In-Running Blog

6 Sep 2016 Archived In-Running Cards

13:50 Redcar 7f Nursery

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Dark blue and pink diabolo, chevrons on sleeves, pink cap, dark blue diamond Kings Gift 10 31 1 (50%) 1.98 1.01 (1%)
Royal blue, yellow stripe, sleeves and cap Inlawed 7 25 1 (33%) 13.12 13.50 (103%)
Grey, grey and red diabolo on sleeves, red cap Allux Boy 4 28 4 (80%) 7.38 7.00 (94%)
Purple, light green epaulets Our Boy John 11 32 2 (50%) 10.00 11.50 (117%)
Our Boy John Pace Rating
Yellow and white (quartered), yellow sleeves, white armlets, yellow cap Sheriff Garrett 15 13 2 (67%) 51.34 40.00 (77%)
Red, white triple diamond, white sleeves, red seams, white cap, red diamonds Hes A Toff 10 66 0 (0%) 14.50 15.00 (104%)
Grey Bear Essentials 7 11 1 (20%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Maroon, orange diamond and diamond on cap Heavens Rock 5 34 1 (33%) 19.65 10.00 (48%)
Heavens Rock Pace Rating
Black, white chevrons on sleeves, white cap Conistone 7 20 2 (50%) 16.67 9.40 (54%)
White, blue diamond, blue cap, white diamond Chickenfortea 18 25 2 (40%) 65.00 10.50 (15%)

14:00 Leicester 1m Mdn Stks

Track: Turf. Going: Good to Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Dark green, yellow hoop, yellow cap Coronet 3 220 0 (0%) 2.20 1.01 (1%)
Royal blue Agathonia 8 220 0 (0%) 13.56 9.60 (68%)
Maroon, beige disc, beige cap Struck By The Moon 2 220 0 (0%) 5.28 3.00 (47%)
Dark blue Alwaysandforever 3 2506 0 (0%) 6.80 2.00 (17%)
Red, white sash, royal blue cap Castellated 5 220 0 (0%) 11.50 8.00 (67%)
Light blue and black stripes, black sleeves and cap Kitsey 1 31 0 (0%) 19.74 3.00 (11%)

14:10 Worcester 2m Nov Chs

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, red cross belts, white sleeves, royal blue stars Stephanie Frances 16 12 (75%) 3.33 1.06 (3%)
Stephanie Frances Pace Rating
Red, royal blue cross belts, diabolo on sleeves, royal blue cap Rejaah 24 Inform recently in-running 8 (80%) 1.97 1.10 (10%)
Light blue, light blue and purple diabolo on sleeves, light blue cap, purple diamond Destinys Gold 47 10 (77%) 5.30 4.60 (84%)
Destinys Gold Pace Rating
Dark green and yellow diamonds, dark green sleeves Finch Flyer 3 Recent form poor in-running 35 (45%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)

14:20 Redcar 5f Mdn Stks

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Dark blue, yellow hoops, chevrons on sleeves, yellow cap Jeany 7 42 1 (33%) 4.50 2.12 (32%)
Red, red cap, white spots Mere Brow 13 15 1 (50%) 5.00 3.30 (58%)
Royal blue, white striped sleeves, white cap Happy Queen 3 9 3 (75%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
White and maroon check, maroon sleeves, white armlets, maroon cap Lady Molly 7 12 1 (100%) 7.81 5.00 (59%)
Lady Molly Pace Rating
Dark blue, white star, red sleeves, white stars, red cap, white star Blastofmagic 5 16 1 (50%) 44.03 20.00 (44%)
Blastofmagic Pace Rating
Yellow, dark blue triple diamond and armlets Justanotherbottle 1 10 1 (33%) 7.77 1.01 (0%)
Yellow and white (quartered), yellow sleeves, white armlets, yellow cap Local Artist 9 21 4 (80%) 8.80 8.20 (92%)
Local Artist Pace Rating
Emerald green, white hoop, yellow sleeves, emerald green and white striped cap Rebel Flame 2 220 0 (0%) 37.16 44.00 (119%)
Rebel Flame Pace Rating
Orange, white diamonds on sleeves, white cap Shannon 20 220 0 (0%) 10.50 5.00 (42%)
Yellow and white (quartered), yellow sleeves, white armlets, yellow cap Nobility 10 12 2 (67%) 39.58 30.00 (75%)
Yellow, red cross belts, hooped sleeves Sadieroseclifford 8 10 4 (80%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Yellow, red disc, yellow sleeves, red stars, red cap Flashing Light 1 10 0 (0%) 311.33 42.00 (13%)
Flashing Light Pace Rating
Royal blue, yellow star and sleeves, yellow cap, royal blue star Mr Enthusiastic 1 67 1 (33%) 182.51 85.00 (46%)
Red, white chevron, checked sleeves, red cap, white star Flying Hope 7 7 4 (80%) 129.03 20.00 (15%)
Flying Hope Pace Rating
Beige, red seams, armlets and cap Miss Pepper 9 15 1 (100%) 34.00 40.00 (118%)

14:30 Leicester 5f Stks

Track: Turf. Going: Good to Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, white stripe, hooped sleeves, white cap Southern Belle 9 35 4 (67%) 5.26 3.50 (59%)
Dark blue, pink stars, armlets and stars on cap Huntsmans Close 1 8 18 (64%) 10.48 14.50 (142%)
Huntsmans Close Pace Rating
Light blue, orange epaulets Burnt Sugar 11 31 Recent form poor in-running 9 (53%) 5.70 4.80 (81%)
Red, white sash, royal blue cap Ornate 1 28 5 (42%) 4.60 2.40 (39%)
White and emerald green quartered, emerald green stars on sleeves, emerald green star on cap. Hay Chewed 14 8 Inform recently in-running 15 (75%) 4.40 1.01 (0%)
Orange, black seams, orange cap, black spots Major Pusey 2 10 10 (59%) 42.00 20.00 (46%)
Major Pusey Pace Rating
Black, red seams, striped sleeves, black cap Field Of Vision 5 8 11 (65%) 17.15 10.00 (56%)

14:40 Worcester 2m4f Nov Hcap Ch

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Red, dark blue and yellow chevrons on sleeves, dark blue cap Jarlath 26 19 (54%) 21.00 8.60 (38%)
White, orange stripe, armlets and star on cap Kinari 58 Inform recently in-running 6 (38%) 6.48 4.40 (62%)
Purple, yellow stars, light green and red hooped sleeves, purple cap, yellow spots Lucky Jim 17 Recent form poor in-running 10 (38%) 18.21 3.60 (15%)
Lucky Jim Pace Rating
Grey, red sleeves, black and red check cap Promanco 19 9 (69%) 11.72 9.00 (75%)
Emerald green, yellow hoops, white cap Wait A Second 46 4 (44%) 6.45 3.05 (38%)
Wait A Second Pace Rating
Yellow, dark blue hoop The Snappy Poet 12 5 (31%) 9.40 8.40 (88%)
Light blue and yellow (quartered), yellow and light blue halved sleeves Sky Lino 27 1 (20%) 6.40 4.00 (56%)
Royal blue and light blue (quartered), diabolo on sleeves, light blue cap, royal blue diamond Berry De Carjac 24 Inform recently in-running 6 (60%) 9.43 3.25 (27%)
Berry De Carjac Pace Rating
Purple, maroon sleeves and cap Fact of The Matter 171 4 (67%) 6.72 1.01 (0%)

14:50 Redcar 6f Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Purple, beige and purple chevrons on sleeves, purple cap, beige diamond Enjoy Life 2 15 3 (43%) 6.60 6.00 (89%)
Enjoy Life Pace Rating
Yellow, red disc, yellow sleeves, red stars, red cap Kenny The Captain 16 3 15 (44%) 6.34 1.01 (0%)
Kenny The Captain Pace Rating
Beige, red seams, armlets and cap Mr Orange 14 34 5 (45%) 8.27 6.00 (69%)
White and royal blue (quartered), white and red striped sleeves, red cap Youre Cool 11 28 16 (52%) 12.28 14.00 (115%)
Youre Cool Pace Rating
Yellow, red hollow box, royal blue sleeves, royal blue cap, red star Manatee Bay 2 11 Recent form poor in-running 18 (46%) 6.44 2.66 (31%)
Manatee Bay Pace Rating
Royal blue, yellow diamond, checked sleeves, royal blue cap, yellow diamond Insurplus 6 9 Recent form poor in-running 1 (17%) 11.00 8.60 (76%)
White, emerald green disc, yellow sleeves, emerald green cap Fyrecracker 9 10 Inform recently in-running 12 (60%) 14.68 9.00 (58%)
White, red disc, white and red halved sleeves, red cap, white spots Mercers Row 10 8 29 (40%) 25.00 12.00 (46%)
Royal blue, red chevrons, red and royal blue halved sleeves, royal blue cap Farkle Minkus 3 49 Inform recently in-running 6 (67%) 20.00 24.00 (121%)
White, royal blue cross belts, royal blue and white hooped sleeves and cap Extortion 4 116 Inform recently in-running 5 (83%) 14.59 9.60 (63%)
Extortion Pace Rating
Emerald green, white braces, orange cap Questo 5 8 5 (71%) 94.27 65.00 (69%)

15:00 Leicester 7f Stks

Track: Turf. Going: Good to Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Pink and dark blue stripes, dark blue and pink diabolo on sleeves, pink cap Chevalier Du Lac 10 8 Recent form poor in-running 1 (17%) 3.55 1.01 (0%)
Chevalier Du Lac Pace Rating
Black and white (quartered), black sleeves, white armlets, light blue cap, black star Areyoutheway 10 35 2 (40%) 4.67 3.00 (54%)
Areyoutheway Pace Rating
Dark blue, grey diamond Control Centre 7 12 0 (0%) 11.90 3.00 (18%)
Emerald green, dark blue hoops, emerald green sleeves, dark blue stars, check cap Seaview 1 10 1 (33%) 3.62 3.00 (76%)
Seaview Pace Rating
White, maroon cross of lorraine, sleeves and cap Shaqoos 7 220 0 (0%) 53.77 9.00 (15%)
Shaqoos Pace Rating
White, royal blue diamonds on sleeves, red cap Shiny Line 7 12 0 (0%) 18.00 2.10 (6%)
Red, white spots, white sleeves, red seams, red and white striped cap Yorkshire Star 2 52 0 (0%) 38.00 14.00 (35%)
Emerald green, yellow chevrons, emerald green sleeves, white armlets, emerald green cap Black Tie Bob 8 20 1 (50%) 119.04 21.00 (17%)
Emerald green, pink hoops, white sleeves, pink cap Jackman 2 48 2 (33%) 56.71 34.00 (59%)

15:10 Worcester 2m Hcap Hrd

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Red, white sash, armlets and spots on cap Alyasan 13 5 (56%) 3.08 2.86 (89%)
Alyasan Pace Rating
Royal blue, emerald green epaulets, halved sleeves, royal blue cap, emerald green diamond Ginger Fizz 16 Inform recently in-running 23 (68%) 8.00 3.75 (39%)
Emerald green, yellow hoops, emerald green sleeves, white cap No Win No Fee 14 10 (32%) 10.53 10.00 (94%)
No Win No Fee Pace Rating
Emerald green, dark green sleeves, dark green and emerald green quartered cap Iniciar 121 Recent form poor in-running 1 (14%) 10.73 1.01 (0%)
Emerald green, white hoop, emerald green sleeves, red stars, emerald green cap, red star Desert Recluse 111 Recent form poor in-running 27 (57%) 10.95 9.40 (84%)
White, royal blue stars, light blue sleeves Kims Ocean 70 2 (50%) 34.01 9.20 (25%)
Red and white (quartered), white sleeves and cap Ascendant 4 79 24 (47%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Ascendant Pace Rating
Red, white sleeves, blue and white striped cap Courtesy Call 824 Inform recently in-running 16 (62%) 4.84 2.66 (43%)
Black and pink stripes, hooped sleeves, black cap Makethedifference 14 Recent form poor in-running 14 (52%) 30.00 30.00 (100%)
Makethedifference Pace Rating

15:20 Redcar 6f Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Dark blue, light blue cross belts, hooped cap Semana Santa 4 8 3 (43%) 6.80 5.00 (69%)
Semana Santa Pace Rating
Red, white cross of lorraine, red sleeves, white spots Vallarta 1 11 19 (39%) 7.42 4.50 (55%)
Vallarta Pace Rating
Royal blue, beige hoop Athollblair Boy 13 8 5 (45%) 8.20 4.00 (42%)
Royal blue, white chevron, emerald green sleeves, white cap Aprovado 12 8 10 (45%) 9.97 1.01 (0%)
Aprovado Pace Rating
White and black stripes, black sleeves and cap Percys Gal 4 36 Recent form poor in-running 14 (47%) 6.85 6.40 (92%)
Dark green, light green stripe, yellow cap Perfect Words 12 13 32 (62%) 23.61 26.00 (111%)
Pink and royal blue stripes, pink sleeves, royal blue armlets, royal blue cap Fujin 2 14 13 (45%) 12.86 17.00 (135%)
Fujin Pace Rating
Emerald green and yellow diabolo, diamonds on sleeves, yellow cap, emerald green diamond Mitchum 8 10 19 (40%) 10.76 13.50 (128%)
Grey, red star, royal blue sleeves, red armlets, red cap Cuppatee 7 11 7 (39%) 23.74 34.00 (145%)
Black, maroon seams, maroon sleeves, black diabolo, black cap Eleuthera 10 53 Inform recently in-running 6 (86%) 11.50 6.20 (50%)
Eleuthera Pace Rating

15:30 Leicester 1m4f Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Good to Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Black and emerald green check, emerald green sleeves and cap Al 7 38 4 (44%) 8.00 5.50 (64%)
Light blue, royal blue star, checked sleeves, light blue cap, royal blue star Most Celebrated 52 3 (100%) 4.92 4.80 (97%)
Most Celebrated Pace Rating
Mauve, black chevrons on sleeves, black cap Rock Steady 2 29 Inform recently in-running 5 (71%) 5.50 1.91 (20%)
Rock Steady Pace Rating
Black and yellow check, diabolo on sleeves Faithful Mount 25 8 (57%) 6.78 1.01 (0%)
Faithful Mount Pace Rating
Grey, beige star, grey sleeves, beige stars and stars on cap English Summer 2 11 36 (54%) 10.94 10.00 (91%)
English Summer Pace Rating
Orange, black triple diamond and diamonds on cap Shell Bay 9 10 13 (68%) 12.08 6.00 (45%)
Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap Taskeen 8 332 3 (100%) 22.35 16.00 (70%)
Silver, tassel on cap Bathos 9 10 Recent form poor in-running 9 (50%) 9.71 5.00 (46%)

15:40 Worcester 2m7f Nov Hrd

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Light blue, yellow star and star on cap Roberts Star 94 3 (50%) 2.80 2.72 (96%)
Roberts Star Pace Rating
White, black epaulets, maroon and white diabolo on sleeves, black and maroon quartered cap Trafalgar Rock 12 9 (47%) 8.00 5.20 (60%)
Light green and emerald green (quartered), light green sleeves Spillers Dream 26 2 (33%) 38.00 32.00 (84%)
Spillers Dream Pace Rating
Dark blue, beige cross belts, striped sleeves and cap Awesome Tunes 72 1 (100%) 10.50 3.70 (28%)
Purple and yellow stripes, black sleeves and cap Vintage Vinnie 158 Inform recently in-running 9 (75%) 2.51 1.01 (1%)
Vintage Vinnie Pace Rating
Orange, brown disc, brown cap, orange spots Last of The Boys 69 0 (0%) 1000.00 1000.00 (100%)

15:50 Redcar 1m Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Red, white sleeves, blue and white striped cap Beardwood 3 38 5 (38%) 8.92 7.20 (78%)
Beardwood Pace Rating
Black, red star, red sleeves, black armlets, red cap Pumaflor 12 10 Inform recently in-running 16 (59%) 7.60 6.60 (85%)
Beige, brown seams, armlets and cap Abushamah 17 21 15 (56%) 16.46 16.50 (100%)
Red and black stripes, red sleeves, black spots Tadaany 7 21 7 (50%) 12.50 1.15 (1%)
Tadaany Pace Rating
Beige, light blue epaulets Storm King 5 10 17 (61%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Storm King Pace Rating
Beige, dark blue armlets, dark blue cap Haraz 10 10 Inform recently in-running 7 (54%) 16.50 7.00 (39%)
White, black spots on sleeves, black and white quartered cap Lawyer 6 24 Recent form poor in-running 18 (49%) 28.00 6.20 (19%)
Lawyer Pace Rating
Purple, beige striped sleeves Heir To A Throne 9 18 5 (56%) 8.20 1.01 (0%)
Black, lilac star, quartered cap Altharoos 2 10 Recent form poor in-running 12 (46%) 15.77 11.00 (68%)
Altharoos Pace Rating
Mauve, white seams, mauve sleeves and cap Qaffaal 5 10 10 (59%) 32.00 14.00 (42%)
Qaffaal Pace Rating
Dark blue, large white spots, dark blue and white chevrons on sleeves, dark blue and white striped cap Holy Grail 16 18 Inform recently in-running 7 (50%) 23.02 4.00 (14%)
Royal blue, yellow seams, royal blue sleeves, yellow spots, red cap Ingleby Angel 12 10 Recent form poor in-running 26 (45%) 36.00 25.00 (69%)
Purple and white diabolo, purple sleeves, white armlets, purple cap Shamaheart 13 10 Inform recently in-running 34 (69%) 11.75 6.00 (47%)
Shamaheart Pace Rating
Dark blue, white disc, hooped sleeves, white cap Victoire De Lyphar 5 10 28 (41%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Royal blue, yellow diamond, checked sleeves, royal blue cap, yellow diamond Bahama Moon 4 38 2 (33%) 10.82 9.40 (86%)
Bahama Moon Pace Rating
Dark blue, beige cross belts, striped sleeves and cap Recently Acquired 14 76 7 (70%) 30.00 19.00 (62%)

16:00 Leicester 7f Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Good to Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, yellow stripe, yellow sleeves, royal blue armlets and star on yellow cap Cricklewood Green 7 16 14 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Cricklewood Green Pace Rating
Royal blue, yellow chevron, yellow cap, royal blue spots Musdam 9 9 Inform recently in-running 5 (83%) 3.36 3.35 (100%)
Dark blue and yellow (halved), dark blue sleeves, yellow cap Menai 8 31 3 (43%) 6.20 2.50 (29%)
Emerald green, red halved sleeves, quartered cap In The Red 11 331 3 (60%) 22.71 1.58 (3%)
In The Red Pace Rating
Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap Qeyaadah 9 95 3 (50%) 7.18 4.10 (50%)
Light blue, dark blue stars, light blue cap, dark blue star Archie 1 31 4 (44%) 5.76 3.00 (42%)
Light blue, royal blue stars, halved sleeves, royal blue cap, light blue stars Bertiewhittle 5 24 Inform recently in-running 31 (49%) 13.25 10.00 (73%)
Bertiewhittle Pace Rating
Red, white diamond, white sleeves, red spots Noble Peace 3 24 4 (40%) 9.87 1.01 (0%)
Orange, white epaulets and sleeves, striped cap Majestic Moon 7 10 22 (55%) 40.91 13.00 (30%)
Majestic Moon Pace Rating

16:10 Worcester 2m Mdn Hrd

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Dark blue and white diabolo, hooped sleeves and cap Angel Face 39 3 (33%) 2.27 1.54 (43%)
Red, dark green and red striped sleeves and cap Solstalla 12 Inform recently in-running 10 (67%) 3.27 1.01 (0%)
Solstalla Pace Rating
Mauve and white diamonds, striped sleeves, white cap Miss Beatrice 89 1 (50%) 6.70 3.60 (46%)
Black and emerald green diabolo, chevrons on sleeves, black cap Presenting Lucina 12 1 (100%) 40.00 28.00 (69%)
Brown and white (quartered), orange and brown halved sleeves, white and orange quartered cap Miss Feistypants 23 0 (0%) 21.23 20.00 (94%)
Maroon, black chevron and armlets Cosette 49 Recent form poor in-running 12 (43%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Maroon, black chevron and armlets Honour Promise 17 Recent form poor in-running 6 (43%) 70.15 29.00 (40%)
Honour Promise Pace Rating
Dark blue, grey diamonds on sleeves, dark blue cap, grey star Suzi Icon 45 Inform recently in-running 8 (62%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Maroon, beige sleeves, maroon spots Rachaels Ruby 7 Recent form poor in-running 7 (35%) 119.23 46.00 (38%)

16:20 Redcar 6f Mdn Stks

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Yellow, royal blue seams, yellow cap Hyland Heather 6 14 7 (70%) 3.15 1.01 (0%)
Hyland Heather Pace Rating
Saxe blue, yellow armlets, blue and red quartered cap Tommy G 4 53 4 (80%) 5.60 1.84 (18%)
Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap Manshood 11 22 1 (33%) 3.98 1.31 (10%)
Orange, royal blue braces, striped sleeves Jabbarockie 2 10 1 (50%) 6.80 7.00 (103%)
Royal blue, black seams, royal blue sleeves and cap Zippy 10 108 2 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Zippy Pace Rating
Yellow, emerald green seams and armlets Melodya 220 0 (0%) 16.05 17.00 (106%)
Melodya Pace Rating
Royal blue, yellow star, yellow sleeves, royal blue spots, yellow cap Starfall 220 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Light blue, white hollow box, check cap Gabbys Lad 12 21 1 (20%) 66.48 32.00 (47%)
White, black epaulets, black sleeves, white stars and cap Andys Girl 9 135 0 (0%) 178.53 13.00 (7%)
Andys Girl Pace Rating
Pink, purple hooped sleeves and cap Skadi 5 11 1 (50%) 55.00 16.00 (28%)
Skadi Pace Rating
Royal blue, yellow star and sleeves, yellow cap, royal blue star Sunnyhills Belford 1 56 Recent form poor in-running 2 (33%) 348.45 250.00 (72%)

16:25 Galway 2m Mdn Hrd

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
White, maroon cross sashes, maroon sleeves, white chevrons, emerald green and red quartered cap Cable 8 2 (40%) 4.27 1.01 (0%)
Royal blue, white epaulettes and stars on sleeves, white cap, royal blue stars Mr Antolini 30 Recent form poor in-running 3 (33%) 1.86 1.20 (23%)
Yellow, light green sash and sleeves, striped cap Allduckornodinner 12 4 (57%) 27.79 32.00 (116%)
Purple, emerald green sleeves and cap Fugitive Motel 9 12 (36%) 192.52 50.00 (26%)
Maroon, white triple diamond, striped cap Thats The News 29 1 (33%) 175.59 40.00 (22%)
Red and pink chevrons, red sleeves, pink cap Wingoldandwearit 120 2 (40%) 19.49 16.00 (81%)
Wingoldandwearit Pace Rating
Dark blue, yellow disc, hooped sleeves, yellow cap Fluspar 125 Recent form poor in-running 7 (41%) 19.80 19.00 (96%)
Fluspar Pace Rating
Emerald green, red star, emerald green cap, red stars San Calista 63 0 (0%) 138.38 100.00 (72%)
San Calista Pace Rating
Red and emerald green halved, emerald green cap, red spots Foreign Bay 29 0 (0%) 590.00 280.00 (47%)
Royal blue and yellow halved, quartered cap Charlie Stout 14 2 (40%) 23.15 15.00 (63%)
Charlie Stout Pace Rating
Black and yellow chevrons, yellow sleeves, black cap Manomine 56 25 (60%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Manomine Pace Rating
Red, yellow cross of lorraine, yellow cap Joint Reaction 18 Recent form poor in-running 3 (30%) 179.93 110.00 (61%)
Maroon, white cross sashes, quartered cap Scottish Academy 1070 1 (25%) 320.16 200.00 (62%)
Scottish Academy Pace Rating
White, maroon epaulettes, maroon star on cap Rejected 49 0 (0%) 482.89 180.00 (37%)
Red, white sash and sleeves, white and red check cap Chasing Yesterday 106 Recent form poor in-running 1 (17%) 180.87 40.00 (22%)
Emerald green, red stars, red star on cap Ceide Fields 166 2 (67%) 42.00 1.61 (1%)
Ceide Fields Pace Rating

16:35 Leicester 7f Mdn Stks

Track: Turf. Going: Good to Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Dark green, beige stars on sleeves Zefferino 8 32 1 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Dark blue, light blue cross belts, striped sleeves, white cap Elucidation 10 11 1 (100%) 1.87 1.01 (1%)
Light blue, dark blue armlets, dark blue cap Adamant 6 220 0 (0%) 11.00 10.50 (95%)
Claret, gold braid, claret sleeves, gold cap, gold tassel Naval Warfare 10 49 2 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
White, red chevron, hooped sleeves, red cap Alemaratalyoum 3 220 0 (0%) 12.31 3.00 (18%)
Alemaratalyoum Pace Rating
White, emerald green hoop Jupiter Light 3 220 0 (0%) 7.61 8.00 (106%)
Jupiter Light Pace Rating
Silver, gold braid, maroon cap, gold tassel Al Mansor 4 220 0 (0%) 24.83 18.00 (71%)
Black, emerald green sleeves, striped cap Sporting Times 13 220 0 (0%) 192.85 2.14 (1%)
Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap Farook 8 80 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Farook Pace Rating
Orange, purple triple diamond, sleeves and diamonds on cap Quinteo 8 220 0 (0%) 388.28 250.00 (64%)
Light blue, red chevron, dark blue sleeves, white stars, light blue cap, red star Time To Sea 7 220 0 (0%) 253.93 140.00 (55%)
Emerald green, black armlets, black cap Nigh Or Never 11 220 0 (0%) 120.00 75.00 (62%)
Yellow, light green stars Presence Process 3 26 0 (0%) 9.52 9.20 (96%)
Presence Process Pace Rating

16:40 Worcester 2m4f Hcap Hrd

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Red, emerald green chevron, halved sleeves, white cap Slieveardagh 18 Recent form poor in-running 23 (48%) 8.80 8.80 (100%)
Black, emerald green hoop, hooped sleeves, emerald green cap Railway Vic 17 9 (38%) 11.50 4.10 (30%)
Railway Vic Pace Rating
Black, white hoops, red sleeves and cap Fine Resolve 13 Recent form poor in-running 8 (30%) 13.78 12.50 (90%)
White, red chevron, red and white chevrons on sleeves, emerald green cap Present Trend 46 6 (67%) 9.00 1.01 (0%)
Yellow, pink cross belts, quartered cap Gwili Spar 23 15 (48%) 41.51 7.20 (15%)
Pink, purple diamond and diamond on cap Danceintothelight 10 51 (52%) 5.60 1.70 (15%)
Danceintothelight Pace Rating
Pink and mauve check Grove Pride 20 Inform recently in-running 19 (73%) 7.40 5.30 (67%)
Dark blue, pink hoops, dark blue sleeves, pink stars, pink cap, dark blue star Dylans Storm 19 Recent form poor in-running 9 (38%) 20.00 11.00 (53%)
Dark blue, emerald green cross belts and sleeves, pink cap Albert Herring 19 5 (38%) 28.03 11.00 (37%)
Dark blue, white chevron, black cap, red spots Idamay 20 Recent form poor in-running 1 (17%) 42.00 16.00 (37%)
Light blue, white hoops and armlets Direct Flo 434 12 (48%) 22.55 19.50 (86%)
Direct Flo Pace Rating
Black, yellow stars, yellow sleeves, black diamonds, yellow cap, black star Limpopo Tom 39 Recent form poor in-running 15 (32%) 9.29 8.20 (87%)
Purple, yellow sash, diabolo on sleeves, quartered cap Theboss On Thehill 53 Recent form poor in-running 2 (20%) 121.97 24.00 (19%)
White, maroon star, white sleeves, maroon stars, white cap, maroon star Bahati Boy 285 Inform recently in-running 8 (67%) 42.00 13.00 (29%)

16:50 Redcar 1m6f Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Dark blue, yellow hoops, checked sleeves Transpennine Star 6 50 2 (40%) 3.12 1.01 (0%)
Light blue, red and white striped sleeves, red cap, white seams, blue hoop Monjeni 1 22 3 (38%) 8.10 6.20 (73%)
Monjeni Pace Rating
Light blue and purple diabolo, light blue sleeves, purple armlets, quartered cap Toola Boola 8 11 Recent form poor in-running 8 (42%) 24.00 4.00 (13%)
Toola Boola Pace Rating
Dark blue, pink epaulets Another Lincolnday 8 23 5 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Royal blue, orange chevron, armlets and star on cap Ghostly Arc 19 Recent form poor in-running 5 (33%) 9.00 5.90 (61%)
Ghostly Arc Pace Rating
Emerald green, royal blue star and sleeves, royal blue cap, emerald green star La Bacouetteuse 6 13 30 (42%) 15.50 11.00 (69%)
Grey, maroon armlets, maroon cap Chauvelin 5 15 16 (52%) 36.00 1.11 (0%)
Orange and purple diamonds, orange sleeves, orange cap, purple diamond Cavalieri 2 13 Recent form poor in-running 9 (29%) 46.00 30.00 (64%)
Cavalieri Pace Rating
Light blue and black check, light blue sleeves, black armlets, light blue cap Triple Eight 21 39 (50%) 38.14 2.92 (5%)
Royal blue, brown diamond, striped cap Major Rowan 5 77 7 (39%) 10.60 4.00 (31%)
Major Rowan Pace Rating
Blue, white diamond and sleeves, red cap Slipper Satin 4 10 Recent form poor in-running 20 (49%) 19.69 14.00 (70%)
Purple, beige cross belts, chevrons on sleeves, purple cap, beige star Burnside 1 220 0 (0%) 8.42 5.60 (62%)
Burnside Pace Rating

16:55 Galway 2m5f Mdn Hrd

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Black, white stars Baltimore Buzz 33 3 (100%) 5.01 2.70 (42%)
Baltimore Buzz Pace Rating
Purple and white quartered, white sleeves, purple cap Dreambaby 25 2 (40%) 3.47 3.25 (91%)
White and black hoops, white cap, black star Static Jack 12 3 (60%) 4.12 1.01 (0%)
Pink, royal blue stars, pink sleeves, white cap Benny In Milan 11 1 (25%) 9.13 1.51 (6%)
Benny In Milan Pace Rating
Black, white star, white star on cap Poormans Hill 40 1 (50%) 15.00 10.50 (68%)
Poormans Hill Pace Rating
Yellow, emerald green sash, emerald green star on cap Think of Me 13 Recent form poor in-running 6 (27%) 113.69 16.00 (13%)
Think of Me Pace Rating
White, emerald green stars, yellow sleeves, maroon cap, white stars Manhatton Island 12 0 (0%) 42.00 55.00 (132%)
Dark blue, white cross sashes, white sleeves, emerald green cap Carlitos Bay 18 Recent form poor in-running 2 (29%) 15.76 7.60 (45%)
Carlitos Bay Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow cross sashes, yellow armlet, emerald green cap, yellow stars Rock On Barney 14 Recent form poor in-running 3 (43%) 423.69 170.00 (40%)
Rock On Barney Pace Rating
Light blue, maroon striped sleeves, white cap Lough Carrow 67 2 (67%) 860.00 440.00 (51%)
Orange, beige braces, striped sleeves, orange cap Silent Gain 11 0 (0%) 521.75 530.00 (102%)
Blue, white sash, yellow cap. Racing Echo 12 0 (0%) 941.08 410.00 (44%)
Orange, purple diamond and chevrons on sleeves, orange cap Elm Lee 14 Recent form poor in-running 0 (0%) 310.00 21.00 (6%)
Royal blue and white chevrons, white cap Sweet Home Chicago 23 1 (100%) 157.46 26.00 (16%)

17:05 Leicester 1m2f Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Good to Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, yellow disc, royal blue sleeves, yellow spots, royal blue cap, yellow spots Stoneboat Bill 6 15 Inform recently in-running 11 (55%) 4.50 1.01 (0%)
Purple, pink seams, red sleeves, pink seams, purple and red hooped cap Tyrsal 9 9 26 (59%) 3.90 1.73 (25%)
Tyrsal Pace Rating
Orange, royal blue stripe Monopoli 7 10 21 (58%) 12.00 6.00 (45%)
Maroon, white star, white cap Scent of Power 2 8 10 (67%) 24.43 2.22 (5%)
Dark green, beige chevron Roly Tricks 10 13 8 (35%) 13.93 5.00 (31%)
Yellow, red yoke and cuffs, black seams and cap Percys Princess 2 12 16 (50%) 14.08 11.00 (76%)
Yellow, dark green disc, black sleeves, black and yellow striped cap Tatawu 5 17 Recent form poor in-running 4 (31%) 12.55 6.00 (43%)
Dark blue, grey chevron Kopassus 8 51 7 (39%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Kopassus Pace Rating
Black, red cross belts, diabolo on sleeves, quartered cap Inflexiball 5 53 7 (70%) 9.85 1.36 (4%)
Royal blue, white epaulets, checked sleeves Guantoshol 18 6 (60%) 25.00 10.00 (38%)
Light green and purple (quartered), light green sleeves, white cap Master Of Song 7 26 Inform recently in-running 10 (53%) 54.98 4.50 (6%)
Master Of Song Pace Rating
Yellow, red cross belts, red sleeves, yellow stars, yellow cap, red stars Les Fremantle 26 12 (44%) 150.00 8.40 (5%)
Les Fremantle Pace Rating

17:10 Perth 2m4f Nov Hrd

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Dark blue and yellow quartered, striped sleeves, quartered cap Kashmiri Sunset 47 6 (38%) 3.59 3.60 (100%)
Green, tartan sleeves and cap. Round Tower 29 7 (47%) 2.68 1.50 (30%)
Black, yellow chevrons, checked sleeves, quartered cap Our Cat 19 13 (76%) 2.92 1.01 (1%)
Red and white hoops, royal blue sleeves and cap Yeatcamp Lady 12 1 (50%) 160.00 110.00 (69%)
Yeatcamp Lady Pace Rating
Dark green, yellow star, checked sleeves, yellow cap, dark green star Kitty Fisher 69 4 (44%) 290.00 160.00 (55%)

17:20 Redcar 7f Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
White, multi-coloured spots Mime Dance 7 31 16 (48%) 9.14 8.00 (86%)
Mime Dance Pace Rating
Saxe blue, yellow armlets, blue and red quartered cap Rasaman 7 13 Inform recently in-running 46 (42%) 13.50 9.60 (69%)
Light blue, brown epaulets, brown sleeves, light blue armlets, striped cap Nonno Giulio 8 8 Recent form poor in-running 10 (53%) 8.02 1.01 (0%)
Royal blue, light green epaulets Ravenhoe 8 16 7 (33%) 5.99 2.66 (33%)
Ravenhoe Pace Rating
Yellow, red disc, yellow sleeves, red stars, red cap Popsies Joy 10 15 Recent form poor in-running 5 (33%) 9.88 1.25 (3%)
Yellow, large dark blue spots and armlets, dark blue and yellow hooped cap Broctune Papa Gio 5 8 30 (48%) 14.50 9.80 (65%)
Broctune Papa Gio Pace Rating
Green, grey and lemon striped sleeves, maroon cap Space War 5 11 Inform recently in-running 34 (50%) 14.45 21.00 (149%)
Space War Pace Rating
Dark blue, white sleeves, dark blue diamonds and cap Deansgate 14 11 6 (60%) 5.70 2.10 (23%)
Red, white epaulets, striped cap First Wheat 4 20 Recent form poor in-running 1 (17%) 17.50 5.00 (24%)
First Wheat Pace Rating
Red, black collar and cuffs, old gold cap Young Christian 6 28 3 (43%) 20.59 14.00 (66%)
Royal blue, yellow sash, royal blue and white hooped sleeves, royal blue and yellow hooped cap Will Mac 4 308 2 (67%) 42.00 36.00 (85%)
Maroon, white chevron and sleeves Mustaqbal 11 29 12 (60%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)

17:25 Galway 2m5f Hrd

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, light blue star, white sleeves, royal blue stars, white cap, royal blue star Airlie Beach 31 3 (100%) 2.18 1.01 (1%)
Airlie Beach Pace Rating
Emerald green and white quartered, striped sleeves, quartered cap Glendine River 25 6 (38%) 28.49 29.00 (102%)
Glendine River Pace Rating
Maroon, light blue spots on sleeves, light blue cap Water Sprite 12 16 (52%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Dark green and beige chevrons, dark green sleeves, beige cap, dark green star Thanks For Tea 14 9 (53%) 38.19 38.00 (99%)
Thanks For Tea Pace Rating
White, brown seams, quartered cap. Ma Garrett 206 7 (39%) 167.70 200.00 (119%)
Pink, light green spots, pink sleeves and cap Retour En France 220 0 (0%) 2.06 1.96 (91%)
Retour En France Pace Rating
Maroon, white triple diamond, striped cap Balofilo 14 Recent form poor in-running 8 (42%) 298.56 250.00 (84%)
Balofilo Pace Rating

17:40 Perth 3m Hcap Chs

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Sky blue and yellow halved, halved cap Son Of My Heart 1 3 (43%) 2.40 2.16 (83%)
White, royal blue cross belts, chevrons on sleeves, royal blue cap Solway Legend 24 Inform recently in-running 22 (69%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Yellow, black triple diamond, black and yellow diabolo on sleeves, black cap, yellow diamond Whats Up Woody 88 Inform recently in-running 29 (74%) 2.43 1.01 (1%)
Orange, olive green sash, brown cap Count Salazar 24 26 (65%) 5.35 3.80 (64%)

17:55 Galway 2m5f Hcap Hrd

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Light blue and yellow check, yellow sleeves, check cap Ballygill Princess 14 10 (59%) 13.10 10.50 (79%)
Pink, chocolate hooped sleeves, pink cap. Maighnealta 8 7 (37%) 18.61 6.00 (28%)
Maighnealta Pace Rating
Black and white diamonds, white sleeves, black cap, red diamond Timmone 23 3 (60%) 14.57 10.00 (66%)
Light blue, yellow stars, striped sleeves, light blue cap, yellow diamonds Rockey Storm 23 1 (33%) 12.68 7.40 (55%)
Yellow, emerald green hollow box, emerald green sleeves, yellow armlet, emerald green cap Kansas Kid 29 3 (60%) 24.00 16.50 (67%)
Red, white sash and sleeves, white and red check cap Bomber Jackson 7 29 Recent form poor in-running 14 (38%) 80.33 60.00 (74%)
Bomber Jackson Pace Rating
White, emerald green stars, yellow sleeves, maroon cap, white stars Freedom Statue 14 3 (60%) 34.00 17.00 (48%)
Royal blue, dark blue sash, dark blue stars on sleeves, royal blue cap, dark blue stars Double U Dot Edes 46 Recent form poor in-running 2 (18%) 105.46 95.00 (90%)
Emerald green, white disc and sleeves, yellow and red striped cap Wildcatted 12 9 (47%) 12.50 6.40 (47%)
Emerald green, white star, white stars on sleeves, purple cap, white stars Celtic Monarch 33 12 (50%) 40.76 3.00 (5%)
Celtic Monarch Pace Rating
Red, royal blue inverted triangle, royal blue and red quartered cap Colettes Choice 14 2 (33%) 48.00 20.00 (40%)
Dark blue, white cross sashes, white and pink quartered cap Father Jed 12 Recent form poor in-running 3 (38%) 19.39 1.01 (0%)
Emerald green and orange hooped, white cap Steamboat Quay 63 0 (0%) 6.40 3.15 (40%)
Royal blue, yellow sash, yellow cap, royal blue spots. Diamondgeezer Luke 36 Inform recently in-running 20 (36%) 88.83 60.00 (67%)
Royal blue, white seams, white cap Samanntom 31 14 (67%) 8.80 2.24 (16%)
Samanntom Pace Rating
Yellow, black diamond, yellow cap, royal blue diamond Bullowney 17 1 (20%) 115.02 85.00 (74%)
Light green and yellow hoops, striped cap Larwherstommy 11 Recent form poor in-running 2 (25%) 239.57 150.00 (62%)
Red, black seams, diabolo on sleeves, black diamond on cap Topper Thornton 39 11 (55%) 8.15 7.20 (87%)
Topper Thornton Pace Rating
White, emerald green stars, yellow sleeves, white cap Pyrus Gold Wind 29 16 (53%) 40.00 4.90 (10%)

18:10 Perth 2m Nov Hrd

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Black and pink diabolo, black sleeves, pink cap, black star Mirsaale 17 Inform recently in-running 13 (52%) 1.30 1.01 (3%)
Mirsaale Pace Rating
Dark blue, beige seams, beige armlet, beige cap Miro 12 Inform recently in-running 8 (67%) 5.00 4.80 (95%)
Purple, yellow disc, halved sleeves, yellow cap, purple diamond Pads 41 1 (50%) 57.46 55.00 (96%)
Pads Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow star, emerald green sleeves, yellow stars, white cap, yellow star Drinks For Losers 19 Recent form poor in-running 8 (53%) 120.00 70.00 (58%)
Black, red hoops, red sleeves, black seams, red cap Clear Spell 17 Recent form poor in-running 9 (36%) 170.00 190.00 (112%)

18:25 Galway 2m2f Nov Chs

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Maroon, white star and armlet, royal blue cap Tocororo 23 7 (39%) 3.48 1.01 (0%)
Maroon, white star, armlets and cap Tiger Roll 19 12 (63%) 5.88 2.02 (21%)
Tiger Roll Pace Rating
Emerald green, orange star, emerald green sleeves, orange stars and cap Baily Cloud 19 11 (58%) 9.12 7.60 (81%)
Baily Cloud Pace Rating
Purple and emerald green check, halved sleeves, check cap Odit 8 8 (67%) 14.50 18.50 (130%)
Dark blue, yellow inverted triangle, yellow sleeves, dark blue armlet, black and white check cap Hurricane Ben 40 4 (80%) 7.00 7.00 (100%)
Hurricane Ben Pace Rating
Light blue, black diamond, diamonds on sleeves, light blue cap, black diamond Taglietelle 17 19 (46%) 8.98 7.80 (85%)
Taglietelle Pace Rating
Black, orange and black quartered cap Neverushacon 19 9 (53%) 10.00 15.00 (156%)
Light blue, red cap, light blue star Ballyroe Rambler 157 11 (73%) 263.90 210.00 (79%)
Ballyroe Rambler Pace Rating

18:40 Perth 2m4f Hcap Chs

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Dark blue, yellow diamond and sleeves, yellow cap, red diamond Realt Mor 14 16 (73%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Realt Mor Pace Rating
White, dark blue stars on sleeves, dark blue cap Mountain King 37 9 (50%) 2.34 1.01 (1%)
Mountain King Pace Rating
Purple, yellow hoop Lowanbehold 42 4 (50%) 6.20 6.20 (100%)
Lowanbehold Pace Rating
Dark blue and red (halved), red sleeves and cap Back To Bracka 52 Recent form poor in-running 8 (40%) 8.76 3.75 (35%)
Back To Bracka Pace Rating
Red, emerald green hoop, white sleeves and cap Tangolan 17 Recent form poor in-running 11 (46%) 3.37 1.54 (23%)

18:55 Galway 2m6f Hcap Chs

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, yellow cross of lorraine and sleeves, royal blue cap Bills Official 31 Inform recently in-running 7 (39%) 14.99 13.00 (86%)
Royal blue, white stripe, purple cap Shake It Up 31 9 (69%) 7.40 6.60 (88%)
Shake It Up Pace Rating
Orange, beige braces, striped sleeves, orange cap One Fine Morning 19 18 (45%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Red, white disc, halved sleeves, striped cap Castle Falls 19 3 (38%) 11.26 5.80 (47%)
Royal blue, yellow hollow box, royal blue and white striped sleeves, black and yellow striped cap Curragh Golan 14 23 (59%) 18.21 20.00 (110%)
White, emerald green stars, yellow sleeves, maroon cap, white stars He Rocks 14 Inform recently in-running 17 (61%) 11.00 1.01 (0%)
He Rocks Pace Rating
Emerald green and royal blue halved, royal blue sleeves and cap Augest Benefit 14 7 (58%) 24.00 42.00 (178%)
Yellow and black diabolo, striped cap Garrai Phaidin 14 4 (50%) 6.73 2.48 (26%)
Garrai Phaidin Pace Rating
Yellow, royal blue sash, quartered cap Firmount Gent 46 4 (50%) 38.73 29.00 (74%)
Firmount Gent Pace Rating
Dark green, royal blue diamond, white cap Tomcoole Lad 14 21 (78%) 36.84 24.00 (64%)
Tomcoole Lad Pace Rating
Red, white sash and armlet, hooped cap Naughty Molly 9 14 (39%) 6.73 6.00 (87%)
Maroon, pink sleeves, white cap Willow Grange 14 11 (38%) 13.92 5.90 (38%)
Willow Grange Pace Rating
Black and emerald green check, emerald green sleeves, yellow cap Cootamundra 46 37 (74%) 65.68 32.00 (48%)
Emerald green, white stars, white sleeves, emerald green cap, white stars Abarta 18 Recent form poor in-running 23 (49%) 47.90 38.00 (79%)
Light blue, yellow star, yellow cap, light blue diamonds Classic Jewel 26 Recent form poor in-running 1 (7%) 60.00 80.00 (134%)
Dark blue and light blue quartered, diabolo on sleeves, light blue cap Prosperity Square 46 Inform recently in-running 26 (58%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Prosperity Square Pace Rating
Dark blue and yellow quartered, yellow sleeves, yellow cap, dark blue spots Clearly Capable 95 5 (50%) 80.00 28.00 (34%)
Orange, purple stars, orange sleeves and cap Princess Lir 42 Recent form poor in-running 5 (36%) 28.24 22.00 (77%)
Princess Lir Pace Rating
White, dark blue diamond, dark blue and white hooped cap Rockshandy 87 17 (57%) 70.00 40.00 (57%)
Green, white cross sashes and cap Hop In 78 10 (45%) 95.02 48.00 (50%)
Emerald green, white disc and sleeves, yellow and red striped cap Le Feu Garde 14 Inform recently in-running 6 (35%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)

19:10 Perth 2m Hcap Hrd

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Red and white stripes, red sleeves, white spots Blake Dean 8 5 Inform recently in-running 20 (50%) 3.86 1.01 (0%)
Blake Dean Pace Rating
Royal blue, white spots and sleeves, red cap Thankyou Very Much 37 15 (47%) 6.00 5.60 (92%)
Thankyou Very Much Pace Rating
Royal blue and yellow diamonds, white sleeves, royal blue cap, yellow diamond Shine A Diamond 332 Inform recently in-running 13 (62%) 26.66 26.00 (97%)
Shine A Diamond Pace Rating
White, dark blue hoops, dark blue sleeves, white stars, dark blue cap Chain of Beacons 1 4 (57%) 5.46 3.25 (50%)
Chain of Beacons Pace Rating
White, red stripe, red sleeves, white stars, red cap, white star Mr Kite 51 Recent form poor in-running 4 (36%) 14.66 5.50 (33%)
Mr Kite Pace Rating
Pink, grey and pink halved sleeves, grey cap Maoi Chinn Tire 17 Inform recently in-running 46 (64%) 4.90 2.46 (37%)
Grey and dark blue stripes, red cap Fire Rock 190 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Grey and red diamonds, grey sleeves Arantes 15 Recent form poor in-running 21 (54%) 73.95 16.00 (21%)
Arantes Pace Rating
Yellow, red chevron, diamonds on sleeves and cap Macalla 31 Inform recently in-running 8 (67%) 25.21 18.00 (70%)
Grey, red cap, grey diamond Grand Tour 25 2 (40%) 43.66 38.00 (87%)

19:25 Galway 2m INHF

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Red and yellow hoops, red sleeves, yellow stars on cap Borboleta 29 1 (100%) 1.56 1.58 (104%)
Pink, royal blue stars, pink sleeves, white cap The Birdie Crowe 37 1 (33%) 4.80 1.01 (0%)
The Birdie Crowe Pace Rating
Yellow, royal blue sash, check cap. Ask Susan 25 0 (0%) 16.33 7.40 (42%)
Ask Susan Pace Rating
Yellow, large royal blue spots, royal blue cap Miracle Way 30 2 (67%) 13.87 11.00 (78%)
Royal blue, yellow sash, yellow cap, royal blue spots. The Four Deuces 779 0 (0%) 271.12 140.00 (51%)
Red, black diamond, black armlet, red cap, black diamonds Strike Is Back 220 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Strike Is Back Pace Rating
White, red chevron, diabolo on sleeves, white cap Its Only Me 220 0 (0%) 95.00 44.00 (46%)
Emerald green and yellow check, yellow sleeves, quartered cap Whitehall Queen 220 0 (0%) 203.22 20.00 (9%)
Whitehall Queen Pace Rating
Black and yellow diabolo, yellow chevrons on sleeves, yellow diamond on cap Come Back Grainne 63 0 (0%) 300.00 120.00 (40%)
Come Back Grainne Pace Rating

19:40 Perth 3m Hcap Hrd

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue and black check, white sleeves and cap Lilywhite Gesture 1 4 (24%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Lilywhite Gesture Pace Rating
Red, black and white striped sleeves, red cap, black diamond Baysbrown 17 Inform recently in-running 4 (50%) 2.96 1.01 (1%)
Black, beige chevron and armlets Mighty Leader 26 8 (44%) 9.44 3.00 (24%)
Mighty Leader Pace Rating
Yellow, emerald green chevrons, yellow sleeves, emerald green stars, yellow cap, emerald green star Johnny Go 42 10 (48%) 5.36 4.60 (83%)
Royal blue, pink stars, pink and royal blue diabolo on sleeves, white cap West End 102 Inform recently in-running 21 (75%) 16.46 2.08 (7%)
Emerald green, dark blue star, dark blue sleeves, emerald green armlets, emerald green cap, dark blue star What A Joke 51 3 (50%) 27.00 18.00 (65%)
What A Joke Pace Rating
White, red seams, red sleeves, white armlets, red cap Misfits 17 0 (0%) 5.32 2.12 (26%)
Misfits Pace Rating
Maroon and light blue check, maroon cap Descaro 19 Recent form poor in-running 48 (47%) 25.98 12.00 (44%)
Yellow, emerald green star and chevrons on sleeves, quartered cap Castletown Bridge 25 14 (54%) 40.00 2.02 (3%)
Castletown Bridge Pace Rating
Royal blue, yellow braces, check cap Fair Trade 10 11 Inform recently in-running 18 (60%) 130.00 100.00 (77%)
Table Item Definition
Winner! In-running Rating based on all career runs
Pace rating Pace rating, based on past performances (Green: hold-up, orange: mid-pack, red: front-runner)
4 Draw, stall number
13 Days since last run
Inform recently in-running Inform recently in-running compared to BSP (based on last 5 runs)
Recent form poor in-running Recent form poor in-running compared to BSP (based on last 5 runs)
BSP Betfair Starting Price
IP Max Maximum price matched In-Play
IP Min Minimum price matched In-Play
IP Traded Total traded on this market
Green Text Has traded to or below a percentage band a reasonable amount
Orange Text Has traded to or below a percentage band a high amount
Red Text Has traded to or below a percentage band a very high amount

In-running Ratings History Archive