 1 (25%) 83.98 50.00 (59%)
Central City Pace Rating
Royal blue, white hoop, striped sleeves, white cap, royal blue star Chai Chai 9 27 1 (33%) 49.03 4.90 (8%)
Chai Chai Pace Rating
Red, dark blue chevron She Believes 8 14 3 (75%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
She Believes Pace Rating
Light blue, pink star, light blue sleeves, yellow armlets and star on light blue cap Cheeky Rascal 13 15 1 (33%) 22.51 1.03 (0%)
Cheeky Rascal Pace Rating
Yellow and orange diamonds, white sleeves Alifax 14 20 3 (60%) 75.78 1.35 (0%)
Alifax Pace Rating
Pink, emerald green chevron, halved sleeves, quartered cap Devils Cowboy 10 41 3 (100%) 49.03 40.00 (81%)
Devils Cowboy Pace Rating
White, black seams, white sleeves, black stars, white cap, black star Lucifugous 18 12 2 (67%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Lucifugous Pace Rating

16:20 Stratford 2m2f Mdn Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, red hoop, halved sleeves, red and white hooped cap Air Approach 99 2 (67%) 32.00 38.00 (119%)
Air Approach Pace Rating
Orange, black and red chevrons on sleeves, red cap Boy In A Bentley 80 7 (58%) 1.98 1.03 (3%)
Boy In A Bentley Pace Rating
Black, white hoops, red sleeves and cap Chasing Headlights 11 2 (67%) 722.97 520.00 (72%)
Chasing Headlights Pace Rating
Purple, mauve epaulets, grey sleeves Mister Mister 24 1 (50%) 370.00 75.00 (20%)
Mister Mister Pace Rating
Navy blue, scarlet hooped sleeves, scarlet cap, gold spots Phoenix Park 1 0 (0%) 46.00 17.00 (36%)
Light blue, grey and light blue chevrons on sleeves Wild Murphy 253 0 (0%) 52.45 8.40 (14%)
Wild Murphy Pace Rating
Light blue, red cross belts, striped sleeves, red cap Mccools Gold 51 5 (50%) 5.89 3.45 (50%)
Mccools Gold Pace Rating
Dark blue, pink star, armlets and cap Ocean Eleven 11 Recent form poor in-running 6 (32%) 16.21 2.00 (7%)
Ocean Eleven Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow seams, emerald green sleeves, yellow stars, emerald green cap, yellow star Gvs Irportensa 129 2 (67%) 5.43 1.01 (0%)
Gvs Irportensa Pace Rating

16:30 Nottingham 1m2f Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Light blue, orange epaulets Lexington Law 2 14 Inform recently in-running 7 (70%) 4.90 1.71 (18%)
Lexington Law Pace Rating
Light green and white stripes, white sleeves, light green armlets, striped cap Azzir 3 49 Inform recently in-running 12 (75%) 2.72 2.02 (59%)
Azzir Pace Rating
Purple and yellow diabolo, chevrons on sleeves, striped cap Deinonychus 4 8 Inform recently in-running 10 (71%) 4.10 1.01 (0%)
Deinonychus Pace Rating
White, light blue spots, white sleeves, light blue cap, white spots Katebird 1 10 5 (28%) 5.80 4.80 (79%)
Katebird Pace Rating

16:35 Galway 2m Hcap Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Yielding

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Black, light green chevron, light green cap Morga 24 Recent form poor in-running 27 (55%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Morga Pace Rating
Grey, pink hoop, grey sleeves, grey cap Clondaw Warrior 28 25 (57%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Clondaw Warrior Pace Rating
Beige and black halved, black chevrons on sleeves, beige cap Ivan Grozny 28 Inform recently in-running 14 (82%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Ivan Grozny Pace Rating
Pink and grey diamonds, pink sleeves and cap Swamp Fox 3 14 (52%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Swamp Fox Pace Rating
Dark green, dark green and white diabolo on sleeves Court Minstrel 54 26 (72%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Court Minstrel Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, red cap Thomas Edison 28 14 (48%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Thomas Edison Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, yellow cap Plinth 28 21 (42%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Plinth Pace Rating
Royal blue, light blue star, white sleeves, royal blue stars, white cap, royal blue star Airlie Beach 15 Inform recently in-running 10 (91%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Airlie Beach Pace Rating
Mauve, dark blue epaulettes, hooped sleeves, mauve cap Fergall 57 Inform recently in-running 17 (71%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Fergall Pace Rating
Pink, light green spots, pink sleeves and cap Max Dynamite 413 5 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Max Dynamite Pace Rating
Maroon, white star and armlet, maroon cap, white star The Game Changer 100 Recent form poor in-running 25 (60%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
The Game Changer Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, white cap Tigris River 26 Inform recently in-running 11 (69%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Tigris River Pace Rating
Yellow, emerald green and yellow striped sleeves, yellow cap Automated 3 16 (46%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Automated Pace Rating
Royal blue and white hoops, white sleeves, white cap, royal blue stars Joey Sasa 107 8 (73%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Joey Sasa Pace Rating
Emerald green, red disc, hooped sleeves, emerald green cap, red spots Ornua 77 4 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Ornua Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, quartered cap Princely Conn 10 Recent form poor in-running 9 (36%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Princely Conn Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, purple cap Western Boy 100 13 (54%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Western Boy Pace Rating
Emerald green and yellow hoops, blue cap Project Bluebook 22 Inform recently in-running 12 (71%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Project Bluebook Pace Rating
Emerald green and mauve halved, sleeves reversed, quartered cap Ancient Sands 64 Recent form poor in-running 24 (42%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Ancient Sands Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, emerald green cap, white star Timiyan 26 Inform recently in-running 6 (55%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Timiyan Pace Rating
Royal blue, white seams, hooped sleeves, white cap, royal blue star Shrewd 44 Recent form poor in-running 18 (45%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Shrewd Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, pink cap All The Answers 2 6 (55%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
All The Answers Pace Rating
Emerald green and mauve halved, sleeves reversed, quartered cap St Stephens Green 1 8 (73%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
St Stephens Green Pace Rating

16:45 Goodwood 7f Mdn Stks

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, yellow epaulets, royal blue and white striped sleeves, royal blue cap, yellow star Ann Without An E 6 1 0 (0%) 12.28 2.56 (14%)
Purple, white seams, striped sleeves, purple cap Magical 2 18 1 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Magical Pace Rating
Light blue, royal blue sleeves, white cap Miss Paris 4 1 0 (0%) 5.70 3.75 (59%)
Maroon and yellow (quartered), halved sleeves, dark blue cap Ripley 3 1 0 (0%) 6.72 3.10 (37%)
Orange, white diamonds on sleeves Rotherhithe 7 1 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Yellow, black and yellow striped sleeves, white cap Roulette 1 19 0 (0%) 2.08 1.06 (6%)
Roulette Pace Rating
Grey, dark blue stars, pink sleeves Titchy Digits 5 21 0 (0%) 41.55 6.80 (14%)
Maroon, light blue sleeves, light blue cap, maroon diamond Zilara 8 1 0 (0%) 12.00 8.60 (69%)

16:55 Stratford 2m6f Nov Hcap Hr

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Emerald green and red stripes, emerald green sleeves, red stars Cougars Gold 10 4 (50%) 3.20 1.60 (27%)
Cougars Gold Pace Rating
Royal blue, cerise hoop, armlets and cap Brody Bleu 25 13 (42%) 50.19 30.00 (59%)
Brody Bleu Pace Rating
Dark green and brown (quartered), purple sleeves, yellow cap Guerrilla Tactics 27 0 (0%) 17.50 10.00 (55%)
Guerrilla Tactics Pace Rating
Light blue, white seams and sleeves, red cap Chantecler 29 Recent form poor in-running 8 (31%) 8.75 1.24 (3%)
Chantecler Pace Rating
Dark blue, grey star and star on cap En Joule 38 Recent form poor in-running 2 (22%) 23.00 18.00 (77%)
En Joule Pace Rating
Royal blue, white seams, red and white hooped cap Eddy 57 11 (52%) 5.99 4.60 (72%)
Eddy Pace Rating
Light green, orange star, light green sleeves, orange stars, light green cap, orange star Charlie Parker 69 5 (36%) 28.57 20.00 (69%)
Charlie Parker Pace Rating
Magenta, green cap Beautiful People 49 4 (27%) 11.00 4.50 (35%)
Beautiful People Pace Rating
Maroon, dark blue star, dark blue sleeves, maroon stars, grey cap, maroon stars Top Of The Rocks 37 Recent form poor in-running 4 (22%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Top Of The Rocks Pace Rating
Light blue, dark blue diamond, black cap, light blue spots Starlit Night 37 Inform recently in-running 10 (67%) 12.09 1.06 (1%)
Starlit Night Pace Rating
Beige, brown chevron and cap Loughview Laddie 34 3 (38%) 13.54 13.00 (96%)
Loughview Laddie Pace Rating

17:05 Nottingham 5f Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Light blue, royal blue stars, halved sleeves, royal blue cap, light blue stars Rainbow Orse 4 35 8 (53%) 6.19 5.80 (92%)
Rainbow Orse Pace Rating
Beige, brown seams, armlets and cap Foxtrot Knight 1 13 Inform recently in-running 18 (49%) 9.00 8.20 (90%)
Foxtrot Knight Pace Rating
Yellow, orange disc Major Valentine 8 17 Inform recently in-running 18 (60%) 4.60 3.00 (56%)
Major Valentine Pace Rating
Royal blue and red stripes, red sleeves and cap Casterbridge 5 35 13 (42%) 6.37 6.00 (93%)
Casterbridge Pace Rating
Royal blue and yellow check, diabolo on sleeves, yellow cap Show Palace 6 9 Inform recently in-running 14 (74%) 5.20 1.01 (0%)
Show Palace Pace Rating
White, maroon cross of lorraine, sleeves and cap Ayresome Angel 3 12 7 (47%) 13.50 2.64 (13%)
Ayresome Angel Pace Rating
Emerald green, red cross of lorraine and sleeves, quartered cap Roys Legacy 2 14 61 (50%) 34.00 20.00 (58%)
Roys Legacy Pace Rating
Royal blue, orange hoop and armlets, hooped cap Bithynia 7 28 Inform recently in-running 7 (50%) 16.61 15.00 (90%)
Bithynia Pace Rating

17:15 Galway 1m4f Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Yielding

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, orange spots, orange sleeves and cap The Invisible Dog 17 26 Recent form poor in-running 4 (29%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
The Invisible Dog Pace Rating
Dark blue, beige seams, beige armlet, beige cap Miro 12 28 10 (56%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Miro Pace Rating
Emerald green and mauve halved, sleeves reversed, quartered cap Camlann 14 Inform recently in-running 12 (43%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Camlann Pace Rating
Purple, pink hoop, purple sleeves, pink cap English Pale 18 9 7 (54%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
English Pale Pace Rating
Dark blue, red chevron, red cap Bottleofsmoke 14 28 6 (26%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Bottleofsmoke Pace Rating
White, emerald green stars, yellow sleeves, maroon cap, white stars USA 1 2 Inform recently in-running 13 (48%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
USA Pace Rating
Light blue, grey braces, grey diamonds on sleeves, light blue cap, grey diamonds Zig Zag 8 18 15 (48%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Zig Zag Pace Rating
Dark blue and white quartered, halved sleeves, striped cap Lucca 15 17 3 (43%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Lucca Pace Rating
Yellow, red star, red stars on sleeves, red cap, yellow star Touch of Gold 11 1 Inform recently in-running 10 (71%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Touch of Gold Pace Rating
Dark blue, yellow cross of lorraine, diabolo on sleeves, yellow star on cap Ormskirk 10 28 6 (33%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Ormskirk Pace Rating
White, purple panel, check cap Pirolo 7 17 9 (45%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Pirolo Pace Rating
Red, black seams, diabolo on sleeves, black diamond on cap Blue Skimmer 6 48 Inform recently in-running 11 (61%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Blue Skimmer Pace Rating
Blue, green sleeves, black cap. Shamar 9 6 Inform recently in-running 23 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Shamar Pace Rating
Emerald green, white panel, yellow sleeves, white stars, emerald green cap Bog War 4 271 Recent form poor in-running 10 (34%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Bog War Pace Rating
Maroon, white panel, halved sleeves, maroon cap U S Navy Seal 3 74 Inform recently in-running 9 (38%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
U S Navy Seal Pace Rating
Black and red diamonds, black sleeves and cap Papal Motel 16 41 Inform recently in-running 10 (67%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Papal Motel Pace Rating
Yellow, royal blue cross sashes, diabolo on sleeves, royal blue and yellow quartered cap Rock On Rosie 13 104 15 (54%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Rock On Rosie Pace Rating
Claret, olive green cap Tenth Amendment 2 3 Recent form poor in-running 3 (38%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Tenth Amendment Pace Rating
Maroon, white chevron, hooped cap Andratx 47 Inform recently in-running 6 (67%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Andratx Pace Rating
White, black star, diabolo on sleeves, hooped cap Repare Mon 10 6 (46%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Repare Mon Pace Rating
Royal blue, orange hoop, orange chevrons on sleeves, check cap Nulife 14 8 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Nulife Pace Rating

17:20 Goodwood 5f Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, white hoops, yellow sleeves, royal blue diamonds Quench Dolly 8 13 Inform recently in-running 9 (64%) 4.70 1.01 (0%)
Quench Dolly Pace Rating
Orange, dark blue stripe, hooped sleeves, quartered cap Major Jumbo 2 32 Inform recently in-running 9 (69%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Major Jumbo Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow stars, purple sleeves, yellow stars, purple cap, emerald green star Evergate 6 46 Inform recently in-running 9 (75%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Evergate Pace Rating
White, red cross belts, red and white striped sleeves, hooped cap Carlton Frankie 12 47 4 (80%) 7.27 4.00 (48%)
Carlton Frankie Pace Rating
White, black seams, white sleeves, black stars, white cap, black star Megan Lily 13 33 7 (54%) 15.50 9.60 (59%)
Megan Lily Pace Rating
Silver, tassel on cap Poets Society 7 13 12 (55%) 8.42 5.00 (54%)
Poets Society Pace Rating
Red and white stripes Intense Romance 10 6 Inform recently in-running 8 (80%) 6.40 4.90 (72%)
Intense Romance Pace Rating
Purple and yellow diamonds, checked sleeves Merry Banter 3 20 Inform recently in-running 13 (72%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Merry Banter Pace Rating
White, yellow star, white sleeves, light blue armlets Super Julius 11 17 Inform recently in-running 5 (38%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Super Julius Pace Rating
Yellow, dark blue sleeves, yellow stars, yellow cap, dark blue star Maakaasib 4 22 3 (50%) 8.53 7.80 (90%)
Maakaasib Pace Rating
Purple, light blue chevron, light blue cap Fair Cop 5 15 4 (80%) 7.46 1.17 (3%)
Fair Cop Pace Rating
Purple and mauve (halved), mauve sleeves, quartered cap Fethiye Boy 1 22 10 (71%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Fethiye Boy Pace Rating
White, dark blue striped sleeves, dark blue and yellow hooped cap Yorkshiredebut 9 15 9 (69%) 22.00 12.50 (55%)
Yorkshiredebut Pace Rating

17:35 Ffos Las 6f Nov Stks

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Emerald green, white stars, armlets and star on cap Greeneyedafghan 2 1 0 (0%) 7.10 1.01 (0%)
Black, mauve stars Silvington 1 35 2 (100%) 5.17 5.00 (96%)
Silvington Pace Rating
Red, yellow sash, striped sleeves and star on cap Lope De Loop 3 6 1 (100%) 3.68 1.80 (30%)
Lope De Loop Pace Rating
White, orange and pink hooped sleeves and cap Moremoneymoreparty 4 7 0 (0%) 22.00 2.12 (5%)
Moremoneymoreparty Pace Rating
Yellow and red (quartered), diabolo on sleeves, red cap Diamond Express 8 21 0 (0%) 2.78 2.00 (56%)
Diamond Express Pace Rating

17:40 Nottingham 2m Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Dark blue, beige epaulets Ulysses 3 5 9 (60%) 12.50 10.50 (83%)
Ulysses Pace Rating
Black, white sash and sleeves, gold cap Maori Bob 6 34 3 (43%) 2.95 2.46 (75%)
Maori Bob Pace Rating
Red, purple spots, red sleeves and cap Oxford Blu 4 15 2 (25%) 5.75 3.30 (48%)
Oxford Blu Pace Rating
Yellow and white (quartered), yellow sleeves, white armlets, yellow cap Sheriff Garrett 3 17 5 (56%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Sheriff Garrett Pace Rating
Dark blue, yellow star, checked sleeves, yellow cap High Wells 11 19 1 (20%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
High Wells Pace Rating
Maroon, yellow star, dark green and maroon diabolo on sleeves, maroon cap, dark green star Our Cilla 7 12 2 (33%) 7.96 2.22 (18%)
Our Cilla Pace Rating
Black, grey cross of lorraine and armlets Bodacious Name 10 17 2 (29%) 9.65 1.01 (0%)
Bodacious Name Pace Rating
Dark blue, beige epaulets Ulysses 3 5 9 (60%) 12.50 10.50 (83%)
Ulysses Pace Rating
Pink, light blue star, sleeves and cap Clearance 8 27 2 (67%) 27.56 17.00 (60%)
Clearance Pace Rating
Royal blue, white braces, white sleeves, royal blue armlets, royal blue and white striped cap General Allenby 2 10 Recent form poor in-running 0 (0%) 19.32 2.06 (6%)
General Allenby Pace Rating
Royal blue, white spots, white sleeves, royal blue armlets and spots on white cap Nothing Compares 9 10 4 (44%) 14.35 9.00 (60%)
Nothing Compares Pace Rating
Dark blue, light blue chevron, quartered cap Company Trader 1 56 2 (50%) 96.81 60.00 (62%)
Company Trader Pace Rating

17:50 Epsom 1m2f Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Red, light blue stripe, yellow and red halved sleeves, black cap Lacan 6 24 Recent form poor in-running 11 (48%) 9.20 6.00 (61%)
Lacan Pace Rating
Yellow, dark blue hollow box and star on cap Roy Rocket 1 8 23 (62%) 8.02 5.00 (57%)
Roy Rocket Pace Rating
White, pink triple diamond, pink cap The Gay Cavalier 7 8 25 (46%) 3.82 2.66 (59%)
The Gay Cavalier Pace Rating
Mauve, mauve and white check sleeves, white cap Pernickety 9 34 4 (40%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Pernickety Pace Rating
Orange, black spots, black and white hooped sleeves, dark blue cap, grey stars Miss Inga Sock 4 8 Inform recently in-running 16 (59%) 4.14 1.57 (18%)
Miss Inga Sock Pace Rating
Purple, maroon braces, light blue sleeves, maroon stars, light blue cap, maroon star Gannicus 5 36 17 (41%) 10.31 5.00 (43%)
Gannicus Pace Rating
Royal blue, light green epaulets Gold Merlion 2 8 5 (56%) 6.40 1.31 (6%)
Gold Merlion Pace Rating
Emerald green, white stripe, white sleeves, emerald green stars, white cap, emerald green star Seven Clans 3 2 Inform recently in-running 9 (60%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Seven Clans Pace Rating
Royal blue, red cross belts, white sleeves, red armlets, red and royal blue quartered cap Spiritual Star 8 50 34 (53%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Spiritual Star Pace Rating

18:00 Galway 2m2f NHF Stks

Track: Turf. Going: Yielding

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Purple, white hoop, purple sleeves, purple cap All Good Things 64 1 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
All Good Things Pace Rating
Yellow, emerald green diamond, hooped sleeves, emerald green cap, yellow spots Balinaboola Steel 97 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Balinaboola Steel Pace Rating
Purple, purple and pink check cap Chateauneuf Du Pap 21 Recent form poor in-running 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Chateauneuf Du Pap Pace Rating
Maroon and white halved, maroon sleeves, striped cap Dayna Moss 3 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Dayna Moss Pace Rating
Emerald green, white star, striped sleeves, white star on cap Global Guide 1 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Emerald green and mauve halved, sleeves reversed, quartered cap Peacocks Secret 57 3 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Peacocks Secret Pace Rating
Maroon, white triple diamond, striped cap Twodoorsdown 18 1 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Twodoorsdown Pace Rating

18:10 Ffos Las 7f Nursery

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
White and light green check, white sleeves, hooped cap Brockey Rise 3 12 2 (50%) 3.50 2.98 (79%)
Brockey Rise Pace Rating
Red, white seams, royal blue and white striped sleeves, quartered cap Lady Alavesa 7 17 1 (25%) 4.06 1.12 (4%)
Lady Alavesa Pace Rating
Royal blue, purple chevron, purple cap Mysaan 1 21 1 (25%) 6.39 4.60 (67%)
Mysaan Pace Rating
Yellow, red star, red sleeves, yellow stars, yellow cap, red star Foxrush Take Time 2 13 1 (33%) 5.10 1.18 (4%)
Foxrush Take Time Pace Rating
Red, white cross belts, halved sleeves Lyford 5 30 1 (33%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Lyford Pace Rating
Royal blue and yellow (quartered), hooped sleeves, yellow cap, royal blue stars Rio Santos 4 21 1 (33%) 7.80 8.00 (103%)
Rio Santos Pace Rating
Brown, beige armlets, beige cap Sixties Secret 6 12 2 (67%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Sixties Secret Pace Rating

18:25 Epsom 1m4f Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Maroon, beige epaulets Tower Power 5 551 12 (71%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Tower Power Pace Rating
Orange, black star, black and orange chevrons on sleeves, black cap, orange star Safira Menina 6 13 15 (48%) 5.96 5.70 (95%)
Safira Menina Pace Rating
Royal blue, white cross of lorraine, hooped sleeves and diamonds on cap Rail Dancer 4 71 6 (40%) 18.91 19.50 (103%)
Rail Dancer Pace Rating
Yellow, black seams, black cap Ya Jammeel 8 14 3 (43%) 1.94 1.01 (1%)
Ya Jammeel Pace Rating
Yellow and royal blue (quartered), yellow sleeves, royal blue spots, royal blue and yellow quartered cap Milky Way 1 21 1 (20%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Milky Way Pace Rating
Red, beige seams, red sleeves and cap Becca Campbell 3 16 8 (33%) 7.93 6.80 (84%)
Becca Campbell Pace Rating
Yellow, dark blue epaulets, yellow sleeves, dark blue spots Hepplewhite 2 23 10 (56%) 9.90 7.00 (67%)
Hepplewhite Pace Rating
Black and white check, yellow sleeves, black and white quartered cap Smooth Operator 7 17 Recent form poor in-running 3 (38%) 22.57 7.60 (31%)
Smooth Operator Pace Rating

18:40 Ffos Las 1m4f Mdn Stks

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Red and yellow check, white sleeves Cable Car 6 351 1 (100%) 55.58 38.00 (68%)
Emerald green, red cross of lorraine, light green sleeves, red cap Catcher On The Go 1 42 3 (43%) 19.33 1.01 (0%)
Catcher On The Go Pace Rating
Red, black cross belts, white sleeves, black and red check cap Freedom Fighter 3 1857 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Freedom Fighter Pace Rating
Dark blue, pink diamonds on sleeves, pink cap The Last Melon 10 45 0 (0%) 457.64 400.00 (87%)
The Last Melon Pace Rating
Royal blue, yellow and royal blue diabolo on sleeves, yellow cap American History 12 14 2 (40%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
American History Pace Rating
Black, white disc, quartered cap Flooded 2 33 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Flooded Pace Rating
Yellow, red sash, red cap, yellow star In DreamS 4 3338 2 (50%) 26.28 19.00 (71%)
Black, yellow epaulets, hooped sleeves and cap Jumbos Boy 11 1 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Royal blue and yellow stripes, red cap Steaming 9 59 3 (75%) 3.62 3.40 (92%)
Steaming Pace Rating
Emerald green, red cross of lorraine, striped sleeves, quartered cap Waterville Dancer 8 5 4 (80%) 2.52 1.53 (35%)
Waterville Dancer Pace Rating
Light blue, dark blue braces and armlets Wine List 7 286 0 (0%) 3.87 2.90 (66%)
Wine List Pace Rating

18:55 Epsom 7f Nov Stks

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Red, white stars on sleeves Chess Move 6 21 2 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Chess Move Pace Rating
Silver, tassel on cap Doublet 2 14 1 (50%) 1.91 1.01 (1%)
Doublet Pace Rating
Yellow, red epaulets, quartered cap Bombshell Bay 1 13 1 (50%) 12.00 13.00 (109%)
Bombshell Bay Pace Rating
White, orange stars on sleeves, white cap, orange star Deja 3 20 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Deja Pace Rating
Purple, emerald green stars, purple sleeves, purple cap, emerald green star Guvenors Choice 4 15 0 (0%) 2.87 1.88 (47%)
Guvenors Choice Pace Rating
Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap Motabassim 5 28 2 (100%) 28.97 5.90 (18%)
Motabassim Pace Rating
Royal blue, yellow hoop, royal blue sleeves, yellow stars, royal blue cap, yellow star Lady Maldiva 8 40 0 (0%) 154.11 150.00 (97%)
Lady Maldiva Pace Rating

19:15 Ffos Las 6f Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Yellow, emerald green triple diamond, emerald green sleeves, yellow stars, yellow cap, emerald green star Fredricka 3 27 24 (44%) 22.92 16.00 (68%)
Fredricka Pace Rating
Dark blue, royal blue epaulets and armlets, pink cap Tigerwolf 7 23 5 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Tigerwolf Pace Rating
Yellow, orange disc Kinglami 2 6 Inform recently in-running 27 (51%) 9.17 1.01 (0%)
Kinglami Pace Rating
Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap Alaadel 1 22 1 (33%) 3.42 2.18 (49%)
Alaadel Pace Rating
Yellow, black seams, black sleeves, yellow armlets, yellow and black quartered cap The Daley Express 6 9 3 (50%) 3.00 2.22 (61%)
The Daley Express Pace Rating
Grey, dark blue chevron, orange and dark blue chevrons on sleeves, black cap, red star Showmethewayavrilo 4 14 Recent form poor in-running 11 (38%) 8.74 4.50 (45%)
Showmethewayavrilo Pace Rating
Yellow, black chevron, diamonds on sleeves, black cap Bonjour Steve 5 14 26 (49%) 8.49 1.90 (12%)
Bonjour Steve Pace Rating

19:30 Epsom 7f Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Purple, white stripe, armlets and cap Nightingale Valley 1 29 6 (67%) 5.20 2.92 (46%)
Nightingale Valley Pace Rating
Dark blue, grey epaulets and armlets, grey cap, dark blue diamond Very Honest 7 30 Inform recently in-running 9 (69%) 16.04 11.00 (66%)
Very Honest Pace Rating
Royal blue and yellow diamonds, royal blue sleeves, red cap Coral Sea 4 7 5 (56%) 4.96 1.01 (0%)
Coral Sea Pace Rating
Black, orange triple diamond and armlets Zilza 5 6 5 (56%) 5.64 5.40 (95%)
Zilza Pace Rating
Dark blue, pink chevron, armlets and diamond on cap Dynamic Girl 3 17 5 (42%) 9.80 8.80 (89%)
Dynamic Girl Pace Rating
Pink, black hoop, armlets and cap Andalusite 6 23 Inform recently in-running 11 (58%) 7.85 3.10 (31%)
Andalusite Pace Rating
Red and dark green (quartered), red sleeves and cap Porto Ferro 8 36 Inform recently in-running 8 (67%) 10.04 6.60 (62%)
Porto Ferro Pace Rating
White, dark blue chevron, light blue sleeves, dark blue cap Settle Petal 2 22 2 (33%) 21.34 12.50 (57%)
Settle Petal Pace Rating

19:45 Ffos Las 1m2f Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Beige, purple hoops, white cap, purple tassel Mister Chow 3 22 2 (40%) 9.77 7.20 (71%)
Mister Chow Pace Rating
Dark blue and white stripes, red sleeves, white cap Eolian 7 46 4 (44%) 4.27 1.01 (0%)
Eolian Pace Rating
Yellow, maroon hoop and sleeves Its How We Roll 8 31 4 (50%) 5.96 3.30 (46%)
Its How We Roll Pace Rating
Old gold, royal blue fleur de lys and cap Broad Appeal 4 45 2 (50%) 9.81 5.00 (45%)
Broad Appeal Pace Rating
Dark blue, white star, dark blue and red halved sleeves Angel of Rome 1 31 4 (80%) 22.30 16.00 (70%)
Angel of Rome Pace Rating
Yellow, dark blue epaulets, yellow sleeves, dark blue spots Moonlight Silver 5 16 3 (50%) 12.93 11.00 (84%)
Moonlight Silver Pace Rating
Orange, black stars on sleeves, black cap, orange star Daily Trader 2 26 5 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Daily Trader Pace Rating
Red, large white spots, black cap Alnasl 6 9 4 (50%) 4.29 2.06 (32%)
Alnasl Pace Rating

20:00 Epsom 1m Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Black, red star, red sleeves, black armlets, red cap Pumaflor 6 16 22 (61%) 4.30 2.54 (47%)
Pumaflor Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow hoops, white cap Fit For The Job 2 31 8 (44%) 5.84 3.10 (43%)
Fit For The Job Pace Rating
Yellow and white (quartered), yellow sleeves, white armlets, yellow cap Seduce Me 1 7 4 (33%) 2.83 1.01 (1%)
Seduce Me Pace Rating
Grey, dark blue stars, pink sleeves Squire 5 28 Recent form poor in-running 9 (32%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Squire Pace Rating
Light blue, yellow star and star on cap Mr Tyrrell 3 14 Inform recently in-running 5 (56%) 13.00 9.00 (67%)
Mr Tyrrell Pace Rating
Red and black stripes, red sleeves Romanor 4 24 3 (43%) 6.49 5.00 (73%)
Romanor Pace Rating

20:15 Ffos Las 2m Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Black, gold cross and stripe on cap St Marys 4 13 4 (40%) 3.01 1.75 (37%)
St Marys Pace Rating
Dark blue and white check, red sleeves and cap Spice Fair 1 9 50 (64%) 5.21 3.75 (65%)
Spice Fair Pace Rating
Yellow, black chevron, check cap Norab 3 9 11 (44%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Norab Pace Rating
White, red chevron, emerald green and red striped sleeves, red cap Rolling Maul 5 16 27 (60%) 2.43 1.01 (1%)
Rolling Maul Pace Rating
Maroon, black chevron and armlets Kaisan 2 17 3 (50%) 15.50 13.00 (83%)
Kaisan Pace Rating

20:30 Epsom 7f Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Orange, white star El Torito 4 17 9 (60%) 15.00 6.00 (36%)
El Torito Pace Rating
Dark blue, orange star, striped sleeves and star on cap Benjamin Thomas 3 26 6 (75%) 2.26 2.06 (84%)
Benjamin Thomas Pace Rating
White, royal blue chevron, chevrons on sleeves, red cap Dourado 1 86 4 (57%) 4.70 1.01 (0%)
Dourado Pace Rating
White, royal blue hoop, diabolo on sleeves, royal blue cap Golden Guest 6 15 Inform recently in-running 6 (46%) 6.43 6.00 (92%)
Golden Guest Pace Rating
Yellow, red chevrons, dark blue sleeves, red cap Habbad 7 12 3 (43%) 9.20 6.60 (68%)
Habbad Pace Rating
Royal blue, white disc, diabolo on sleeves, white cap Grand Myla 5 16 Recent form poor in-running 2 (29%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Grand Myla Pace Rating
Royal blue, yellow cross belts, royal blue sleeves, yellow stars Dream Start 2 12 2 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Dream Start Pace Rating

20:45 Ffos Las 5f Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Orange, royal blue diamond, diamonds on sleeves, orange cap, royal blue diamond Prominna 1 9 Inform recently in-running 14 (78%) 4.38 3.80 (83%)
Prominna Pace Rating
Dark blue, grey chevron, red sleeves Shelneverwalkalone 7 75 1 (33%) 9.00 8.40 (93%)
Shelneverwalkalone Pace Rating
White, emerald green chevron, halved sleeves and star on cap New Identity 5 47 6 (40%) 4.80 1.01 (0%)
New Identity Pace Rating
Red, purple stars on sleeves, red cap, purple star Charlie Victor 9 90 0 (0%) 24.02 9.80 (38%)
Charlie Victor Pace Rating
Orange, beige sleeves Your Gifted 12 9 66 (62%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Your Gifted Pace Rating
Red, black cross belts, white sleeves, black and red check cap Satellite Express 10 47 Recent form poor in-running 2 (25%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Satellite Express Pace Rating
White, red seams, white sleeves, dark blue stars, white cap, red star Lady Joanna Vassa 8 5 13 (48%) 6.60 1.50 (9%)
Lady Joanna Vassa Pace Rating
Dark blue, white spots, white and dark blue halved sleeves, dark blue cap Diminutive 2 9 Recent form poor in-running 18 (42%) 9.22 9.00 (97%)
Diminutive Pace Rating
Red, dark blue stars, white cap, dark blue stars Captain Scooby 3 6 Recent form poor in-running 62 (33%) 13.50 10.00 (72%)
Captain Scooby Pace Rating
Black, yellow epaulets, striped sleeves and star on cap Tallys Song 11 14 6 (32%) 16.50 5.40 (28%)
Tallys Song Pace Rating
Dark blue, yellow epaulets, dark blue sleeves, yellow spots Texas Wedge 6 15 0 (0%) 31.14 16.50 (51%)
Texas Wedge Pace Rating
Pink, black epaulets and diamond on cap Celerity 4 9 12 (60%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Celerity Pace Rating
Table Item Definition
Winner! In-running Rating based on all career runs
Pace rating Pace rating, based on past performances (Green: hold-up, orange: mid-pack, red: front-runner)
4 Draw, stall number
13 Days since last run
Inform recently in-running Inform recently in-running compared to BSP (based on last 5 runs)
Recent form poor in-running Recent form poor in-running compared to BSP (based on last 5 runs)
BSP Betfair Starting Price
IP Max Maximum price matched In-Play
IP Min Minimum price matched In-Play
IP Traded Total traded on this market
Green Text Has traded to or below a percentage band a reasonable amount
Orange Text Has traded to or below a percentage band a high amount
Red Text Has traded to or below a percentage band a very high amount

In-running Ratings History Archive