In-Running Blog

23 Sep 2016 Archived In-Running Cards

13:40 Haydock 1m4f Hcap

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Gold, black collar, sash, sleeves and cap with gold spots Miss Tiger Lily 9 22 15 (60%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Miss Tiger Lily Pace Rating
Purple, white chevrons, striped sleeves, hooped cap Machine Learner 2 10 7 (54%) 5.10 2.86 (45%)
Emerald green, purple hoop Almutamarred 11 28 Inform recently in-running 4 (44%) 9.00 6.20 (65%)
Dark blue, large white spots, dark blue and white chevrons on sleeves, dark blue and white striped cap Brandon Castle 15 13 14 (58%) 9.62 7.00 (70%)
Emerald green, red sleeves, emerald green seams, red cap Lily Trotter 6 35 2 (33%) 9.98 6.00 (56%)
Dark blue, gold hoops, white sleeves and cap Fastnet Blast 4 35 1 (20%) 11.01 1.33 (3%)
Fastnet Blast Pace Rating
Maroon, dark blue star, dark blue sleeves, maroon stars, grey cap, maroon stars Top Of The Rocks 28 Recent form poor in-running 1 (11%) 14.00 3.50 (19%)
Top Of The Rocks Pace Rating
Purple, white chevrons, purple sleeves, white stars, purple cap, white star Argyle 28 Inform recently in-running 6 (67%) 7.80 5.80 (71%)
Argyle Pace Rating
Orange, royal blue stars, white sleeves, royal blue stars Diletta Tommasa 11 22 26 (60%) 20.61 14.00 (66%)
Diletta Tommasa Pace Rating
Dark blue, white chevron, white and dark blue halved sleeves, dark blue and white quartered cap Captain Swift 4 53 11 (52%) 15.94 18.00 (114%)
Captain Swift Pace Rating
Light blue, white and light blue hooped sleeves Merchant Of Medici 6 49 Recent form poor in-running 15 (50%) 41.35 7.40 (16%)
Dark blue, gold sash, red cap, gold hoop Zenafire 10 Recent form poor in-running 10 (37%) 48.00 1.03 (0%)
Zenafire Pace Rating
Yellow, orange hoops, yellow sleeves, orange cap Zarawi 7 5 Recent form poor in-running 10 (38%) 42.88 36.00 (84%)
Orange and white (quartered), white sleeves, maroon armlets, maroon cap Flying Power 10 11 Recent form poor in-running 42 (70%) 46.00 42.00 (91%)
Emerald green, yellow armlets, white cap Marshall Aid 1 32 4 (67%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Marshall Aid Pace Rating
Red, dark blue hoop, white sleeves, dark blue armlets and star on white cap Diamond Runner 14 35 Recent form poor in-running 10 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)

13:55 Newmarket 1m Listed

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Orange, dark blue stripe, hooped sleeves, quartered cap Ashadihan 2 77 4 (67%) 8.01 7.40 (91%)
Ashadihan Pace Rating
Royal blue Promising Run 5 56 4 (67%) 7.41 6.80 (90%)
White, black disc, black cap Wilamina 13 48 2 (50%) 14.00 10.50 (73%)
Red, emerald green cross of lorraine, emerald green and red halved sleeves Pirouette 9 34 Inform recently in-running 5 (63%) 9.40 1.28 (3%)
Neon pink, green diabolo, striped sleeves, pink cap, green visor September Stars 8 34 4 (57%) 12.60 9.40 (72%)
Grey, black triple diamond and sleeves, yellow cap Lucy The Painter 12 34 16 (76%) 20.74 20.00 (96%)
Lucy The Painter Pace Rating
Royal blue, red cap Laugh Aloud 11 28 5 (100%) 10.00 1.01 (0%)
Royal blue, white cap Manaboo 4 48 2 (50%) 25.00 25.00 (100%)
Dark blue, large yellow spots Muffriha 2 34 7 (50%) 12.00 10.50 (86%)
Royal blue, white stars, white cap, royal blue star Desert Haze 7 59 Inform recently in-running 6 (86%) 16.78 11.00 (63%)
Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap Alnajmah 7 202 0 (0%) 30.00 6.60 (19%)
White and emerald green diamonds, green sleeves, yellow armlet, green cap Molly Dolly 13 26 5 (56%) 29.00 11.00 (36%)
Dark blue, large yellow spots, yellow cap Miss Carbonia 7 20 3 (75%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Royal blue, white epaulets, black cap Almashooqa 6 727 Recent form poor in-running 3 (38%) 70.11 32.00 (45%)
Black, white cross belts, white cap Permission 16 77 2 (100%) 22.39 21.00 (94%)
Maroon, grey epaulets Organza 8 10 Inform recently in-running 4 (57%) 331.98 100.00 (30%)
Dark blue, white chevron, red sleeves and cap Carenot 6 35 3 (75%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)

14:00 Downpatrick 2m2f Mdn Hrd

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Purple, yellow seams, striped sleeves, purple cap, yellow stars Antiphony 21 6 (55%) 4.10 3.55 (82%)
Black and yellow chevrons, quartered cap Sir Raston 19 8 (57%) 11.50 1.01 (0%)
Red, white triple diamond, white stars on sleeves, red cap, white stars Field Robin 21 5 (56%) 8.92 1.33 (4%)
Field Robin Pace Rating
Black, yellow and black striped cap Russellstown 21 3 (60%) 5.07 3.30 (57%)
Purple, light blue epaulettes, white sleeves, white cap, purple star Walkers Point 15 5 (45%) 6.16 2.46 (28%)
Dark blue, yellow disc, hooped sleeves, yellow cap Fluspar 17 Recent form poor in-running 7 (39%) 6.60 4.80 (68%)
Fluspar Pace Rating
Silver, green spots Ninety Seconds 29 1 (50%) 78.31 42.00 (53%)
Chocolate, blue sleeves, chocolate cap Shipwreck 202 0 (0%) 110.00 60.00 (54%)
Shipwreck Pace Rating
Black and yellow quartered, hooped sleeves, striped cap Kuwait Star 25 14 (56%) 149.29 50.00 (33%)
White, black stars, check cap The Last Sup 66 1 (33%) 230.00 100.00 (43%)
Royal blue, yellow hoop, white and royal blue hooped sleeves and cap Tubeross Well 25 0 (0%) 290.00 120.00 (41%)

14:10 Haydock 6f Mdn Stks

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
White, dark blue armlets and cap Comprise 6 21 1 (100%) 3.54 3.05 (81%)
Emerald green, white chevron, white sleeves, emerald green armlets, red cap Mjjack 9 70 1 (50%) 2.63 1.01 (1%)
Pink, royal blue braces Gloriux 8 202 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Dark green, beige stars on sleeves Mishari 2 202 0 (0%) 13.50 13.00 (96%)
Royal blue, white stripe, hooped sleeves, white cap Gnaad 2 202 0 (0%) 50.00 11.00 (20%)
Gnaad Pace Rating
Red, pink hoop and armlets Tesko Fella 9 22 1 (50%) 11.50 9.20 (78%)
Dark blue, white sash and armlets, red cap Dan Troop 1 19 0 (0%) 12.92 4.00 (25%)
Black, white seams and armlets, red cap Secret Agent 7 81 0 (0%) 12.09 2.00 (9%)
Secret Agent Pace Rating

14:20 Worcester 2m7f Nov Chs

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
White, dark blue cross belts, red and white check sleeves, red cap Southfield Vic 119 10 (56%) 2.22 1.01 (1%)
White, red chevron, emerald green and red striped sleeves, red cap Minella Daddy 139 3 (50%) 2.50 1.92 (61%)
Minella Daddy Pace Rating
Dark blue, white sleeves, dark blue spots, white cap Kerisper 163 4 (50%) 7.20 6.20 (84%)
Light blue, yellow star and star on cap Roberts Star 17 3 (43%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Roberts Star Pace Rating
Red, white chevron, halved sleeves, red and white striped cap High Counsel 30 Inform recently in-running 7 (70%) 140.00 55.00 (39%)
High Counsel Pace Rating
Emerald green, black cross belts, yellow sleeves and cap Irish Octave 75 Recent form poor in-running 3 (21%) 500.00 480.00 (96%)
White, large red spots, light green sleeves, red cap Milburn 424 0 (0%) 1000.00 500.00 (50%)
Red, white star, white sleeves, light green stars, white cap, light green star Hardtorock 119 3 (33%) 1000.00 810.00 (81%)

14:30 Newmarket 1m4f Listed

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Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
White, emerald green hoop Journey 11 118 Inform recently in-running 7 (78%) 2.45 1.01 (1%)
Royal blue Beautiful Romance 3 55 4 (57%) 8.20 5.80 (67%)
Dark blue, light blue cross belts, striped sleeves, white cap Shall We 1 69 3 (60%) 15.60 16.50 (106%)
Forest green, three white doves and horseshoe, white seams on sleeves, red cap Beautiful Morning 9 132 3 (75%) 4.16 4.50 (111%)
Maroon, white striped sleeves Lady of Camelot 13 55 3 (100%) 11.15 3.95 (29%)
Black, white spots, black sleeves, white cap Last Tango Inparis 12 132 1 (33%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Silver, dark green sleeves Twitch 14 36 Recent form poor in-running 9 (53%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Dark green, light blue sleeves and cap Tiptree 3 36 Inform recently in-running 5 (83%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Mauve and pink check, white sleeves, pink cap Pandora 11 36 4 (50%) 21.50 11.00 (49%)
White, emerald green hoops, white sleeves and cap Chinoiseries 8 340 1 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Yellow, black and yellow striped sleeves, white cap Bocking End 3 41 8 (67%) 36.26 30.00 (82%)
Pink, red chevrons, pink sleeves, white stars, red cap, pink star Hestina 126 2 (67%) 57.59 50.00 (87%)
Hestina Pace Rating

14:35 Downpatrick 2m2f Hcap Hrd

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, yellow chevron, yellow seams on sleeves, quartered cap Black Waterfall 28 Inform recently in-running 8 (53%) 6.06 3.20 (43%)
White, black seams, black and royal blue striped sleeves, black cap Tornado Watch 3 4 (40%) 1.85 1.04 (5%)
Tornado Watch Pace Rating
Black, white braces and sleeves, white cap Bawnmore Lass 3 3 (38%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Royal blue, grey stars, grey sleeves, black cap Native Lass 15 Inform recently in-running 6 (86%) 12.79 2.10 (9%)
Royal blue and emerald green halved, quartered cap Auroras Dream 25 Inform recently in-running 8 (62%) 17.16 17.00 (99%)
White, royal blue stars, check sleeves and cap Silverpockets 15 Recent form poor in-running 13 (43%) 50.00 26.00 (51%)
Light green, white sleeves, white cap, black star Icelip 15 16 (62%) 19.56 4.80 (20%)
Emerald green, white star, white chevrons on sleeves, white cap French Ambassador 11 4 (50%) 36.00 20.00 (54%)
French Ambassador Pace Rating
Red, white cross sashes, yellow sleeves, white cap, red star Se Mo Laoch 25 Recent form poor in-running 1 (11%) 40.00 3.50 (6%)
Yellow, red cross sashes, red armlet, quartered cap Deputy Consort 15 24 (47%) 497.07 95.00 (19%)
Maroon, white chevron and sleeves, white star on cap Mariens All Star 15 Recent form poor in-running 3 (33%) 104.04 12.50 (11%)
Pink, dark blue stars, pink sleeves, striped cap Canova 25 Recent form poor in-running 8 (42%) 276.14 16.00 (5%)
Canova Pace Rating
Emerald green and white hoops, striped cap Mystic Princess 11 12 (46%) 75.08 50.00 (66%)
Royal blue, light blue diamond, light blue diamonds on sleeves and cap Directional 6 5 (45%) 212.14 40.00 (18%)
Royal blue, red cross sashes, red and white hooped cap Pearl Isle 28 4 (29%) 562.86 170.00 (30%)
Dark green and yellow quartered, red and white halved sleeves, red and white hooped cap Carraigin Aonair 5 35 3 (19%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Carraigin Aonair Pace Rating
Dark blue and yellow quartered, quartered cap Concience 123 Recent form poor in-running 3 (27%) 96.27 13.50 (13%)
Concience Pace Rating
Purple, white cross sashes, white star on cap Better Back Bob 28 8 (44%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Better Back Bob Pace Rating

14:45 Haydock 6f Mdn Stks

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Black, gold braid, sleeves and cap Warm Words 10 21 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Warm Words Pace Rating
Royal blue and yellow diamonds, royal blue sleeves, red cap Hollywood Style 12 202 0 (0%) 15.33 13.50 (87%)
Hollywood Style Pace Rating
Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves Star Catch 2 119 0 (0%) 3.67 3.00 (75%)
Silver, tassel on cap Comedy School 6 135 0 (0%) 3.58 1.01 (0%)
Beige, purple seams, sleeves and stars on cap Kulgri 4 45 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
White, emerald green stars, sleeves and stars on cap Twilight Spirit 7 27 0 (0%) 8.40 5.70 (64%)
Silver, gold braid, maroon cap, gold tassel Mezah 5 19 0 (0%) 5.10 3.25 (55%)
Dark green and light blue (quartered), halved sleeves, white cap Poppy May 2 45 1 (50%) 13.34 8.80 (63%)
Poppy May Pace Rating
Light blue, red diamond and sleeves Diamond Princess 10 202 0 (0%) 138.31 110.00 (79%)
Diamond Princess Pace Rating

14:55 Worcester 2m Hcap Chs

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Emerald green, dark blue hoop, sleeves and cap Enjoy Responsibly 20 Inform recently in-running 16 (59%) 4.30 4.00 (91%)
Yellow, emerald green cross belts, emerald green sleeves, yellow armlets, quartered cap Dealing River 54 14 (41%) 3.70 1.01 (0%)
Dark blue and beige diabolo, dark blue sleeves, beige cap Upsanddowns 18 7 (54%) 4.93 2.10 (28%)
Upsanddowns Pace Rating
Emerald green, orange sash and sleeves, white cap Modeligo 20 Inform recently in-running 14 (67%) 11.36 2.88 (18%)
Modeligo Pace Rating
Maroon, light blue and brown hooped sleeves, quartered cap Boss In Boots 294 Recent form poor in-running 15 (52%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Boss In Boots Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow hoops, white cap Box Office 34 10 (63%) 6.56 3.65 (48%)
Orange, black star, black sleeves, orange stars, black cap, orange star Time And Again 29 4 (36%) 26.61 6.80 (23%)
Time And Again Pace Rating

15:05 Newmarket 7f Grp2

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves Fair Eva 2 36 3 (100%) 1.45 1.38 (84%)
Dark blue and yellow stripes, yellow sleeves and cap Exmouth 4 26 1 (100%) 19.17 14.50 (74%)
White, emerald green hoops, white sleeves and cap Argenterie 5 22 2 (100%) 15.32 13.50 (87%)
Red, white sash, royal blue cap Glitter Girl 3 15 3 (75%) 12.05 2.10 (10%)
Royal blue and black (quartered), halved sleeves, royal blue cap Spain Burg 8 202 0 (0%) 27.48 1.01 (0%)
White, dark blue diamond, dark blue sleeves, white armlets, quartered cap Nations Alexander 7 36 4 (67%) 19.82 4.00 (16%)
White, dark blue triple diamond, dark blue and white diabolo on sleeves, white cap, dark blue diamond Miss Infinity 1 36 3 (60%) 38.04 5.30 (12%)
Orange, dark blue stripe, hooped sleeves, quartered cap Perfect Madge 1 36 4 (67%) 348.64 150.00 (43%)

15:10 Downpatrick 2m7f Mdn Hrd

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Yellow, red sash and sleeves, red cap, yellow diamond Vinnie Luck 12 2 (67%) 2.88 2.70 (90%)
Vinnie Luck Pace Rating
Purple and white quartered, white sleeves, purple cap Dreambaby 17 2 (33%) 5.01 1.56 (14%)
Royal blue and yellow quartered, royal blue sleeves, yellow cap Forever Dylan 25 1 (50%) 8.00 2.20 (17%)
Royal blue and white chevrons, white cap Sweet Home Chicago 17 2 (100%) 6.18 5.60 (89%)
Black and orange stripes, white cap, black spots Christening Spoon 21 3 (60%) 48.00 13.50 (27%)
Royal blue, light blue star, white sleeves, royal blue stars, white cap, royal blue star Bakougan 40 1 (20%) 30.00 9.00 (28%)
Red, white and yellow stripes, blue sleeves, yellow and red striped cap Wee Small Hours 52 3 (75%) 75.00 25.00 (32%)
Wee Small Hours Pace Rating
Black and light blue check, black sleeves, light blue armlets, red cap Barrys Jack 28 2 (67%) 22.35 4.90 (18%)
Barrys Jack Pace Rating
White, red chevrons on sleeves, quartered cap Timanora 7 10 (36%) 157.33 10.00 (6%)
Timanora Pace Rating
Emerald green, black diamond, black armlet, red cap, black diamond Double Take 202 0 (0%) 31.88 1.01 (0%)
Light blue, black stars, light blue cap Little Wade 7 26 1 (25%) 383.57 95.00 (25%)

15:20 Haydock 6f Mdn Stks

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Claret, gold braid, claret sleeves, claret cap, gold tassel Sun Angel 8 15 2 (50%) 4.50 3.85 (81%)
Sun Angel Pace Rating
Red, white sash, royal blue cap Loving 4 202 0 (0%) 3.30 1.25 (11%)
White, purple cap Street Jazz 5 43 1 (33%) 11.84 9.40 (77%)
Street Jazz Pace Rating
Turquoise, navy blue disc, collar and cuffs, check cap Rosie Briar 2 88 1 (100%) 5.54 1.01 (0%)
Light blue, royal blue seams and sleeves, white cap Last Word 5 202 0 (0%) 46.00 32.00 (69%)
White, royal blue diamonds on sleeves, red cap Shiny Line 7 17 1 (50%) 55.00 42.00 (76%)
White, emerald green sleeves, white armlets, emerald green cap Glacier Point 7 27 0 (0%) 7.00 5.10 (68%)
White, emerald green stars, sleeves and stars on cap Assertor 9 202 0 (0%) 53.52 55.00 (103%)

15:30 Worcester 2m4f Hcap Chs

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Red, dark green armlets, white cap Gowanauthat 20 Inform recently in-running 16 (73%) 4.38 2.12 (33%)
Red and yellow stripes, yellow sleeves, hooped cap Mont Royale 36 11 (55%) 4.30 1.01 (0%)
Mont Royale Pace Rating
Dark blue and yellow (quartered), striped sleeves Degooch 22 Inform recently in-running 16 (73%) 8.62 3.60 (34%)
Light blue, white seams and sleeves, red cap Ashcott Boy 61 Inform recently in-running 16 (62%) 17.23 17.00 (99%)
Black, black and pink check sleeves and cap Kashmir Peak 36 Inform recently in-running 25 (52%) 7.06 4.40 (56%)
Light blue, light blue and purple diabolo on sleeves, light blue cap, purple diamond Destinys Gold 17 10 (71%) 20.45 13.00 (62%)
Destinys Gold Pace Rating
Purple, white star, purple sleeves, white stars, purple cap, white star Cruchain 25 Inform recently in-running 44 (75%) 14.86 5.60 (33%)
Maroon, light blue and brown hooped sleeves, quartered cap Wings Of Smoke 37 Inform recently in-running 13 (76%) 9.95 5.50 (50%)
Wings Of Smoke Pace Rating

15:40 Newmarket 1m Grp2

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Red, white stripe, striped sleeves Nathra 5 98 4 (67%) 3.61 2.10 (42%)
Light green and dark green diamonds Custom Cut 2 13 Recent form poor in-running 26 (50%) 5.82 4.30 (68%)
Custom Cut Pace Rating
Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves Forge 4 22 Inform recently in-running 5 (71%) 6.63 6.00 (89%)
Mauve and pink check, white sleeves, pink cap Amazing Maria 2 77 7 (50%) 5.90 3.20 (45%)
Royal blue, orange disc, striped sleeves and cap Cougar Mountain 4 13 Inform recently in-running 7 (41%) 11.01 1.01 (0%)
Maroon and royal blue (quartered), maroon sleeves, royal blue armlets, royal blue cap, maroon star Gifted Master 9 59 7 (64%) 8.25 2.50 (21%)

15:45 Downpatrick 2m2f Beg Chs

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Dark green, dark green and white hooped sleeves, white spots on cap Fairy Court 381 Inform recently in-running 22 (58%) 5.60 2.08 (23%)
Pink, red cross of lorraine, pink cap Sam King 25 5 (45%) 6.99 1.40 (7%)
White and royal blue diabolo, royal blue cap Mic Milano 3 9 (43%) 10.91 13.00 (121%)
Emerald green, red disc, hooped sleeves, emerald green cap, red spots Show And Go 43 Recent form poor in-running 4 (27%) 14.67 1.01 (0%)
Show And Go Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, white cap Finding Touch 15 Recent form poor in-running 1 (17%) 10.06 4.10 (34%)
Red, black sleeves, red chevrons, red and black quartered cap Beautiful Ben 31 8 (30%) 8.20 8.40 (103%)
Yellow, emerald green chevron, emerald green sleeves, yellow armlet, yellow and emerald green quartered cap Effernock Lad 29 8 (53%) 13.50 9.60 (69%)
Effernock Lad Pace Rating
Black and white diamonds, white sleeves, black cap, red diamond Timmone 17 3 (50%) 7.72 5.30 (64%)
Royal blue, white sash and hoop on cap Hes Our Robin 43 Recent form poor in-running 8 (40%) 18.50 1.80 (5%)
Hes Our Robin Pace Rating
Purple, light green spots, purple sleeves, quartered cap Profoundly 11 8 (47%) 193.80 55.00 (28%)
Profoundly Pace Rating
Royal blue and yellow hoops, royal blue sleeves, royal blue cap, yellow star Intercounty Star 21 3 (75%) 128.44 19.00 (14%)
Intercounty Star Pace Rating
Red, yellow diamond, halved sleeves, red cap Charlottes Chum 25 7 (39%) 140.45 30.00 (21%)
Yellow, black cross sashes, white cap, black star Moon Prince 3 Recent form poor in-running 5 (38%) 364.64 270.00 (74%)
Emerald green, orange stars, emerald green sleeves, red cap, white star St Peters Square 11 8 (42%) 250.00 240.00 (96%)
Yellow, royal blue spots, yellow sleeves, hooped cap Brecan Boy 5 3 Recent form poor in-running 7 (28%) 497.38 170.00 (34%)
Brecan Boy Pace Rating
Green, yellow sleeves, black cap. Ice Ice Baby 21 Recent form poor in-running 13 (43%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Yellow, brown chevron, halved sleeves, yellow cap, brown star Polish Partisan 334 5 (25%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Polish Partisan Pace Rating

15:55 Haydock 5f Nursery

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
White, dark blue and white check sleeves, dark blue cap Well Done 8 20 2 (100%) 6.10 6.20 (102%)
Lime green Looting 14 28 Inform recently in-running 4 (67%) 12.74 2.68 (14%)
Dark blue, large yellow spots Kyllang Rock 3 30 3 (60%) 11.21 1.25 (2%)
Purple and yellow diamonds, checked sleeves Merry Banter 6 24 Inform recently in-running 6 (67%) 22.14 1.01 (0%)
Merry Banter Pace Rating
Yellow, royal blue disc and sleeves, royal blue and yellow hooped cap Letmestopyouthere 3 12 3 (43%) 16.97 25.00 (150%)
Letmestopyouthere Pace Rating
White, red stars, royal blue sleeves, royal blue cap, white star Grey Galleon 11 38 1 (33%) 48.00 42.00 (87%)
Royal blue, white epaulets, black cap Naafer 7 37 2 (40%) 7.60 7.00 (91%)
Royal blue Spiritous 9 64 4 (80%) 12.50 11.50 (91%)
Purple and yellow stripes, black cap Cuppacoffee 4 83 4 (100%) 23.06 28.00 (122%)
White, maroon and purple striped sleeves Twizzell 11 24 3 (100%) 10.93 10.50 (96%)
Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap Battaash 10 16 3 (100%) 13.01 2.30 (11%)
White, black seams, white sleeves, black stars, white cap, black star Nautical Haven 1 37 2 (50%) 20.32 15.50 (75%)
Nautical Haven Pace Rating
Red, white braces, white sleeves, red spots Angel Meadow 4 7 3 (100%) 15.17 12.50 (81%)
Emerald green, black armlets, black cap Kachess 9 34 1 (25%) 22.08 9.40 (40%)
Red, white triple diamond and diamond on cap Redrosezorro 4 32 2 (40%) 579.10 420.00 (72%)

16:05 Worcester 2m7f Sell Hrd

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Emerald green and yellow diamonds, emerald green sleeves, yellow armlets and diamonds on cap Be Seeing You 21 9 (36%) 3.00 2.50 (75%)
Be Seeing You Pace Rating
Royal blue, red cross belts, red and royal blue diabolo on sleeves, red cap Rock of Leon 20 Recent form poor in-running 8 (36%) 3.96 1.01 (0%)
Rock of Leon Pace Rating
Pink and dark blue stripes, dark blue and pink diabolo on sleeves, pink cap Trapper Peak 20 14 (52%) 7.00 5.10 (68%)
Trapper Peak Pace Rating
Dark blue, maroon hoops, dark blue sleeves, maroon cap Gentleman Moore 20 7 (58%) 9.00 3.05 (26%)
Red, black stars Avel Vor 23 11 (52%) 9.12 6.60 (69%)
Red and royal blue diamonds, grey sleeves and cap Acadian 30 4 (31%) 26.00 3.55 (10%)
Acadian Pace Rating
Maroon, white star, white sleeves, maroon armlets and star on white cap Theconnartist 202 0 (0%) 288.13 270.00 (94%)
Black, yellow cross of lorraine, white sleeves, yellow cap Positive Touch 24 0 (0%) 1000.00 840.00 (84%)

16:15 Newmarket 7f Mdn Stks

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap. Alfarris 7 202 0 (0%) 3.08 3.55 (123%)
Forest green, three white doves and horseshoe, white seams on sleeves, red cap Red Label 6 202 0 (0%) 5.76 4.10 (65%)
Black, red diamond, sleeves and cap No Not Again 6 7 1 (100%) 4.00 2.56 (52%)
No Not Again Pace Rating
Purple, white sleeves, purple and white check cap Doctor Bartolo 6 202 0 (0%) 12.52 3.60 (23%)
Doctor Bartolo Pace Rating
Dark blue, red epaulets, armlets and cap Ode To Paris 3 21 0 (0%) 13.75 2.18 (9%)
Ode To Paris Pace Rating
Royal blue, white disc, white sleeves, black stars, royal blue cap, black star Time Zone 5 202 0 (0%) 20.11 1.01 (0%)
Emerald green, red stars, emerald green sleeves Red Emperor 8 202 0 (0%) 65.36 10.50 (15%)
Black, red stars, diamonds on sleeves What A Surprise 1 202 0 (0%) 201.10 21.00 (10%)
Dark blue, large yellow spots Big Sigh 4 202 0 (0%) 55.00 20.00 (35%)
Big Sigh Pace Rating
Light blue, black hoop, light blue sleeves, black stars, black cap, light blue star Lincoln Day 5 12 1 (100%) 1000.00 75.00 (7%)

16:20 Downpatrick 2m7f Beg Chs

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Maroon, white star, armlets and star on cap Marinero 34 8 (47%) 1.68 1.01 (1%)
Light blue, black diamond, diamonds on sleeves, light blue cap, black diamond Taglietelle 17 19 (45%) 5.77 5.00 (84%)
Taglietelle Pace Rating
Orange, royal blue chevron, diabolo on sleeves, orange cap Isabella Liberty 12 Recent form poor in-running 6 (29%) 13.32 12.00 (89%)
White and emerald green hoops, emerald green chevrons on sleeves, emerald green star on cap Swantykay 21 19 (58%) 6.41 6.00 (92%)
Red and white diamonds, white sleeves, red cap, royal blue diamond Dunroe Boy 31 Recent form poor in-running 18 (36%) 102.69 60.00 (58%)

16:30 Haydock 1m6f Hcap

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue Parliamentarian 10 64 2 (67%) 2.45 1.72 (50%)
Red, red and royal blue check cap Yangtze 8 34 3 (38%) 5.40 1.01 (0%)
Pea green, mauve cap Captain Peacock 6 20 Inform recently in-running 7 (64%) 11.50 3.05 (20%)
Claret, gold braid, claret sleeves, gold cap, gold tassel Proctor 1 72 4 (100%) 4.44 4.50 (102%)
White, dark blue stars, red sleeves, dark blue stars, dark blue cap Sporty Yankee 8 6 (55%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Sporty Yankee Pace Rating
Dark blue, white hooped sleeves, white cap Marmajuke Bay 1 20 2 (29%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Purple, gold braid, scarlet sleeves, black velvet cap, gold fringe Forth Bridge 34 3 (75%) 10.86 10.50 (96%)
Forth Bridge Pace Rating

16:40 Worcester 2m4f Nov Hrd

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Maroon, light blue chevron and armlet, maroon cap, light blue diamond Newsworthy 147 3 (60%) 5.49 4.00 (67%)
Newsworthy Pace Rating
Purple, emerald green hoops and armlets Canton Prince 19 3 (60%) 2.72 1.01 (1%)
Canton Prince Pace Rating
Orange and white diamonds, white sleeves, orange armlets, orange cap Precision Five 7 31 Inform recently in-running 24 (57%) 12.82 4.60 (30%)
Precision Five Pace Rating
White, black hollow box, black and white halved sleeves Linguine 19 18 (51%) 6.80 6.00 (86%)
Linguine Pace Rating
Yellow, large black spots, red sleeves and cap Chap 269 1 (33%) 5.93 5.10 (83%)
Dark blue and white diabolo, hooped sleeves and cap Ballycash 176 2 (67%) 22.18 7.20 (29%)
Ballycash Pace Rating
Maroon, beige star, diabolo on sleeves and star on cap Bodekin Point 16 1 (50%) 592.19 400.00 (67%)
Bodekin Point Pace Rating

16:50 Newmarket 7f Mdn Stks

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Black, white chevron, red sleeves, white stars, red cap, white star Via Serendipity 1 9 2 (100%) 2.45 1.01 (1%)
Emerald green, black epaulets, striped sleeves, emerald green cap Century Dream 3 20 0 (0%) 3.40 3.00 (83%)
Yellow, white sleeves, yellow cap, white star Mathix 8 202 0 (0%) 8.20 6.20 (72%)
Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap Quloob 1 202 0 (0%) 14.82 14.50 (98%)
Maroon Sufi 5 202 0 (0%) 20.50 18.50 (90%)
Sufi Pace Rating
Red, white stripe, striped sleeves Mudallel 5 202 0 (0%) 26.00 2.14 (5%)
Dark blue, large yellow spots Dancing Alligator 6 202 0 (0%) 53.80 48.00 (89%)
Maroon, white seams, white sleeves, maroon seams, maroon cap Qatar Lion 3 202 0 (0%) 431.17 360.00 (83%)
Red, yellow stripe, chevrons on sleeves Sassoferrato 13 28 1 (33%) 275.19 22.00 (8%)
Sassoferrato Pace Rating

16:55 Downpatrick 2m7f Hcap Chs

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Maroon, pink sleeves, white cap Willow Grange 3 13 (42%) 4.96 3.50 (63%)
Willow Grange Pace Rating
Orange, beige braces, striped sleeves, orange cap One Fine Morning 36 18 (45%) 10.50 1.40 (4%)
Purple, yellow epaulettes, red sleeves, red cap, white star Paudi The Punter 31 17 (36%) 15.00 3.50 (18%)
Paudi The Punter Pace Rating
Black, red hollow box and sleeves, quartered cap Redclue 8 Inform recently in-running 17 (52%) 5.60 3.35 (51%)
Royal blue, white panel, purple cap Camillas Wish 112 6 (33%) 16.72 16.00 (95%)
Emerald green, yellow chevron, yellow armlet, emerald green cap Western Goose 47 Inform recently in-running 10 (63%) 19.50 22.00 (114%)
Western Goose Pace Rating
Royal blue, yellow cross of lorraine and sleeves, royal blue cap Bills Official 17 7 (37%) 23.67 8.40 (33%)
Royal blue, yellow sash, maroon and yellow striped cap Shane Billy 48 Recent form poor in-running 3 (38%) 9.73 7.40 (73%)
Red, white sash, white armlet, striped cap Dinnies Vinnie 104 2 (29%) 29.22 13.00 (43%)
Dinnies Vinnie Pace Rating
Emerald green, white stars, white sleeves, emerald green cap, white stars Abarta 17 Recent form poor in-running 23 (48%) 32.98 18.00 (53%)
Yellow, black sleeves, yellow cap, red spots. Lottolove 40 5 (50%) 33.42 11.50 (32%)
Light blue, red triple diamond, red spots on cap Admiral Bob 42 11 (61%) 13.49 5.60 (37%)
Royal blue and yellow check, royal blue sleeves, yellow and royal blue hooped cap Twisted Psychology 398 1 (33%) 50.00 20.00 (39%)
Yellow, mauve sleeves and cap Mister To Mister 48 Recent form poor in-running 2 (22%) 108.24 1.01 (0%)
Mister To Mister Pace Rating
Emerald green and black chevrons, striped cap Old Theatre Royal 31 Recent form poor in-running 15 (47%) 137.23 6.00 (4%)

17:05 Haydock 1m Hcap

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Purple, red star, red cap Justice Smart 10 27 1 (25%) 20.66 15.50 (74%)
Bottle green, white cap, lime green star Column 11 26 3 (50%) 5.86 5.40 (91%)
Light blue, dark blue armlets, dark blue cap Commodore 6 20 Inform recently in-running 11 (73%) 16.45 17.50 (107%)
Purple, white diamonds on sleeves, check cap Top Beak 4 26 Inform recently in-running 5 (83%) 9.04 1.52 (6%)
White, red epaulets, white sleeves, red spots, white cap, red spots Rousayan 2 25 Inform recently in-running 14 (70%) 12.27 10.50 (84%)
Emerald green, red hoops, quartered cap Dark Devil 12 16 3 (43%) 9.00 2.36 (17%)
White, orange and yellow striped sleeves and cap Jack Of Diamonds 1 14 16 (46%) 32.00 30.00 (94%)
Jack Of Diamonds Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow hoops, white cap See The Rock 8 74 Inform recently in-running 4 (67%) 40.53 5.00 (10%)
Yellow, dark blue seams, dark blue and yellow chevrons on sleeves, yellow cap Wilde Inspiration 7 25 Recent form poor in-running 10 (38%) 11.59 8.00 (66%)
Royal blue, yellow stripe, yellow sleeves, royal blue armlets and star on yellow cap Gratzie 1 21 Recent form poor in-running 13 (43%) 11.00 12.00 (110%)
Black, red star, red sleeves, black armlets, red cap Pumaflor 12 17 16 (57%) 21.75 1.02 (0%)
Yellow and white (quartered), yellow sleeves, white armlets, yellow cap Little Lady Katie 14 16 Recent form poor in-running 7 (41%) 12.41 1.12 (1%)
Light green, brown braces and armlets, white cap Fort Bastion 14 6 25 (54%) 12.93 10.00 (75%)
Fort Bastion Pace Rating
Light blue, pink star, light blue sleeves, pink stars, light blue cap, pink star Yourartisonfire 3 41 18 (53%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Yourartisonfire Pace Rating

17:15 Worcester 2m4f Hcap Hrd

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Turquoise, gold spots on body, gold cap Apple of Our Eye 269 2 (50%) 4.96 2.10 (28%)
Apple of Our Eye Pace Rating
Yellow, red spots Miss Crick 60 Inform recently in-running 6 (60%) 6.60 1.01 (0%)
Miss Crick Pace Rating
Orange, brown and orange halved sleeves, brown and orange quartered cap Days of Heaven 144 5 (50%) 3.35 2.10 (47%)
Days of Heaven Pace Rating
Orange, dark blue sleeves, orange stars, dark blue cap, orange star Dovils Date 5 16 17 (50%) 5.40 4.10 (70%)
Dovils Date Pace Rating
Emerald green, orange chevron, checked sleeves Masterofdeception 497 Inform recently in-running 11 (61%) 11.00 4.90 (39%)
Light blue and white stripes, hooped sleeves, white cap, light blue star Bohemian Rhapsody 2 25 Recent form poor in-running 18 (33%) 34.89 7.40 (19%)
Bohemian Rhapsody Pace Rating
Beige, maroon cross of lorraine and diamond on cap Dragons Den 16 36 (69%) 27.00 20.00 (73%)
Dragons Den Pace Rating

17:20 Dundalk 5f Hcap

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Dark blue Californiadreaming 6 20 Inform recently in-running 10 (59%) 22.82 30.00 (133%)
Emerald green and white diamonds, green sleeves, orange cap My Good Brother 11 10 Inform recently in-running 29 (60%) 3.59 1.01 (0%)
My Good Brother Pace Rating
Dark blue, red epaulettes, red cap, dark blue star Aggression 5 522 1 (50%) 39.63 5.60 (12%)
Aggression Pace Rating
Yellow, red hoop, red sleeves, quartered cap Kiss The Stars 6 10 23 (64%) 9.94 10.00 (101%)
Kiss The Stars Pace Rating
Orange, black stars, orange sleeves and cap Iconic Figure 2 132 Recent form poor in-running 4 (50%) 60.00 50.00 (83%)
Red, yellow panel, black sleeves, red and yellow striped cap Danz Gift 8 19 14 (64%) 5.05 1.59 (15%)
Danz Gift Pace Rating
Royal blue, white star, red and white striped sleeves, royal blue cap, white stars Lady Maesmor 2 19 9 (60%) 13.00 7.40 (53%)
Red, yellow halved sleeves, yellow cap Jenniechild 7 32 Inform recently in-running 5 (83%) 20.00 6.40 (28%)
Emerald green, grey braces and sleeves, hooped cap Strategic Force 4 19 Recent form poor in-running 12 (38%) 19.01 25.00 (133%)
Strategic Force Pace Rating
Maroon, white epaulettes, striped sleeves, maroon cap Duckanddive 10 14 1 (20%) 228.57 27.00 (11%)
Black, royal blue seams, black cap Prince Connoisseur 4 73 Recent form poor in-running 6 (43%) 9.80 6.20 (59%)
Prince Connoisseur Pace Rating
Red, royal blue star, royal blue sleeves, white stars, royal blue cap, white star Lightsome 1 77 7 (54%) 44.00 32.00 (72%)
Lightsome Pace Rating
Black and white hoops, black sleeves, striped cap Fainleog 15 10 10 (56%) 172.84 110.00 (63%)
Orange, black star, striped sleeves and cap Sarah Ash Calum 16 33 4 (36%) 90.00 90.00 (100%)
Light blue and dark blue hoops, light blue sleeves, emerald green and yellow hooped cap Love Is All Around 11 14 Recent form poor in-running 4 (36%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Royal blue, yellow hoop, white sleeves, royal blue cap, white spots Acroleina 5 10 Recent form poor in-running 15 (48%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Emerald green and red quartered, hooped sleeves, striped cap Suburban Sky 10 10 17 (59%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)

17:25 Newmarket 1m4f Listed

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Yellow, large black spots and spots on cap Barsanti 1 35 Inform recently in-running 8 (80%) 4.30 2.00 (30%)
White, black armlets Furia Cruzada 6 36 2 (40%) 8.86 8.60 (97%)
Orange and yellow check, orange sleeves, yellow cap Second Step 4 27 9 (64%) 6.00 5.30 (86%)
Bronze Dal Harraild 2 20 Inform recently in-running 6 (75%) 3.40 1.01 (0%)
Scarlet, royal blue sleeves, black cap Carntop 3 98 4 (100%) 6.21 6.20 (100%)
Royal blue, red epaulets, striped cap Star Storm 8 111 7 (64%) 34.00 4.90 (12%)
Star Storm Pace Rating

17:30 Downpatrick 2m2f INHF

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Cerise Kagney 9 2 (67%) 2.78 1.01 (1%)
Kagney Pace Rating
Emerald green, dark green sleeves, dark green cap, emerald green spots Cadeau Du Bresil 123 1 (33%) 7.20 3.10 (34%)
Cadeau Du Bresil Pace Rating
Red, emerald green star, emerald green sleeves, black armlet, black and green quartered cap Little Bleu 29 0 (0%) 14.27 13.50 (94%)
Dark blue, light blue stars, dark blue and red hooped sleeves and cap Up The Navan Road 202 0 (0%) 7.40 4.60 (56%)
Up The Navan Road Pace Rating
Yellow, black sash, striped cap Zen Master 180 0 (0%) 12.81 19.00 (152%)
Zen Master Pace Rating
Royal blue, red disc, royal blue cap Ciaoifsin 35 Inform recently in-running 5 (63%) 14.77 10.50 (69%)
Red and white hoops, royal blue sleeves, white cap One Cool King 35 1 (50%) 10.90 12.50 (116%)
Red, white braces, quartered cap Millfrey Flyer 28 2 (100%) 140.00 65.00 (46%)
Purple, light blue epaulettes, white sleeves, white cap, purple star Tobar Geal 52 0 (0%) 14.98 15.00 (100%)
Red, grey stars, grey star on cap Wiiphania 84 1 (50%) 79.77 55.00 (69%)
Wiiphania Pace Rating

17:40 Haydock 1m2f App Hcap

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
White, light blue cap Magnificent Madiba 32 1 (20%) 17.14 15.00 (87%)
Magnificent Madiba Pace Rating
Pink, white sash City Ground 16 16 18 (37%) 27.27 25.00 (91%)
Royal blue, yellow disc, royal blue sleeves, yellow spots, royal blue cap, yellow spots Stoneboat Bill 6 10 12 (55%) 10.00 3.90 (32%)
Dark blue, yellow seams, hooped sleeves, quartered cap King Oswald 2 3 Recent form poor in-running 2 (20%) 55.60 46.00 (82%)
King Oswald Pace Rating
Black, red cross belts, diabolo on sleeves, quartered cap Inflexiball 5 17 8 (73%) 12.00 9.20 (75%)
Yellow, black epaulets, black and yellow striped sleeves, hooped cap Mcdelta 1 23 7 (41%) 21.12 21.00 (99%)
Mcdelta Pace Rating
Royal blue, dark green epaulets Hardington 13 47 3 (43%) 9.25 1.01 (0%)
Black, white hollow box, black sleeves, white seams, black cap, white star Zoffanys Pride 28 3 (50%) 8.83 1.25 (3%)
Zoffanys Pride Pace Rating
Pink and purple stripes, purple sleeves, pink stars, pink and purple quartered cap Sakhalin Star 1 4 24 (49%) 15.71 13.50 (85%)
Sakhalin Star Pace Rating
Black, orange epaulets, quartered cap Loving Your Work 3 41 17 (55%) 13.97 15.00 (108%)
Loving Your Work Pace Rating
Yellow, large purple spots, purple sleeves, yellow armlets, yellow cap, purple spots Highway Code 3 341 Recent form poor in-running 31 (57%) 250.00 180.00 (72%)
Dark blue, pink triple diamond, dark blue sleeves, pink stars, dark blue cap, pink star Torremar 3 42 3 (33%) 8.04 4.50 (50%)
Torremar Pace Rating
Royal blue, orange chevron, armlets and star on cap The Names Paver 7 30 Recent form poor in-running 4 (31%) 27.11 15.00 (54%)
Dark blue, white cross belts, white and dark blue striped sleeves Bigger And Better 4 27 5 (63%) 15.18 4.10 (22%)
Dark green, large yellow spots, purple sleeves and cap Courtsider 8 13 2 (40%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Courtsider Pace Rating
Red, white diamond Know Your Name 22 29 (64%) 19.50 18.50 (95%)
Know Your Name Pace Rating
White and yellow stripes, black cap Wallangarra 6 6 4 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Wallangarra Pace Rating

17:45 Newcastle 1m4f Hcap

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Light blue, brown hoops, light blue sleeves, brown cap Hope Is High 4 34 2 (33%) 2.65 2.10 (67%)
Black, red disc Breton Blues 13 25 2 (29%) 11.00 9.40 (84%)
Black, orange hoop and armlets, quartered cap Fillydelphia 5 25 14 (61%) 9.58 8.40 (86%)
Yellow, black chevrons, black and yellow hooped sleeves, check cap Midnight Warrior 7 21 18 (41%) 7.32 4.80 (60%)
Maroon, light blue epaulets, maroon sleeves, light blue spots, maroon cap, light blue star Byronegetonefree 21 3 (16%) 9.12 1.01 (0%)
Byronegetonefree Pace Rating
Dark blue, light blue hoop Whitchurch 5 25 13 (52%) 14.71 10.50 (69%)
Whitchurch Pace Rating
Black, yellow cross belts, sleeves and cap Isaak 8 32 0 (0%) 46.39 6.00 (11%)
Mauve, beige hoops, black sleeves, mauve cap Jan De Heem 3 13 18 (55%) 12.40 8.20 (63%)
Royal blue, yellow braces, check cap Fair Trade 10 17 18 (58%) 44.07 18.00 (39%)
Yellow, brown disc and sleeves Come On Lulu 32 3 (30%) 185.10 150.00 (81%)
Come On Lulu Pace Rating

17:50 Worcester 2m Hcap Hrd

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Orange, black chevron, chevrons on sleeves, black cap Sandgate 6 23 Inform recently in-running 15 (79%) 4.10 2.40 (45%)
Dark blue, white star, white sleeves, red stars, white cap, dark blue star All The Winds 10 Recent form poor in-running 27 (44%) 29.88 16.50 (54%)
Light blue, dark blue sleeves, white stars, dark blue cap, white star Jazzy 14 Recent form poor in-running 4 (33%) 15.50 12.00 (76%)
Jazzy Pace Rating
Yellow, blue stars on body Sarpech 16 Inform recently in-running 6 (43%) 7.54 1.99 (15%)
Sarpech Pace Rating
White, dark blue seams, dark blue sleeves, grey seams, dark blue cap, orange diamond The Way You Dance 9 23 Inform recently in-running 9 (53%) 11.94 1.01 (0%)
The Way You Dance Pace Rating
Red and emerald green check, white cap Jinsha Lake 35 8 (67%) 9.99 8.00 (78%)
Jinsha Lake Pace Rating
Royal blue, red triple diamond, red and royal blue striped sleeves, quartered cap Billy My Boy 23 8 (53%) 13.72 6.00 (39%)
Billy My Boy Pace Rating
Black and pink diabolo, pink sleeves, black armlets, black and pink quartered cap Weld Arab 33 11 (44%) 15.30 12.00 (77%)
Weld Arab Pace Rating
Dark blue, white spots, white and dark blue halved sleeves, dark blue cap Le Bacardy 20 Recent form poor in-running 15 (47%) 32.00 25.00 (77%)
Dark blue, beige star, grey sleeves, beige stars, dark blue cap, beige star Intifadah 40 3 (30%) 67.88 80.00 (118%)
Intifadah Pace Rating
Royal blue and white stripes, diamonds on sleeves Bendomingo 139 4 (50%) 15.00 4.10 (22%)
Bendomingo Pace Rating
White, black star, white sleeves, black stars, white cap, black star Red Red Rover 131 Inform recently in-running 4 (57%) 35.06 46.00 (132%)
Emerald green, yellow sleeves, emerald green stars, yellow cap Anton Dolin 5 36 Inform recently in-running 32 (58%) 15.81 11.00 (68%)
Anton Dolin Pace Rating
Royal blue, white triple diamond, royal blue sleeves, white stars, royal blue cap, white star Lets Go Dutchess 33 5 (63%) 43.90 8.40 (17%)
Lets Go Dutchess Pace Rating

17:55 Newmarket 1m1f Hcap

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, white cap Daily Bulletin 5 12 4 (80%) 7.55 5.70 (72%)
Beige, royal blue sleeves and cap Laurence 19 14 12 (75%) 11.00 4.10 (31%)
Emerald green and orange stripes, white cap Dawn Mirage 15 27 7 (50%) 8.40 2.20 (16%)
Black, orange seams and sleeves, black cap Mithqaal 6 63 4 (50%) 16.86 1.01 (0%)
Mithqaal Pace Rating
Red, white sleeves, blue and white striped cap Beardwood 3 17 5 (36%) 44.29 8.20 (17%)
Beardwood Pace Rating
Red, white cross belts, emerald green cap Brigliadoro 3 79 11 (48%) 25.00 15.00 (58%)
Red, black stars, black and red hooped sleeves, red cap, black star Freight Train 4 8 Inform recently in-running 11 (55%) 26.62 10.00 (35%)
Freight Train Pace Rating
Red, yellow spots, sleeves and cap Absolute Zero 9 9 5 (50%) 21.53 18.00 (83%)
Grey, dark blue stars, pink sleeves Squire 1 71 7 (37%) 17.00 14.50 (84%)
Squire Pace Rating
Purple, light green triple diamond, diabolo on sleeves and star on cap Craftsmanship 6 22 13 (42%) 20.36 25.00 (124%)
Craftsmanship Pace Rating
Black, orange star and armlets Palmerston 17 26 4 (36%) 16.00 10.00 (60%)
Palmerston Pace Rating
Pink, purple disc, striped sleeves and cap Freewheel 19 6 (38%) 40.63 19.00 (45%)
Freewheel Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow stars, yellow and emerald green chevrons on sleeves, yellow cap, emerald green star Briardale 11 42 7 (64%) 34.18 16.00 (45%)
Briardale Pace Rating
Dark blue, yellow seams, hooped sleeves, quartered cap Hard To Handel 15 8 Recent form poor in-running 8 (42%) 43.45 30.00 (68%)
Hard To Handel Pace Rating
Red, white braces, white sleeves, red armlets, striped cap Giantstepsahead 2 181 11 (52%) 126.38 6.00 (4%)
Giantstepsahead Pace Rating
Beige, light blue epaulets Storm King 5 27 17 (61%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Storm King Pace Rating
White, maroon stripe, striped sleeves, light blue cap Cote Dazur 13 14 Inform recently in-running 9 (60%) 10.00 2.24 (14%)
Cote Dazur Pace Rating
Black, white cross of lorraine, white and black chevrons on sleeves, black and white quartered cap Silver Alliance 10 51 26 (46%) 145.02 80.00 (55%)
Silver Alliance Pace Rating
Silver, tassel on cap Bathos 9 17 10 (53%) 20.56 15.00 (72%)
Yellow, purple epaulets, yellow sleeves, purple stars, purple cap, yellow star Faithful Creek 10 26 5 (33%) 40.62 9.20 (21%)
Faithful Creek Pace Rating
Emerald green, white stars, white sleeves, emerald green cap, white stars Muhaafiz 4 48 7 (50%) 221.95 130.00 (58%)
Muhaafiz Pace Rating

18:00 Dundalk 6f Mdn

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Green, red epaulettes, green cap Hunaina 2 14 3 (60%) 2.44 1.01 (1%)
Orange, royal blue hoop, royal blue armlet, orange cap Thomas Omalley 7 19 1 (50%) 3.02 2.72 (85%)
Thomas Omalley Pace Rating
Emerald green, pink sash, white sleeves, pink cap Quick Chat 4 14 1 (50%) 9.41 6.00 (59%)
Black, pink panel and sleeves, pink cap Meetyouatthemoon 10 13 0 (0%) 9.80 8.40 (84%)
Grey, dark green epaulettes, dark green cap, grey star Quincy Street 13 39 2 (100%) 87.90 55.00 (62%)
Pink, white cap, pink star Cape of Eagles 7 23 2 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Red, white hoop, white armlet, white cap, grey star Dixons One 1 202 0 (0%) 196.17 110.00 (56%)
Light blue, dark blue and yellow striped sleeves, dark blue and yellow hooped cap Camiyra 16 202 0 (0%) 112.91 50.00 (44%)
Camiyra Pace Rating
Yellow, white sleeves, yellow diabolo, yellow cap, white diamond Breath of Truth 7 71 0 (0%) 48.24 4.10 (7%)
Emerald green, emerald green and white check sleeves, white cap Sweet Fragrance 8 14 0 (0%) 53.10 2.20 (2%)
Sweet Fragrance Pace Rating
Maroon, dark blue epaulettes, dark blue cap, maroon spots Milish 9 14 1 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Milish Pace Rating
Crazy quilt A Beautiful Dream 3 14 1 (50%) 170.00 18.00 (10%)
Brown, yellow cross sashes, beige and black hooped sleeves, red cap Ahundrednotout 7 26 0 (0%) 460.39 80.00 (17%)
Red, purple stars, purple sleeves, purple cap, red star La Fee Verte 7 77 0 (0%) 508.38 40.00 (8%)
Red, royal blue star, royal blue sleeves, white stars, royal blue cap, white star Tanksalot 6 20 0 (0%) 1000.00 400.00 (40%)
Tanksalot Pace Rating

18:15 Newcastle 1m4f Hcap

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Black, red star, red sleeves, black armlets, red cap The Resdev Way 7 25 5 (45%) 2.58 1.64 (41%)
Pink, black stars, emerald green and black check sleeves Kicking The Can 4 25 14 (58%) 6.67 4.20 (56%)
Kicking The Can Pace Rating
Yellow, black stars, black sleeves, yellow armlets, yellow cap, black star Stags Leap 7 29 Inform recently in-running 25 (60%) 7.48 6.20 (80%)
Black and white check, white sleeves, black stars Melgate Melody 1 120 2 (40%) 36.87 11.00 (28%)
Dark blue, yellow star, checked sleeves, yellow cap Applejack Lad 11 72 Recent form poor in-running 13 (41%) 44.82 38.00 (84%)
Light blue, orange epaulets Magical Lasso 12 21 Recent form poor in-running 1 (8%) 12.49 8.20 (63%)
Light blue, white spots, chevrons on sleeves Solid Justice 4 25 Recent form poor in-running 10 (34%) 44.00 17.00 (37%)
Solid Justice Pace Rating
Dark blue and white (quartered), red sleeves and cap Table Manners 3 68 0 (0%) 19.94 13.00 (63%)
Table Manners Pace Rating
Dark green, yellow seams, halved sleeves, dark green cap Perennial 4 48 16 (39%) 14.88 14.00 (94%)
Red, light blue cross belts, light green sleeves Kirtling 7 29 Inform recently in-running 10 (71%) 23.41 1.01 (0%)
Kirtling Pace Rating

18:30 Dundalk 6f Mdn

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue and yellow diamonds, royal blue sleeves, striped cap Flowerhill Nova 13 19 7 (58%) 4.22 1.01 (0%)
Black, white sleeves, red cap, black star A Likely Story 6 19 7 (70%) 4.45 2.10 (32%)
Yellow, emerald green star and chevrons on sleeves, quartered cap Military Hill 2 38 0 (0%) 8.70 5.00 (52%)
Military Hill Pace Rating
Red, black seams, checked sleeves, black cap, red star Grainnes Dream 4 14 3 (60%) 5.20 3.50 (60%)
Grainnes Dream Pace Rating
Emerald green, red hoop, red sleeves, striped cap Nuclear Option 7 11 2 (40%) 55.00 50.00 (91%)
Royal blue, grey sash, royal blue cap, grey star Hollybrowne 2 34 1 (25%) 10.00 9.40 (93%)
White, red striped sleeves, check cap Miss Power 10 202 0 (0%) 140.00 20.00 (14%)
Dark blue, red epaulettes, white cap Mr Bernard 202 0 (0%) 202.65 320.00 (158%)
Mr Bernard Pace Rating
Black, pink panel and sleeves, pink cap Almoner 2 202 0 (0%) 14.55 15.00 (103%)
Almoner Pace Rating
Red and black diamonds, hooped sleeves, red cap, black spots Blazing Heart 2 202 0 (0%) 395.96 910.00 (230%)
Red, yellow diamond and sleeves, yellow cap, red diamond Syndex 5 303 0 (0%) 60.79 40.00 (65%)
Syndex Pace Rating
Grey, yellow cap, grey star Appointment Only 11 40 0 (0%) 100.00 80.00 (80%)
Appointment Only Pace Rating
Yellow, royal blue hoop and sleeves, royal blue and white quartered cap Neds Gift 10 202 0 (0%) 316.07 200.00 (63%)
Neds Gift Pace Rating
Black and pink (quartered), black sleeves, pink stars, black cap Zebs Fantasy 3 98 4 (50%) 313.60 40.00 (12%)
Zebs Fantasy Pace Rating
Grey, dark green spots on sleeves, grey cap, dark green star Bambari 85 3 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)

18:45 Newcastle 2m Hcap

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Red, emerald green star, emerald green sleeves, black armlet, black and green quartered cap Megara 25 4 (44%) 3.25 2.76 (78%)
Megara Pace Rating
Royal blue, white spots and sleeves, red cap Mister Bob 2 37 12 (57%) 4.21 1.01 (0%)
Mister Bob Pace Rating
Black and white stripes, white sleeves, black armlets Wor Lass 2 6 Inform recently in-running 25 (61%) 5.30 4.60 (84%)
Yellow, royal blue seams, grey sleeves, royal blue seams, royal blue cap Lexis Boy 37 14 (42%) 7.56 4.70 (56%)
Lexis Boy Pace Rating
Yellow, blue hoops, blue and red quartered cap Itlaaq 7 24 Inform recently in-running 40 (68%) 7.58 1.53 (8%)

19:00 Dundalk 1m Hcap

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue and yellow diabolo, royal blue sleeves and cap Six Silver Lane 8 19 32 (52%) 4.75 4.00 (80%)
Six Silver Lane Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow epaulettes, yellow cap, emerald green star Clear Focus 10 18 (46%) 17.91 11.00 (59%)
Clear Focus Pace Rating
Dark blue, white seams, white spots on cap Trump Card 2 5 Recent form poor in-running 1 (14%) 12.50 7.00 (52%)
Trump Card Pace Rating
Black, yellow cross of lorraine, red and grey striped sleeves, grey and red striped cap Billyford 11 62 14 (36%) 12.09 11.00 (90%)
White, red spots, red cap Drock 5 30 1 (20%) 13.06 20.00 (158%)
Drock Pace Rating
White and royal blue quartered, white sleeves, royal blue star on cap Boynagh Prince 126 1 (33%) 92.53 75.00 (81%)
Beige, maroon sash, halved sleeves, maroon cap Twistsandturns 5 49 Recent form poor in-running 11 (35%) 9.20 1.70 (9%)
Twistsandturns Pace Rating
Red, dark green cross sashes, dark green cap, red star Punches Pious 4 8 15 (48%) 13.50 17.50 (132%)
Emerald green and orange hoops, green cap Arbourfield 7 47 6 (60%) 3.75 1.01 (0%)
Arbourfield Pace Rating
Emerald green, red triple diamond, red cap Its An Illusion 14 72 Recent form poor in-running 0 (0%) 68.63 50.00 (72%)
Black, red star, black and white quartered cap. Trinity Rules 10 23 Recent form poor in-running 1 (17%) 142.44 95.00 (66%)
Royal blue and white diamonds, red cap, white diamonds Champagne Mega 9 29 0 (0%) 67.02 36.00 (53%)
Orange, brown seams, emerald green and yellow quartered cap Barbel 13 104 3 (50%) 48.00 40.00 (83%)
Barbel Pace Rating
Red, white stars, white chevrons on sleeves, white cap Lowertown Scholar 5 2 (50%) 359.42 20.00 (5%)
Lowertown Scholar Pace Rating
Dark blue and light blue hoops, striped cap Windsorlot 1 19 5 (56%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Windsorlot Pace Rating
Maroon, maroon and yellow striped sleeves, yellow star on cap The Butches Filly 112 9 (36%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
The Butches Filly Pace Rating
White, maroon triple diamond, maroon diamonds on sleeves, striped cap Crossingoz 2 5 3 (43%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Crossingoz Pace Rating

19:15 Newcastle 1m Mdn Stks

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, red seams, striped sleeves, red cap, royal blue star Kuraka 4 16 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
White, black seams, white sleeves, black stars, white cap, black star Glorvina 12 9 1 (100%) 3.69 2.80 (67%)
Yellow, black sash and sleeves Doctor Cross 1 14 0 (0%) 4.59 5.40 (123%)
Royal blue, white striped sleeves, white cap Troopers Gold 1 20 3 (100%) 3.75 1.08 (3%)
Dark blue, white diamond, white and dark blue chevrons on sleeves, white cap, dark blue diamond Tamayef 3 202 0 (0%) 14.30 1.01 (0%)
White, purple braces and diamond on cap Dream On Dreamer 4 20 3 (60%) 7.60 6.00 (76%)
Grey, dark blue stars, pink sleeves Matthioli 12 41 1 (50%) 41.38 28.00 (67%)
Yellow and white (quartered), yellow sleeves, white armlets, yellow cap Sheng Chi Dragon 7 8 0 (0%) 150.00 18.00 (11%)
Orange, white chevron Mr Coco Bean 13 202 0 (0%) 89.02 4.30 (4%)
Mr Coco Bean Pace Rating

19:30 Dundalk 1m Hcap

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Black, yellow cross of lorraine, red and grey striped sleeves, grey and red striped cap Lightening Stricks 3 23 Inform recently in-running 20 (63%) 10.91 4.30 (33%)
Royal blue, yellow chevron, yellow cap, royal blue star Rialto Magic 10 10 12 (44%) 14.00 2.00 (8%)
Rialto Magic Pace Rating
Red, royal blue star, royal blue sleeves, white stars, royal blue cap, white star Reddot Express 6 19 2 (22%) 2.75 1.78 (45%)
Reddot Express Pace Rating
White, black panel, halved sleeves, quartered cap Romantic 9 Inform recently in-running 12 (38%) 13.21 13.50 (102%)
Romantic Pace Rating
Emerald green, red sash, yellow sleeves, royal blue cap Magia Del Corso 6 5 Recent form poor in-running 2 (22%) 44.00 50.00 (114%)
Yellow and black check, yellow sleeves, red cap Mosman 7 14 7 (44%) 58.89 55.00 (93%)
Mosman Pace Rating
Maroon, light blue spots, dark blue sleeves, mauve chevrons, light blue cap, maroon stars Masterchippy 6 21 Recent form poor in-running 13 (46%) 13.41 9.60 (69%)
Purple, white diamond, white sleeves, purple diamonds, purple and white quartered cap Athloman Cottage 8 Inform recently in-running 9 (50%) 16.32 19.50 (121%)
Athloman Cottage Pace Rating
Black and orange stripes, check sleeves, striped cap Randalls Alannah 7 5 Recent form poor in-running 8 (44%) 80.00 50.00 (62%)
Randalls Alannah Pace Rating
Black, red spots, black cap, white spots. Three Majors 12 14 Recent form poor in-running 5 (31%) 16.63 1.01 (0%)
Three Majors Pace Rating
Yellow and purple quartered, yellow sleeves, purple cap Don Elias 7 23 2 (33%) 80.00 50.00 (62%)
Black and light green quartered, light green sleeves, quartered cap Artiste Celebre 4 20 Recent form poor in-running 5 (36%) 14.75 18.50 (127%)
Black, red spots, black cap, white spots. Shabra Emperor 6 47 Recent form poor in-running 42 (44%) 12.98 2.06 (9%)
Shabra Emperor Pace Rating
White and black diamonds, black chevrons on sleeves, white cap, black stars Gramercy Park 9 53 0 (0%) 132.76 180.00 (136%)
Gramercy Park Pace Rating
White, royal blue chevron, royal blue chevrons on sleeves, white cap, royal blue spots Badger Daly 12 109 Recent form poor in-running 23 (58%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Black, white chevron, halved sleeves, black cap, white stars Erelight 2 595 Recent form poor in-running 6 (33%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Erelight Pace Rating
Royal blue, royal blue cap, yellow star My Painter 3 Inform recently in-running 16 (59%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
My Painter Pace Rating

19:45 Newcastle 1m Hcap

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Red, white sash, royal blue cap Russian Finale 4 15 3 (100%) 3.47 3.00 (81%)
Royal blue, light green stars on sleeves, royal blue cap, light green star Barwah 2 25 12 (52%) 4.54 4.40 (96%)
Barwah Pace Rating
Maroon, white hoops, maroon sleeves, white stars, maroon cap La Celebs Ville 9 14 4 (36%) 18.90 19.00 (101%)
Yellow, dark blue sleeves, black cap Mockinbird 2 15 1 (20%) 9.80 6.00 (57%)
White, orange stripe, emerald green sleeves and cap Flinty Fell 5 13 3 (50%) 9.94 6.00 (56%)
Purple, red star, red cap. Justice Lass 13 34 6 (50%) 11.25 1.08 (1%)
Black, yellow sleeves, black armlets, black cap, yellow stars Haidees Reflection 4 48 10 (53%) 110.00 20.00 (17%)
Haidees Reflection Pace Rating
Orange, dark blue stripe, hooped sleeves, quartered cap Tiga Tuan 2 25 Recent form poor in-running 2 (29%) 37.07 6.60 (16%)
Yellow, large black spots, black sleeves, yellow spots, yellow cap, black spots Totally Magic 13 27 4 (27%) 20.70 1.01 (0%)
Royal blue, red chevrons, white and red striped sleeves, red and white quartered cap Hidden Treasures 10 10 3 (33%) 38.00 12.50 (31%)
Yellow, royal blue stars, yellow cap High Honcho 11 85 Inform recently in-running 6 (86%) 65.00 40.00 (61%)
Light blue, yellow sash, yellow sleeves, light blue armlets, yellow cap Rosy Ryan 4 6 Recent form poor in-running 11 (61%) 130.78 7.60 (5%)
Rosy Ryan Pace Rating

20:00 Dundalk 1m4f App Hcap

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
White and yellow diamonds, yellow sleeves, quartered cap All Body And Soul 4 54 4 (67%) 2.91 2.00 (52%)
Light blue, purple stars, purple star on cap Minot Street 12 286 10 (38%) 62.20 60.00 (96%)
Minot Street Pace Rating
Dark green, yellow seams, halved sleeves, dark green cap Maskoon 13 23 Recent form poor in-running 6 (25%) 11.52 8.00 (67%)
Maskoon Pace Rating
Emerald green, grey braces and sleeves, hooped cap Jan Van Eyck 7 19 9 (35%) 12.35 10.00 (79%)
Yellow, royal blue sash, royal blue sleeves, yellow armlets, striped cap Zorba The Greek 12 23 8 (47%) 23.82 17.00 (70%)
Zorba The Greek Pace Rating
White and black check, black seams on sleeves, black stars on cap Mademoiselle Penny 9 41 7 (44%) 15.02 14.00 (93%)
Mademoiselle Penny Pace Rating
White and red diamonds, white sleeves, white and yellow check cap Coolfighter 25 Inform recently in-running 22 (63%) 12.57 12.50 (99%)
Royal blue and yellow diabolo, royal blue sleeves and cap Park Row 8 26 Recent form poor in-running 2 (22%) 11.47 1.01 (0%)
Park Row Pace Rating
Emerald green, emerald green and white check sleeves, white cap Maknificent 6 37 Recent form poor in-running 4 (22%) 17.59 21.00 (121%)
Maknificent Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hoops, green cap Carried 10 37 17 (49%) 13.00 10.00 (75%)
Carried Pace Rating
White, purple panel, check cap Mainicin 9 5 Recent form poor in-running 1 (8%) 23.09 1.90 (4%)
Mainicin Pace Rating
White, black panel, halved sleeves, quartered cap Gretzky 13 30 Recent form poor in-running 12 (29%) 47.49 55.00 (116%)
Gretzky Pace Rating

20:15 Newcastle 6f Nursery

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap Fareeq 8 21 1 (50%) 3.70 1.06 (2%)
White, maroon and purple striped sleeves Cajmere 2 20 2 (50%) 12.12 7.40 (58%)
Cajmere Pace Rating
Royal blue, light blue stars, yellow sleeves and cap Bonnie Arlene 9 23 3 (43%) 21.58 11.00 (49%)
Bonnie Arlene Pace Rating
Black and white stripes, checked sleeves, white cap Champion Harbour 20 16 4 (50%) 7.80 6.40 (79%)
Yellow, white sleeves, yellow cap, white star Norwegian Highness 8 15 2 (50%) 10.40 2.80 (19%)
Dark blue, royal blue seams, white sleeves, red and white striped cap Flash of White 7 24 1 (25%) 7.80 6.00 (74%)
Black and white check, diabolo on sleeves Oceanic 9 20 2 (50%) 10.64 10.00 (93%)
Black and pink diamonds, maroon sleeves, dark green cap, emerald green star Peachey Carnehan 7 23 Recent form poor in-running 1 (17%) 57.42 3.00 (4%)
Peachey Carnehan Pace Rating
White, purple cap Elegantly Bound 7 60 1 (33%) 13.88 3.00 (16%)
Elegantly Bound Pace Rating
Pink, black stars, pink sleeves Lady Cristal 2 20 3 (50%) 21.57 9.60 (42%)
Lady Cristal Pace Rating
Purple and orange stripes, purple sleeves, orange armlets, white cap Princeofthequeen 6 45 4 (100%) 52.23 24.00 (45%)
Yellow and white (quartered), yellow sleeves, white armlets, yellow cap Vaux 9 24 4 (67%) 74.68 11.00 (14%)
Vaux Pace Rating

20:30 Dundalk 1m2f Stks

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Dark blue, yellow hoop Bravery 20 12 Recent form poor in-running 3 (33%) 3.13 2.60 (75%)
Bravery Pace Rating
Dark blue, white armlet, white cap Ol Man River 4 462 3 (60%) 5.28 2.06 (25%)
White, purple panel, check cap Ringside Humour 2 5 Inform recently in-running 21 (58%) 4.41 1.01 (0%)
Ringside Humour Pace Rating
Green, red epaulettes, green cap Tarazani 5 30 3 (60%) 11.22 14.00 (127%)
Yellow, red epaulettes and sleeves, yellow cap Elusive Heights 8 12 4 (80%) 9.57 1.58 (7%)
White, red cross sashes, black sleeves, red cap Mulligatawny 2 35 1 (20%) 14.72 4.50 (26%)
Yellow, royal blue star, royal blue sleeves, yellow stars, royal blue cap, yellow star Aurelia Cotta 6 52 13 (65%) 55.00 17.50 (31%)

20:45 Newcastle 5f Mdn Stks

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Dark green, beige stars on sleeves Heiba 4 108 0 (0%) 3.16 2.68 (78%)
Heiba Pace Rating
Orange, white star, orange sleeves, white stars, black cap, white star Shesthedream 1 49 2 (50%) 10.94 8.20 (72%)
Red, black collar and cuffs, old gold cap Young Tiger 12 27 2 (100%) 6.23 5.60 (88%)
Young Tiger Pace Rating
Black, emerald green seams, black sleeves, emerald green cap Nuala Tagula 2 38 5 (71%) 4.97 1.01 (0%)
Nuala Tagula Pace Rating
Emerald green, red seams, sleeves and star on cap Eternalist 4 41 1 (100%) 13.50 6.00 (40%)
Eternalist Pace Rating
Pink, purple hooped sleeves and cap Skadi 5 17 2 (67%) 18.42 14.50 (77%)
Skadi Pace Rating
Purple, mauve stars on sleeves, purple cap, mauve star Chip Or Pellet 10 26 Recent form poor in-running 2 (20%) 54.82 50.00 (91%)
Emerald green, white braces, orange cap Questo 5 17 5 (63%) 11.31 15.00 (136%)
Light blue, black hoop, light blue sleeves, black stars, black cap, light blue star Gettin Lucky 8 119 0 (0%) 250.00 22.00 (8%)
Gettin Lucky Pace Rating
Royal blue, yellow star, yellow sleeves, royal blue spots, yellow cap Maydale 8 202 0 (0%) 586.50 550.00 (94%)

21:00 Dundalk 1m2f Hcap

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Beige, maroon sash, halved sleeves, maroon cap Jessamine 5 20 Recent form poor in-running 2 (20%) 7.93 1.01 (0%)
Jessamine Pace Rating
Red, emerald green sleeves, red cap, emerald green diamond Lunada 9 133 Recent form poor in-running 1 (17%) 5.70 2.00 (21%)
Royal blue, white cap, pink star King Of Aran 1 14 2 (40%) 9.13 6.00 (62%)
King Of Aran Pace Rating
Black, pink hollow box, pink cap Shake The Bucket 14 27 Inform recently in-running 42 (56%) 4.48 2.50 (43%)
Shake The Bucket Pace Rating
Maroon, white triple diamond, maroon sleeves, white seams, white cap, maroon diamond Gun Shoot 4 20 23 (50%) 11.50 14.50 (129%)
Gun Shoot Pace Rating
White and royal blue diamonds, white sleeves, royal blue cap, white diamonds Bert Leaf 11 5 Recent form poor in-running 3 (25%) 13.48 16.00 (120%)
Emerald green, grey braces and sleeves, hooped cap Bobskier 3 67 Recent form poor in-running 22 (48%) 97.19 38.00 (38%)
Yellow, dark blue disc, yellow and emerald green diabolo on sleeves, emerald green cap, yellow diamond Gibson Park 27 Inform recently in-running 4 (36%) 14.98 12.00 (79%)
Maroon, light blue spots, dark blue sleeves, mauve chevrons, light blue cap, maroon stars Rockview Emperor 1 5 Recent form poor in-running 15 (31%) 11.85 11.50 (97%)
White, purple sash, red cap Norville 14 19 Recent form poor in-running 30 (35%) 46.52 42.00 (90%)
Norville Pace Rating
Royal blue, white hoop and armlet, yellow and red striped cap Mubtakker 14 2 (50%) 50.00 42.00 (84%)
Light green and yellow hoops, light green sleeves, emerald green cap, white spots Milford Lass 1 40 7 (54%) 101.42 15.00 (14%)
Dark blue and mauve diamonds, dark blue sleeves, mauve diamonds on cap Crystallising 16 67 3 (38%) 144.58 140.00 (97%)
Yellow, red disc, white sleeves, red cap Pemberton Snow 9 141 1 (20%) 250.00 75.00 (30%)
Pemberton Snow Pace Rating
Emerald green and white diabolo, white cap, emerald green star Meadow Cross 2 27 Recent form poor in-running 7 (37%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Meadow Cross Pace Rating
Royal blue and emerald green chevrons, emerald green cap Solar Benny 6 30 Recent form poor in-running 5 (36%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Solar Benny Pace Rating
Red and white halved, white seams on sleeves, white spots on cap Universal Mind 5 19 Recent form poor in-running 2 (14%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)

21:15 Newcastle 5f Hcap

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Emerald green, black braces, quartered cap Sugar Town 4 28 Inform recently in-running 9 (50%) 5.34 3.10 (48%)
Sugar Town Pace Rating
Red, large royal blue spots Indastar 5 28 Inform recently in-running 19 (79%) 8.45 1.73 (10%)
Black and yellow diamonds, black sleeves, red armlets and diamond on black cap Compton River 8 42 Inform recently in-running 15 (56%) 7.51 1.40 (6%)
Compton River Pace Rating
White, red cross belts, white sleeves, yellow armlets, yellow cap Intense Starlet 9 21 7 (64%) 6.26 1.01 (0%)
Intense Starlet Pace Rating
White, royal blue seams, royal blue and white striped sleeves, yellow cap Harpers Ruby 3 6 Inform recently in-running 12 (60%) 12.97 13.50 (104%)
Harpers Ruby Pace Rating
White, red seams, white sleeves, dark blue stars, white cap, red star Lady Joanna Vassa 2 55 6 (55%) 21.00 28.00 (135%)
Lady Joanna Vassa Pace Rating
Black, red disc, halved sleeves, quartered cap Tell The Stars 9 21 2 (50%) 20.25 9.00 (42%)
Tell The Stars Pace Rating
Black, pink seams, hooped sleeves and cap Majestic Manannan 5 27 30 (64%) 48.46 20.00 (40%)
Maroon and white check, white sleeves, maroon armlets and star on white cap Gowanless 5 10 Recent form poor in-running 3 (38%) 12.14 10.50 (85%)
Gowanless Pace Rating
Emerald green and primrose (quartered), flame sleeves, flame and white check cap Chandresh 9 11 Recent form poor in-running 3 (30%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Chandresh Pace Rating
Yellow, light blue epaulets and armlets, hooped cap Camanche Grey 1 73 Recent form poor in-running 3 (17%) 23.47 23.00 (98%)
White, maroon epaulets, hooped sleeves, quartered cap Windforpower 9 2 Recent form poor in-running 39 (43%) 15.99 17.50 (110%)
Windforpower Pace Rating
Red, black and red hooped sleeves, beige cap Clergyman 9 27 Recent form poor in-running 2 (15%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Clergyman Pace Rating
Emerald green, dark blue stripe and armlets Tilsworth Micky 3 15 Recent form poor in-running 1 (17%) 72.38 65.00 (90%)
Tilsworth Micky Pace Rating
Table Item Definition
Winner! In-running Rating based on all career runs
Pace rating Pace rating, based on past performances (Green: hold-up, orange: mid-pack, red: front-runner)
4 Draw, stall number
13 Days since last run
Inform recently in-running Inform recently in-running compared to BSP (based on last 5 runs)
Recent form poor in-running Recent form poor in-running compared to BSP (based on last 5 runs)
BSP Betfair Starting Price
IP Max Maximum price matched In-Play
IP Min Minimum price matched In-Play
IP Traded Total traded on this market
Green Text Has traded to or below a percentage band a reasonable amount
Orange Text Has traded to or below a percentage band a high amount
Red Text Has traded to or below a percentage band a very high amount

In-running Ratings History Archive