In-Running Blog

9 Oct 2016 Archived In-Running Cards

13:55 Limerick 2m2f Juv Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Emerald green, dark green sleeves, dark green cap, emerald green spots Missy Tata 147 4 (80%) 1.18 1.01 (6%)
Missy Tata Pace Rating
Maroon, white star and armlet, maroon cap, white star Mossback 178 1 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Mossback Pace Rating
Black and yellow stripes, emerald green cap, pink stars Oiche Mhaith Boy 26 Inform recently in-running 9 (53%) 8.60 8.40 (97%)
Oiche Mhaith Boy Pace Rating
Red, emerald green sash and sleeves, black cap Jaime Sommers 42 7 (70%) 28.51 21.00 (73%)
Jaime Sommers Pace Rating
Yellow and red chevrons, hooped cap Dooleys Rock 187 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)

14:00 Goodwood 2m Hcap

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, white cross belts, diamonds on sleeves, red and white quartered cap Major Mac 22 8 (62%) 6.00 1.62 (12%)
Major Mac Pace Rating
Yellow, royal blue epaulets, royal blue sleeves, yellow armlets and star on royal blue cap Voice Control 6 47 Recent form poor in-running 5 (33%) 50.00 22.00 (43%)
Voice Control Pace Rating
Yellow and red (quartered), diabolo on sleeves, red cap Rosie Royale 7 29 9 (38%) 23.77 18.50 (77%)
White, purple epaulets, sleeves and star on cap Be My Sea 28 Inform recently in-running 7 (37%) 5.94 3.00 (40%)
Be My Sea Pace Rating
Dark blue, yellow disc, diabolo on sleeves, yellow cap Bold Runner 163 Inform recently in-running 24 (63%) 8.02 8.00 (100%)
Bold Runner Pace Rating
Red, emerald green star, emerald green sleeves, black armlet, black and green quartered cap Megara 16 4 (40%) 23.00 20.00 (86%)
Megara Pace Rating
Royal blue and yellow diabolo, yellow sleeves, royal blue cap Atalan 11 61 7 (54%) 26.00 20.00 (76%)
Orange, dark green chevrons, orange sleeves, quartered cap Arthur Mc Bride 6 20 12 (60%) 7.71 1.03 (0%)
Red, dark blue hoop, quartered cap Starcrossed 6 95 Recent form poor in-running 4 (36%) 17.00 16.50 (97%)
Orange and white (quartered), checked sleeves and cap Guards Chapel 124 Recent form poor in-running 23 (47%) 81.94 42.00 (51%)
Pink, black chevron, black sleeves, white stars, pink and black hooped cap Night Generation 5 63 Recent form poor in-running 6 (40%) 44.00 38.00 (86%)
Night Generation Pace Rating
Pink, grey and pink halved sleeves, grey cap Maoi Chinn Tire 11 Inform recently in-running 48 (65%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Royal blue, red hoops, red sleeves, royal blue stars, white cap Carry On Sydney 152 11 (44%) 32.00 30.00 (94%)
Carry On Sydney Pace Rating
Dark blue, yellow stars, armlets and stars on cap Mr Fickle 11 Recent form poor in-running 13 (32%) 15.15 12.50 (81%)
Mr Fickle Pace Rating
White, dark green hoops and armlets Barizan 23 23 (51%) 29.67 29.00 (98%)
Barizan Pace Rating
Red and white stripes, dark blue and white striped sleeves Harry Hunt 142 Recent form poor in-running 26 (48%) 17.75 2.72 (10%)
Harry Hunt Pace Rating

14:05 Curragh 6f Mdn

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, dark blue seams, royal blue sleeves and cap Ice Canyon 8 41 3 (75%) 3.29 1.01 (0%)
Yellow, maroon chevron, yellow sleeves, maroon stripe, yellow cap Spirit of Valor 5 187 0 (0%) 3.67 3.50 (94%)
Light blue, grey braces, grey diamonds on sleeves, light blue cap, grey diamonds Circus Ring 4 12 1 (50%) 8.65 4.30 (43%)
Circus Ring Pace Rating
White, green 'v', gold cap Idyllic Acrylic 2 12 1 (100%) 22.00 11.00 (48%)
Idyllic Acrylic Pace Rating
Royal blue, dark blue seams, royal blue sleeves, white cap Holistic Approach 5 187 0 (0%) 6.00 1.01 (0%)
White, black sash, black cap Presidential 5 17 0 (0%) 32.00 20.00 (61%)
Black and grey quartered, halved sleeves, quartered cap I Am Titanium 10 187 0 (0%) 92.12 55.00 (59%)
Dark blue, purple hoop, purple armlet, purple cap Milos Lass 2 134 0 (0%) 150.00 170.00 (113%)
Grey, purple panel, check cap Realta 1 6 1 (33%) 48.00 46.00 (96%)
Red and white diabolo, halved sleeves, quartered cap Nightflight 6 187 0 (0%) 216.91 170.00 (78%)
Dark green, beige seams, striped sleeves, dark green cap Passionatta 7 17 0 (0%) 123.39 100.00 (81%)
Passionatta Pace Rating
Light blue, red seams, red sleeves and cap Frabrika 4 17 0 (0%) 241.22 180.00 (75%)
Frabrika Pace Rating
Emerald green, black seams, quartered cap Poetical Dreamer 10 187 0 (0%) 1000.00 1000.00 (100%)
Poetical Dreamer Pace Rating
Dark blue, emerald green seams, white cap, emerald green spots Amaretto Stone 13 12 0 (0%) 125.91 32.00 (25%)
Black and white hoops, black sleeves, striped cap Ease The Jets 9 17 0 (0%) 1000.00 1000.00 (100%)
Black, red seams, red diamonds on sleeves, black cap Elzaa 4 43 0 (0%) 1000.00 1000.00 (100%)
Elzaa Pace Rating

14:15 Chepstow 2m Juv Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, pink hoops, armlets and cap Dolos 187 0 (0%) 1.88 1.01 (1%)
Dolos Pace Rating
Black, yellow stripe, purple sleeves, purple cap, yellow star Rainbow Dreamer 2 59 3 (38%) 2.21 2.14 (94%)
Rainbow Dreamer Pace Rating
Yellow, purple hoops and armlets, hooped cap Cliffs of Dover 15 2 (29%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Cliffs of Dover Pace Rating
Pink, mauve star, mauve sleeves, pink stars and cap Pongo Twistleton 40 Recent form poor in-running 1 (17%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Pongo Twistleton Pace Rating
Maroon, emerald green chevron, emerald green cap Diablerets 187 0 (0%) 64.57 48.00 (74%)
Diablerets Pace Rating
Maroon, white cross of lorraine, white cap Alcanar 85 3 (75%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Alcanar Pace Rating
Purple, white hoop, white sleeves, purple diamonds, white cap Lake Placid 169 1 (50%) 105.89 80.00 (75%)

14:25 Limerick 2m5f Listed Nov H

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Emerald green, red stars, emerald green cap, red star Carrig Cathal 25 4 (80%) 3.00 3.00 (100%)
Carrig Cathal Pace Rating
Black, red sash, striped cap Peregrine Run 9 4 (33%) 5.87 1.01 (0%)
Peregrine Run Pace Rating
Light blue, maroon chevron, check cap Screaming Rose 25 4 (67%) 3.55 1.50 (20%)
Screaming Rose Pace Rating
Purple, yellow cross of lorraine, yellow cap Electric Concorde 23 2 (50%) 7.34 7.20 (98%)
Electric Concorde Pace Rating
Yellow, royal blue cross of lorraine, royal blue armlet, check cap Bitview Colin 7 8 (62%) 14.07 10.00 (69%)
Bitview Colin Pace Rating
Maroon, white star and armlet, maroon cap, white star Delegate 24 7 (41%) 38.44 6.20 (14%)
Delegate Pace Rating

14:35 Goodwood 6f Mdn Stks

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Black, red diamond, sleeves and cap No Not Again 6 16 1 (50%) 3.95 2.26 (43%)
No Not Again Pace Rating
Red and white diabolo, halved sleeves, red cap Liberatum 18 187 0 (0%) 6.76 1.90 (16%)
Royal blue, beige hoop and sleeves, white cap Wind In Her Sails 4 28 2 (67%) 3.99 2.86 (62%)
Wind In Her Sails Pace Rating
Purple, maroon and purple striped sleeves, maroon cap Gold Award 4 2398 4 (67%) 13.50 1.01 (0%)
Emerald green, black triple diamond Desert Fox 5 28 0 (0%) 8.46 9.40 (113%)
Black, cerise hooped sleeves, check cap Bahamian Paradise 9 187 0 (0%) 44.00 44.00 (100%)
Orange, white diamonds on sleeves Ferocity 1 187 0 (0%) 12.50 8.80 (68%)
Ferocity Pace Rating
Emerald green and royal blue (halved horizontally), blue sleeves, emerald green cap Kohinoor Diamond 3 17 0 (0%) 39.63 22.00 (54%)
Black, pink star, pink sleeves, black armlets and stars on pink cap Black Bubba 4 73 1 (33%) 24.00 1.22 (1%)
Black Bubba Pace Rating
Beige, purple stripe, check cap Sniper Viper 4 187 0 (0%) 263.22 420.00 (160%)

14:40 Curragh 6f Listed

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Red, royal blue stars, red cap Nameitwhatyoulike 10 22 33 (62%) 7.00 3.30 (38%)
Nameitwhatyoulike Pace Rating
Dark blue and yellow diamonds, dark blue sleeves, yellow diamonds on cap In Salutem 12 14 33 (54%) 11.50 11.00 (95%)
Emerald green, orange epaulettes and armlet, orange cap, white star Fort Del Oro 9 14 Inform recently in-running 9 (82%) 4.78 3.05 (54%)
White, purple sleeves, white cap Master Speaker 2 7 21 (53%) 20.00 20.00 (100%)
Master Speaker Pace Rating
Black, red inverted triangle, red seams on sleeves, black cap G Force 14 22 Recent form poor in-running 7 (39%) 4.30 1.66 (20%)
White, purple panel, check cap Flight Risk 12 7 15 (56%) 8.33 6.80 (79%)
Royal blue, yellow stars and armlet, red cap Bebhinn 6 14 4 (80%) 17.00 5.20 (26%)
Yellow, royal blue star, royal blue sleeves, yellow armlet, yellow and royal blue striped cap Time To Reason 11 9 4 (50%) 48.00 20.00 (40%)
Pink, royal blue braces, pink cap Shanghai Glory 2 32 7 (64%) 36.00 1.01 (0%)
Purple, large red spots, red seams on sleeves, purple cap Miss Elizabeth 13 147 Recent form poor in-running 2 (29%) 70.16 38.00 (53%)
Red, white stars, white sleeves, grey stars, white cap Peticoatgovernment 6 14 5 (42%) 55.00 55.00 (100%)
Maroon Byzantium 11 45 Recent form poor in-running 3 (30%) 170.71 95.00 (55%)
Yellow, royal blue chevron, red cap Tribal Path 8 7 25 (64%) 65.00 55.00 (84%)
Tribal Path Pace Rating
Light blue, dark blue and yellow striped sleeves, dark blue and yellow hooped cap Peacehaven 6 42 3 (60%) 111.07 110.00 (99%)

14:50 Chepstow 2m7f Nov Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Pink, white chevron, white cap Arpege Dalene 183 5 (63%) 2.32 1.54 (41%)
Arpege Dalene Pace Rating
Purple, yellow stripe, striped cap Vieux Lille 171 5 (56%) 4.84 4.70 (96%)
Vieux Lille Pace Rating
Beige, grey epaulets Definite Outcome 205 4 (80%) 6.52 1.01 (0%)
Definite Outcome Pace Rating
Dark blue and white diabolo, emerald green and white check sleeves, white cap, red star Potters Corner 182 Inform recently in-running 5 (71%) 6.95 2.20 (20%)
Potters Corner Pace Rating
Dark blue, royal blue chevrons, dark blue cap, royal blue star Aurillac 180 4 (57%) 12.91 4.10 (26%)

15:00 Limerick 2m Hcap Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
White, royal blue spots Crystal Pearl 15 12 (57%) 5.32 1.01 (0%)
Black and pink diamonds, halved sleeves, white cap Head Turner 12 47 9 (47%) 3.82 3.70 (96%)
Head Turner Pace Rating
Black, red chevron, sleeves and cap Hello Sweetie 9 8 (50%) 5.50 2.00 (22%)
Hello Sweetie Pace Rating
Royal blue, light blue chevron, light blue chevrons on sleeves, light blue star on cap Brogine 42 Recent form poor in-running 4 (33%) 20.00 10.00 (47%)
Yellow, royal blue sleeves, pink cap, royal blue star Khalessi 10 Recent form poor in-running 5 (50%) 10.00 4.30 (37%)
White and orange diamonds, white sleeves, emerald green and orange quartered cap Routes Choice 164 3 (50%) 17.07 17.50 (103%)
Routes Choice Pace Rating
White, emerald green stars, emerald green sleeves, white stars, white cap, emerald green stars Diamond Dame 22 12 (52%) 13.45 11.50 (84%)
Emerald green, white panel and sleeves, hooped cap Noble Vision 26 3 (27%) 33.44 24.00 (71%)
Maroon, dark green sleeves, white cap, dark green star Echo Lady 19 4 (67%) 26.91 28.00 (104%)
Orange, emerald green chevron, white cap Vintage Salon 42 2 (25%) 33.34 22.00 (65%)
Emerald green and white diamonds, white sleeves, emerald green cap Wate And Sea 51 11 (46%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)

15:10 Goodwood 7f Nursery

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap Fareeq 8 16 2 (67%) 15.00 11.00 (71%)
Black and yellow diamonds, black sleeves, yellow cap Procurator 15 44 2 (50%) 4.74 3.25 (60%)
Dark blue, large yellow spots Fields of Song 2 20 2 (67%) 5.82 2.50 (31%)
Pink, emerald green chevron, halved sleeves, quartered cap Colonel Frank 4 23 3 (100%) 4.36 1.01 (0%)
Emerald green, red hoops, quartered cap Double Touch 5 24 2 (50%) 11.22 9.00 (78%)
Black and red diabolo, diamonds on sleeves, quartered cap Darkroom Angel 6 20 0 (0%) 28.45 20.00 (69%)
Darkroom Angel Pace Rating
Red, dark blue and red striped sleeves Mr Hobbs 8 18 4 (57%) 16.36 16.00 (98%)
Dark blue, white sleeves, dark blue diamonds and cap Santafiora 13 30 1 (50%) 33.55 30.00 (89%)
Emerald green, mauve stars, sleeves and star on cap Herm 12 30 3 (75%) 32.14 27.00 (83%)
Grey, light blue sleeves and cap Lawfilly 12 20 2 (67%) 31.39 22.00 (69%)
Lawfilly Pace Rating
Dark blue, dark blue and beige diabolo on sleeves, quartered cap Mullarkey 13 18 2 (67%) 65.00 20.00 (30%)
Mullarkey Pace Rating
Light blue, orange epaulets Lexington Sky 1 8 4 (57%) 42.84 20.00 (45%)
Yellow, black sash, black cap Whiteley 11 51 Recent form poor in-running 1 (17%) 130.00 50.00 (38%)

15:15 Curragh 5f Hcap

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Purple, white hollow box, white stars on sleeves, white star on cap Rattling Jewel 1 14 Recent form poor in-running 7 (37%) 5.16 4.30 (79%)
Orange, black braces and sleeves, black cap, orange spots Battleroftheboyne 9 4 37 (46%) 7.59 5.10 (62%)
Battleroftheboyne Pace Rating
Emerald green, grey braces and sleeves, hooped cap Primo Uomo 8 14 12 (80%) 6.88 1.01 (0%)
Primo Uomo Pace Rating
Yellow and grey diabolo, yellow sleeves, grey cap Accalia 30 Inform recently in-running 7 (70%) 12.00 2.00 (9%)
Red and light green quartered, white sleeves, red cap, light green star Catwilldo 5 24 Inform recently in-running 21 (44%) 42.00 38.00 (90%)
Catwilldo Pace Rating
Yellow, royal blue chevron, royal blue cap Bluesbreaker 3 14 Recent form poor in-running 3 (21%) 34.59 11.50 (31%)
Bluesbreaker Pace Rating
Purple, red star, red cap, white diamonds Shanghai Beauty 7 14 12 (67%) 11.72 11.50 (98%)
Black, red chevron, white sleeves, black and red hooped cap. Ducky Mallon 15 26 11 (55%) 10.50 9.00 (84%)
Ducky Mallon Pace Rating
Black and white check, green and white quartered cap Go Kart 3 65 9 (69%) 43.13 2.02 (2%)
Go Kart Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow triple diamond, yellow diamond on cap Anonymous Lady 3 23 15 (65%) 13.87 14.00 (101%)
White, black stars, yellow sleeves, white cap, black spots Oneoveryou 1 9 5 (45%) 18.00 15.00 (82%)
Oneoveryou Pace Rating
Emerald green, emerald green and white striped sleeves, emerald green cap Deeds Not Words 12 17 Recent form poor in-running 21 (42%) 32.52 30.00 (92%)
Yellow, royal blue chevron, red cap Geological 8 6 13 (65%) 55.00 50.00 (91%)
Geological Pace Rating

15:25 Chepstow 2m Hcap Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Red, white cross belts, hooped sleeves and star on cap All Set To Go 155 8 (50%) 5.20 2.08 (26%)
All Set To Go Pace Rating
Dark blue, light blue hoop, checked sleeves and cap Wishfull Dreaming 337 3 (75%) 5.60 1.01 (0%)
Wishfull Dreaming Pace Rating
White, purple stars, armlets and star on cap Kapstadt 12 Inform recently in-running 10 (48%) 8.19 7.40 (89%)
Kapstadt Pace Rating
Light blue and yellow check, orange and black hooped sleeves, light blue cap Barman 10 Inform recently in-running 6 (75%) 3.76 3.00 (72%)
Dark green, dark green and white diabolo on sleeves Prussian Eagle 3 175 10 (40%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Prussian Eagle Pace Rating
Mauve, yellow hooped sleeves, yellow cap, mauve diamond Savello 190 Inform recently in-running 23 (64%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Savello Pace Rating
Light blue, white epaulets, halved sleeves, red cap One More Go 72 13 (68%) 8.20 2.60 (22%)
White, purple disc, purple cap, white spots My Manekineko 6 9 24 (52%) 10.50 6.20 (55%)
My Manekineko Pace Rating
Royal blue and light blue (quartered), light blue sleeves, royal blue armlets Keel Haul 197 14 (58%) 60.00 48.00 (80%)
Keel Haul Pace Rating

15:35 Limerick 2m6f Hcap Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Dark green, maroon stars, white sleeves, maroon stars, white cap, maroon star Shesaportrait 25 Recent form poor in-running 6 (30%) 7.61 9.40 (127%)
Royal blue, red chevron and sleeves, red and royal blue quartered cap Simiel 31 Recent form poor in-running 4 (44%) 16.50 9.00 (52%)
Simiel Pace Rating
Maroon and yellow halved, sleeves reversed, yellow diamonds on cap Tristram Shandy 5 Inform recently in-running 12 (44%) 7.30 3.80 (44%)
Royal blue, grey sleeves, royal blue cap, grey star Glencairn View 139 3 (75%) 10.00 8.00 (78%)
Dark green, red chevron, striped sleeves, dark green cap Luckey Seven 22 1 (20%) 9.29 5.70 (57%)
Luckey Seven Pace Rating
Black, white cross sashes, white sleeves, black cap, white star Kennedys Mor 74 6 (46%) 34.12 12.00 (33%)
Yellow, red cross sashes, striped sleeves, royal blue cap A Decent Excuse 10 25 (50%) 5.33 1.71 (16%)
A Decent Excuse Pace Rating
Royal blue, yellow seams, yellow sleeves, yellow stars on cap Black Jewel 9 Recent form poor in-running 2 (33%) 49.85 12.50 (24%)
Black Jewel Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, quartered cap Irish Bulletin 47 17 (55%) 34.00 1.01 (0%)
Irish Bulletin Pace Rating
Emerald green, white disc and sleeves, yellow and red striped cap Spancil Hill 22 Recent form poor in-running 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Spancil Hill Pace Rating
Yellow, emerald green cross sashes and sleeves, yellow cap Balynaclash Warior 15 7 (58%) 48.60 17.50 (35%)
Balynaclash Warior Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow sash, yellow sleeves, emerald green armlet, yellow cap, emerald green star War of The Pennys 8 7 (41%) 19.50 11.50 (57%)
War of The Pennys Pace Rating
Royal blue, white inverted triangle and sleeves, white diamond on cap Manuka 8 Inform recently in-running 15 (41%) 13.94 14.00 (100%)
Manuka Pace Rating
Maroon, dark blue epaulettes and cap Stolberg 146 9 (41%) 39.14 24.00 (60%)
Stolberg Pace Rating
Dark green and beige chevrons, dark green sleeves, beige cap, dark green star Thanks For Tea 9 9 (47%) 21.40 15.50 (71%)
Thanks For Tea Pace Rating

15:45 Goodwood 6f Hcap

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Black, yellow spots, yellow sleeves, black spots, black cap, yellow star Lincoln 5 15 24 (57%) 12.00 8.60 (69%)
Lincoln Pace Rating
White, royal blue seams, white sleeves, royal blue stars, quartered cap Boy In The Bar 9 15 10 (45%) 5.17 5.00 (96%)
Dark blue, pink hoops, armlets and cap Charles Molson 11 15 11 (37%) 16.06 3.80 (19%)
Emerald green, brown stars, emerald green cap, brown star Lady Macapa 2 36 6 (67%) 23.00 1.01 (0%)
Red, beige seams, red sleeves and cap Ice Age 4 22 6 (46%) 9.02 2.12 (14%)
Black, red seams, diabolo on sleeves, red cap Cartmell Cleave 3 20 10 (56%) 12.50 32.00 (270%)
Yellow and emerald green diamonds, yellow sleeves, emerald green armlets, emerald green and yellow striped cap Lightning Charlie 6 11 11 (61%) 9.17 1.71 (9%)
Red, light blue seams, royal blue sleeves, light blue seams, royal blue cap, red star Misterioso 7 15 13 (57%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Yellow, black star, quartered cap Englishman 7 15 16 (73%) 34.00 32.00 (94%)
Black, yellow and white striped sleeves, black and white quartered cap Little Palaver 14 31 10 (48%) 33.22 22.00 (65%)
Purple, pink sleeves, purple spots, pink cap, purple spots Rosies Premiere 2 31 Recent form poor in-running 12 (50%) 11.57 14.00 (123%)
White, maroon chevron and armlets, striped cap Ice Lord 10 22 5 (50%) 35.26 36.00 (102%)
Royal blue and white (quartered), white sleeves, red armlets, royal blue cap, white diamonds Highly Sprung 5 9 14 (67%) 51.89 40.00 (77%)
Highly Sprung Pace Rating
Royal blue and white check, white and pink check sleeves, royal blue and pink check cap Grandads World 8 23 Recent form poor in-running 4 (25%) 29.56 9.00 (28%)
Black and yellow check, chevrons on sleeves, red cap Links Drive Lady 1 31 Recent form poor in-running 38 (60%) 47.94 22.00 (45%)
Light blue, light blue and purple diabolo on sleeves, light blue cap, purple diamond Joeys Destiny 4 127 11 (42%) 17.00 13.50 (78%)
Joeys Destiny Pace Rating

15:50 Curragh 1m Listed

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, orange disc, striped sleeves and cap Butterflies 10 42 2 (50%) 4.49 2.98 (57%)
Black and yellow chevrons, two yellow chevrons on sleeves, black cap Queen Annes Lace 1 21 1 (100%) 2.58 1.02 (1%)
Claret, gold braid, claret sleeves and cap Sweet Sounds 5 55 2 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Royal blue Kazimiera 10 79 1 (100%) 4.79 4.10 (82%)
Dark blue Bound 9 21 1 (20%) 14.00 1.44 (3%)
Royal blue, white cap Calare 1 80 1 (50%) 10.20 1.01 (0%)
White, green 'v', gold cap Rooney Omara 3 6 1 (50%) 1000.00 900.00 (90%)
Royal blue, emerald green cross sashes and armlet, striped cap Chelsea Corsage 7 9 0 (0%) 145.06 50.00 (34%)

16:00 Chepstow 2m3f Hcap Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Light blue, maroon spots and sleeves, light blue cap Irish Cavalier 165 Recent form poor in-running 15 (71%) 4.44 2.18 (34%)
Irish Cavalier Pace Rating
Light blue, royal blue star, white and royal blue check sleeves and cap Double Shuffle 177 Inform recently in-running 7 (78%) 5.37 2.10 (25%)
Double Shuffle Pace Rating
Red, royal blue stripe, red sleeves, white stars, red cap, white star Sire De Grugy 169 28 (80%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Sire De Grugy Pace Rating
Dark green, white hoops, dark green sleeves, red armlets, red cap Voix Deau 155 Inform recently in-running 8 (89%) 6.52 1.75 (14%)
Voix Deau Pace Rating
Royal blue, pink hoops, armlets and cap Art Mauresque 158 9 (64%) 11.59 1.01 (0%)
Art Mauresque Pace Rating
Dark green, maroon sash and sleeves, white cap Indian Stream 1 Inform recently in-running 12 (75%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Indian Stream Pace Rating
Pink and yellow diamonds, yellow sleeves and cap Junction Fourteen 74 10 (63%) 8.26 8.20 (99%)
Junction Fourteen Pace Rating
Dark blue and yellow (quartered), striped sleeves Red Spinner 189 Inform recently in-running 9 (75%) 9.82 5.90 (56%)
Red Spinner Pace Rating
Royal blue, red star, diabolo on sleeves and star on cap Splash Of Ginge 179 Recent form poor in-running 6 (33%) 6.80 1.30 (5%)
Splash Of Ginge Pace Rating
Emerald green, white hoop, emerald green sleeves, red stars, emerald green cap, red star Dresden 205 17 (59%) 60.00 55.00 (92%)
Dresden Pace Rating

16:10 Limerick 2m3f Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Maroon, white star, armlets and star on cap Sub Lieutenant 166 Inform recently in-running 12 (57%) 2.00 1.01 (1%)
Sub Lieutenant Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow chevron and sleeves, red cap Venitien De Mai 195 7 (78%) 5.52 5.10 (91%)
Venitien De Mai Pace Rating
White and royal blue check, royal blue sleeves, royal blue cap, pink stars Pairofbrowneyes 8 Inform recently in-running 10 (67%) 5.00 4.90 (98%)
Pairofbrowneyes Pace Rating
Dark blue, yellow diamond and sleeves, yellow cap, red diamond Shadow Catcher 25 22 (49%) 16.00 11.00 (67%)
Shadow Catcher Pace Rating
Maroon and white stripes, maroon cap, white hoop Jarob 42 Recent form poor in-running 12 (50%) 19.50 20.00 (103%)

16:20 Goodwood 1m1f Mdn Stks

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves Monarchs Glen 3 18 1 (100%) 1.34 1.01 (3%)
White, large royal blue spots, red cap, white spots Pealer 4 187 0 (0%) 26.52 2.30 (5%)
Claret, gold braid, claret sleeves, claret cap, gold tassel Count Octave 4 187 0 (0%) 7.60 4.00 (45%)
Dark blue, light blue epaulets, dark blue and orange striped sleeves, orange cap Mach One 3 38 0 (0%) 24.27 24.00 (99%)
Black, white spots, black sleeves, white cap Really Super 5 187 0 (0%) 60.00 20.00 (32%)
Emerald green, yellow stripe, yellow cap Nobleman 9 187 0 (0%) 150.00 70.00 (46%)
Maroon, black epaulets, maroon sleeves, black stars Magic Beans 10 187 0 (0%) 42.00 36.00 (85%)
Royal blue, orange seams, royal blue sleeves, orange stars, royal blue cap, orange star Tomsamcharlie 1 187 0 (0%) 388.20 380.00 (98%)
Emerald green, red stripe, halved sleeves, emerald green and red striped cap Black Prince 5 187 0 (0%) 200.00 100.00 (50%)
Yellow, emerald green cross belts, emerald green and yellow hooped sleeves and cap Reynardo De Silver 5 40 0 (0%) 1000.00 500.00 (50%)
Dark blue, royal blue epaulets and armlets, pink cap Perfect In Pink 8 22 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)

16:25 Curragh 1m Hcap

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Yellow, black and white check cap Emperor Bob 12 26 7 (37%) 32.00 12.00 (35%)
Emperor Bob Pace Rating
Emerald green, royal blue cross sashes, royal blue sleeves, quartered cap Girl of The Hour 6 26 2 (50%) 4.30 4.20 (97%)
Red, yellow panel, black sleeves, red and yellow striped cap Mzuri 13 17 Recent form poor in-running 7 (39%) 13.32 6.60 (45%)
Light blue, light blue and royal blue striped sleeves, royal blue cap Best Not Argue 8 7 Recent form poor in-running 3 (33%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Best Not Argue Pace Rating
Emerald green, pink hoop, pink armlet, pink star on cap Bainne 15 14 19 (44%) 17.00 1.01 (0%)
Bainne Pace Rating
Emerald green and black chevrons, emerald green sleeves, hooped cap Katiymann 12 14 3 (60%) 4.19 1.06 (2%)
Red and white quartered, white stars on sleeves, white star on cap Palavicini Run 1 17 Recent form poor in-running 4 (31%) 12.00 7.00 (55%)
Palavicini Run Pace Rating
Emerald green, red chevron, diabolo on sleeves, red cap No Approval 21 3 (50%) 9.00 3.05 (26%)
No Approval Pace Rating
Grey and emerald green diabolo, emerald green sleeves, quartered cap Siege of Boston 9 71 Recent form poor in-running 2 (20%) 75.88 22.00 (28%)
Siege of Boston Pace Rating
Light blue and dark blue halved, light blue sleeves and cap Harvey Specter 5 14 2 (29%) 36.05 20.00 (54%)
Maroon, white stars on sleeves, white star on cap El Tren 10 109 0 (0%) 53.91 70.00 (130%)
El Tren Pace Rating
Red, dark green seams, dark green sleeves, dark green cap, red diamond Honor Oak 13 17 13 (68%) 17.00 11.00 (63%)
Honor Oak Pace Rating
Black, red panel, red cap, black star Scooping 9 17 16 (62%) 48.12 22.00 (45%)
Light blue, light blue and dark blue striped cap Sebs Choice 43 2 (18%) 190.70 10.00 (5%)
Sebs Choice Pace Rating
Royal blue, white hoop, hooped sleeves and cap Shelbe 11 35 2 (50%) 162.77 160.00 (98%)
Shelbe Pace Rating

16:30 Chepstow 2m3f Grd2 Nov Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Emerald green, yellow hoops, white cap No Comment 163 3 (100%) 2.51 2.50 (99%)
No Comment Pace Rating
Mauve, black chevrons on sleeves, black cap Bagad Bihoue 52 4 (80%) 9.58 4.00 (35%)
Royal blue and yellow (quartered), royal blue sleeves, yellow spots, royal blue cap El Bandit 130 Inform recently in-running 4 (67%) 8.60 1.01 (0%)
El Bandit Pace Rating
Royal blue, white star, white sleeves, emerald green armlets, royal blue cap, white star Coo Star Sivola 207 2 (67%) 5.87 2.00 (21%)
Coo Star Sivola Pace Rating
Dark blue and white diabolo, emerald green and white check sleeves, white cap, red star Two Taffs 176 5 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Two Taffs Pace Rating
Black and pink diabolo, black sleeves, pink cap, black star Mirsaale 33 Inform recently in-running 14 (54%) 15.07 2.58 (11%)
Mirsaale Pace Rating
Purple, emerald green hoops and armlets Canton Prince 16 4 (67%) 12.50 1.85 (7%)
Canton Prince Pace Rating
Light green, yellow inverted triangle, yellow sleeves, red diamonds, yellow cap, red diamonds Valadom 148 Inform recently in-running 7 (88%) 32.00 25.00 (77%)
Valadom Pace Rating
Red, royal blue sleeves, white armlets Birch Hill 57 Inform recently in-running 5 (63%) 87.63 30.00 (33%)
Emerald green, yellow hoops, white cap Washed Ashore 27 4 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Washed Ashore Pace Rating
Maroon, grey armlets, grey cap Three Ways 179 3 (75%) 52.52 9.60 (17%)
Three Ways Pace Rating

16:40 Limerick 3m Hcap Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Maroon, white star and armlet, royal blue cap Wrath Of Titans 25 8 (47%) 8.60 7.80 (89%)
Maroon, pink sleeves, white cap Kylecrue 23 Inform recently in-running 31 (61%) 17.35 5.00 (24%)
Kylecrue Pace Rating
Maroon, white star and armlet, maroon cap, white star Folsom Blue 25 13 (45%) 33.68 25.00 (73%)
Folsom Blue Pace Rating
Maroon, white disc, white sleeves, maroon spots, white and maroon quartered cap On Fiddlers Green 72 9 (53%) 5.01 3.75 (69%)
Maroon, white star and armlet, maroon cap, white star Killer Crow 25 Recent form poor in-running 11 (52%) 11.07 5.20 (42%)
Killer Crow Pace Rating
Emerald green, royal blue cross sashes, royal blue sleeves, yellow cap, green spots Tulsa Jack 45 Inform recently in-running 16 (50%) 26.00 23.00 (88%)
Light blue, pink chevrons, light blue sleeves, light blue cap, pink star Stellar Notion 28 7 (58%) 8.24 4.00 (41%)
Stellar Notion Pace Rating
Maroon, white star, armlets and star on cap Rogue Angel 162 23 (70%) 60.00 11.00 (17%)
Rogue Angel Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, white cap Elegant Statesman 114 7 (41%) 25.94 9.80 (35%)
Red, yellow braces, white sleeves and cap Federici 24 Inform recently in-running 14 (50%) 14.59 10.50 (70%)
Federici Pace Rating
Black, orange disc, orange spots on cap The King Of Brega 31 8 (50%) 13.23 13.00 (98%)
The King Of Brega Pace Rating
Light green and dark green diabolo, light green cap The Job Is Right 22 Recent form poor in-running 15 (42%) 15.67 16.50 (106%)
The Job Is Right Pace Rating
White, red hollow box, striped sleeves, red cap Rightville Boy 25 Inform recently in-running 15 (54%) 30.00 5.30 (15%)
Rightville Boy Pace Rating
Black and yellow chevrons, yellow sleeves, black armlet, black and yellow striped cap Dare To Endeavour 22 14 (56%) 21.44 16.00 (73%)
Dare To Endeavour Pace Rating
Maroon, white star, armlets and cap Tiger Roll 22 13 (62%) 33.27 1.01 (0%)
Tiger Roll Pace Rating
Maroon, white star, armlets and star on cap Clarcam 25 Inform recently in-running 20 (69%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Clarcam Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange diabolo, orange sleeves, emerald green cap, white star Dromnea 184 14 (67%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Dromnea Pace Rating
White and emerald green quartered, emerald green sleeves, quartered cap Aranhill Chief 25 Inform recently in-running 24 (56%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
White, black diamond and sleeves, check cap Aurora Bell 25 Inform recently in-running 9 (82%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Aurora Bell Pace Rating

16:50 Goodwood 1m4f Hcap

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Beige and light blue stripes, light blue cap Higher Power 5 109 4 (67%) 7.60 6.60 (85%)
Maroon, white star and armlet, white cap Mengli Khan 18 2 (33%) 3.72 2.50 (55%)
Mengli Khan Pace Rating
Maroon Rex Bell 8 15 Inform recently in-running 4 (57%) 4.50 4.60 (103%)
Emerald green and red diabolo, chevrons on sleeves, emerald green cap, red star Southdown Lad 7 23 Inform recently in-running 5 (71%) 6.22 5.20 (80%)
Southdown Lad Pace Rating
Red, white sleeves, blue and white striped cap Soldier In Action 9 71 Recent form poor in-running 8 (67%) 18.00 1.01 (0%)
Soldier In Action Pace Rating
Royal blue Flight Officer 4 22 3 (60%) 31.86 11.50 (34%)
Dark blue, orange star and star on cap Pinzolo 7 79 Recent form poor in-running 7 (44%) 9.04 5.20 (52%)
Pinzolo Pace Rating
Dark blue, pink cross of lorraine, sleeves and cap Jacob Cats 3 37 Inform recently in-running 21 (49%) 75.96 70.00 (92%)
Jacob Cats Pace Rating
Black and white check, yellow sleeves, black and white quartered cap Missed Call 3 29 Recent form poor in-running 10 (45%) 19.50 16.00 (81%)

16:55 Curragh 2m Hcap

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Beige, dark blue cross of lorraine and sleeves, dark blue cap, beige star Artful Artist 52 Recent form poor in-running 6 (26%) 28.00 16.00 (56%)
Artful Artist Pace Rating
Beige, dark blue cross of lorraine and sleeves, dark blue cap, beige star Pyromaniac 29 14 (58%) 7.75 3.00 (30%)
Pyromaniac Pace Rating
Yellow, emerald green and yellow striped sleeves Automated 30 Recent form poor in-running 13 (48%) 17.80 13.50 (74%)
Automated Pace Rating
White, red disc, red chevrons on sleeves, white cap Laws of Spin 66 Inform recently in-running 4 (57%) 9.73 1.01 (0%)
Emerald green, red diamond, royal blue and yellow halved sleeves, red cap Theos Well 14 13 (54%) 14.41 10.00 (67%)
Theos Well Pace Rating
Pink and grey diamonds, pink sleeves and cap Swamp Fox 26 9 (53%) 10.50 1.56 (6%)
Swamp Fox Pace Rating
Royal blue, black disc, black sleeves, royal blue armlet, white and black quartered cap Jennies Jewel 5 14 Inform recently in-running 32 (67%) 19.89 11.00 (53%)
Maroon, light blue spots on sleeves, light blue cap Water Sprite 11 16 (48%) 38.00 38.00 (100%)
Beige, royal blue chevron and sleeves, royal blue cap Slunovrat 35 Inform recently in-running 10 (56%) 16.48 8.00 (45%)
Royal blue and pink diamonds, pink cap Prickly 7 Inform recently in-running 17 (74%) 48.00 21.00 (43%)
Maroon and white halved, maroon sleeves, striped cap Alton Bay 6 22 14 (70%) 19.00 18.00 (94%)
Black and yellow chevrons, quartered cap Magnolia Rose 43 2 (100%) 6.61 5.40 (78%)
White, maroon chevron and star on cap Eshtiaal 53 16 (48%) 44.00 20.00 (44%)
Emerald green, red cross belts, red cap Rashaan 26 4 (40%) 27.04 22.00 (81%)
Rashaan Pace Rating
Light blue, grey braces, grey diamonds on sleeves, light blue cap, grey diamonds Udogo 11 14 13 (50%) 80.00 32.00 (39%)
Udogo Pace Rating
Purple, yellow cross of lorraine, yellow cap Hidden Universe 14 15 (60%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Emerald green and orange hooped, white cap Cradle Mountain 7 12 (50%) 26.00 10.00 (36%)
Dark blue and yellow quartered, striped sleeves, quartered cap Kashmiri Sunset 33 6 (35%) 68.45 50.00 (73%)
White and emerald green chevrons, white sleeves, dark blue stars, dark blue cap, white star Papas Way 24 13 (39%) 100.00 110.00 (110%)
Red and white halved, white diamonds on cap Benkei 4 14 Inform recently in-running 13 (48%) 77.02 50.00 (64%)
Benkei Pace Rating
Yellow, emerald green and yellow striped sleeves, yellow cap Synopsis 14 4 (57%) 55.00 26.00 (46%)
Synopsis Pace Rating

17:00 Chepstow 2m7f Hcap Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, red sleeves, white spots, red cap, white spots Rocky Creek 169 Recent form poor in-running 13 (59%) 3.85 3.85 (100%)
Rocky Creek Pace Rating
Light green, yellow inverted triangle, yellow sleeves, red diamonds, yellow cap, red diamonds Saint Are 169 Inform recently in-running 17 (52%) 11.12 10.50 (94%)
Saint Are Pace Rating
Red and purple (quartered), yellow sleeves, red cap Theatrical Star 9 16 (43%) 9.40 2.72 (20%)
Theatrical Star Pace Rating
Dark blue, beige star, maroon sleeves, beige cap Loose Chips 149 Inform recently in-running 21 (64%) 11.50 1.73 (7%)
Loose Chips Pace Rating
Red, white epaulets, emerald green sleeves, white armlets and cap Dineur 97 25 (63%) 12.45 6.20 (45%)
Dineur Pace Rating
Black, black and pink check cap Court By Surprise 160 16 (70%) 5.82 4.60 (75%)
Court By Surprise Pace Rating
Red, white disc, diabolo on sleeves Double Ross 183 26 (67%) 4.90 1.01 (0%)
Double Ross Pace Rating
Black, purple seams, black sleeves, striped cap Your Busy 25 48 (65%) 45.16 7.80 (15%)

17:10 Limerick 2m6f Beg Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Emerald green, red stars, red star on cap Woodford Island 24 Inform recently in-running 4 (40%) 4.61 1.40 (11%)
Woodford Island Pace Rating
Black and red quartered, diabolo on sleeves, quartered cap Moylisha Tim 15 Recent form poor in-running 7 (50%) 4.60 4.00 (83%)
Purple, yellow stars, purple sleeves, white cap Oscar Lantern 8 5 (56%) 3.81 3.80 (100%)
Oscar Lantern Pace Rating
Light blue, dark blue sleeves, dark blue cap, light blue star Positive Approach 194 9 (56%) 8.47 7.00 (80%)
Positive Approach Pace Rating
Maroon, white star and armlet, maroon cap, white star Roman Gold 248 6 (75%) 12.50 1.52 (5%)
Purple, yellow star, yellow and purple check cap Icantsay 15 3 (23%) 50.00 23.00 (45%)
Black, pink star, pink cap, black stars Undressed 24 7 (37%) 29.10 1.01 (0%)
Undressed Pace Rating
Maroon and emerald green quartered, maroon sleeves, white cap, emerald green diamond Marygale Bridge 178 3 (43%) 26.21 27.00 (103%)
Marygale Bridge Pace Rating
White, red sleeves, white stars, white cap Tongie 24 12 (63%) 60.76 6.20 (9%)
Black, white hoop, black sleeves, check cap State of Origin 15 4 (57%) 108.73 30.00 (27%)
State of Origin Pace Rating
Purple, light green spots, purple sleeves, quartered cap Profoundly 16 Inform recently in-running 9 (50%) 582.29 370.00 (63%)
Profoundly Pace Rating

17:20 Goodwood 1m Hcap

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Grey, black triple diamond and sleeves, yellow cap Unison 50 Inform recently in-running 15 (45%) 5.40 4.60 (82%)
Unison Pace Rating
Black, large white spots, armlets and spots on cap Mister Music 6 30 23 (51%) 8.80 7.00 (77%)
Mister Music Pace Rating
Black, red chevron, sleeves and cap Reaver 7 20 Inform recently in-running 10 (91%) 18.20 8.80 (45%)
Light blue, dark blue armlets, dark blue cap Force 13 11 7 (54%) 21.98 6.20 (25%)
Emerald green, red hoops, quartered cap Dark Devil 12 16 4 (50%) 8.35 1.01 (0%)
Dark blue, light blue epaulets, sleeves and cap Essenaitch 5 22 5 (33%) 16.16 4.40 (22%)
Essenaitch Pace Rating
Dark blue, royal blue epaulets and armlets, pink cap Czech It Out 3 74 8 (47%) 5.77 4.90 (82%)
Pink, white diamond, diamonds on sleeves and cap Fast Dancer 11 14 Inform recently in-running 11 (52%) 16.57 1.26 (2%)
Dark blue, pink hoops, armlets and cap Big Chill 11 26 14 (70%) 25.66 10.00 (36%)
Emerald green, yellow stripe, yellow cap Guiding Light 14 14 Recent form poor in-running 5 (31%) 70.00 20.00 (28%)
Black, white and black halved sleeves, white cap Royal Reserve 3 18 Recent form poor in-running 4 (40%) 23.89 23.00 (96%)
Royal Reserve Pace Rating
Yellow, royal blue chevron, red cap Red Avenger 9 20 21 (62%) 14.54 10.00 (66%)
Red Avenger Pace Rating
Light blue and black check, light blue sleeves, black armlets, light blue cap Secret Glance 7 27 6 (32%) 193.53 180.00 (93%)
Secret Glance Pace Rating
Red, black stars, black and red hooped sleeves, red cap, black star Freight Train 4 16 Inform recently in-running 12 (57%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Freight Train Pace Rating

17:25 Curragh 1m4f Listed

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Emerald green, royal blue cross sashes, royal blue sleeves, quartered cap Stellar Mass 2 29 Inform recently in-running 8 (62%) 2.15 1.91 (79%)
Stellar Mass Pace Rating
Green, red epaulettes, green cap Alveena 7 72 Inform recently in-running 8 (80%) 4.36 1.01 (0%)
Dark blue, yellow hoop Bravery 20 16 Recent form poor in-running 3 (30%) 19.00 3.85 (16%)
Bravery Pace Rating
Dark blue and emerald green check, white sleeves and cap How High The Moon 13 21 Recent form poor in-running 3 (38%) 11.00 6.20 (52%)
White, maroon star, maroon armlet, check cap Soul Searcher 16 14 4 (44%) 19.19 1.06 (0%)
Emerald green, yellow braces, yellow sleeves and cap Xebec 5 46 Inform recently in-running 13 (72%) 19.00 5.70 (26%)
Dark blue Hibiscus 9 17 4 (80%) 18.96 2.00 (6%)

17:30 Chepstow 2m NHF

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Violet and white check, white cap Coastal Tiep 187 0 (0%) 3.35 1.01 (0%)
Coastal Tiep Pace Rating
Red and yellow check, white sleeves Cable Car 53 1 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Dark blue and maroon diabolo, maroon sleeves, dark blue cap Rapanui 187 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Rapanui Pace Rating
White, red triple diamond, royal blue sleeves, white stars, white cap, red diamonds Diamond Benny 187 0 (0%) 7.07 6.20 (86%)
Diamond Benny Pace Rating
Dark blue, pink hoop, pink sleeves, dark blue armlets, pink cap Russian Service 187 0 (0%) 2.82 1.74 (41%)
Russian Service Pace Rating
Royal blue, white braces and sleeves, white and royal blue striped cap Johanos 195 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Johanos Pace Rating
Emerald green, royal blue stripe, hooped sleeves and cap Outsmartin 53 1 (100%) 29.70 20.00 (66%)
Red and purple (quartered), yellow sleeves, red cap Waterloo Warrior 188 0 (0%) 5.74 4.90 (82%)
Waterloo Warrior Pace Rating
Dark blue, red diamond, red and dark blue halved sleeves, dark blue and red quartered cap Gustave Mahler 127 2 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Gustave Mahler Pace Rating

18:00 Chepstow 2m NHF

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, red star, diabolo on sleeves and star on cap Twist On Ginge 176 1 (50%) 5.50 5.00 (89%)
Twist On Ginge Pace Rating
Beige, grey epaulets Going Gold 187 0 (0%) 3.35 2.00 (43%)
Violet and white check, white cap Clo Sacre 187 0 (0%) 6.90 6.60 (95%)
Clo Sacre Pace Rating
Purple, white star and armlets, white cap, purple star Barbrook Star 187 0 (0%) 7.75 5.00 (59%)
Barbrook Star Pace Rating
Red, emerald green hoop, white sleeves and cap Poetic Rhythm 149 1 (100%) 9.27 1.01 (0%)
Poetic Rhythm Pace Rating
Red and purple (quartered), yellow sleeves, red cap Quiz Master 187 0 (0%) 9.61 8.00 (81%)
Quiz Master Pace Rating
White, red cross of lorraine and armlets Farm The Rock 187 0 (0%) 19.17 8.20 (40%)
Farm The Rock Pace Rating
Emerald green, white chevron, royal blue sleeves, emerald green armlets, emerald green and royal blue quartered cap Gaelic Flow 137 1 (50%) 190.62 60.00 (31%)
Gaelic Flow Pace Rating
Pink, mauve seams, mauve sleeves, pink seams, quartered cap Tootsies Triumph 79 1 (100%) 1000.00 1000.00 (100%)
Table Item Definition
Winner! In-running Rating based on all career runs
Pace rating Pace rating, based on past performances (Green: hold-up, orange: mid-pack, red: front-runner)
4 Draw, stall number
13 Days since last run
Inform recently in-running Inform recently in-running compared to BSP (based on last 5 runs)
Recent form poor in-running Recent form poor in-running compared to BSP (based on last 5 runs)
BSP Betfair Starting Price
IP Max Maximum price matched In-Play
IP Min Minimum price matched In-Play
IP Traded Total traded on this market
Green Text Has traded to or below a percentage band a reasonable amount
Orange Text Has traded to or below a percentage band a high amount
Red Text Has traded to or below a percentage band a very high amount

In-running Ratings History Archive