In-Running Blog

4 Dec 2016 Archived In-Running Cards

12:20 Kelso 2m Nov Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Emerald green and yellow (quartered), white sleeves and cap Mount Mews 214 2 (100%) 1.58 1.01 (2%)
Mount Mews Pace Rating
Orange, dark blue armlets Sam Spinner 23 3 (100%) 3.90 3.70 (93%)
Sam Spinner Pace Rating
Dark blue, white chevron, white and dark blue striped sleeves Final Countdown 16 Recent form poor in-running 9 (39%) 75.00 60.00 (80%)
Final Countdown Pace Rating
Light blue, white braces and armlets, red cap Fairlee Grey 566 1 (100%) 110.00 24.00 (21%)
Fairlee Grey Pace Rating
Light blue and black (quartered), yellow sleeves, black cap Dance of Fire 156 10 (67%) 27.00 27.00 (100%)
Dance of Fire Pace Rating
Maroon, light blue spots, dark green cap Katalystic 41 1 (33%) 314.44 50.00 (16%)
Katalystic Pace Rating
White, black sash, yellow sleeves, black cap, yellow spots Chorus of Lies 23 6 (35%) 113.75 85.00 (75%)
Chorus of Lies Pace Rating
Grey, yellow chevrons, sleeves and cap Gworn 36 Recent form poor in-running 15 (38%) 59.79 65.00 (109%)
Gworn Pace Rating
Purple, royal blue hoops, royal blue cap On A Promise 25 0 (0%) 235.23 90.00 (38%)
On A Promise Pace Rating
Dark blue and white diamonds, white sleeves, red cap Rising Tide 41 1 (50%) 250.00 50.00 (20%)
Rising Tide Pace Rating
Red, light green triple diamond, white cap Killone 20 2 (50%) 406.44 170.00 (42%)
Killone Pace Rating
Red, white stars, white and red chevrons on sleeves Knocknamona 12 1 (50%) 1000.00 410.00 (41%)
Knocknamona Pace Rating
Maroon, dark green sash Crookofdevon 20 0 (0%) 1000.00 1000.00 (100%)
Crookofdevon Pace Rating
Light blue, red star, white sleeves, light blue cap, red star Byresteads Farm 22 2 (40%) 1000.00 1000.00 (100%)
Byresteads Farm Pace Rating

12:30 Huntingdon 2m4f Hcap Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
White, red cross belts, royal blue and white halved sleeves, royal blue cap Demographic 17 Inform recently in-running 7 (58%) 3.80 3.00 (71%)
Demographic Pace Rating
White, dark blue stripe, striped sleeves and cap Sweettoothtommy 18 3 (100%) 18.44 9.80 (50%)
Sweettoothtommy Pace Rating
Mauve, dark blue epaulets, hooped sleeves Lillian 24 4 (67%) 20.84 20.00 (96%)
Lillian Pace Rating
Pink, emerald green triple diamond, white sleeves, emerald green cap Modulus 145 1 (25%) 14.11 13.00 (92%)
Modulus Pace Rating
Dark blue and white diabolo, hooped sleeves and cap Ballycash 19 4 (57%) 5.42 2.02 (23%)
Ballycash Pace Rating
Dark green and beige stripes, dark green sleeves and cap Muthabir 32 Recent form poor in-running 4 (36%) 6.13 1.01 (0%)
Muthabir Pace Rating
Royal blue, yellow stars, yellow cap Coyaba 274 4 (44%) 25.00 20.00 (79%)
Coyaba Pace Rating
Purple, grey sleeves, purple armlets Threebarmymen 34 Recent form poor in-running 2 (25%) 16.00 11.50 (70%)
Threebarmymen Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow hoops, white cap The Doorman 45 8 (62%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
The Doorman Pace Rating
Dark blue, grey hoop, grey sleeves, dark blue armlets, dark blue and grey quartered cap Red Admirable 25 Recent form poor in-running 16 (55%) 35.86 7.80 (20%)
Red Admirable Pace Rating
Grey, pink sleeves and cap Pattara 95 7 (44%) 18.50 2.02 (6%)
Pattara Pace Rating
Maroon, black chevron and armlets Jolly Roger 235 19 (45%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Jolly Roger Pace Rating
Dark blue, beige sleeves Bhakti 230 Recent form poor in-running 6 (50%) 54.62 46.00 (84%)
Bhakti Pace Rating
White, purple spots, purple sleeves, white spots Mesut 46 4 (80%) 256.10 32.00 (12%)
Mesut Pace Rating
Dark green, light green stars and sleeves, dark green cap Exit To Freedom 112 Inform recently in-running 16 (44%) 250.00 270.00 (108%)
Exit To Freedom Pace Rating

12:40 Fairyhouse 2m Grd3 Juv Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Soft To Heavy

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Emerald green, yellow hoops, red cap Landofhopeandglory 15 Inform recently in-running 8 (80%) 2.06 1.01 (1%)
Landofhopeandglory Pace Rating
Maroon and white stripes, maroon cap, white hoop Mega Fortune 29 3 (38%) 2.73 2.64 (95%)
Mega Fortune Pace Rating
Pink, light green spots, pink sleeves and cap Bapaume 131 0 (0%) 8.20 1.51 (7%)
Bapaume Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, white cap Soir De Chantenay 131 0 (0%) 50.83 50.00 (98%)
Soir De Chantenay Pace Rating
Maroon, white star, armlets and star on cap Dakota Moirette 8 0 (0%) 42.00 46.00 (110%)
Dakota Moirette Pace Rating
Light blue, dark blue star and sleeves, dark blue cap, light blue star Easy Pass 8 3 (43%) 181.30 70.00 (38%)
Easy Pass Pace Rating

12:50 Kelso 2m7f Nov Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Yellow, red star, yellow sleeves, white armlets, yellow cap, red star Aux Ptits Soins 25 2 (67%) 2.75 1.01 (1%)
Aux Ptits Soins Pace Rating
White, orange star, black sleeves, orange stars, white cap, orange star The Dutchman 22 4 (80%) 4.81 1.72 (19%)
The Dutchman Pace Rating
Black, yellow disc, halved sleeves, black and yellow quartered cap Delusionofgrandeur 16 Inform recently in-running 6 (75%) 5.92 5.30 (87%)
Delusionofgrandeur Pace Rating
Light blue, brown cross of lorraine, striped sleeves and star on cap Westren Warrior 15 6 (67%) 3.95 3.80 (95%)
Westren Warrior Pace Rating
Beige and grey diamonds, light blue sleeves, black cap Road To Gold 45 4 (67%) 64.02 55.00 (86%)
Road To Gold Pace Rating

13:00 Huntingdon 2m Nov Hcap Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Maroon, light blue sleeves, white diamonds, white cap, maroon diamond Back By Midnight 2 13 (59%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Back By Midnight Pace Rating
Dark blue, light blue seams, checked sleeves and cap Trojan Star 15 8 (57%) 4.40 3.35 (69%)
Trojan Star Pace Rating
Yellow, brown hoop, brown and yellow quartered cap Bishops Court 26 Inform recently in-running 7 (58%) 3.25 1.51 (23%)
Bishops Court Pace Rating
Grey and red diamonds, grey sleeves Winning Ticket 30 Inform recently in-running 5 (63%) 5.91 5.80 (98%)
Winning Ticket Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow hoops, white cap A Little Magic 46 5 (63%) 7.20 1.01 (0%)
A Little Magic Pace Rating
Light blue, green sleeves, quartered cap Double Treasure 14 3 (60%) 7.14 1.80 (13%)
Double Treasure Pace Rating
Dark blue, brown hoops, dark blue sleeves and cap Frontline 13 5 (33%) 28.06 3.05 (8%)
Frontline Pace Rating
Yellow, black and yellow hooped sleeves, yellow cap, black spots Emperor Commodos 16 6 (60%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Emperor Commodos Pace Rating

13:10 Fairyhouse 2m Grd1 Nov Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Soft To Heavy

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Maroon, white star and armlet, maroon cap, white star Peace News 14 1 (100%) 3.21 2.28 (58%)
Peace News Pace Rating
Orange, orange and white striped cap Labaik 21 2 (50%) 13.20 12.00 (90%)
Labaik Pace Rating
Royal blue, white seams, white and royal blue hooped cap Penhill 63 Inform recently in-running 17 (74%) 4.60 3.55 (71%)
Penhill Pace Rating
Purple, orange seams, orange star on cap Saturnas 22 1 (100%) 9.00 6.80 (73%)
Saturnas Pace Rating
Royal blue, light blue star, white sleeves, royal blue stars, white cap, royal blue star Airlie Beach 30 Inform recently in-running 6 (100%) 5.10 1.01 (0%)
Airlie Beach Pace Rating
Maroon, white star and armlet, maroon cap, white star Le Martalin 21 3 (100%) 19.05 6.00 (28%)
Le Martalin Pace Rating
White, red spots, white cap, royal blue diamond Forge Meadow 12 3 (100%) 31.62 9.00 (26%)
Forge Meadow Pace Rating

13:20 Kelso 2m5f Nov Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Black and white stripes, chevrons on sleeves Kelka 30 4 (100%) 1.23 1.01 (4%)
Kelka Pace Rating
Red, black seams and sleeves, red cap Near To Tears 31 Recent form poor in-running 2 (33%) 12.50 11.00 (87%)
Near To Tears Pace Rating
White, purple star, white sleeves, purple stars, purple cap Floramoss 68 2 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Floramoss Pace Rating
Orange, dark blue armlets Oscars Prospect 23 1 (33%) 13.50 13.50 (100%)
Oscars Prospect Pace Rating
Dark blue, white chevron, white and dark blue striped sleeves Moscanisi 131 0 (0%) 70.36 46.00 (65%)
Moscanisi Pace Rating
Red, light blue and red diabolo on sleeves, quartered cap Lady London 23 0 (0%) 180.94 190.00 (105%)
Lady London Pace Rating
Red and dark green (quartered), yellow sleeves, yellow cap, royal blue diamond Bonnie Lizzie 25 1 (50%) 313.68 250.00 (80%)
Bonnie Lizzie Pace Rating

13:30 Huntingdon 2m Hcap Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, pink hoop Vinnie Red 624 4 (80%) 3.88 2.00 (35%)
Vinnie Red Pace Rating
Emerald green, dark blue stars, chevrons on sleeves, hooped cap Wistari Rocks 37 6 (75%) 9.99 7.60 (73%)
Wistari Rocks Pace Rating
Light blue, dark blue armlets, dark blue cap Herons Heir 13 Inform recently in-running 12 (80%) 8.12 4.50 (49%)
Herons Heir Pace Rating
Dark blue, maroon cross belts, hooped sleeves and star on cap Mixchievous 15 2 (40%) 25.25 11.50 (43%)
Mixchievous Pace Rating
White, emerald green hoops, white sleeves, emerald green stars, black cap Satanic Beat 7 26 (41%) 10.94 2.62 (16%)
Satanic Beat Pace Rating
Purple, mauve chevron and armlets, mauve and purple quartered cap Awesome Rosie 205 Inform recently in-running 6 (67%) 5.00 3.75 (69%)
Awesome Rosie Pace Rating
Black, grey disc, armlets and cap Cool Sky 420 19 (51%) 17.00 16.00 (94%)
Cool Sky Pace Rating
Red, yellow stars, black sleeves, yellow stars, black cap, yellow star New Member 11 3 (50%) 18.00 1.01 (0%)
New Member Pace Rating
Black, yellow stars, white sleeves, black cap, yellow star Exitas 260 Recent form poor in-running 10 (59%) 24.49 10.00 (38%)
Exitas Pace Rating
Black, white cross of lorraine, sleeves and cap Endless Credit 22 16 (67%) 36.65 22.00 (59%)
Endless Credit Pace Rating

13:40 Fairyhouse 2m4f Grd1 Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Soft To Heavy

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Pink, light green spots, pink sleeves and cap Vroum Vroum Mag 219 Inform recently in-running 9 (90%) 1.67 1.06 (9%)
Vroum Vroum Mag Pace Rating
Black and beige (halved), chevrons on sleeves, red cap Shaneshill 21 13 (81%) 7.20 5.20 (68%)
Shaneshill Pace Rating
Maroon, white star, armlets and star on cap Apples Jade 8 Inform recently in-running 6 (100%) 5.30 1.01 (0%)
Apples Jade Pace Rating
Cerise Monksland 17 Recent form poor in-running 10 (56%) 49.82 38.00 (76%)
Monksland Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow hoops, white cap Ivanovich Gorbatov 14 Recent form poor in-running 5 (50%) 28.00 17.50 (61%)
Ivanovich Gorbatov Pace Rating
Maroon, white star and armlet, white cap Dedigout 21 13 (57%) 100.00 50.00 (49%)
Dedigout Pace Rating
Yellow and royal blue stripes, yellow sleeves, royal blue and white striped cap Whiteout 218 11 (73%) 100.00 70.00 (70%)
Whiteout Pace Rating

13:50 Kelso 2m Hcap Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Yellow, light blue sash, armlets and diamond on cap Caius Marcius 158 Inform recently in-running 5 (83%) 5.12 1.21 (5%)
Caius Marcius Pace Rating
Black, red stars Pulpitarian 29 6 (38%) 7.20 5.60 (74%)
Pulpitarian Pace Rating
White, maroon chevrons, maroon sleeves, white diamonds, white cap, maroon diamond Cool Baranca 43 54 (48%) 14.00 10.00 (69%)
Cool Baranca Pace Rating
White, red sash, white sleeves, royal blue armlets, royal blue cap Restraint Of Trade 14 Recent form poor in-running 5 (36%) 7.39 7.40 (100%)
Restraint Of Trade Pace Rating
Maroon, white chevrons, hooped sleeves, white cap Endeavor 32 Inform recently in-running 63 (59%) 15.01 5.20 (30%)
Endeavor Pace Rating
Red, yellow stars, yellow sleeves, red armlets, red cap One For Hocky 128 15 (58%) 12.29 1.01 (0%)
One For Hocky Pace Rating
Royal blue and yellow diamonds, white sleeves, royal blue cap, yellow diamond Big Mcintosh 31 Recent form poor in-running 8 (31%) 26.94 25.00 (93%)
Big Mcintosh Pace Rating
Red, yellow cross belts, hooped sleeves and cap Un Guet Apens 618 8 (47%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Un Guet Apens Pace Rating
Dark green, yellow diamond on body and cap, yellow sleeves, dark green armlets Desert Island Dusk 20 9 (45%) 19.00 8.20 (40%)
Desert Island Dusk Pace Rating
Red and black stripes, halved sleeves, red cap Motion To Strike 30 4 (80%) 22.09 19.00 (85%)
Motion To Strike Pace Rating
White, emerald green sleeves, white stars, emerald green cap Suprise Vendor 30 Recent form poor in-running 38 (45%) 19.52 14.00 (70%)
Suprise Vendor Pace Rating
Light blue, dark blue cross of lorraine, sleeves and cap Cadore 38 23 (48%) 40.00 40.00 (100%)
Cadore Pace Rating
Dark blue, large pink spots, pink cap Mwaleshi 227 21 (57%) 13.76 5.40 (34%)
Mwaleshi Pace Rating
Yellow and purple chevrons, yellow sleeves, purple cap, yellow star Mighty Whitey 73 29 (50%) 75.00 42.00 (55%)
Mighty Whitey Pace Rating
White, red stars, dark blue and white striped cap Sudski Star 461 Recent form poor in-running 7 (44%) 196.92 160.00 (81%)
Sudski Star Pace Rating

14:00 Huntingdon 2m4f Grd2 Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Red, white sleeves, blue and white striped cap Josses Hill 27 11 (73%) 2.74 1.01 (1%)
Josses Hill Pace Rating
Red, emerald green cross of lorraine and sleeves Dodging Bullets 15 16 (52%) 5.17 2.54 (37%)
Dodging Bullets Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow hoops, white cap More Of That 22 4 (80%) 4.73 4.20 (86%)
More Of That Pace Rating
Dark blue, emerald green hoop, quartered cap Volnay De Thaix 225 Recent form poor in-running 8 (53%) 7.98 6.00 (72%)
Volnay De Thaix Pace Rating
Orange, black star and star on cap Tea For Two 36 Inform recently in-running 13 (81%) 7.95 6.40 (78%)
Tea For Two Pace Rating
Royal blue, pink hoops, armlets and cap Art Mauresque 22 Inform recently in-running 11 (69%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Art Mauresque Pace Rating
Grey, green and red sash, pink cap Ratify 18 19 (73%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Ratify Pace Rating

14:10 Fairyhouse 2m Hcap Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Soft To Heavy

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, orange diamond, hooped sleeves, orange cap, royal blue diamond Mick Jazz 21 4 (80%) 7.36 5.90 (77%)
Mick Jazz Pace Rating
Emerald green and mauve halved, sleeves reversed, quartered cap St Stephens Green 3 52 5 (71%) 15.07 8.00 (50%)
St Stephens Green Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, white cap Campeador 263 2 (100%) 6.79 1.01 (0%)
Campeador Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, quartered cap Sir Scorpion 28 8 (57%) 8.40 5.70 (64%)
Sir Scorpion Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, quartered cap Copy That 35 5 (71%) 10.00 7.20 (69%)
Copy That Pace Rating
Pink, light green spots, pink sleeves and cap Sempre Medici 14 Recent form poor in-running 8 (62%) 8.50 8.00 (93%)
Sempre Medici Pace Rating
Maroon, white star, armlets and star on cap Ice Cold Soul 344 3 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Ice Cold Soul Pace Rating
White, purple chevron, yellow cap Solita 11 14 Recent form poor in-running 17 (63%) 23.14 17.00 (72%)
Solita Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow hoops, royal blue cap Waxies Dargle 218 8 (40%) 26.00 1.01 (0%)
Waxies Dargle Pace Rating
Pink and grey diamonds, pink sleeves and cap Swamp Fox 22 10 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Swamp Fox Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, red cap All The Answers 29 5 (63%) 22.00 14.00 (62%)
All The Answers Pace Rating
Yellow, royal blue hoop and armlet, white cap, royal blue star Macnicholson 23 18 (55%) 121.51 55.00 (45%)
Macnicholson Pace Rating
Yellow, emerald green and yellow striped sleeves Automated 28 14 (48%) 17.88 17.00 (95%)
Automated Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, red cap Voices Of Spring 29 Inform recently in-running 5 (83%) 31.34 4.50 (12%)
Voices Of Spring Pace Rating
Black, light green chevron, light green cap Morga 14 25 (58%) 30.00 3.00 (7%)
Morga Pace Rating
Emerald green, white star, white chevrons on sleeves, white cap Upazo 49 Recent form poor in-running 8 (38%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Upazo Pace Rating
Emerald green, emerald green and white hooped cap Ainslie 21 7 (35%) 48.49 13.50 (26%)
Ainslie Pace Rating
Light blue, orange hoop, orange armlet, quartered cap Elusive Ivy 127 8 (42%) 52.99 48.00 (90%)
Elusive Ivy Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, orange cap Gladiator King 14 Recent form poor in-running 6 (43%) 78.34 26.00 (32%)
Gladiator King Pace Rating
Light green, yellow diamond, yellow diamonds on sleeves, quartered cap Conright Boy 203 4 (33%) 89.53 50.00 (55%)
Conright Boy Pace Rating

14:20 Kelso 4m Hcap Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Orange, black spots on sleeves and cap Cultram Abbey 35 8 (53%) 11.50 6.40 (51%)
Cultram Abbey Pace Rating
Light blue, dark blue stars on sleeves Scotswell 43 30 (56%) 13.92 14.00 (101%)
Scotswell Pace Rating
Red, mauve chevron and sleeves, white cap, red spots Millicent Silver 243 9 (56%) 9.71 5.00 (46%)
Millicent Silver Pace Rating
Royal blue, white cross belts, royal blue and yellow chevrons on sleeves Kilbree Chief 35 7 (50%) 5.93 2.68 (34%)
Kilbree Chief Pace Rating
Red, white cross of lorraine, red sleeves, royal blue armlets Carrigdhoun 35 18 (50%) 24.36 4.10 (13%)
Carrigdhoun Pace Rating
White, red sash, white sleeves, royal blue armlets, royal blue cap Grove Silver 14 Inform recently in-running 13 (65%) 15.68 10.00 (61%)
Grove Silver Pace Rating
Emerald green, beige braces, yellow sleeves, orange cap Smooth Stepper 25 6 (35%) 9.54 8.60 (89%)
Smooth Stepper Pace Rating
Red, emerald green spots, red sleeves, white cap, emerald green spots Harry The Viking 45 16 (52%) 6.27 1.01 (0%)
Harry The Viking Pace Rating
Light blue, brown cross of lorraine, brown and light blue striped sleeves, light blue cap, brown star Royale Knight 38 Inform recently in-running 25 (60%) 8.60 5.00 (53%)
Royale Knight Pace Rating
Royal blue, white hoop and sleeves Emperors Choice 232 16 (55%) 21.46 10.00 (44%)
Emperors Choice Pace Rating
Maroon, yellow spots, yellow cap, maroon spots Itstimeforapint 63 Recent form poor in-running 9 (41%) 39.77 9.00 (21%)
Itstimeforapint Pace Rating
White, red triple diamond, sleeves and star on cap Mias Anthem 29 17 (49%) 268.80 26.00 (9%)
Mias Anthem Pace Rating

14:30 Huntingdon 2m Nov Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
White, large black spots, black cap Top Tug 27 7 (39%) 2.74 2.30 (75%)
Top Tug Pace Rating
Dark blue and white diamonds, white sleeves, red cap Burbank 31 1 (100%) 2.86 1.16 (9%)
Burbank Pace Rating
White, red seams, red and white quartered cap Swoop To Conquer 33 1 (50%) 21.00 20.00 (95%)
Swoop To Conquer Pace Rating
Grey Central Square 57 Inform recently in-running 6 (86%) 7.20 7.00 (97%)
Central Square Pace Rating
Black, white cross of lorraine, sleeves and cap Chateau Chinon 22 0 (0%) 248.94 55.00 (22%)
Chateau Chinon Pace Rating
Black and white check, yellow sleeves, black and white quartered cap Golden Gate Bridge 330 3 (60%) 165.67 100.00 (60%)
Golden Gate Bridge Pace Rating
Red, emerald green cross of lorraine and sleeves Champion Chase 22 0 (0%) 180.00 46.00 (25%)
Champion Chase Pace Rating
Black and white check, red and white striped sleeves Magic Bullet 26 0 (0%) 32.84 34.00 (104%)
Magic Bullet Pace Rating
Dark blue, royal blue epaulets and armlets, pink cap Glaring 86 Recent form poor in-running 1 (17%) 68.86 1.01 (0%)
Glaring Pace Rating
Royal blue and white diabolo, red and white hooped sleeves, red cap, royal blue diamonds Captain Felix 26 8 (42%) 110.75 11.50 (10%)
Captain Felix Pace Rating
Maroon, beige star, diabolo on sleeves and star on cap The Two Amigos 18 1 (50%) 120.00 95.00 (79%)
The Two Amigos Pace Rating
Orange, dark blue striped sleeves, yellow cap Serpico 18 0 (0%) 170.00 110.00 (64%)
Serpico Pace Rating
Red, white hoop, white sleeves, red armlets Fifty Bob 131 0 (0%) 183.57 130.00 (71%)
Fifty Bob Pace Rating
Yellow, black hoops, striped sleeves, red cap Man From Mars 18 1 (33%) 397.35 300.00 (75%)
Man From Mars Pace Rating
Terracotta, black diamond on body and cap Abertillery 3 66 8 (50%) 1000.00 1000.00 (100%)
Abertillery Pace Rating
Black, orange epaulets, white sleeves Indomitable Spirit 136 8 (47%) 1000.00 1000.00 (100%)
Indomitable Spirit Pace Rating

14:40 Fairyhouse 2m4f Grd1 Nov C

Track: Turf. Going: Soft To Heavy

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Maroon, white star and armlet, maroon cap, white star A Toi Phil 14 4 (57%) 4.53 4.00 (85%)
A Toi Phil Pace Rating
Maroon, white star, armlets and star on cap Alpha Des Obeaux 28 9 (64%) 7.28 2.76 (28%)
Alpha Des Obeaux Pace Rating
Dark blue, light blue hoop, check sleeves and cap Diamond King 54 Inform recently in-running 9 (69%) 3.77 1.60 (22%)
Diamond King Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, white cap Anibale Fly 21 6 (67%) 5.66 3.85 (61%)
Anibale Fly Pace Rating
Maroon, white star, armlets and star on cap Road To Respect 22 Inform recently in-running 7 (88%) 12.54 4.10 (27%)
Road To Respect Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, white cap Coney Island 15 Inform recently in-running 5 (71%) 11.00 1.01 (0%)
Coney Island Pace Rating
Maroon, white star and armlet, royal blue cap Lieutenant Colonel 52 10 (59%) 29.16 20.00 (67%)
Lieutenant Colonel Pace Rating

14:50 Kelso 2m6f Hcap Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Maroon and yellow diamonds, halved sleeves, yellow cap Dynaste 36 18 (64%) 3.05 2.80 (88%)
Dynaste Pace Rating
Red, white seams, royal blue and white hooped sleeves and cap Aerial 21 Inform recently in-running 13 (72%) 6.07 4.80 (75%)
Aerial Pace Rating
Light blue and maroon (halved), sleeves reversed, light blue and maroon hooped cap Cloudy Too 14 23 (62%) 11.62 3.00 (19%)
Cloudy Too Pace Rating
Light blue and black (quartered), yellow sleeves, black cap Jet Master 23 Inform recently in-running 23 (58%) 24.00 8.00 (30%)
Jet Master Pace Rating
Red, dark blue seams, white sleeves, dark blue seams, dark blue cap, white star Summery Justice 218 13 (43%) 22.60 21.00 (93%)
Summery Justice Pace Rating
Purple, orange triple diamond and diamond on cap Gas Line Boy 81 Inform recently in-running 13 (59%) 4.33 1.01 (0%)
Gas Line Boy Pace Rating
White, royal blue star, armlets and star on cap Wychwoods Brook 306 Inform recently in-running 15 (75%) 13.25 12.00 (90%)
Wychwoods Brook Pace Rating
Black, yellow disc, halved sleeves, black and yellow quartered cap Fill The Power 15 17 (47%) 35.62 25.00 (69%)
Fill The Power Pace Rating

15:00 Huntingdon 2m Listed NHF

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Chocolate, old gold hooped sleeves, old gold cap Peggies Venture 26 3 (100%) 4.50 2.02 (29%)
Peggies Venture Pace Rating
Purple, purple and yellow check sleeves, quartered cap Appy Days 1 5 2 (67%) 4.70 2.60 (43%)
Appy Days Pace Rating
Dark blue, red stripe, red cap Melangerie 131 0 (0%) 21.87 10.50 (46%)
Purple and yellow diabolo, yellow sleeves and cap Mariahs Legend 30 1 (50%) 22.01 22.00 (100%)
Mariahs Legend Pace Rating
Purple, mauve seams, mauve sleeves, purple seams, purple cap Oh Michelle 16 0 (0%) 6.03 4.30 (66%)
Oh Michelle Pace Rating
Pink, brown seams, brown and pink striped sleeves, hooped cap Goodgirlteresa 11 1 (100%) 38.00 30.00 (78%)
Goodgirlteresa Pace Rating
Red and white stripes, red sleeves, white armlets, red cap Oscar Rose 22 1 (33%) 6.20 1.01 (0%)
Oscar Rose Pace Rating
Purple, yellow chevron, purple sleeves, yellow stars, purple cap, yellow star Epic Ethel 529 1 (100%) 10.50 9.80 (93%)
Epic Ethel Pace Rating
Dark blue, light blue seams, checked sleeves and cap Cascaye 25 0 (0%) 70.00 60.00 (86%)
Cascaye Pace Rating
Dark blue, beige sleeves Roxy Belle 204 1 (50%) 323.22 60.00 (18%)
Roxy Belle Pace Rating

15:10 Fairyhouse 3m5f Hcap Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Soft To Heavy

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Yellow, maroon stars, yellow and emerald green hooped sleeves and cap Forever Gold 28 Inform recently in-running 18 (51%) 3.85 1.01 (0%)
Forever Gold Pace Rating
Black, pink star, pink cap, black stars Undressed 28 Inform recently in-running 9 (43%) 7.00 5.00 (67%)
Undressed Pace Rating
White, emerald green stars, yellow sleeves, maroon cap, white stars He Rocks 34 Inform recently in-running 19 (61%) 11.00 3.30 (23%)
He Rocks Pace Rating
White and black hoops, white sleeves, red cap As De Pique 28 13 (59%) 13.00 6.00 (42%)
As De Pique Pace Rating
Maroon, white star and armlet, white cap Captain Von Trappe 7 Recent form poor in-running 6 (33%) 16.50 1.98 (6%)
Captain Von Trappe Pace Rating
Dark green and yellow check, white sleeves, dark green and yellow check cap Thelobstercatcher 15 Inform recently in-running 28 (48%) 39.33 13.50 (33%)
Thelobstercatcher Pace Rating
Red, black seams, diabolo on sleeves, black diamond on cap Topper Thornton 15 Recent form poor in-running 12 (50%) 55.00 55.00 (100%)
Topper Thornton Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, white cap Tom Horn 28 13 (50%) 15.00 15.50 (104%)
Tom Horn Pace Rating
Yellow, royal blue chevron, diabolo on sleeves, red cap Kansas City Chief 15 3 (33%) 26.00 21.00 (80%)
Kansas City Chief Pace Rating
Maroon, white star and armlets, yellow cap Thunder And Roses 7 Inform recently in-running 19 (61%) 46.13 4.10 (7%)
Thunder And Roses Pace Rating
Claret, olive green cap Kilgefin Star 15 Recent form poor in-running 9 (53%) 74.27 38.00 (50%)
Kilgefin Star Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, quartered cap Riverside City 43 Recent form poor in-running 11 (39%) 5.72 4.40 (72%)
Riverside City Pace Rating

15:20 Kelso 2m6f Nov Hcap Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Yellow, dark blue diamond, diamonds on sleeves, quartered cap Quest Magic 30 9 (64%) 10.41 6.40 (57%)
Quest Magic Pace Rating
Dark blue, light blue hoops, chevrons on sleeves Hurricane Rita 41 6 (67%) 4.81 3.60 (68%)
Hurricane Rita Pace Rating
White, red seams, red sleeves, white armlets, red cap Late Date 43 1 (33%) 7.35 1.28 (4%)
Late Date Pace Rating
Yellow, white chevron, royal blue cap Supreme Gael 23 Recent form poor in-running 2 (33%) 42.00 38.00 (90%)
Supreme Gael Pace Rating
Yellow, black cross belts, hooped sleeves, black cap Flying Jack 41 4 (50%) 17.96 8.00 (41%)
Flying Jack Pace Rating
Emerald green, orange star, emerald green sleeves, orange stars, emerald green cap, orange star Toarmandowithlove 20 16 (62%) 14.45 9.00 (59%)
Toarmandowithlove Pace Rating
White, maroon chevrons, maroon sleeves, white diamonds, white cap, maroon diamond Ronaldinho 101 Recent form poor in-running 16 (37%) 32.00 12.00 (35%)
Ronaldinho Pace Rating
Emerald green and yellow diabolo, hooped sleeves, white cap Dantes Way 23 3 (43%) 11.50 10.50 (90%)
Dantes Way Pace Rating
Black, red stars, hooped sleeves and star on cap Karingo 25 Recent form poor in-running 6 (38%) 17.81 8.00 (42%)
Karingo Pace Rating
Yellow and purple chevrons, yellow sleeves, purple cap, yellow star Milan Dancer 27 1 (25%) 52.44 34.00 (64%)
Milan Dancer Pace Rating
Pink, black diamond and armlets, quartered cap Bako De La Saulaie 41 1 (25%) 8.10 1.01 (0%)
Bako De La Saulaie Pace Rating
Red, white hooped sleeves, quartered cap Vincent 67 Recent form poor in-running 1 (14%) 15.50 14.00 (90%)
Vincent Pace Rating
Pale blue, black hoop, armlets and hoop on red cap Paddys Yarn 214 Recent form poor in-running 2 (29%) 111.34 5.60 (4%)
Paddys Yarn Pace Rating
Dark blue, beige sleeves, dark blue spots, black and white quartered cap Been Decided 30 3 (43%) 40.00 17.00 (41%)
Been Decided Pace Rating

15:30 Huntingdon 2m7f Nov Hcap C

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Black, yellow diamond, halved sleeves, yellow cap Copperfacejack 18 8 (57%) 3.15 2.50 (70%)
Copperfacejack Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow hoops, white cap Wait A Second 24 Inform recently in-running 7 (58%) 6.27 3.00 (38%)
Wait A Second Pace Rating
Red and brown (quartered), red sleeves, brown armlets, white cap Mrsrobin 46 Inform recently in-running 8 (53%) 26.75 19.00 (70%)
Mrsrobin Pace Rating
White, red triple diamond, diamonds on sleeves and cap Kid Kalanisi 33 Recent form poor in-running 1 (11%) 5.59 5.10 (89%)
Kid Kalanisi Pace Rating
Purple, beige cross belts, chevrons on sleeves, purple cap, beige star Rocknrollrambo 18 Recent form poor in-running 2 (33%) 13.00 13.00 (100%)
Rocknrollrambo Pace Rating
Royal blue and emerald green diabolo, pink sleeves and cap Lime Street 19 3 (38%) 19.87 11.00 (53%)
Lime Street Pace Rating
Yellow, black chevrons, striped cap The Jugopolist 19 14 (29%) 13.50 1.01 (0%)
The Jugopolist Pace Rating
Pink, emerald green triple diamond, white sleeves, emerald green cap Solstice Dawn 19 9 (43%) 21.00 24.00 (115%)
Solstice Dawn Pace Rating
Dark blue, mauve star, mauve sleeves, dark blue stars, dark blue cap, mauve stars Taylor 37 Recent form poor in-running 7 (35%) 34.85 20.00 (56%)
Taylor Pace Rating
Emerald green, maroon spots Gustav 21 Inform recently in-running 4 (57%) 117.64 42.00 (35%)
Gustav Pace Rating

15:40 Fairyhouse 2m INHF

Track: Turf. Going: Soft To Heavy

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Maroon, white star and armlet, maroon cap, white star Imperial Way 195 1 (100%) 16.26 1.90 (6%)
Imperial Way Pace Rating
Pink, light green spots, pink sleeves and cap Getabird 131 0 (0%) 1.86 1.01 (1%)
Getabird Pace Rating
Orange, royal blue hoop, royal blue armlet, orange cap Nemean Lion 45 1 (50%) 103.46 15.00 (14%)
Nemean Lion Pace Rating
Black and yellow quartered, diabolo on sleeves, check cap Mr Showtime 31 2 (100%) 48.00 48.00 (100%)
Mr Showtime Pace Rating
Maroon, white star and armlet, maroon cap, white star Caltex 131 0 (0%) 15.82 13.50 (84%)
Caltex Pace Rating
Maroon, white star and armlet, maroon cap, white star Calino Dairy 131 0 (0%) 13.59 7.00 (48%)
Calino Dairy Pace Rating
Yellow, royal blue seams, royal blue armlet, yellow cap Love And Wishes 131 0 (0%) 14.92 14.50 (97%)
Purple, yellow cross of lorraine, yellow cap Matin Danjou 131 0 (0%) 130.00 17.50 (13%)
Matin Danjou Pace Rating
Dark blue, white diamond, yellow sleeves, dark blue cap, white diamonds Stowaway Forever 131 0 (0%) 7.09 6.80 (95%)
Stowaway Forever Pace Rating
Red, white star, white chevrons on sleeves, white star on cap Golden Jewel 131 0 (0%) 377.31 210.00 (56%)
Golden Jewel Pace Rating
White, mauve cap Simone 131 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Simone Pace Rating
Red and emerald green quartered, white sleeves and cap Alive Inside 2814 1 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Light blue, purple chevron, light blue and yellow chevrons on sleeves Bat Sheva 131 0 (0%) 653.38 630.00 (96%)
Bat Sheva Pace Rating
Table Item Definition
Winner! In-running Rating based on all career runs
Pace rating Pace rating, based on past performances (Green: hold-up, orange: mid-pack, red: front-runner)
4 Draw, stall number
13 Days since last run
Inform recently in-running Inform recently in-running compared to BSP (based on last 5 runs)
Recent form poor in-running Recent form poor in-running compared to BSP (based on last 5 runs)
BSP Betfair Starting Price
IP Max Maximum price matched In-Play
IP Min Minimum price matched In-Play
IP Traded Total traded on this market
Green Text Has traded to or below a percentage band a reasonable amount
Orange Text Has traded to or below a percentage band a high amount
Red Text Has traded to or below a percentage band a very high amount

In-running Ratings History Archive