In-Running Blog

20 May 2016 Archived In-Running Cards

13:50 Goodwood 5f Nov Stks

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Red, large yellow spots, armlets and spots on cap Latest Quest 6 7 1 (100%) 2.94 2.20 (62%)
Latest Quest Pace Rating
Black and pink diamonds, maroon sleeves, dark green cap, emerald green star Peachey Carnehan 7 326 0 (0%) 5.10 1.22 (5%)
Peachey Carnehan Pace Rating
Pink, purple diamonds on sleeves. Nazik 11 10 2 (100%) 7.60 7.60 (100%)
Black, white hollow box, diabolo on sleeves Zaatar 10 326 0 (0%) 5.14 2.06 (26%)
Zaatar Pace Rating
Royal blue, white hoops, yellow sleeves, royal blue diamonds Quench Dolly 4 326 0 (0%) 9.28 1.07 (1%)
Grey, dark blue stars, pink sleeves Apple Scruffs 7 326 0 (0%) 44.62 26.00 (57%)

14:00 Carlisle 6f Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Dark green and pink (quartered), striped sleeves, dark green cap Chaplin Bay 4 7 7 (58%) 2.89 1.70 (37%)
Yellow, red disc, yellow sleeves, red stars, red cap Kenny The Captain 16 20 11 (42%) 8.91 1.01 (0%)
Kenny The Captain Pace Rating
Royal blue, white stars, royal blue sleeves and cap Circuitous 1 220 29 (52%) 15.22 16.00 (105%)
Light blue, black hoop, light blue sleeves, black stars, black cap, light blue star Razin Hell 8 66 Inform recently in-running 13 (57%) 8.57 6.00 (66%)
Razin Hell Pace Rating
Green, grey and lemon striped sleeves, maroon cap. Ancient Cross 2 27 Recent form poor in-running 48 (53%) 13.41 4.30 (27%)
Orange, white seams, sleeves and star on cap Daylight 5 7 16 (48%) 35.96 5.00 (11%)
Purple and orange diabolo, halved sleeves, purple and orange quartered cap Lackaday 6 20 11 (46%) 23.00 18.50 (80%)
Lackaday Pace Rating
Dark blue, yellow seams, hooped sleeves, quartered cap National Service 1 3 20 (53%) 12.35 16.00 (132%)
National Service Pace Rating
Emerald green, purple hoops, emerald green sleeves, purple cap Picks Pinta 2 11 Inform recently in-running 11 (52%) 15.00 6.20 (37%)
Yellow, orange triple diamond, diamonds on sleeves, yellow cap, orange diamond. Diatomic 6 31 Recent form poor in-running 14 (54%) 36.00 38.00 (106%)
Dark blue, yellow hoops, chevrons on sleeves, yellow cap Ki Ki 7 130 2 (67%) 42.85 16.50 (37%)
Ki Ki Pace Rating
Grey, maroon armlets, maroon cap Caeser The Gaeser 2 220 2 (33%) 44.00 22.00 (49%)
Light green, white chevron and sleeves Coolcalmcollected 3 44 8 (62%) 174.32 160.00 (92%)

14:10 Wolverhampton 7f Hcap

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Red, white cross belts, white sleeves, red spots, red and white quartered cap Colour My World 28 9 (60%) 4.79 1.67 (18%)
Dark green, red chevron Duke of North 14 1 Recent form poor in-running 5 (31%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Duke of North Pace Rating
Light blue, yellow seams, sleeves and cap Little Indian 3 9 Recent form poor in-running 18 (38%) 6.25 7.00 (114%)
Little Indian Pace Rating
Royal blue, yellow braces, black sleeves and cap Lutine Charlie 10 11 Recent form poor in-running 47 (49%) 17.29 21.00 (123%)
Lutine Charlie Pace Rating
Brown and emerald green stripes, brown sleeves and cap Capolavoro 9 326 0 (0%) 7.49 1.01 (0%)
Capolavoro Pace Rating
Red, yellow diamond, dark blue sleeves, yellow diamonds, dark blue cap, yellow diamond Satchville Flyer 7 25 Recent form poor in-running 10 (43%) 8.02 9.20 (117%)
Satchville Flyer Pace Rating
Orange and purple (halved), purple sleeves and cap Jebel Tara 4 25 43 (58%) 20.97 16.00 (75%)
Jebel Tara Pace Rating
Dark blue and yellow diabolo, striped sleeves, yellow cap, dark blue diamonds. Beggers Luck 3 114 Recent form poor in-running 8 (44%) 13.12 9.00 (66%)
Yellow, emerald green epaulets, royal blue sleeves, emerald green armlets, royal blue and yellow striped cap Major Muscari 5 78 33 (54%) 20.00 9.80 (46%)
Major Muscari Pace Rating
Black, mauve chevron Verus Delicia 3 189 21 (43%) 12.87 4.60 (30%)
Royal blue, light blue stars, light blue sleeves, royal blue armlets and star on light blue cap Jacksonfire 1 285 Recent form poor in-running 1 (17%) 46.95 44.00 (94%)
Royal blue, white stars, white sleeves, red armlets, white and red striped cap Henryhudsonbridge 5 244 Recent form poor in-running 3 (38%) 42.82 42.00 (98%)
Henryhudsonbridge Pace Rating

14:20 Goodwood 7f Hcap Stks

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, cerise spots and sleeves, quartered cap Baltic Brave 16 13 9 (41%) 4.10 2.20 (39%)
Dark green, royal blue diamond Good Luck Charm 8 24 30 (64%) 9.33 1.70 (8%)
Dark green, maroon sleeves, white spots, maroon cap, white spots Arlecchinos Leap 11 25 Inform recently in-running 11 (50%) 9.75 1.01 (0%)
Orange, royal blue cross of lorraine Dutch Art Dealer 11 37 Recent form poor in-running 7 (50%) 5.05 2.92 (47%)
Dutch Art Dealer Pace Rating
Purple and pink diamonds, white sleeves, red stars, white cap, red star Harlequin Striker 18 31 8 (44%) 10.50 8.20 (76%)
Harlequin Striker Pace Rating
Yellow, light blue epaulets Cool Bahamian 3 163 15 (54%) 9.49 4.90 (46%)
Cool Bahamian Pace Rating
Yellow, royal blue seams and sleeves, red cap. Pharmaceutical 14 19 6 (55%) 10.50 1.33 (3%)
Royal blue, white stripe, striped sleeves, yellow cap Live Dangerously 8 17 18 (43%) 18.54 11.50 (60%)

14:30 Carlisle 5f Nov Stks

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Emerald green, yellow stripe, yellow cap. Hope Against Hope 11 8 1 (100%) 2.72 1.45 (26%)
Cerise, green check cap Vatican Hill 10 326 0 (0%) 11.00 7.40 (64%)
Vatican Hill Pace Rating
Light blue and royal blue (quartered), royal blue sleeves, light blue stars, royal blue cap, light blue star Hotfill 4 326 0 (0%) 9.81 11.00 (114%)
Hotfill Pace Rating
White, maroon and purple striped sleeves Tahoo 5 326 0 (0%) 4.50 1.01 (0%)
Yellow, red hoops, checked sleeves Royal Celebration 1 326 0 (0%) 16.58 50.00 (315%)
Royal Celebration Pace Rating
White, maroon and purple striped sleeves. Last Paradise 4 326 0 (0%) 12.08 8.60 (69%)
Maroon, royal blue stars on sleeves, maroon cap, royal blue star Jester Spirit 8 37 1 (100%) 12.83 7.00 (51%)
Royal blue and white (quartered), royal blue sleeves, white stars, red cap Bellamay 1 18 0 (0%) 160.00 140.00 (87%)
Bellamay Pace Rating

14:40 Wolverhampton 1m Mdn Stks

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Emerald green, white stars, armlets and star on cap. Loveisreckless 5 23 0 (0%) 4.97 5.00 (101%)
Black, grey sleeves, black stars. Rebel Cause 7 24 1 (100%) 3.50 1.01 (0%)
Emerald green, dark green sleeves, dark green and emerald green quartered cap Invocation 231 2 (100%) 3.51 1.30 (12%)
Red, yellow stars, black sleeves, yellow stars, black cap, yellow star. Nobel Duke 9 326 0 (0%) 6.55 4.10 (56%)
Light blue, dark blue hoops, striped sleeves, white cap, pink stars Swiftee 1 18 1 (50%) 12.00 11.00 (91%)
Swiftee Pace Rating
Dark blue, pink star, dark blue sleeves, pink stars, dark blue cap, pink star. Spring In Kentucky 8 18 1 (100%) 153.12 23.00 (14%)
Orange, white diamonds on sleeves Brick Lane 1 326 0 (0%) 96.94 50.00 (51%)
Orange, white diamonds on sleeves Bethnal Green 8 492 0 (0%) 170.38 130.00 (76%)
Red, white triple diamond, diamonds on sleeves, red cap, white diamond Outback Guy 10 24 0 (0%) 936.51 150.00 (16%)
Black, emerald green hoops, black sleeves, emerald green spots, black cap. Sunny Monday 8 32 2 (67%) 1000.00 300.00 (30%)

14:55 Goodwood 1m Hcap Stks

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Red, white sash, royal blue cap Persuasive 3 198 1 (100%) 1.93 1.01 (1%)
Red, white sash, royal blue cap Aristocratic 7 25 2 (67%) 3.72 3.25 (83%)
Royal blue, pink diamond, diamonds on sleeves, royal blue cap, pink diamond Carpe Diem Lady 1 8 2 (40%) 7.94 6.00 (72%)
Dark blue and purple stripes, dark blue sleeves, yellow armlets, dark blue and purple hooped cap Norse Magic 24 3 (50%) 21.34 16.50 (76%)
Norse Magic Pace Rating
Old gold, royal blue fleur de lys and cap Poster Girl 12 24 2 (40%) 24.63 7.00 (25%)
White, royal blue diamonds on sleeves, red cap Rayaa 10 19 1 (33%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Yellow, light blue sleeves, red and yellow check cap Bay of St Malo 1 8 Recent form poor in-running 0 (0%) 60.29 20.00 (32%)

15:05 Carlisle 5f Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Red and royal blue (quartered), hooped sleeves, royal blue and red quartered cap Anieres Boy 11 13 Inform recently in-running 5 (83%) 3.15 1.80 (37%)
Anieres Boy Pace Rating
White, maroon epaulets, hooped sleeves, quartered cap Windforpower 8 10 Recent form poor in-running 36 (46%) 9.00 1.01 (0%)
Windforpower Pace Rating
White, purple cap Oriental Relation 6 10 27 (56%) 5.80 4.00 (63%)
Oriental Relation Pace Rating
Beige, brown sleeves. New Lease Of Life 5 7 Recent form poor in-running 13 (48%) 6.18 6.00 (97%)
Maroon, large white spots, white sleeves, maroon spots and spots on cap Bronze Beau 13 7 54 (56%) 13.33 3.00 (16%)
Light blue, dark blue disc and armlets Tinsill 6 10 Recent form poor in-running 18 (43%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Light blue and light green (quartered), light blue sleeves Danzeb 1 13 2 (33%) 7.18 5.00 (65%)
Dark blue, white cross belts, diabolo on sleeves, yellow cap Tribesman 3 18 3 (43%) 27.00 3.60 (10%)
Tribesman Pace Rating

15:15 Wolverhampton 1m1f Claim S

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Dark green, yellow cross belts, halved sleeves, dark green and black hooped cap Mr Red Clubs 6 24 27 (49%) 6.60 3.55 (46%)
Mr Red Clubs Pace Rating
Emerald green, white stripe, white sleeves, emerald green stars, white cap, emerald green star Marshgate Lane 5 9 14 (74%) 2.04 1.01 (1%)
Marshgate Lane Pace Rating
Purple, grey hoops, white sleeves Anton Chigurh 1 25 Inform recently in-running 12 (38%) 11.16 7.20 (61%)
Anton Chigurh Pace Rating
Red, yellow cross of lorraine and sleeves Ready 1 41 14 (37%) 4.48 2.76 (51%)
Ready Pace Rating
White, emerald green stripe, striped cap Vastly 2 57 9 (43%) 23.23 7.00 (27%)
Pink, large mauve spots, pink sleeves, mauve spots, mauve cap. Glasgow Central 10 1 Inform recently in-running 9 (38%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)

15:30 Goodwood 1m3f Listed

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue Prize Money 12 19 2 (100%) 2.15 1.15 (13%)
White, emerald green hoops, white sleeves and cap Algometer 3 28 2 (67%) 2.70 1.01 (1%)
Purple, pink seams, pink and purple chevrons on sleeves, pink cap, purple star Speed Company 7 20 4 (80%) 10.00 9.00 (89%)
Royal blue, white seams, chevrons on sleeves, white cap Ormito 3 15 2 (50%) 16.00 6.00 (33%)

15:40 Carlisle 1m Mdn Stks

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Purple, white cross belts and armlets, quartered cap Wholesome 6 237 2 (100%) 2.77 1.01 (1%)
Light blue, orange epaulets Prying Pandora 18 223 2 (50%) 3.55 3.25 (88%)
Black, white spots, black sleeves, white cap. Penny Lane Forever 6 27 1 (50%) 3.75 1.27 (10%)
Dark blue and white (quartered), red sleeves and cap Table Manners 3 22 0 (0%) 14.75 15.50 (105%)
Table Manners Pace Rating
Maroon, white stars, orange sleeves, maroon cap, white star Lincoln Rocks 14 292 1 (50%) 49.23 8.20 (15%)
Grey, pink and grey halved sleeves, pink cap Lucky Violet 5 28 1 (50%) 193.87 100.00 (51%)
Black, red disc. Little Miss Nelly 4 11 0 (0%) 1000.00 1000.00 (100%)
Light blue, royal blue chevrons, royal blue cap, light blue diamond Zruda 3 159 Recent form poor in-running 2 (15%) 1000.00 670.00 (67%)
Dark blue, light blue stars, striped sleeves, light blue cap, dark blue star Judith Gardenier 6 242 1 (33%) 1000.00 850.00 (85%)

15:50 Wolverhampton 1m4f Hcap

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Light green and purple (quartered), light green sleeves, white cap Solarmaite 7 25 Inform recently in-running 19 (54%) 14.62 11.50 (77%)
Solarmaite Pace Rating
Pink and dark blue stripes, dark blue and pink diabolo on sleeves, pink cap Yasir 3 34 Inform recently in-running 31 (50%) 5.58 2.00 (22%)
Yasir Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange (quartered), emerald green sleeves and cap Star Ascending 1 21 10 (59%) 6.97 3.50 (42%)
Star Ascending Pace Rating
Royal blue and yellow diabolo, yellow sleeves, royal blue cap. Azilian 4 18 Recent form poor in-running 7 (54%) 6.80 1.01 (0%)
Yellow, red spots on sleeves and cap Lions Charge 13 23 15 (54%) 7.80 7.00 (88%)
Lions Charge Pace Rating
Yellow, dark blue chevron, yellow sleeves, dark blue stars, yellow cap, dark blue star Comanche Chieftain 41 Recent form poor in-running 5 (28%) 8.82 8.40 (95%)
Comanche Chieftain Pace Rating
Black, white sleeves, yellow cap Horseguardsparade 73 4 (57%) 5.99 5.50 (90%)
Horseguardsparade Pace Rating
Maroon, white star, white sleeves, maroon armlets and star on white cap Shining Romeo 4 8 4 (44%) 36.00 4.40 (10%)
Shining Romeo Pace Rating
Light green, purple hoops, light green sleeves Wildomar 6 41 11 (35%) 32.48 30.00 (92%)

16:00 Goodwood 1m4f Hcap

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Pink, red chevrons, pink sleeves, white stars, red cap, pink star Hestina 18 2 (100%) 4.86 3.00 (52%)
Hestina Pace Rating
Light blue and white (quartered), hooped sleeves, light blue cap Parnells Dream 3 20 0 (0%) 8.05 5.00 (57%)
White, emerald green hoops, white sleeves and cap. Wavelet 1 109 3 (50%) 12.22 9.60 (77%)
Mauve, purple armlets She Is No Lady 3 224 Inform recently in-running 6 (75%) 4.44 2.00 (29%)
White, royal blue chevron, chevrons on sleeves, red cap Elysian Fields 1 295 Inform recently in-running 6 (60%) 12.00 4.30 (30%)
Yellow, royal blue cross of lorraine, armlets and cap Star Rider 203 3 (33%) 8.60 2.70 (22%)
Star Rider Pace Rating
Maroon, light blue spots, sleeves and cap Genuine Approval 10 24 3 (75%) 25.00 11.50 (44%)
Genuine Approval Pace Rating
Light blue, white sleeves. Novancia 7 275 Inform recently in-running 5 (83%) 17.50 11.50 (64%)
Royal blue and yellow diabolo, yellow sleeves, royal blue cap Tioga Pass 12 20 11 (73%) 12.42 1.01 (0%)

16:10 Carlisle 1m Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, white stars, white cap, royal blue star Desert Haze 7 25 2 (67%) 3.25 1.01 (0%)
White, dark green braces, diabolo on sleeves, red cap, white star Ghinia 13 24 8 (53%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Silver, gold braid, maroon cap, gold tassel AL Shahaniya 9 237 2 (67%) 7.82 5.00 (59%)
Jade green, flame hooped sleeves, black cap Breakable 8 7 13 (59%) 4.34 3.75 (82%)
Dark blue, white triple diamond and armlets Fidelma Moon 11 27 9 (64%) 14.81 1.81 (6%)
Royal blue and white (quartered), white sleeves, red armlets, royal blue cap, white diamonds Renfrew Street 9 198 3 (60%) 6.98 6.80 (97%)
White and maroon check, maroon sleeves, white armlets, maroon cap Forever A Lady 3 36 Inform recently in-running 4 (67%) 15.74 13.00 (81%)
Forever A Lady Pace Rating
Royal blue, red chevrons, white and red striped sleeves, red and white quartered cap Hidden Treasures 10 16 0 (0%) 23.38 9.80 (39%)
Black, red hoops, black sleeves, red cap Alexandrakollontai 8 14 Recent form poor in-running 17 (31%) 29.54 5.80 (17%)

16:20 Wolverhampton 6f Hcap

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap. Mutarajjil 6 19 2 (67%) 4.33 3.70 (81%)
White, purple cap Sir Dudley 5 14 8 (50%) 10.50 2.54 (16%)
Royal blue, white stars, white cap, royal blue star Inland Sea 2 44 3 (100%) 3.35 1.01 (0%)
Light blue and pink (halved), striped sleeves, black cap Big Amigo 2 15 3 (60%) 15.30 12.00 (77%)
Big Amigo Pace Rating
White, dark blue armlets and cap Symposium 3 223 2 (67%) 7.10 2.00 (16%)
Light blue, mauve epaulets, armlets and cap Another Boy 12 35 Recent form poor in-running 3 (30%) 11.42 9.60 (83%)
Maroon and yellow (quartered), halved sleeves, dark blue cap Kyllukey 2 24 Inform recently in-running 6 (60%) 14.00 3.00 (15%)
Royal blue, light green epaulets Furiant 6 27 Recent form poor in-running 7 (54%) 55.00 22.00 (39%)

16:35 Goodwood 6f Hcap Stks

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, light blue seams, light blue and royal blue halved sleeves, dark blue cap Seeking Magic 2 19 Inform recently in-running 23 (62%) 4.07 1.01 (0%)
Grey, light blue epaulets, light blue cap Clear Spring 21 7 Inform recently in-running 27 (55%) 6.02 4.50 (70%)
Yellow, black star, quartered cap Englishman 11 7 Inform recently in-running 13 (76%) 6.45 3.30 (42%)
White, red sash, red and white striped cap Ruwaiyan 3 293 Recent form poor in-running 11 (46%) 6.40 2.86 (34%)
Dark blue, pink stars, armlets and stars on cap Huntsmans Close 1 19 16 (64%) 8.66 3.20 (29%)
Huntsmans Close Pace Rating
Yellow, black diamond, sleeves and diamond on cap Go Far 12 154 24 (50%) 18.46 1.27 (2%)
Go Far Pace Rating
Dark blue, pink hoops, armlets and cap Charles Molson 5 7 Recent form poor in-running 8 (36%) 8.55 5.10 (54%)
Orange, dark blue armlets Shared Equity 9 27 9 (53%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Orange, dark blue armlets Shared Equity 9 27 9 (53%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Orange, dark blue armlets Shared Equity 9 27 9 (53%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Orange, dark blue armlets Shared Equity 9 27 9 (53%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)

16:45 Carlisle 7f Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue and white (quartered), white sleeves, red armlets, royal blue cap, white diamonds Surewecan 11 11 Inform recently in-running 14 (54%) 5.20 1.67 (16%)
Black, orange braces, halved sleeves and star on cap Tellovoi 1 11 21 (46%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Tellovoi Pace Rating
Dark blue, royal blue seams, white sleeves, red and white striped cap Shootingsta 5 139 7 (54%) 3.73 3.00 (73%)
Shootingsta Pace Rating
Red and black diamonds, red sleeves, black armlets and diamonds on cap Chiswick Bey 12 10 Recent form poor in-running 13 (24%) 5.61 5.00 (87%)
Chiswick Bey Pace Rating
Black, pink star, striped sleeves, pink cap Gold Flash 1 6 Recent form poor in-running 3 (33%) 4.11 3.85 (92%)
Gold Flash Pace Rating
Purple, yellow star, yellow sleeves, purple diamonds, purple cap, yellow star Royal Duchess 8 26 Recent form poor in-running 13 (57%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Red, yellow epaulets, chevrons on sleeves, quartered cap Ralphy Boy 7 21 24 (50%) 15.44 3.00 (14%)
Grey, red star on body and cap, red sleeves, grey armlets Honeysuckle Lil 2 14 Recent form poor in-running 9 (56%) 13.00 1.05 (0%)

16:55 Wolverhampton 5f Hcap

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Pink, light blue sash, light blue cap Blistering Dancer 6 26 Inform recently in-running 16 (46%) 10.90 10.50 (96%)
Blistering Dancer Pace Rating
Mauve, large pink spots, mauve sleeves, pink spots, pink cap Tasaaboq 5 25 Inform recently in-running 15 (58%) 5.30 2.00 (23%)
Tasaaboq Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow epaulets, yellow sleeves, emerald green armlets, yellow cap Jack The Laird 11 23 1 (33%) 2.65 1.01 (1%)
Jack The Laird Pace Rating
Pink, dark blue star John Joiner 3 18 Inform recently in-running 8 (67%) 8.14 2.98 (28%)
Black, yellow stars, hooped sleeves and star on cap Red Flute 2 21 Inform recently in-running 14 (64%) 27.00 12.00 (42%)
Red Flute Pace Rating
Red, red and emerald green check sleeves, emerald green cap Very First Blade 4 25 33 (43%) 50.00 44.00 (88%)
Very First Blade Pace Rating
Orange and white diamonds, black sleeves and cap Spray Tan 13 18 15 (37%) 40.04 10.00 (23%)
Black and orange diamonds, black sleeves, orange armlets and diamond on cap. Kuanyao 8 44 Inform recently in-running 46 (56%) 35.12 32.00 (91%)
Orange, brown stars, orange sleeves and cap Rat Catcher 3 25 19 (45%) 27.11 29.00 (107%)
Rat Catcher Pace Rating
Royal blue, yellow hoops, royal blue sleeves, black and white hooped cap Fossa 2 25 15 (48%) 14.00 14.50 (104%)
Fossa Pace Rating
Orange, black triple diamond and armlets Willow Spring 9 13 Inform recently in-running 5 (71%) 109.34 13.00 (11%)
Willow Spring Pace Rating

17:05 Goodwood 5f Hcap Stks

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Black, yellow seams, yellow stars on sleeves, black cap, yellow stars Dnaneer 1 31 2 (67%) 8.40 5.50 (61%)
Dnaneer Pace Rating
Light green, red disc, red cap Cherry Kool 8 22 Inform recently in-running 6 (100%) 6.60 4.00 (54%)
Cherry Kool Pace Rating
Black, grey sleeves, black stars Sir Theodore 11 4 Inform recently in-running 8 (80%) 3.38 1.45 (19%)
Sir Theodore Pace Rating
Orange, white triple diamond, orange and yellow chevrons on sleeves, orange cap, yellow diamond Annie Salts 7 2 1 (25%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Annie Salts Pace Rating
Emerald green, light blue chevron, diamonds on sleeves, light blue cap Wiley Post 4 8 3 (43%) 8.20 1.01 (0%)
Maroon, light green chevrons, maroon cap Miss Phillyjinks 2 24 4 (44%) 15.97 20.00 (127%)
Pink, grey braces and stars on cap Stormflower 10 18 6 (46%) 11.50 3.90 (28%)
Stormflower Pace Rating
Emerald green and primrose (quartered), flame sleeves, flame and white check cap Chandresh 9 235 1 (25%) 13.38 6.20 (42%)
Chandresh Pace Rating
Maroon, maroon and white diabolo on sleeves, white cap, maroon star. Silver Wings 9 63 Inform recently in-running 9 (60%) 18.63 17.00 (91%)
Black, red diamond and diamond on cap Deer Song 6 18 6 (40%) 33.33 11.00 (31%)
Deer Song Pace Rating

17:15 Carlisle 1m Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Soft

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Silver, tassel on cap Ordinal 9 30 3 (60%) 4.30 1.01 (0%)
Pink, light blue sleeves, pink armlets. Fidra Bay 3 26 3 (75%) 4.66 3.00 (55%)
Grey, beige star, grey sleeves, beige stars and stars on cap Frap 8 22 7 (64%) 7.00 1.10 (2%)
Frap Pace Rating
White, royal blue stars, red and white diabolo on sleeves, white cap, red star Shes Electric 6 225 3 (60%) 6.00 1.03 (1%)
Yellow and white (quartered), yellow sleeves, white armlets, yellow cap Oceanella 2 217 0 (0%) 15.56 10.00 (62%)
Beige, red seams, armlets and cap Mr Potter 10 18 6 (75%) 12.32 11.50 (93%)
Mr Potter Pace Rating
White, maroon chevrons, maroon sleeves, white diamonds, white cap, maroon diamond My Valentino 2 289 1 (20%) 16.53 17.50 (106%)
My Valentino Pace Rating
Yellow, brown cross belts, royal blue cap Diamond Avalanche 8 26 4 (50%) 25.00 18.00 (71%)

17:25 Wolverhampton 1m App Hcap

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Orange, black epaulets, emerald green sleeves, black cap Mount Cheiron 3 23 18 (49%) 6.21 4.80 (73%)
Mount Cheiron Pace Rating
Red, mauve sash, white cap. El Duque 2 4 Recent form poor in-running 22 (48%) 6.09 1.55 (11%)
Yellow, royal blue star, halved sleeves, royal blue cap, yellow star Little Choosey 4 24 Inform recently in-running 23 (47%) 10.00 1.01 (0%)
Little Choosey Pace Rating
Red, black hoop and armlets, red cap, white star Edge 10 17 13 (59%) 14.00 10.00 (69%)
Dark green, maroon cross belts, dark green sleeves, yellow armlets, dark green and maroon quartered cap Pipers Piping 6 31 Recent form poor in-running 44 (44%) 17.28 8.00 (43%)
Pipers Piping Pace Rating
Green, plum sleeves, hooped cap Bold Grove 1 263 4 (50%) 30.50 30.00 (98%)
Bold Grove Pace Rating
Dark green, yellow star, sleeves and star on cap. Citisonsmith 7 24 7 (44%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Red, dark blue hoop, white sleeves, dark blue armlets and star on white cap Diamond Runner 14 13 10 (56%) 12.00 7.20 (56%)
Orange, purple triple diamond, sleeves and diamonds on cap Luv U Lucky 8 24 Recent form poor in-running 3 (27%) 4.70 4.00 (81%)
Luv U Lucky Pace Rating
Black, beige stars on sleeves, black cap, beige star Dutch Barney 27 1 (33%) 46.52 34.00 (72%)
White, maroon epaulets, royal blue and black striped sleeves and cap Whitstable Native 35 9 (33%) 15.32 14.50 (94%)
Black, yellow disc, yellow sleeves, black spots, yellow cap. Farang Jai Dee 9 34 3 (33%) 61.27 48.00 (78%)
Light green, purple spots, light green sleeves, hooped cap Ocean Bentley 58 4 (29%) 76.01 5.00 (5%)

17:35 Cork 5f Mdn

Track: Turf. Going: Heavy

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Maroon, dark blue sleeves, dark blue cap, maroon diamond Gone To Russia 7 25 1 (100%) 1.85 1.31 (36%)
Black, white hoops, royal blue cap, white star Blue Bahia 7 25 1 (50%) 6.00 4.80 (76%)
Blue Bahia Pace Rating
Royal blue, dark blue seams, royal blue sleeves and cap Arabian Verse 3 326 0 (0%) 19.59 2.00 (5%)
Red, yellow seams, green cap Joyce Compton 7 35 0 (0%) 26.88 42.00 (158%)
Claret, gold braid, claret sleeves, claret cap, gold tassel Spy Ring 9 326 0 (0%) 6.44 1.01 (0%)
Grey, dark green spots on sleeves, grey cap, dark green star Fast Lily 2 9 0 (0%) 33.91 8.80 (24%)
Dark blue, red spots, dark blue sleeves, dark blue cap, red spots Mayleaf Shine 5 25 1 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Royal blue, yellow epaulettes, red and light green striped sleeves, light green and yellow hooped cap Frankie Cloud 6 326 0 (0%) 95.00 100.00 (105%)
Emerald green, yellow star, yellow and emerald green hooped sleeves, yellow cap, emerald green star Glenviggan Lass 1 326 0 (0%) 242.70 160.00 (66%)
Light blue, black epaulettes, red cap, brown spots Penelope Tiptop 4 326 0 (0%) 251.02 150.00 (60%)
Red, yellow seams, green cap Loveisallaroundyou 2 33 0 (0%) 103.56 70.00 (67%)
Loveisallaroundyou Pace Rating

17:45 Stratford 2m6f Nov Hunt Ch

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Gold, black hoops, gold cap Go On Henry 254 2 (100%) 8.75 5.20 (54%)
Light blue, grey chevrons, light blue cap Key People 28 3 (60%) 8.58 7.20 (82%)
Dark green, yellow sash, chevrons on sleeves, yellow cap. Itchymeimscratch 394 3 (50%) 3.68 3.50 (93%)
Royal blue, red disc, halved sleeves and star on cap. According To Dan 767 0 (0%) 38.47 25.00 (64%)
Maroon and yellow diamonds, halved sleeves, yellow cap Our Chief 338 3 (43%) 75.00 1.01 (0%)
Our Chief Pace Rating
Light blue, dark blue chevron, white sleeves, dark blue stars and cap. Northgeorge 50 1 (100%) 38.00 5.00 (11%)
Royal blue, pink stars, pink and royal blue diabolo on sleeves, white cap. The Gunner Brady 402 4 (57%) 23.00 5.30 (20%)
Dark blue, white braces, striped sleeves, red cap. Porlock Bay 818 2 (40%) 23.82 24.00 (101%)
Black and emerald green diabolo, white sleeves, white cap, black diamond Forrest Blue 326 0 (0%) 342.93 200.00 (58%)
Forrest Blue Pace Rating
Light blue and royal blue (quartered), light blue sleeves, red armlets, red cap Ypsilanti 23 1 (100%) 3.45 1.70 (29%)
Ypsilanti Pace Rating
Red, white chevron, black sleeves, white stars, check cap. Velvet Royale 326 0 (0%) 96.63 27.00 (27%)
Royal blue and yellow (quartered), royal blue sleeves, yellow stars, royal blue cap, yellow star Shabach 16 1 (20%) 850.00 920.00 (108%)
White and dark blue diabolo, dark blue sleeves, white cap. Dido 840 0 (0%) 65.00 15.00 (22%)
Light blue and royal blue (quartered), striped sleeves. Exclusive Rights 1107 1 (25%) 55.00 1.61 (1%)

17:55 Downpatrick 2m6f Nov Hrd

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Maroon, white star and armlet, maroon cap, white star Rise of An Empire 14 2 (50%) 1.68 1.01 (1%)
White and mauve check, emerald green sleeves and cap John Monash 8 6 (50%) 6.80 2.40 (24%)
Light blue, red diamond and sleeves, red cap, light blue diamond Dontbackme 20 5 (63%) 6.20 4.00 (58%)
Dontbackme Pace Rating
White, emerald green hoops, white sleeves, emerald green stars, black cap Faraway Mountain 14 2 (40%) 20.26 17.50 (86%)
Blue, green sleeves, black cap. Smoking Big Cigars 8 3 (38%) 29.00 21.00 (71%)
Royal blue, grey stars, grey sleeves, black cap Native Lass 5 3 (75%) 44.00 20.00 (44%)

18:05 Cork 5f Stks

Track: Turf. Going: Heavy

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue Toscanini 3 222 Inform recently in-running 11 (79%) 3.54 2.56 (61%)
Toscanini Pace Rating
Dark blue The Happy Prince 11 25 Inform recently in-running 9 (90%) 5.01 4.70 (92%)
Mauve, black seams, dark blue sleeves, mauve cap Ardhoomey 13 5 Inform recently in-running 8 (80%) 2.93 1.01 (1%)
Black, orange seams, orange spots on cap Abstraction 6 25 9 (75%) 7.20 1.04 (1%)
Gold, red hoop and cuffs, red cap, gold hoop Dikta Del Mar 1 250 Recent form poor in-running 3 (43%) 26.01 24.00 (92%)
Red, yellow panel, yellow chevrons on sleeves, red cap Chapter One 7 10 1 (50%) 70.00 26.00 (36%)

18:10 Catterick 5f Hcap

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Dark blue, grey epaulets, grey cap Lizzys Dream 6 13 Inform recently in-running 21 (55%) 16.81 15.50 (92%)
Lizzys Dream Pace Rating
Black and yellow diamonds, black sleeves, red armlets and diamond on black cap Compton River 8 13 Inform recently in-running 9 (45%) 9.19 3.00 (24%)
Compton River Pace Rating
Red, large royal blue spots Indastar 5 154 Inform recently in-running 14 (78%) 9.98 8.60 (85%)
Yellow, royal blue diamond, hooped sleeves, yellow cap, royal blue diamond Sunrise Dance 12 13 Recent form poor in-running 23 (44%) 23.00 21.00 (91%)
Pink, black cross belts, black cap Give Us A Belle 5 3 30 (43%) 4.09 2.06 (34%)
Give Us A Belle Pace Rating
Royal blue and yellow (quartered), royal blue and white halved sleeves, yellow cap Lorimers Lot 13 189 13 (46%) 11.12 12.50 (114%)
Yellow, red seams, halved sleeves, red and yellow check cap Lydiate Lady 6 26 11 (52%) 15.00 14.00 (93%)
Lydiate Lady Pace Rating
Mauve, black star, diamonds on sleeves, black cap, mauve star Fuel Injection 5 32 12 (40%) 14.00 21.00 (154%)
Fuel Injection Pace Rating
Yellow, royal blue star, halved sleeves, royal blue cap, yellow star Zebelini 6 210 4 (36%) 10.77 8.80 (80%)
Zebelini Pace Rating
Old gold, purple sash and cap, gold spots A J Cook 3 13 17 (52%) 51.98 50.00 (96%)
A J Cook Pace Rating
Beige, brown seams, armlets and cap Under Approval 2 13 17 (44%) 32.00 1.01 (0%)
Royal blue, pink chevrons, royal blue cap. Incomparable 8 10 Recent form poor in-running 39 (49%) 42.84 21.00 (48%)
Orange, maroon armlets Betty Boo 11 14 14 (42%) 42.00 20.00 (46%)
Royal blue, yellow seams, royal blue sleeves, yellow spots, red cap Thornaby Princess 8 210 10 (53%) 34.00 65.00 (194%)

18:15 Stratford 3m2f Hcap Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Purple, dark green cross belts, yellow sleeves and cap Mogestic 18 Inform recently in-running 6 (50%) 6.52 6.00 (91%)
Mogestic Pace Rating
White, red chevron, emerald green and red striped sleeves, red cap Rolling Maul 17 17 (61%) 3.15 1.80 (37%)
Rolling Maul Pace Rating
Black and orange (quartered), orange sleeves and cap Weststreet 50 7 (70%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Weststreet Pace Rating
Dark blue, white armlets. Kingsmere 14 Inform recently in-running 22 (71%) 8.87 2.10 (14%)
Royal blue, maroon seams and sleeves, maroon and royal blue check cap. Kaysersberg 17 Recent form poor in-running 13 (52%) 8.60 4.10 (41%)
Dark blue, lilac sleeves, lilac and white quartered cap Ganbei 5 4 (44%) 9.47 1.01 (0%)
Ganbei Pace Rating
Black and red (quartered), black sleeves, red seams, red cap Easter Day 29 Inform recently in-running 13 (65%) 7.20 6.40 (87%)
Easter Day Pace Rating
Royal blue, white cross belts, chevrons on sleeves, white cap Driftwood Haze 31 Inform recently in-running 7 (78%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Driftwood Haze Pace Rating
Red and white stripes, dark blue and white striped sleeves Harry Hunt 55 26 (49%) 22.00 13.00 (57%)
Harry Hunt Pace Rating

18:25 Downpatrick 2m6f Hcap Hrd

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Emerald green, white star, orange and white striped sleeves, orange cap Tellthemnuttin 14 3 (60%) 3.50 1.01 (0%)
Black and white hoops, white diamonds on cap Scenic Star 11 1 Inform recently in-running 10 (48%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Black, red spots, black cap, white spots. Shabras Bertolini 8 22 (47%) 9.00 7.40 (80%)
Yellow, light green star, light green stars on sleeves, light green star on cap The Informer 153 7 (58%) 6.41 2.24 (23%)
The Informer Pace Rating
Black, emerald green sash and cap Benarty Hill 15 7 (64%) 18.29 18.00 (98%)
Benarty Hill Pace Rating
Maroon, white star, armlets and star on cap Authorized Cadeaux 6 Recent form poor in-running 0 (0%) 5.20 4.00 (71%)
Dark blue, yellow sash and sleeves, yellow star on cap Quelle Belle Vie 6 2 (25%) 8.35 2.02 (14%)
Quelle Belle Vie Pace Rating
Royal blue and white hoops, striped cap Fiddle The Till 111 2 (67%) 45.36 3.00 (5%)
Fiddle The Till Pace Rating
Royal blue and yellow check, yellow sleeves, check cap Nevada Rose 14 Inform recently in-running 4 (33%) 46.00 16.00 (33%)
Emerald green, red disc, red spots on sleeves, emerald green cap, red spots Olympic Queen 25 1 (25%) 178.90 150.00 (84%)
Olympic Queen Pace Rating
White, red disc, red stars on cap Model Cloud 5 2 (40%) 30.20 5.00 (14%)

18:30 Haydock 1m2f Hcap

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Emerald green, maroon cross belts, striped sleeves and star on cap My Lord 7 7 Inform recently in-running 42 (58%) 2.92 2.96 (102%)
My Lord Pace Rating
Emerald green, white spots, emerald green sleeves, white and yellow quartered cap Masterpaver 1 22 Recent form poor in-running 16 (39%) 2.86 1.01 (1%)
Masterpaver Pace Rating
Purple, yellow stripe and armlets, yellow cap, purple star Ferdy 5 27 Inform recently in-running 28 (53%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Dark blue, white star, red sleeves, white stars, red cap, white star Lostock Hall 13 5 (38%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Light blue, white and light blue hooped sleeves Merchant Of Medici 6 217 Recent form poor in-running 12 (55%) 11.56 4.20 (30%)
White, royal blue seams, royal blue and white striped sleeves, yellow cap La Havrese 2 34 10 (43%) 11.30 7.00 (58%)
La Havrese Pace Rating
Emerald green, red inverted triangle, red cap Anneani 7 63 5 (33%) 19.89 12.00 (58%)
Primrose, black hoop, armlets and cap Cape Spirit 10 24 Recent form poor in-running 1 (11%) 16.00 6.20 (35%)
Cape Spirit Pace Rating
Purple, yellow sleeves, black and yellow hooped cap. Mays Boy 9 121 27 (46%) 87.42 34.00 (38%)

18:35 Cork 5f Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Heavy

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue and yellow hoops, yellow cap, royal blue diamond Charlies Missile 2 33 4 (50%) 5.28 6.00 (117%)
Red, white star, hooped sleeves, white cap, red star Victorious Secret 2 35 2 (50%) 5.30 8.00 (163%)
Victorious Secret Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, white cap Off And On 9 236 1 (33%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Red, yellow halved sleeves, yellow cap Jenniechild 7 236 2 (67%) 13.18 2.00 (8%)
Red, yellow seams, green cap Up Up And Away 3 175 1 (33%) 24.83 14.50 (57%)
Emerald green and orange hooped, white cap Candelaria 3 43 4 (80%) 14.73 2.00 (7%)
Dark blue, white cross sashes, emerald green cap The Chazz 9 35 4 (67%) 15.32 10.00 (63%)
White, purple panel, check cap Leath Na Hoibre 1 9 Inform recently in-running 5 (83%) 9.09 9.00 (99%)
Royal blue and black stripes, white and black halved sleeves, royal blue and black striped cap Rateel 2 9 6 (43%) 15.54 17.00 (110%)
Grey, dark green spots on sleeves, grey cap, dark green star Bambari 234 0 (0%) 25.60 4.20 (13%)
Emerald green, black cross sashes, yellow sleeves, black armlet, black cap, emerald green star Paytheprice 3 18 3 (43%) 9.67 130.00 (1488%)
Paytheprice Pace Rating
Mauve, dark blue star, dark blue sleeves, mauve seams, dark blue cap, mauve star Miss Ives 6 84 1 (33%) 31.25 23.00 (73%)
Dark blue, white star and sleeves Nora Batt 2 19 5 (71%) 40.00 1.01 (0%)
Nora Batt Pace Rating
Maroon, white cross of lorraine and chevrons on sleeves, maroon cap Queen Alpha 4 44 0 (0%) 71.71 95.00 (133%)
Red, purple stars, purple sleeves, purple cap, red star Idlers Dream 6 2 Inform recently in-running 5 (83%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)

18:40 Catterick 5f Nov Stks

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue and white (quartered), white sleeves, red armlets, royal blue cap, white diamonds. Wheneverwecan 8 11 2 (100%) 3.70 3.60 (96%)
Light blue and dark blue diamonds, light blue sleeves, dark blue armlets, dark blue and light blue check cap Gabridan 1 326 0 (0%) 13.26 20.00 (155%)
Black, orange star Poppy Pivot 3 17 1 (50%) 8.51 7.60 (88%)
Poppy Pivot Pace Rating
Black, red stripe, hooped sleeves, white cap Neigh Kid 1 326 0 (0%) 16.88 16.50 (98%)
Yellow, maroon epaulets, halved sleeves, maroon cap Red Savina 4 326 0 (0%) 36.00 32.00 (89%)
Purple and yellow diamonds, checked sleeves Merry Banter 5 17 1 (33%) 12.74 1.01 (0%)
Merry Banter Pace Rating
White, maroon and purple striped sleeves. Flawlessly 5 326 0 (0%) 2.66 1.04 (2%)
Maroon, white hooped sleeves Born To Boogie 9 18 1 (50%) 101.11 50.00 (49%)
Born To Boogie Pace Rating
Jade green, flame hooped sleeves, black cap Clear As A Bell 3 14 0 (0%) 359.75 280.00 (78%)

18:45 Stratford 3m3f Nov Hunt Ch

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Purple, yellow diamond, emerald green sleeves, yellow cap Broken Eagle 23 Inform recently in-running 6 (67%) 12.74 7.00 (51%)
Yellow, dark blue epaulets, dark blue and yellow diabolo on sleeves, yellow and dark blue quartered cap. Stoleaway 21 1 (100%) 6.00 5.30 (86%)
White, royal blue hoop, royal blue and white halved sleeves, royal blue and white quartered cap. Connies Cross 90 2 (67%) 7.83 8.20 (105%)
Dark blue and light blue stripes, hooped sleeves and cap Lilbitluso 23 Inform recently in-running 7 (70%) 3.36 1.37 (16%)
Lilbitluso Pace Rating
Dark blue, dark blue and pink check sleeves, pink cap High Hatton 23 1 (100%) 16.89 17.00 (101%)
High Hatton Pace Rating
Royal blue, black hooped sleeves, black cap Cooladerry King 21 Inform recently in-running 5 (71%) 39.30 20.00 (50%)
Cooladerry King Pace Rating
Black, emerald green star, emerald green cap, black star. Curraigflemens 8 2 (50%) 33.02 7.40 (20%)
Beige and turquoise stripes. Green Winter 759 1 (100%) 11.00 11.50 (105%)
Black, white hooped sleeves, emerald green cap Midnight King 23 7 (64%) 21.00 18.50 (88%)
Yellow, dark blue hoop and armlets, dark blue cap, yellow star. Excitable Island 23 1 (100%) 38.00 19.50 (50%)
Emerald green, red sash, white sleeves and cap Quiet Account 61 6 (60%) 15.24 1.01 (0%)
Quiet Account Pace Rating
Yellow, dark blue braces, hooped sleeves, quartered cap. Master Sunrise 21 1 (100%) 173.38 110.00 (63%)
Light blue, grey chevrons, light blue cap. River Of Time 38 3 (50%) 611.17 500.00 (82%)

18:55 Downpatrick 2m2f Mdn Hrd

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Dark blue, light blue star, light blue armlet, light blue star on cap Twilight Shadow 14 2 (33%) 5.50 1.01 (0%)
Royal blue, orange spots, orange sleeves and cap Lord De Beaufai 18 Recent form poor in-running 4 (36%) 9.04 7.80 (85%)
Dark blue, beige seams, beige armlet, beige cap Miro 123 3 (50%) 44.51 38.00 (85%)
Emerald green, emerald green and white hooped cap Ainslie 14 Recent form poor in-running 2 (17%) 4.10 3.10 (68%)
Ainslie Pace Rating
Light blue, maroon cap Whizzzey Rascal 23 4 (80%) 8.00 5.40 (63%)
Whizzzey Rascal Pace Rating
Pink, royal blue triple diamond and diamonds on sleeves, white cap The Secret Mason 326 0 (0%) 22.84 13.00 (55%)
White, royal blue spots Reetaj 54 5 (71%) 3.77 3.40 (87%)
Light green, purple chevron, striped sleeves and stars on cap Sonic Rainbow 153 6 (46%) 170.00 160.00 (94%)
Maroon, light blue spots on sleeves, check cap Lunar Logic 266 Recent form poor in-running 2 (33%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Emerald green, white star, black sleeves, white armlet, black cap, white stars Nordic Beat 266 0 (0%) 565.42 440.00 (78%)
Yellow and black check, yellow sleeves, white cap Double Return 313 0 (0%) 830.00 630.00 (76%)
Black, white stars, white cap, purple star Heartheecho 7 1 (20%) 275.17 300.00 (109%)
Royal blue and emerald green diamonds, emerald green sleeves, hooped cap Pres De Moi 25 2 (50%) 1000.00 75.00 (7%)
Royal blue, white star, white sleeves, royal blue stars, royal blue cap, white stars Atlantic Breaker 18 0 (0%) 207.31 21.00 (10%)

19:00 Haydock 5f Mdn Stks

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
White, royal blue hoop, diabolo on sleeves, royal blue cap Devilish Guest 5 326 0 (0%) 2.29 1.79 (61%)
White, mauve hoop Pretty Vacant 1 326 0 (0%) 13.00 6.00 (42%)
Royal blue, yellow stripe, yellow sleeves, royal blue armlets and star on yellow cap Hart Stopper 8 326 0 (0%) 7.00 4.70 (62%)
Hart Stopper Pace Rating
Dark blue and white stripes, red sleeves, white cap Bridal March 3 326 0 (0%) 16.36 13.00 (78%)
Dark blue, white star, red sleeves, white stars, red cap, white star Three Cs 5 326 0 (0%) 13.86 8.00 (54%)
Three Cs Pace Rating
White, purple cap Prince of Cool 2 326 0 (0%) 4.30 1.01 (0%)
Orange, red sleeves Sky Gypsy 7 326 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)

19:05 Cork 6f Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Heavy

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Black, red star, red sleeves, black stars, red cap, black star Cappadocia 3 7 18 (47%) 5.91 1.30 (6%)
Cappadocia Pace Rating
Dark blue and emerald green hoops, quartered cap Eagle Valley 4 32 Inform recently in-running 5 (71%) 6.86 5.00 (68%)
Maroon, grey triple diamond, check cap Almadaa 2 28 Inform recently in-running 42 (50%) 35.05 11.00 (29%)
Red, pink epaulettes, striped cap Louis Leroy 12 9 4 (57%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
White and light green check, white sleeves, hooped cap Falcao 6 28 4 (44%) 11.50 1.01 (0%)
Falcao Pace Rating
Maroon, white cross of lorraine, diabolo on sleeves, royal blue cap, yellow star Archibald Thorburn 6 9 9 (64%) 5.75 5.50 (95%)
Maroon, dark blue epaulettes, dark blue cap, maroon spots Fast In The Wind 3 18 12 (50%) 19.26 2.06 (6%)
Emerald green, emerald green and white striped sleeves, emerald green cap Deeds Not Words 12 18 18 (46%) 13.50 9.00 (64%)
Light blue, yellow hoop, emerald green cap Oor Jock 10 9 33 (42%) 10.75 4.00 (31%)
Oor Jock Pace Rating
Red, white star and chevrons on sleeves, red cap, white stars Apache Gold 3 25 (50%) 22.86 11.00 (46%)
Apache Gold Pace Rating
Emerald green and light blue diamonds, emerald green sleeves, light blue cap, emerald green diamonds Jealika 1 9 Recent form poor in-running 7 (41%) 44.26 55.00 (125%)
Maroon, white cross of lorraine, diabolo on sleeves, royal blue cap, yellow star Enter The Red 9 19 Recent form poor in-running 12 (34%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Red, black stars, red sleeves, black cap Three Bells 13 18 16 (38%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Pink and emerald green quartered, check sleeves and cap Chips Are Down 1 55 5 (56%) 65.00 75.00 (116%)
Purple, yellow stars, yellow sleeves, purple stars, yellow cap Lilys Prince 4 19 Recent form poor in-running 16 (43%) 14.07 14.00 (99%)
Lilys Prince Pace Rating
Emerald green, white cross of lorraine and sleeves, white cap, emerald green star Burren View Lady 4 10 Recent form poor in-running 20 (39%) 34.07 10.50 (29%)
Burren View Lady Pace Rating
Black, orange triple diamond, orange diamonds on sleeves, quartered cap Ucanchoose 29 10 38 (54%) 39.14 30.00 (76%)
Dark blue, red epaulettes, red cap, dark blue star Mr Bounty 10 253 Recent form poor in-running 4 (17%) 31.36 4.10 (10%)
Mr Bounty Pace Rating
Orange, emerald green and white quartered cap Roryslittlesister 11 18 8 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Roryslittlesister Pace Rating

19:10 Catterick 6f Sell Stks

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Black, white triple diamond, hooped sleeves, white cap Johnny B Goode 12 13 10 (45%) 2.16 2.00 (86%)
White, red collar, red and white diabolo on sleeves, star on cap Letbygonesbeicons 1 13 4 (50%) 4.02 2.70 (56%)
Letbygonesbeicons Pace Rating
Maroon and light blue stripes, maroon sleeves, light blue armlets, maroon cap Lady Elizabeth 3 127 5 (63%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Lady Elizabeth Pace Rating
Light blue, orange epaulets. Canford Crossing 9 14 Recent form poor in-running 3 (27%) 11.00 11.00 (100%)
White, maroon epaulets, hooped sleeves, quartered cap Hadley 2 66 3 (100%) 15.77 2.22 (8%)
Hadley Pace Rating
Royal blue, white epaulets and armlets, striped cap I T Guru 5 4 4 (50%) 18.50 1.01 (0%)
Red, royal blue seams on sleeves Castlerea Tess 3 34 2 (20%) 22.00 27.00 (124%)
Castlerea Tess Pace Rating
Maroon, light blue stars, light blue and white chevrons on sleeves, maroon cap, white star. Frenchie 9 28 0 (0%) 178.41 110.00 (61%)
Black, orange hoop and armlets, quartered cap Grenade 2 17 Recent form poor in-running 6 (32%) 97.24 50.00 (51%)

19:15 Stratford 2m6f Hunt Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Pale blue, scarlet cap Penmore Mill 15 Inform recently in-running 13 (93%) 3.27 1.01 (0%)
Penmore Mill Pace Rating
Black, red and orange diabolo on sleeves, red cap Queens Bay 716 9 (47%) 2.34 2.02 (76%)
Yellow and light blue diabolo, yellow sleeves, light blue armlets and diamond on cap Popaway 23 5 (71%) 9.00 1.27 (3%)
Popaway Pace Rating
Emerald green and red (quartered), chevrons on sleeves, white cap Bound For Glory 23 7 (58%) 8.02 6.20 (74%)
Bound For Glory Pace Rating
Pink and dark blue stripes, hooped sleeves Sposalizio 464 Inform recently in-running 8 (44%) 51.32 44.00 (85%)
Sposalizio Pace Rating
Red, dark blue hoop, dark blue and red hooped sleeves. Patricktom Boru 275 Inform recently in-running 12 (55%) 42.00 9.00 (20%)

19:25 Downpatrick 2m2f Hcap Chs

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
White, emerald green large spots, emerald green cap Araglen Lad 343 Inform recently in-running 15 (79%) 11.11 7.00 (59%)
Maroon, white panel, halved sleeves, maroon cap Ballyfinboy 16 24 (44%) 4.48 4.70 (106%)
Ballyfinboy Pace Rating
Green, white cross sashes and cap Hop In 12 10 (50%) 4.86 3.40 (62%)
Black, gold sash and cap Waltz Legend 15 Inform recently in-running 18 (75%) 11.44 10.50 (91%)
Royal blue, white hoop, white armlet, white cap, royal blue diamond Drumhart 29 Recent form poor in-running 7 (47%) 11.50 1.01 (0%)
Purple and orange halved, sleeves reversed, striped cap House Limit 7 Recent form poor in-running 38 (60%) 10.15 2.52 (17%)
House Limit Pace Rating
Emerald green, white sash and sleeves, hooped cap Gary 68 Recent form poor in-running 3 (19%) 23.77 11.50 (46%)
Royal blue and yellow check, yellow sleeves, check cap Personal Shopper 14 26 (50%) 6.14 1.02 (0%)
Personal Shopper Pace Rating

19:30 Haydock 5f Listed

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Red, white sleeves, blue and white striped cap Double Up 8 286 6 (55%) 4.65 4.40 (93%)
Red, royal blue epaulettes, red cap Take Cover 3 20 Inform recently in-running 15 (60%) 3.92 1.01 (0%)
White, red inverted triangle, hooped sleeves and cap Out Do 11 294 20 (67%) 15.00 12.00 (79%)
Yellow, black chevron, black sleeves, yellow stars, black cap, yellow star Encore Dor 1 14 5 (56%) 8.20 7.00 (83%)
Encore Dor Pace Rating
Pink, royal blue braces Cotai Glory 7 20 7 (64%) 8.26 6.60 (77%)
Red, white sash, royal blue cap Kingsgate Native 3 20 Recent form poor in-running 23 (47%) 15.07 10.00 (64%)
White, dark blue striped sleeves, dark blue and yellow hooped cap Line Of Reason 8 20 12 (60%) 15.00 7.00 (43%)
Line Of Reason Pace Rating
Maroon, black seams, white sleeves, black seams, white cap. Canny Kool 4 16 9 (75%) 37.47 65.00 (175%)
Royal blue, yellow stripe, yellow sleeves, royal blue armlets and star on yellow cap Moonraker 18 9 Recent form poor in-running 4 (36%) 17.46 36.00 (213%)

19:35 Cork 1m Mdn

Track: Turf. Going: Heavy

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Yellow, red epaulettes and sleeves, royal blue cap Mittersill 16 32 2 (50%) 4.10 1.01 (0%)
Royal blue, white epaulettes, light and dark blue striped cap Aasheq 4 33 1 (50%) 1.76 1.21 (28%)
Red, yellow panel, black sleeves, red and yellow striped cap Crafted Jewel 208 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Red, black braces, black diamond on cap Wreckless 3 281 5 (100%) 93.54 65.00 (69%)
Grey, pink star and sleeves, pink star on cap Hes Complete 9 326 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Royal blue, dark blue seams, royal blue sleeves and cap Housemaid 13 326 0 (0%) 17.43 15.00 (85%)
Maroon, black cross of lorraine, armlets and cap Yasood 11 33 1 (50%) 52.43 40.00 (76%)
Yasood Pace Rating
Yellow, red epaulettes and sleeves, yellow cap Braver The Bull 1 220 1 (100%) 20.00 30.00 (153%)
Red, black stars, red sleeves, striped cap Tamaykay 2 326 0 (0%) 298.95 200.00 (67%)
Light blue and dark blue stripes, dark blue sleeves, light blue spots, light blue and dark blue hooped cap Ocotillo 8 10 0 (0%) 27.00 27.00 (100%)
Ocotillo Pace Rating
Maroon, dark blue epaulettes, dark blue cap, maroon spots Mystery Gal 2 105 0 (0%) 57.44 14.00 (23%)
Mystery Gal Pace Rating
White, royal blue stars, royal blue sleeves, royal blue cap, white stars Belarusian 9 10 2 (67%) 402.37 340.00 (84%)
Purple, yellow stars, yellow sleeves, purple stars, yellow cap Carrigeen Prince 4 10 1 (33%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Carrigeen Prince Pace Rating
Dark blue, white hoop, white sleeves, red cap, white star Optimystic 3 318 4 (50%) 410.00 23.00 (5%)
Red, yellow cross sashes, yellow armlet, yellow star on cap Ringo Kid 10 226 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
White, red spots, red cap Drock 5 5 0 (0%) 493.53 420.00 (85%)
Drock Pace Rating
Emerald green, large yellow spots, emerald green and royal blue striped sleeves, white cap Prodlic 12 13 0 (0%) 1000.00 250.00 (25%)
Prodlic Pace Rating
White and royal blue quartered, white sleeves, royal blue star on cap Boynagh Prince 25 1 (50%) 1000.00 1000.00 (100%)
Red, royal blue chevron, royal blue cap, red star Frosty Dream 6 18 1 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Purple, grey star and sleeves, purple cap Peculiar Genius 55 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Peculiar Genius Pace Rating

19:40 Catterick 5f Hcap

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Light blue, royal blue and white striped sleeves and cap First Bombardment 10 18 6 (50%) 3.70 3.10 (78%)
Dark blue, light blue star, striped sleeves and star on cap Flickas Boy 6 5 13 (59%) 3.93 2.20 (41%)
Red and white diamonds, red sleeves, white armlets, red cap Rusty Rocket 13 4 34 (54%) 5.78 4.40 (71%)
Yellow and brown diabolo, yellow sleeves, brown cap, yellow diamond Desert Command 1 24 15 (54%) 12.00 7.80 (62%)
White, maroon and purple striped sleeves Landing Night 13 6 10 (71%) 7.80 1.01 (0%)
Landing Night Pace Rating
Red, red and black diabolo on sleeves, black cap Native Falls 6 293 13 (57%) 25.00 8.00 (29%)
Royal blue, maroon stars Royal Brave 14 14 Recent form poor in-running 7 (28%) 17.69 5.80 (29%)
Royal Brave Pace Rating

19:50 Stratford 3m3f Hunt Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
White and red (quartered), white and black hooped sleeves, royal blue cap. Marito 21 12 (67%) 2.92 2.02 (53%)
Dark blue, yellow cross belts, collar and cuffs, striped cap Paint The Clouds 21 22 (81%) 3.59 1.01 (0%)
Paint The Clouds Pace Rating
Black and white (halved), red sleeves and cap Pacha Du Polder 43 Inform recently in-running 12 (57%) 7.20 3.80 (45%)
Pacha Du Polder Pace Rating
Grey, maroon triple diamond, maroon sleeves, grey spots, maroon cap, grey star On The Bridge 29 Inform recently in-running 22 (56%) 8.60 7.80 (89%)
Royal blue, pink hoop and armlets, dark blue cap Vasco Du Mee 23 11 (39%) 10.50 10.00 (95%)
Vasco Du Mee Pace Rating
Red, yellow seams, chevrons on sleeves, check cap Desertmore View 372 2 (40%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Desertmore View Pace Rating
Red and yellow (halved), black sleeves, red stars, yellow cap Mr Mercurial 35 6 (67%) 34.00 11.00 (30%)
Mr Mercurial Pace Rating
Emerald green, white star, white and emerald green hooped sleeves, emerald green cap, white star Foynes Island 23 Inform recently in-running 7 (58%) 117.96 40.00 (33%)
Foynes Island Pace Rating

19:55 Downpatrick 2m7f Hcap Chs

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Black, red hollow box and sleeves, quartered cap Redclue 14 15 (50%) 2.90 1.20 (11%)
Dark green, white chevron, white armlet, white diamond on cap Lash It On 5 10 (43%) 3.65 1.01 (0%)
Royal blue, white panel, purple cap Camillas Wish 14 5 (31%) 9.81 2.50 (17%)
Yellow, red cross of lorraine and sleeves, hooped cap Town Pond 14 10 (45%) 10.50 6.60 (59%)
Town Pond Pace Rating
Emerald green, white chevron, royal blue sleeves, royal blue cap, white star The Baler 14 6 (38%) 10.66 4.40 (35%)
Black, emerald green sash and cap Pointview Gale 15 3 (75%) 27.24 25.00 (91%)
Emerald green, yellow hoops, white cap Point Of Rescue 217 5 (33%) 24.00 14.50 (59%)

20:00 Haydock 1m4f Hcap

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Yellow, blue hoops, blue and red quartered cap Tamayuz Magic 13 13 Inform recently in-running 13 (57%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Tamayuz Magic Pace Rating
Lime green, orange sleeves and cap Hubertas 20 Inform recently in-running 7 (58%) 2.84 1.03 (2%)
Hubertas Pace Rating
Light blue, pink cross belts, black cap Forced Family Fun 6 1 14 (52%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Forced Family Fun Pace Rating
Red, light blue cross of lorraine and armlets, white cap Fantasy King 218 22 (56%) 15.40 9.60 (60%)
Dark blue, gold sash, red cap, gold hoop Zenafire 199 9 (45%) 19.95 19.00 (95%)
Zenafire Pace Rating
Black, light green and black chevrons on sleeves, light green cap Newera 14 9 (64%) 2.96 2.56 (80%)
Newera Pace Rating
Red, white seams, red sleeves, yellow armlets and stars on red cap Frederic Chopin 218 14 (61%) 19.00 2.40 (8%)
Yellow, blue hoops, blue and red quartered cap Itlaaq 12 17 Recent form poor in-running 35 (66%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Purple and yellow (quartered), yellow and purple halved sleeves, purple cap Brigadoon 4 216 26 (49%) 23.45 23.00 (98%)
Brigadoon Pace Rating
Dark blue and light blue diabolo, light blue sleeves, quartered cap Genres 12 14 Recent form poor in-running 2 (33%) 18.70 16.00 (85%)
Genres Pace Rating
Maroon, white star, sleeves and star on cap. Sign Manual 5 32 Recent form poor in-running 8 (44%) 24.00 1.01 (0%)
Dark green, beige stars on sleeves Baadi 16 32 3 (75%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)

20:05 Cork 1m2f Hcap

Track: Turf. Going: Heavy

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Orange, emerald green and white quartered cap War Room 4 42 Recent form poor in-running 13 (42%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
War Room Pace Rating
Black, orange chevron, check cap Whippers Dream 10 3 (33%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Royal blue, yellow chevron, striped cap Brokopondo 1 7 Inform recently in-running 12 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Brokopondo Pace Rating
Yellow, brown sash, yellow cap, red star Clifton Miss 13 15 9 (56%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
White, purple panel, check cap Pirolo 119 1 (25%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Pirolo Pace Rating
Black, light blue stars Angels Gift 4 154 Recent form poor in-running 1 (14%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Angels Gift Pace Rating
Black and yellow diamonds, quartered cap Cape Explorer 5 10 Inform recently in-running 15 (52%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Brown and orange chevrons, orange sleeves, orange cap, brown diamond Ben Rumson 3 15 Recent form poor in-running 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Ben Rumson Pace Rating
Mauve, black sash, quartered cap Aussie Guest 10 10 Inform recently in-running 10 (42%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Aussie Guest Pace Rating
Maroon, light blue spots, dark blue sleeves, mauve chevrons, light blue cap, maroon stars Rockview Emperor 1 26 Recent form poor in-running 11 (28%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Red, white sleeves, red diamonds, red and white quartered cap Buzz Off Barroso 10 256 3 (38%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Dark blue, grey sleeves and cap Usain 55 Recent form poor in-running 1 (14%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Maroon, light blue spots, dark blue sleeves, mauve chevrons, light blue cap, maroon stars Masterchippy 6 16 10 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Dark blue, white stars, red sleeves, white stars, white cap, dark blue stars Dixie Highway 1 10 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Pink, light blue seams, light blue sleeves, grey cap Uno Voce 16 20 10 (63%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Yellow, emerald green star and chevrons on sleeves, quartered cap Torthai An Ghra 10 15 Recent form poor in-running 7 (41%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Torthai An Ghra Pace Rating
Yellow, emerald green star and chevrons on sleeves, quartered cap Snoqualmie Chief 18 14 (52%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Purple, red star, red sleeves, purple stars, red cap, purple star Mighty Fine 6 16 Recent form poor in-running 4 (29%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
White, red stars, white sleeves and cap Greanta 16 10 Recent form poor in-running 6 (30%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Yellow, large red spots, red sleeves, yellow spots, red cap, black spots Miller And Cook 25 3 (75%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Red, white cross sashes, white sleeves, red chevrons, black cap Longfield Lad 16 239 15 (44%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)

20:10 Catterick 1m4f Hcap

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Mauve and pink check, white sleeves, pink cap Carpe Vita 1 246 4 (80%) 1.94 1.61 (65%)
Light green, white chevron and sleeves Astra Hall 10 1 21 (55%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Red, black stars, red sleeves Cartier 3 288 5 (71%) 3.50 1.01 (0%)
Black and yellow diamonds, halved sleeves. Phantom Dancer 3 13 1 (33%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Royal blue and yellow (halved), royal blue sleeves, yellow armlets, quartered cap Moon Over Rio 30 Inform recently in-running 10 (67%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Moon Over Rio Pace Rating
Black, royal blue seams, black sleeves, white stars, black cap, white star Kip 5 232 Inform recently in-running 5 (71%) 11.21 2.24 (12%)
Black, white cross of lorraine, sleeves and cap Multi Grain 127 Recent form poor in-running 7 (47%) 8.18 9.20 (114%)

20:20 Stratford 2m1f Hunt Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Mauve, purple star, purple sleeves, mauve stars, purple cap, mauve star Sam Cavallaro 23 6 (50%) 4.07 1.95 (31%)
Sam Cavallaro Pace Rating
Black, white cross belts, diabolo on sleeves Decade Player 16 Inform recently in-running 29 (76%) 4.04 1.01 (0%)
Decade Player Pace Rating
Pink, black disc, pink sleeves, black spots and cap Delta Borget 15 14 (64%) 7.40 6.60 (88%)
Delta Borget Pace Rating
Maroon, beige star, diabolo on sleeves and star on cap. Joker Choker 8 14 (58%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Royal blue, dark blue stars and sleeves, white cap, dark blue star. Kings Grey 68 Inform recently in-running 30 (71%) 15.00 5.10 (29%)
Maroon, grey triple diamond, striped sleeves and cap Vide Cave 10 4 (57%) 20.87 17.00 (81%)
Brown, green diamond and sleeves, orange cap. Oyster Shell 70 Recent form poor in-running 18 (67%) 11.50 11.00 (95%)
Yellow and royal blue stripes, yellow sleeves, royal blue spots, yellow cap. Keep On Track 10 Inform recently in-running 17 (71%) 48.42 40.00 (82%)
Maroon, yellow hoops and armlets. Formal Bid 51 25 (45%) 38.00 15.00 (38%)
Emerald green, red hoop, emerald green sleeves, red stars, quartered cap Mr Sawyer 326 0 (0%) 33.01 6.00 (16%)
Mr Sawyer Pace Rating
Dark blue, yellow hoops, dark blue sleeves, yellow spots, check cap. Kack Handed 1293 16 (50%) 188.24 48.00 (25%)
Dark blue, pink star, sleeves and stars on cap Court In Session 734 13 (57%) 100.00 13.00 (12%)
Court In Session Pace Rating
White, emerald green hollow box. Callhimwhatyouwant 35 Inform recently in-running 9 (53%) 244.58 130.00 (53%)
Dark blue, pink armlets, pink cap. Boxer Beat 597 Inform recently in-running 32 (50%) 84.91 26.00 (30%)
Yellow, black and yellow hooped sleeves and cap Catch Tammy 45 11 (55%) 15.72 7.60 (45%)
Catch Tammy Pace Rating
Purple and gold (quartered), halved sleeves, red cap. Repeal 371 0 (0%) 994.00 730.00 (73%)
Red, white stars, white sleeves, red spots. Maid Of Silk 357 3 (75%) 639.75 550.00 (86%)

20:25 Downpatrick 2m5f Hunt Chs

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
White, red disc, red stars on cap Theatre Princess 25 Recent form poor in-running 3 (33%) 6.73 1.30 (5%)
Theatre Princess Pace Rating
Royal blue and yellow chevrons, yellow stars on sleeves, yellow cap Kilna Shane 14 1 (100%) 4.90 1.01 (0%)
Kilna Shane Pace Rating
Royal blue, white stripe, purple cap Shake It Up 14 Inform recently in-running 7 (70%) 2.53 1.60 (39%)
Shake It Up Pace Rating
Emerald green, red braces, emerald green cap, red diamonds Chosen Dream 18 Inform recently in-running 8 (57%) 5.44 5.30 (97%)
Blue, green sleeves, black cap. St Killenagh 14 2 (100%) 15.50 10.00 (62%)
St Killenagh Pace Rating

20:30 Haydock 1m4f Mdn Stks

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Pale blue, white and yellow check cap. Superyacht 6 27 1 (50%) 1.58 1.15 (26%)
Light blue, dark blue armlets, dark blue cap Corinthian 9 326 0 (0%) 5.50 1.01 (0%)
Pink, emerald green chevron, halved sleeves, quartered cap. Nodachi 1 215 1 (100%) 12.00 10.00 (82%)
White, royal blue cross belts, royal blue and white striped sleeves Kaatskill Nap 4 27 1 (50%) 13.50 2.50 (12%)
Maroon, white cross of lorraine, white cap Alcanar 64 0 (0%) 28.87 11.00 (36%)
Alcanar Pace Rating
Black and orange (quartered), checked sleeves, orange and black quartered cap Gaelic Master 21 0 (0%) 392.33 310.00 (79%)
Gaelic Master Pace Rating

20:35 Cork 1m2f Mdn

Track: Turf. Going: Heavy

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Dark blue Like A Star 11 44 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Black, maroon star, striped cap Balcony 6 26 1 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Balcony Pace Rating
Red and white quartered, white stars on sleeves, white star on cap Palavicini Run 1 13 2 (40%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Palavicini Run Pace Rating
Green, red epaulettes, green cap Karalara 18 306 1 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Dark blue and emerald green hoops, quartered cap An Cailin Orga 11 9 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Royal blue, dark blue seams, royal blue sleeves and cap Gabardine 2 9 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Royal blue, orange disc, striped sleeves and cap Close To My Heart 3 326 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Claret, gold braid, claret sleeves and cap Fly By 8 15 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)

20:40 Catterick 7f Mdn Stks

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Dark blue and white stripes, purple sleeves, purple and white striped cap Rococoa 2 125 1 (33%) 2.99 1.35 (18%)
White, red sash, red and white striped cap Four Poets 10 23 0 (0%) 11.95 1.01 (0%)
Yellow, red disc, yellow sleeves, red stars, red cap Popsies Joy 10 39 2 (33%) 5.03 3.70 (67%)
Dark green, red sleeves, dark green stars, red cap. Bradleysintown 2 39 1 (33%) 9.60 6.00 (58%)
Beige, dark blue armlets, dark blue cap Canny Style 3 25 5 (71%) 5.76 3.20 (46%)
Dark green, emerald green stars on sleeves, dark green cap, emerald green star Rose Eclair 9 195 2 (29%) 18.18 8.00 (41%)
Black, pink spots, sleeves and cap Isntshesomething 9 24 5 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Isntshesomething Pace Rating
White, red cross belts, white sleeves, yellow armlets, yellow cap Intense Starlet 9 18 3 (75%) 25.00 4.00 (13%)
Intense Starlet Pace Rating
Maroon and yellow check, maroon sleeves, yellow cap. Mister York 10 305 4 (67%) 94.99 75.00 (79%)
Red and black (quartered), white sleeves, red diamonds, black cap Hashtag Frenzy 6 24 4 (67%) 529.24 36.00 (7%)

20:50 Stratford 2m2f Hcap Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, white hoops, red and white striped sleeves, quartered cap Hallingham 2 12 14 (45%) 5.18 1.34 (8%)
Dark blue, light blue hoops, striped sleeves Sir Dylan 10 Inform recently in-running 21 (51%) 14.00 1.01 (0%)
Yellow, black star, dark green sleeves, red cap Bandol 18 4 (36%) 3.77 2.96 (71%)
Bandol Pace Rating
Black, large yellow spots, black sleeves, yellow spots, yellow cap Mazovian 6 28 (37%) 8.86 4.00 (38%)
Dark blue, orange diamond, quartered cap Leaving Las Vegas 34 Recent form poor in-running 2 (29%) 30.13 8.00 (24%)
Dark blue, pink hoops, dark blue sleeves, pink stars, pink cap, dark blue star Dylans Storm 18 Recent form poor in-running 8 (40%) 76.49 23.00 (29%)
Maroon, black chevron and armlets. Fuse Wire 28 Recent form poor in-running 11 (50%) 9.00 5.50 (56%)
Red and royal blue diamonds, emerald green and red striped sleeves, red cap, emerald green diamond. Iguacu 18 Recent form poor in-running 45 (52%) 10.59 5.00 (42%)
Light blue, white stripe Bernisdale 35 Inform recently in-running 25 (46%) 40.00 10.00 (23%)
Yellow, royal blue spots. Soixante Six 23 3 (43%) 19.83 11.00 (53%)
Black, pink hoop, hooped sleeves, pink cap Gabriel Oats 22 Recent form poor in-running 1 (14%) 44.00 12.50 (27%)
Light blue, white disc and armlets, quartered cap Petergate 15 Recent form poor in-running 11 (34%) 91.26 4.70 (4%)
Black, yellow disc, striped sleeves and cap. Jumeirah Liberty 15 Recent form poor in-running 10 (42%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Yellow, large black spots, black sleeves, yellow armlets, yellow and black quartered cap. Aughcarra 274 9 (24%) 88.83 85.00 (96%)

20:55 Downpatrick 2m2f INHF

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Dark blue, yellow diamond and sleeves, yellow cap, red diamond The Storyteller 14 3 (100%) 1.61 1.01 (2%)
The Storyteller Pace Rating
Red, white seams, white sleeves, red cap Cognitive 227 1 (25%) 12.00 8.00 (64%)
Black, black and pink striped sleeves, striped cap Some Response 326 0 (0%) 3.69 2.04 (39%)
Black and white diabolo, white sleeves, yellow cap Pipewort 326 0 (0%) 35.98 40.00 (111%)
Yellow, light green sash and sleeves, striped cap Allduckornodinner 14 2 (100%) 33.68 20.00 (58%)
Mauve and yellow halved, sleeves reversed, yellow star on cap Dynaminx 51 1 (100%) 193.59 11.00 (5%)
Black, emerald green sash and cap First An Last 285 0 (0%) 55.07 75.00 (137%)
Emerald green and white check, white sleeves, striped cap The Magpie Man 6 0 (0%) 345.97 270.00 (78%)

21:00 Haydock 1m Hcap

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Red, black star, black and white hooped sleeves, red cap, black star Chosen Character 8 27 Recent form poor in-running 35 (56%) 6.87 2.10 (19%)
Red, white diamond Know Your Name 7 Inform recently in-running 26 (65%) 6.70 5.00 (70%)
Know Your Name Pace Rating
Black, orange seams and sleeves, black cap Mujazif 4 123 Recent form poor in-running 9 (33%) 4.68 3.95 (80%)
Maroon, beige cross belts, beige and maroon chevrons on sleeves, beige cap, maroon star Just Be Lucky 8 14 4 (40%) 5.55 1.01 (0%)
Yellow, black seams, black cap Sarmadee 1 14 2 (40%) 7.22 2.40 (23%)
Royal blue, white cross of lorraine and armlets, check cap Almuhalab 12 29 5 (36%) 18.00 17.50 (97%)
Yellow, maroon seams, yellow cap Equleus 135 3 (33%) 14.00 13.00 (92%)
Equleus Pace Rating
Orange, emerald green cross belts, emerald green and orange halved sleeves, emerald green and orange striped Lopes Dancer 1 26 Recent form poor in-running 1 (17%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Lopes Dancer Pace Rating
Purple and orange diamonds, chevrons on sleeves, purple cap, orange star Toga Tiger 7 95 24 (47%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Toga Tiger Pace Rating
Red, black cross of lorraine, sleeves and star on cap Marmalad 5 34 10 (42%) 42.00 44.00 (105%)
Marmalad Pace Rating
Black, red cross belts, white and black striped sleeves, yellow cap Moonadee 1 262 2 (29%) 43.31 42.00 (97%)
Yellow, purple star, yellow sleeves, purple spots, yellow cap, purple stars. Arms Around Me 2 24 4 (44%) 79.35 22.00 (27%)
Table Item Definition
Winner! In-running Rating based on all career runs
Pace rating Pace rating, based on past performances (Green: hold-up, orange: mid-pack, red: front-runner)
4 Draw, stall number
13 Days since last run
Inform recently in-running Inform recently in-running compared to BSP (based on last 5 runs)
Recent form poor in-running Recent form poor in-running compared to BSP (based on last 5 runs)
BSP Betfair Starting Price
IP Max Maximum price matched In-Play
IP Min Minimum price matched In-Play
IP Traded Total traded on this market
Green Text Has traded to or below a percentage band a reasonable amount
Orange Text Has traded to or below a percentage band a high amount
Red Text Has traded to or below a percentage band a very high amount

In-running Ratings History Archive