In-Running Blog

9 Apr 2016 Archived In-Running Cards

13:20 Gowran Park 7f Mdn

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
White, purple panel, check cap Fiuntach 2 14 0 (0%) 8.60 6.60 (74%)
Emerald green, pink sash, white sleeves, pink cap Discipline 5 367 0 (0%) 1.38 1.01 (3%)
Royal blue, royal blue and white hooped cap Keukenhof 6 43 1 (100%) 14.29 12.50 (87%)
Keukenhof Pace Rating
Dark blue Enchanted Dawn 4 20 0 (0%) 30.76 28.00 (91%)
Pink, black chevron, pink sleeves, black spots, pink cap, black diamond Sheer Intensity 1 367 0 (0%) 17.09 17.50 (103%)
Sheer Intensity Pace Rating

13:45 Aintree 3m Grd3 Hcap Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Emerald green, yellow hoops, white cap If In Doubt 23 13 (72%) 6.45 4.90 (72%)
Beige, grey epaulets Long House Hall 24 Inform recently in-running 6 (55%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Red, large black spots, halved sleeves, black cap, red star Mydor 4 12 8 (44%) 12.00 8.00 (64%)
Mydor Pace Rating
Pink, white chevron, white cap Arpege Dalene 23 Inform recently in-running 5 (71%) 12.86 10.00 (76%)
Arpege Dalene Pace Rating
Orange, dark blue star, orange sleeves, dark blue stars, dark blue cap. Kings Palace 23 Inform recently in-running 13 (93%) 9.80 10.00 (102%)
Emerald green, yellow hoops, emerald green cap, white star Squouateur 22 Inform recently in-running 4 (67%) 10.35 3.05 (22%)
Squouateur Pace Rating
White, maroon chevron and star on cap Eshtiaal 36 Inform recently in-running 14 (52%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Yellow and dark green diabolo, dark green and yellow striped sleeves, quartered cap Ubak 24 Inform recently in-running 6 (60%) 20.30 1.01 (0%)
Dark blue, light blue hoop, checked sleeves and cap Rock The Kasbah 24 7 (64%) 17.50 4.50 (21%)
Rock The Kasbah Pace Rating
Purple, white disc, yellow sleeves, purple diamonds, purple and yellow quartered cap Silsol 7 10 (59%) 22.68 2.04 (5%)
Maroon, light blue epaulets, light blue and maroon check sleeves, maroon cap, light blue star Murrayana 21 7 (50%) 24.00 4.10 (13%)
Murrayana Pace Rating
Maroon, beige star, dark green sleeves, dark green cap, beige star Urban Hymn 464 Recent form poor in-running 4 (50%) 20.08 19.00 (94%)
Urban Hymn Pace Rating
Dark blue, white sleeves, dark blue spots, white cap Ballycross 29 4 (100%) 14.79 5.40 (32%)
Ballycross Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, red cap At Fishers Cross 23 Recent form poor in-running 13 (57%) 24.89 2.18 (5%)
Emerald green, yellow hoops, white cap Join The Clan 23 11 (50%) 33.27 11.50 (33%)
Join The Clan Pace Rating
Maroon, white star, armlets and cap Tiger Roll 17 8 (67%) 38.00 6.60 (15%)
Tiger Roll Pace Rating
White, red chevron, emerald green and red striped sleeves, red cap Minella Daddy 33 2 (50%) 25.12 25.00 (100%)
Minella Daddy Pace Rating
Pink, light green spots, pink sleeves and cap Childrens List 22 7 (64%) 33.51 14.00 (40%)
Childrens List Pace Rating
Mauve and black (quartered), mauve sleeves, white cap Pinnacle Panda 21 3 (43%) 109.18 50.00 (45%)
Light blue, black sleeves, light blue stars, black cap, light blue star Ruacana 23 12 (43%) 296.16 250.00 (84%)
Ruacana Pace Rating
Emerald green, purple cross belts, purple cap Saddlers Encore 23 Inform recently in-running 5 (63%) 63.87 50.00 (78%)
White, red chevron, emerald green and red striped sleeves, red cap Rolling Maul 23 16 (62%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Rolling Maul Pace Rating

13:50 Gowran Park 7f Mdn

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Pink and purple check, striped sleeves, pink cap Pacodali 8 20 2 (67%) 2.38 2.38 (100%)
Emerald green, royal blue sleeves, emerald green cap, white star The Moore Factor 3 20 1 (50%) 2.62 1.01 (1%)
Grey, yellow cap, grey star Indian Spirit 8 205 1 (50%) 63.17 20.00 (31%)
Dark blue and light blue hoops, striped cap Windsorlot 1 14 1 (50%) 46.56 13.50 (27%)
Windsorlot Pace Rating
White, purple panel, check cap Ardmore 13 20 1 (33%) 7.34 5.00 (63%)
Light blue and yellow stripes, light blue sleeves, yellow cap Youceeyouceecee 8 20 1 (33%) 29.56 11.50 (37%)
Youceeyouceecee Pace Rating
Maroon, maroon cap, yellow diamonds Run Riot 4 211 2 (100%) 170.00 1001.00 (592%)
Emerald green, yellow star, emerald green sleeves, yellow stars, white cap, yellow star Drinks For Losers 193 Inform recently in-running 5 (71%) 713.24 360.00 (50%)
White, maroon epaulettes, maroon star on cap Leahs Little Star 113 0 (0%) 1000.00 1000.00 (100%)
Leahs Little Star Pace Rating
Red and white quartered, halved sleeves, red cap Mr Morocco 8 7 3 (33%) 1000.00 470.00 (47%)
Yellow, emerald green chevron, emerald green sleeves, yellow armlet, yellow and emerald green quartered cap Adateformary 5 22 2 (100%) 856.44 550.00 (64%)

14:00 Lingfield 7f Hcap

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Yellow, dark green stripe, striped sleeves, quartered cap Baileys Mirage 9 10 1 (100%) 3.95 1.01 (0%)
Black, red disc, black and white check sleeves, white cap. Venus Grace 1 10 Recent form poor in-running 9 (33%) 11.00 11.00 (100%)
Red, white diamond, white sleeves, red spots. Exoplanet Blue 14 115 Recent form poor in-running 4 (31%) 3.62 2.90 (73%)
Yellow, black seams, black cap Potternello 7 33 Recent form poor in-running 6 (35%) 7.03 4.50 (58%)
Dark blue, light blue star, striped sleeves and star on cap Maureb 9 9 Recent form poor in-running 5 (38%) 11.77 3.10 (19%)
Black, orange stars, orange sleeves, black stars Pryers Princess 1 206 6 (55%) 21.14 22.00 (104%)
Purple, yellow stars, light blue sleeves, purple cap, yellow star Dusty Blue 8 16 Recent form poor in-running 5 (26%) 161.96 90.00 (55%)
Dusty Blue Pace Rating
Red, black star, black and red diabolo on sleeves, red cap, black stars Two In The Pink 12 64 Recent form poor in-running 12 (36%) 8.80 6.00 (64%)
Two In The Pink Pace Rating

14:05 Sedgefield 3m2f Hcap Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Dark blue and yellow (quartered), striped sleeves Jonny Eager 23 Inform recently in-running 6 (60%) 3.40 1.33 (14%)
Jonny Eager Pace Rating
Black, emerald green hoop, armlets and cap Notonebuttwo 21 Inform recently in-running 13 (48%) 5.17 5.00 (96%)
Notonebuttwo Pace Rating
Yellow, maroon braces Bennys Well 12 21 (49%) 4.46 2.02 (29%)
Bennys Well Pace Rating
Red, yellow sash, hooped sleeves and cap Chanceofa Lifetime 13 Inform recently in-running 11 (79%) 5.74 1.01 (0%)
Chanceofa Lifetime Pace Rating
Black, gold sash and cap Waltz Legend 10 Inform recently in-running 16 (73%) 10.89 5.20 (42%)
Emerald green, red seams, hooped sleeves, emerald green cap Wellforth 9 26 (47%) 35.11 22.00 (62%)
Wellforth Pace Rating

14:15 Chepstow 2m Nov Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Grey, black triple diamond and sleeves, yellow cap Unison 65 11 (41%) 3.30 3.05 (89%)
Unison Pace Rating
Black, red chevron, sleeves and cap. One Style 35 2 (67%) 3.40 1.21 (9%)
Light blue, purple triple diamond and sleeves, purple and light blue quartered cap Satellite 86 5 (38%) 4.00 1.01 (0%)
Emerald green, yellow hoops, white cap. Common Practice 269 0 (0%) 18.18 5.50 (26%)
Mauve, yellow star, white sleeves Act Four 1082 1 (50%) 20.19 8.60 (40%)
Act Four Pace Rating
Light blue, pink hoops and armlets Bestwork 102 2 (67%) 70.00 40.00 (57%)
Bestwork Pace Rating
Red, royal blue cross belts, diabolo on sleeves, royal blue cap Buffalo Sabre 367 0 (0%) 135.39 110.00 (81%)
Buffalo Sabre Pace Rating
Dark green, grey stripe Whatsthatallabout 26 1 (100%) 48.46 9.60 (18%)
Mauve, orange stars, mauve sleeves, mauve cap, orange star Blackadder 7 18 5 (38%) 1000.00 44.00 (4%)

14:20 Gowran Park 1m1f Hcap

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Black, orange epaulettes, diabolo on sleeves, black cap, orange diamonds Thywillbedone 23 Recent form poor in-running 4 (33%) 54.27 21.00 (38%)
Yellow, white and purple check sleeves and cap La Renaissance 8 50 0 (0%) 34.79 30.00 (86%)
Royal blue, white diamond, royal blue cap, red diamonds Cosmic Symbol 6 14 3 (38%) 14.61 20.00 (140%)
Cosmic Symbol Pace Rating
Grey, emerald green diamond and cap Elm Grove 17 182 5 (56%) 7.01 1.01 (0%)
Elm Grove Pace Rating
White, purple panel, check cap New Direction 3 14 Recent form poor in-running 1 (17%) 4.70 3.05 (55%)
New Direction Pace Rating
White, royal blue star, hooped cap Fast On 5 14 Recent form poor in-running 10 (24%) 17.50 22.00 (127%)
Fast On Pace Rating
Orange, black star, striped sleeves and cap Enough Is Enough 3 202 16 (39%) 41.56 18.00 (42%)
Red, yellow sleeves, dark blue chevrons, yellow and dark blue striped cap Howaya Hurricane 99 Recent form poor in-running 5 (33%) 16.00 10.00 (60%)
Red, black and white hooped cap. Untapped Spectrum 4 224 2 (67%) 44.45 20.00 (44%)
Yellow, royal blue spots, yellow sleeves, hooped cap Palace Art 2 17 Recent form poor in-running 1 (4%) 57.31 30.00 (52%)
Black, orange chevron, check cap Whippers Dream 156 Recent form poor in-running 0 (0%) 8.20 4.00 (42%)
Emerald green, white star, white sleeves and cap Halarath 3 22 6 (30%) 25.00 25.00 (100%)
Maroon, light blue spots, dark blue sleeves, mauve chevrons, light blue cap, maroon stars Rockview Emperor 1 14 Recent form poor in-running 11 (30%) 18.00 16.00 (88%)
White, dark blue stars, dark blue sleeves, grey stars, dark blue cap, white star Love The Feeling 17 Recent form poor in-running 4 (17%) 9.88 8.00 (79%)
Love The Feeling Pace Rating
Red and purple diamonds, red sleeves, purple cap Its Harrys Girl 10 164 6 (50%) 28.66 12.00 (40%)

14:25 Aintree 2m4f Grd1 Nov Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Black and beige (halved), chevrons on sleeves, beige cap Yorkhill 24 5 (100%) 1.36 1.01 (3%)
Yorkhill Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow hoops, white cap Le Prezien 27 5 (100%) 13.23 1.03 (0%)
Le Prezien Pace Rating
Orange, dark green chevrons, orange sleeves, quartered cap Flying Angel 22 Inform recently in-running 6 (86%) 17.07 3.40 (15%)
Flying Angel Pace Rating
Maroon, white star and armlet, maroon cap, white star Bello Conti 24 2 (100%) 14.32 5.50 (34%)
Maroon and yellow (quartered), maroon sleeves, yellow armlets and star on cap Prince of Steal 61 2 (67%) 77.00 36.00 (46%)
Prince of Steal Pace Rating
White, orange star, black sleeves, orange stars, white cap, orange star The Dutchman 27 3 (100%) 25.22 18.00 (70%)
The Dutchman Pace Rating
White, orange stripe, armlets and star on cap Ghost River 1 5 (63%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Ghost River Pace Rating

14:35 Lingfield 7f Hcap

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Emerald green and purple (quartered), purple sleeves, emerald green armlets Fleckerl 9 31 19 (59%) 21.98 18.00 (81%)
Fleckerl Pace Rating
Brown, light blue seams and armlets, light blue and brown hooped cap Presumido 5 17 18 (49%) 12.85 16.50 (131%)
Presumido Pace Rating
Lime green Exchequer 8 196 Inform recently in-running 10 (67%) 10.00 1.01 (0%)
White and orange quartered, halved sleeves, white cap Split The Atom 7 29 14 (52%) 16.05 15.00 (93%)
Split The Atom Pace Rating
White and light green check, white sleeves, hooped cap Unforgiving Minute 6 35 5 (56%) 9.15 9.20 (101%)
Unforgiving Minute Pace Rating
Dark blue, white stripe, halved sleeves and star on cap George Cinq 6 190 24 (73%) 10.98 11.50 (105%)
George Cinq Pace Rating
Red, black and white check sleeves, red and emerald green quartered cap Forceful Appeal 4 15 22 (50%) 29.15 28.00 (96%)
Forceful Appeal Pace Rating
Royal blue and yellow diabolo, hooped sleeves, yellow cap The Warrior 4 296 4 (44%) 9.60 9.40 (98%)
The Warrior Pace Rating
Emerald green, royal blue seams, striped sleeves, emerald green cap Arnold Lane 2 15 22 (54%) 9.16 7.00 (74%)
Light blue, red braces, sleeves and star on cap Clement 4 17 21 (51%) 20.59 24.00 (117%)
Clement Pace Rating
Red, dark green and red striped sleeves and cap. Easy Tiger 3 172 7 (70%) 11.10 4.20 (32%)
Pink, white diamond, diamonds on sleeves and cap Fast Dancer 11 171 6 (50%) 52.04 50.00 (96%)
Grey, red seams, grey cap Fiftyshadesofgrey 9 217 Inform recently in-running 14 (64%) 7.39 7.00 (94%)
Fiftyshadesofgrey Pace Rating

14:40 Sedgefield 2m1f Nov Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Black and white (quartered), diabolo on sleeves, black cap Mardale 17 5 (63%) 1.50 1.01 (2%)
Yellow, royal blue seams, grey sleeves, royal blue seams, pink cap Mo Chailin 16 2 (40%) 5.90 1.31 (6%)
Mo Chailin Pace Rating
White, red cross belts, dark green sleeves, white and dark green quartered cap Theatre Act 25 4 (50%) 6.67 2.10 (19%)
Theatre Act Pace Rating
Maroon and white stripes, maroon sleeves, quartered cap. Harmonic Lady 13 Recent form poor in-running 3 (43%) 405.06 6.00 (1%)
Yellow, brown sleeves, black cap, yellow star. Knysna Bay 61 2 (100%) 702.86 480.00 (68%)
Royal blue, orange sash and sleeves, yellow cap. Little Miss Flossy 70 1 (50%) 917.68 280.00 (30%)

14:50 Chepstow 2m Nov Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, white stars, red sleeves, white stars, red cap, white star Nabhan 1 36 1 (33%) 2.98 1.09 (5%)
White, emerald green star, yellow sleeves Mere Anarchy 17 2 (67%) 2.60 1.01 (1%)
Mere Anarchy Pace Rating
Red, white sleeves, black stars, white cap Bennys King 28 0 (0%) 6.20 1.55 (11%)
Bennys King Pace Rating
Orange, black chevron, chevrons on sleeves, black cap Sandgate 6 123 Inform recently in-running 9 (69%) 23.24 10.50 (43%)
Red, black cross of lorraine, black sleeves, red armlets, black cap El Tiburon 99 1 (50%) 210.00 32.00 (15%)
El Tiburon Pace Rating
Turquoise, black braces, cerise cap Rose Revived 21 4 (57%) 17.83 7.20 (37%)
Pale blue, campbell tartan hooped sleeves, yellow cap Le Tigre De Bronze 953 2 (50%) 140.00 13.00 (9%)
Dark blue, white spots, white and dark blue halved sleeves, dark blue cap. Teide Peak 15 22 Recent form poor in-running 16 (38%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Beige, white epaulets. Royal Roo 17 4 (67%) 126.78 60.00 (47%)

14:55 Gowran Park 1m1f Hcap

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Pink, large dark blue spots, dark blue spots on sleeves, pink cap, dark blue spots Niven 4 2 2 (40%) 3.10 1.01 (0%)
Niven Pace Rating
Claret, gold braid, claret sleeves and cap Newsman 2 20 1 (25%) 2.58 2.12 (71%)
Royal blue, pink sleeves, gold cap. Burma Star 11 168 0 (0%) 16.63 3.65 (17%)
Brown, yellow cross sashes, beige and black hooped sleeves, red cap Bridgets Fable 7 223 1 (50%) 10.81 6.40 (55%)
Light blue, dark blue hoop, dark blue sleeves, dark blue and light blue quartered cap Alaskan Son 1 20 1 (33%) 11.00 10.00 (90%)
Maroon, light blue star, light blue sleeves, maroon stars, light blue cap, maroon star Brontide 175 Recent form poor in-running 1 (17%) 22.00 6.60 (27%)
Brontide Pace Rating

15:00 Aintree 2m Grd1 Nov Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Pink, light green spots, pink sleeves and cap Douvan 25 Inform recently in-running 8 (100%) 1.16 1.01 (6%)
Douvan Pace Rating
Light blue, pink chevrons, light blue sleeves, light blue cap, pink star Alisier Dirlande 41 Inform recently in-running 5 (83%) 15.84 10.50 (64%)
Alisier Dirlande Pace Rating
Maroon, white star and armlet, white cap The Game Changer 25 Inform recently in-running 20 (69%) 24.00 7.00 (26%)
The Game Changer Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow chevron and sleeves, red cap Fox Norton 25 8 (67%) 60.00 50.00 (83%)
Fox Norton Pace Rating
Emerald green, dark green sleeves, dark green and emerald green quartered cap Ballybolley 14 Inform recently in-running 13 (76%) 69.49 70.00 (101%)
Ballybolley Pace Rating

15:10 Lingfield 1m4f Hcap

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Light blue and red diamonds, light blue sleeves, red cap, light blue diamond Dutch Uncle 14 14 7 (70%) 2.98 1.52 (26%)
Dutch Uncle Pace Rating
White, black seams, white sleeves, black stars, white cap, black star Silver Quay 5 15 Inform recently in-running 12 (57%) 3.67 3.65 (99%)
Silver Quay Pace Rating
White, red sash, white sleeves, royal blue armlets, royal blue cap Winterlude 2 15 9 (64%) 6.13 4.20 (62%)
Winterlude Pace Rating
White, large black spots, black cap Top Tug 166 4 (33%) 10.00 1.01 (0%)
Top Tug Pace Rating
Grey, pink armlets, pink cap Sagaciously 12 162 4 (57%) 28.07 2.14 (4%)
Royal blue, white stripe, white sleeves, royal blue stars, check cap Hardstone 5 169 Recent form poor in-running 6 (46%) 15.58 6.80 (40%)
Black, red disc, black and white check sleeves, white cap Luv U Whatever 4 15 16 (44%) 26.65 20.00 (74%)
Luv U Whatever Pace Rating
Black, light green chevron, light green cap Archangel Raphael 6 209 3 (75%) 65.16 38.00 (58%)
Archangel Raphael Pace Rating
White and light green check, white sleeves, hooped cap Plutocracy 4 42 8 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Plutocracy Pace Rating

15:20 Sedgefield 2m4f Nov Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, red hoop, halved sleeves, red and white hooped cap. Lamool 204 Inform recently in-running 9 (90%) 2.48 1.01 (1%)
Purple, white triple diamond, diamonds on sleeves, yellow cap Sakhees City 21 6 (75%) 2.12 1.92 (82%)
Sakhees City Pace Rating
Dark blue, light blue seams, light blue sleeves, dark blue stars, light blue cap, dark blue star Rocky Two 163 15 (48%) 9.44 6.00 (59%)
Rocky Two Pace Rating
Orange, light blue disc, light blue sleeves, orange spots and cap Kyllachykov 18 11 (31%) 184.56 110.00 (59%)
Royal blue and grey (quartered), grey sleeves, orange cap Raise A Spark 17 Inform recently in-running 9 (56%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Raise A Spark Pace Rating
Dark green, yellow diamond, yellow cap. The Saskatoon 367 0 (0%) 120.00 120.00 (100%)
Emerald green, royal blue disc, emerald green sleeves, royal blue stars, royal blue cap Ask Paddy 12 0 (0%) 317.40 250.00 (79%)
Ask Paddy Pace Rating

15:25 Gowran Park 1m4f Mdn

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Black, white hoops and sleeves Three Star General 367 0 (0%) 4.64 4.30 (91%)
Three Star General Pace Rating
Black, white sleeves, red cap, black star. Topaz Clear 8 367 0 (0%) 3.95 1.01 (0%)
Dark blue Pietro Testa 10 167 0 (0%) 2.15 1.80 (70%)
Black, red epaulettes, yellow sleeves, yellow cap, red star Warp Factor 18 14 0 (0%) 12.00 1.27 (2%)
Warp Factor Pace Rating

15:30 Chepstow 2m7f Hcap Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue and white diamonds, royal blue sleeves, white stars, quartered cap. Brook 10 5 (50%) 7.36 4.10 (49%)
Black and yellow diabolo, halved sleeves, yellow cap, black star Somerset Lias 18 12 (60%) 12.00 2.24 (11%)
Somerset Lias Pace Rating
White, red sash, white sleeves, royal blue armlets, royal blue cap Grove Silver 27 9 (60%) 3.86 2.60 (56%)
Grove Silver Pace Rating
Emerald green, black hoops, black sleeves, emerald green stars, hooped cap What Larks 12 Inform recently in-running 5 (50%) 16.00 15.50 (97%)
What Larks Pace Rating
Royal blue, white sleeves, red cap. Heronshaw 48 7 (50%) 16.50 17.50 (106%)
Black, red sash, white sleeves and cap. Smart Exit 28 10 (40%) 18.50 9.00 (46%)
Dark blue, beige epaulets, armlets and star on cap Heroes Or Ghosts 17 4 (57%) 5.77 5.40 (92%)
Heroes Or Ghosts Pace Rating
Red, white sleeves, black stars, white cap. Rosa Fleet 12 9 (45%) 48.49 5.50 (9%)
Emerald green, orange sash and sleeves, white cap Loughalder 27 15 (50%) 19.50 1.01 (0%)
Loughalder Pace Rating
Black, pink epaulets, sleeves and cap Boardwalk Empire 21 Inform recently in-running 7 (78%) 9.80 4.50 (40%)
Boardwalk Empire Pace Rating

15:40 Aintree 3m Grd1 Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Orange, black triple diamond, chevrons on sleeves Thistlecrack 23 Inform recently in-running 12 (92%) 1.32 1.01 (3%)
Thistlecrack Pace Rating
Grey, white epaulets Different Gravey 49 4 (80%) 7.66 7.20 (93%)
Different Gravey Pace Rating
Black and beige (halved), chevrons on sleeves, red cap Shaneshill 24 Inform recently in-running 12 (92%) 15.90 10.00 (60%)
Shaneshill Pace Rating
Maroon, white star and armlet, yellow cap Prince of Scars 103 Inform recently in-running 6 (86%) 16.72 18.50 (111%)
Prince of Scars Pace Rating
Purple, mauve epaulets and star on cap. Serienschock 336 7 (78%) 427.05 30.00 (7%)
Yellow, red braces, red sleeves, yellow stars, red cap Aqalim 112 6 (46%) 186.72 140.00 (75%)
Aqalim Pace Rating

15:45 Lingfield 6f Mdn Stks

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap Muatadel 1 213 3 (75%) 3.95 4.10 (105%)
Muatadel Pace Rating
Pink, maroon striped sleeves Cee Jay 10 29 3 (43%) 9.82 8.60 (86%)
Cee Jay Pace Rating
Royal blue. Maximian 6 367 0 (0%) 5.15 1.01 (0%)
White, pink epaulets Dream Dubai 2 367 0 (0%) 5.06 1.01 (0%)
Black, red epaulets, yellow sleeves, yellow cap, red star. Lilliard 1 8 0 (0%) 17.52 8.20 (44%)
White, dark green braces, diabolo on sleeves, red cap, white star Pacific Salt 5 180 0 (0%) 8.74 5.30 (56%)
Silver, gold braid, maroon cap, gold tassel. Al Sailiyah 2 196 0 (0%) 34.00 2.30 (4%)
Black, yellow seams, yellow stars on sleeves, black cap, yellow stars Dnaneer 1 218 1 (100%) 23.00 3.50 (11%)
Dnaneer Pace Rating
Orange and black (quartered), orange sleeves, black armlets Cecile Royale 6 367 0 (0%) 84.21 100.00 (119%)
Black, pink seams, black sleeves and cap Wild Bloom 9 157 0 (0%) 71.28 100.00 (141%)
Dark blue, white star, red sleeves, dark blue cap, white star. Cainhoe Star 8 14 0 (0%) 265.16 460.00 (174%)

15:55 Sedgefield 2m Nov Hcap Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
White, maroon chevrons, maroon sleeves, white diamonds, white cap, maroon diamond Discoverie 25 16 (43%) 3.20 1.01 (0%)
Discoverie Pace Rating
Red, yellow sash, hooped sleeves and cap Duhallowcountry 25 17 (61%) 3.10 1.48 (23%)
Duhallowcountry Pace Rating
Orange, black chevron, chevrons on sleeves, black cap Captain Sharpe 13 Inform recently in-running 40 (53%) 4.01 3.90 (96%)
Captain Sharpe Pace Rating
Red, yellow cross belts, white sleeves. Bertielicious 1 Recent form poor in-running 7 (21%) 12.67 4.10 (27%)
Red, grey hooped sleeves, red cap, grey star. Khazium 366 Recent form poor in-running 12 (34%) 27.73 26.00 (94%)

16:00 Gowran Park 1m4f Hcap

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Black and red hoops, check cap Recollection 9 17 Recent form poor in-running 1 (13%) 19.51 19.00 (97%)
Dark green, dark green and white diabolo on sleeves Prussian Eagle 3 26 8 (35%) 8.40 4.30 (45%)
Prussian Eagle Pace Rating
Light blue and yellow hoops, light blue sleeves, quartered cap Tawseef 34 Recent form poor in-running 32 (62%) 12.50 9.80 (77%)
Tawseef Pace Rating
Red and purple diamonds, red sleeves, purple cap Lethal Legacy 6 229 4 (57%) 48.00 6.80 (12%)
Black and yellow stripes, emerald green cap, pink stars Oiche Mhaith Boy 2 Inform recently in-running 6 (46%) 2.72 1.01 (1%)
Oiche Mhaith Boy Pace Rating
Pink and black diamonds, pink sleeves, striped cap Never Again 27 Inform recently in-running 6 (32%) 4.34 2.82 (54%)
Never Again Pace Rating
Pink and white diamonds Get Out of Jail 35 7 (58%) 6.76 3.00 (35%)
Get Out of Jail Pace Rating

16:05 Chepstow 2m3f Nov Hcap Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
White, purple hoop and sleeves Wojciech 257 2 (22%) 20.08 18.00 (89%)
Yellow, dark blue stripe Mr Mafia 125 Inform recently in-running 11 (79%) 5.53 1.50 (11%)
Mr Mafia Pace Rating
Purple, emerald green hoop, white cap Badilou 115 1 (33%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Badilou Pace Rating
Black, large yellow spots, black sleeves, yellow spots, yellow cap Mazovian 36 26 (36%) 8.41 4.80 (51%)
White, red cross belts and sleeves Zara Hope 94 2 (40%) 10.50 1.01 (0%)
Zara Hope Pace Rating
Royal blue, emerald green hoops and sleeves, white cap Glenariff 24 Recent form poor in-running 5 (45%) 6.40 2.40 (26%)
Dark blue, red and white hooped sleeves, red cap. Rosygo 18 6 (60%) 16.00 12.50 (77%)
Orange, black star, black sleeves, orange stars, black cap, orange star. Up The Junction 45 0 (0%) 23.07 20.00 (86%)
Dark blue, red stripe, grey sleeves, white stars, red cap Richardofdoccombe 14 5 (63%) 24.00 11.00 (43%)
Richardofdoccombe Pace Rating
Black, large yellow spots, black sleeves, yellow spots, yellow cap Cry Fury 12 10 (48%) 34.77 17.00 (47%)
Red, yellow sash, brown sleeves, yellow cap, red star Stepover 24 4 (57%) 10.07 2.38 (15%)
Stepover Pace Rating
Dark blue, pink braces, hooped sleeves, yellow cap Follow The Master 735 Recent form poor in-running 1 (13%) 21.12 16.00 (75%)
Follow The Master Pace Rating
White, red stripe, red sleeves, white armlets, red cap Mr Medic 16 2 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Mr Medic Pace Rating
Light green, yellow chevrons on sleeves, yellow cap Replacement Plan 186 8 (47%) 20.29 13.50 (65%)
Replacement Plan Pace Rating
Royal blue and red (quartered), white and royal blue hooped sleeves, white cap Kahdian 18 Inform recently in-running 6 (43%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Kahdian Pace Rating
Dark blue, white hoops, armlets and cap. Ta Ha 37 3 (60%) 79.30 65.00 (82%)

16:15 Lingfield 1m Listed

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Purple, light blue chevron, light blue cap Sea of Flames 21 15 3 (60%) 2.92 1.03 (2%)
Sea of Flames Pace Rating
Dark blue, large yellow spots. Tutu Nguru 7 7 6 (75%) 5.65 5.20 (90%)
Red, pink hoop and armlets Palawan 11 210 4 (50%) 8.20 8.00 (97%)
Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves Predilection 4 143 1 (50%) 3.27 1.77 (34%)
Silver, tassel on cap Ode To Evening 5 231 3 (75%) 12.50 1.25 (2%)
Dark blue, pink cross of lorraine, sleeves and cap Kingston Kurrajong 10 195 3 (75%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Kingston Kurrajong Pace Rating

16:20 Aintree 3m1f Listed Hcap C

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Red, black diamond, red sleeves, yellow diamonds, black cap, red diamonds Mystifiable 36 Inform recently in-running 12 (86%) 8.26 2.80 (25%)
Mystifiable Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow hoops, emerald green cap, white star Cernunnos 21 Inform recently in-running 4 (67%) 11.00 10.50 (95%)
Cernunnos Pace Rating
Yellow, royal blue seams, grey sleeves, royal blue seams, royal blue cap Knock House 23 12 (75%) 10.12 9.40 (92%)
Knock House Pace Rating
Red, royal blue cross belts, white sleeves, royal blue stars, white cap, royal blue star Thomas Brown 25 Inform recently in-running 9 (64%) 9.34 5.00 (48%)
Thomas Brown Pace Rating
White, royal blue star, halved sleeves and star on cap Coologue 36 Inform recently in-running 8 (89%) 8.40 3.25 (30%)
Coologue Pace Rating
White, maroon cross belts, hooped sleeves, maroon cap Roc Dapsis 42 8 (42%) 7.71 6.60 (83%)
Roc Dapsis Pace Rating
White, emerald green stripe, white sleeves, dark blue armlets. Band Of Blood 25 Recent form poor in-running 4 (33%) 11.50 6.00 (48%)
Yellow, royal blue spots Virak 42 Inform recently in-running 14 (78%) 14.08 2.36 (10%)
Virak Pace Rating
Light blue and maroon (halved), sleeves reversed, light blue and maroon hooped cap Cloudy Too 27 21 (62%) 24.78 18.00 (71%)
Cloudy Too Pace Rating
Red, dark green and red halved sleeves Warden Hill 363 9 (69%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Warden Hill Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow hoop, white sleeves, black cap Al Co 58 16 (43%) 23.00 2.40 (6%)
Al Co Pace Rating
Royal blue, yellow diamond, checked sleeves, royal blue cap, yellow diamond Maggio 27 33 (72%) 110.00 1.01 (0%)
Maggio Pace Rating
Beige, grey epaulets Racing Pulse 25 Recent form poor in-running 3 (33%) 27.03 17.00 (61%)
Racing Pulse Pace Rating
Dark green, white seams, dark green sleeves, white cap, red star Little Jon 23 11 (55%) 30.59 28.00 (91%)
Little Jon Pace Rating
Black and white check, yellow sleeves, black and white quartered cap. No Secrets 55 14 (67%) 90.00 50.00 (55%)

16:30 Sedgefield 2m1f Hcap Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Dark blue and yellow (quartered), striped sleeves My Little Cracker 11 4 (67%) 3.90 2.20 (41%)
My Little Cracker Pace Rating
Royal blue, white spots and sleeves, red cap Thankyou Very Much 18 12 (50%) 9.33 8.00 (84%)
Thankyou Very Much Pace Rating
Red, yellow cross belts, white sleeves Beyondtemptation 13 Inform recently in-running 22 (56%) 5.91 1.90 (18%)
Beyondtemptation Pace Rating
Black and scarlet (quartered), black sleeves, scarlet cap with black hoop. Samedi Soir 13 Inform recently in-running 8 (62%) 5.51 2.54 (34%)
Eton blue, scarlet spots and cap Card Game 14 Inform recently in-running 5 (50%) 3.43 1.01 (0%)
Card Game Pace Rating

16:35 Gowran Park 1m6f Stks

Track: . Going:

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Pink, black hoop, quartered cap Toe The Line 167 Inform recently in-running 13 (68%) 3.13 1.01 (0%)
Toe The Line Pace Rating
Green, red epaulettes, green cap Radanpour 5 309 3 (100%) 1.63 1.41 (65%)
Yellow, royal blue sash, check cap. The Brock Inn 13 Inform recently in-running 11 (73%) 26.27 4.70 (15%)
Emerald green, white star, white chevrons on sleeves, white cap Rich Coast 153 10 (43%) 34.73 11.00 (30%)

16:40 Chepstow 2m7f Nov Hcap Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Yellow, white epaulets, yellow sleeves, black armlets, white cap Waldorf Salad 25 12 (60%) 3.26 1.01 (0%)
Waldorf Salad Pace Rating
Dark green, red cross belts, dark green and beige striped sleeves, dark green cap, red star Alternatif 23 7 (70%) 2.15 1.62 (54%)
Alternatif Pace Rating
Royal blue, white cross of lorraine, royal blue sleeves, white stars, royal blue cap, white star Streets of Promise 27 Inform recently in-running 7 (58%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Streets of Promise Pace Rating
White, black braces, black sleeves, white stars, black cap, white star Vice Et Vertu 35 Inform recently in-running 9 (60%) 4.15 2.44 (46%)
Vice Et Vertu Pace Rating
Dark green, white chevrons, dark green sleeves, dark green cap, white star. Kilmurvy 135 14 (54%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)

16:50 Lingfield 7f Mdn Stks

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, white chevron Dommersen 1 171 0 (0%) 2.24 1.01 (1%)
Silver, gold braid, maroon cap, gold tassel Fashaak 6 189 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Royal blue, yellow chevron, yellow cap, royal blue spots Musdam 9 367 0 (0%) 2.66 1.30 (18%)
Light blue, dark blue armlets, dark blue cap Banish 3 367 0 (0%) 12.50 5.40 (38%)
Emerald green, dark blue chevron, chevrons on sleeves The Kings Steed 11 150 0 (0%) 18.29 11.00 (58%)
Dark blue and pink stripes, pink sleeves and cap Hidden Gem 1 367 0 (0%) 70.00 16.50 (22%)
Hidden Gem Pace Rating
Black, red epaulets, yellow sleeves, yellow cap, red star Ionization 3 367 0 (0%) 132.68 22.00 (16%)
Yellow, maroon star, yellow sleeves, maroon stars, yellow cap, maroon star Pacohontas 8 22 0 (0%) 93.94 10.00 (10%)
Pacohontas Pace Rating
White, royal blue star and sleeves, royal blue cap, white star Lord Murphy 4 11 0 (0%) 109.94 95.00 (86%)
Lord Murphy Pace Rating

17:00 Sedgefield 3m3f Hcap Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Maroon and white stripes, maroon sleeves, quartered cap Agent Louise 13 Inform recently in-running 10 (40%) 3.75 1.01 (0%)
Agent Louise Pace Rating
Orange, black sleeves, orange spots El Indio 10 Recent form poor in-running 4 (24%) 12.16 8.20 (65%)
El Indio Pace Rating
Royal blue, yellow stripe, royal blue sleeves, yellow stars. Rocky Stone 24 5 (33%) 7.22 5.70 (76%)
White, emerald green hollow box Debt To Society 17 Recent form poor in-running 21 (53%) 11.00 3.50 (25%)
Debt To Society Pace Rating
Red, yellow seams, striped sleeves and cap. Moscow Presents 23 12 (60%) 3.65 2.64 (62%)
Yellow, mauve sleeves and cap Mister To Mister 20 Recent form poor in-running 1 (17%) 8.39 8.00 (95%)
Mister To Mister Pace Rating
Black, white chevrons, diabolo on sleeves, white cap. Latest Fashion 54 Recent form poor in-running 8 (50%) 32.00 7.00 (19%)

17:15 Aintree 4m2f Grd3 Hcap Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Emerald green and yellow (quartered), white sleeves and cap Many Clouds 27 Inform recently in-running 17 (71%) 12.58 5.00 (35%)
Many Clouds Pace Rating
Dark blue and yellow (quartered), striped sleeves The Last Samuri 35 Inform recently in-running 13 (93%) 11.48 2.00 (10%)
The Last Samuri Pace Rating
Pink, large purple spots, hooped sleeves Silviniaco Conti 49 19 (68%) 15.88 11.00 (67%)
Silviniaco Conti Pace Rating
Red, white hoop, red sleeves, white seams, white cap The Druids Nephew 35 13 (59%) 19.99 19.00 (95%)
The Druids Nephew Pace Rating
White, mauve stars Holywell 25 15 (60%) 13.40 12.50 (93%)
Holywell Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow hoops, white cap Shutthefrontdoor 35 13 (76%) 16.05 11.00 (66%)
Shutthefrontdoor Pace Rating
Light green, yellow inverted triangle, yellow sleeves, red diamonds, yellow cap, red diamonds Saint Are 45 Inform recently in-running 15 (48%) 17.95 5.00 (24%)
Saint Are Pace Rating
Emerald green and orange hooped, quartered cap Gallant Oscar 34 Inform recently in-running 14 (64%) 30.11 19.50 (64%)
Gallant Oscar Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow chevron and sleeves, red cap Goonyella 34 Inform recently in-running 14 (67%) 17.31 11.00 (61%)
Goonyella Pace Rating
Grey, grey and black check cap. Morning Assembly 25 Inform recently in-running 12 (86%) 23.95 3.30 (10%)
Maroon, white star, armlets and cap Sir Des Champs 63 Recent form poor in-running 12 (71%) 32.01 28.00 (87%)
Emerald green, dark green sleeves, dark green cap, emerald green spots Ucello Conti 79 2 (67%) 26.35 5.00 (16%)
Ucello Conti Pace Rating
Red, brown sleeves and cap Unioniste 27 9 (45%) 38.87 32.00 (82%)
Unioniste Pace Rating
Purple and yellow stripes, black sleeves and cap Ofaolains Boy 22 9 (60%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Ofaolains Boy Pace Rating
Dark blue and yellow (quartered), striped sleeves Kruzhlinin 25 13 (57%) 42.00 40.00 (95%)
Kruzhlinin Pace Rating
Purple and yellow stripes, black sleeves and cap The Romford Pele 24 15 (58%) 50.00 28.00 (55%)
The Romford Pele Pace Rating
Black and beige (halved), chevrons on sleeves, beige cap. Boston Bob 49 18 (75%) 35.89 26.00 (72%)
Light blue, black sash and armlets, black and light blue hooped cap Onenightinvienna 49 Inform recently in-running 9 (82%) 55.00 27.00 (48%)
Onenightinvienna Pace Rating
Emerald green, red cross of lorraine, light green sleeves, red cap Buywise 70 Inform recently in-running 12 (71%) 59.69 30.00 (49%)
Buywise Pace Rating
Yellow, light blue hooped sleeves Triolo Dalene 49 11 (69%) 122.44 30.00 (24%)
Triolo Dalene Pace Rating
Maroon, white star and armlet, white cap Rule The World 34 17 (71%) 33.08 1.01 (0%)
Emerald green and orange hooped, quartered cap Gilgamboa 23 10 (71%) 32.84 5.50 (14%)
Gilgamboa Pace Rating
Maroon, white star, armlets and star on cap First Lieutenant 63 Inform recently in-running 24 (65%) 96.36 80.00 (83%)
First Lieutenant Pace Rating
Royal blue, pink hoop, royal blue sleeves, pink stars, pink cap Just A Par 18 7 (39%) 78.59 60.00 (76%)
Just A Par Pace Rating
Grey, white epaulets Hadrians Approach 42 11 (69%) 73.98 65.00 (88%)
Hadrians Approach Pace Rating
Beige and emerald green check, beige sleeves Ballynagour 23 10 (71%) 85.00 70.00 (82%)
Ballynagour Pace Rating
Pink, light green spots, pink sleeves and cap Ballycasey 23 13 (72%) 80.00 10.00 (11%)
Ballycasey Pace Rating
Yellow, royal blue braces, royal blue sleeves, yellow stars and stars on cap Le Reve 42 11 (44%) 98.27 20.00 (20%)
Le Reve Pace Rating
Purple, red epaulets Wonderful Charm 120 7 (44%) 89.76 75.00 (83%)
Wonderful Charm Pace Rating
Dark blue, royal blue chevrons, dark blue cap, royal blue star. Soll 51 13 (65%) 66.73 48.00 (72%)
Brown, orange seams and sleeves, quartered cap Black Thunder 63 Recent form poor in-running 11 (46%) 120.00 65.00 (54%)
Black Thunder Pace Rating
Light blue and dark blue halved, dark blue sleeves, light blue chevrons, light blue cap On His Own 22 21 (66%) 72.20 60.00 (83%)
On His Own Pace Rating
Royal blue, white seams, royal blue cap, white star Aachen 35 Inform recently in-running 16 (53%) 92.99 26.00 (27%)
Aachen Pace Rating
Royal blue, red sleeves, white spots, red cap, white spots Rocky Creek 42 13 (65%) 101.04 80.00 (79%)
Rocky Creek Pace Rating
Emerald green, yellow hoops, white cap Pendra 112 Inform recently in-running 13 (93%) 107.97 36.00 (33%)
Pendra Pace Rating
Maroon and white stripes, maroon cap, white hoop Home Farm 41 7 (37%) 95.00 75.00 (79%)
Red, white disc, diabolo on sleeves Double Ross 25 25 (66%) 143.94 50.00 (34%)
Double Ross Pace Rating
Light blue, red braces, white sleeves, red armlets, light blue and red quartered cap Katenko 25 8 (67%) 54.09 15.50 (27%)
Katenko Pace Rating
Royal blue, yellow hoops and star on cap Vics Canvas 49 15 (48%) 167.07 2.54 (1%)
Dark green, red cross belts, dark green and beige striped sleeves, dark green cap, red star Vieux Lion Rouge 25 Inform recently in-running 13 (72%) 158.30 13.00 (8%)
Vieux Lion Rouge Pace Rating
Royal blue, dark green sleeves and cap Bishops Road 1 7 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Bishops Road Pace Rating
Yellow, royal blue seams, grey sleeves, royal blue seams, royal blue cap Knock House 0 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Knock House Pace Rating
Light green and white (quartered), white sleeves, light green cap Perfect Candidate 23 10 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Perfect Candidate Pace Rating
Royal blue, yellow diamond, checked sleeves, royal blue cap, yellow diamond Maggio 0 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Maggio Pace Rating

17:35 Chepstow 2m Hcap Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Purple, pink stars, mauve sleeves, pink stars, purple cap, pink star Celestial Magic 37 2 (33%) 5.64 4.00 (65%)
Celestial Magic Pace Rating
Yellow, pink cross belts, quartered cap Catchin Time 10 16 (57%) 9.00 4.70 (46%)
Catchin Time Pace Rating
Red and black stripes, red sleeves, white cap Hill Fort 37 11 (44%) 5.11 1.01 (0%)
Hill Fort Pace Rating
Red and grey diabolo, grey sleeves, quartered cap Red Devil Star 21 8 (80%) 5.91 4.90 (79%)
Red Devil Star Pace Rating
Yellow and emerald green (halved), chevrons on sleeves, quartered cap. Number One London 20 11 (41%) 20.95 17.00 (80%)
Red, white sleeves, red and grey quartered cap Drumviredy 48 2 (33%) 18.50 11.00 (57%)
Drumviredy Pace Rating
Dark blue, red epaulets, halved sleeves Cafe Au Lait 400 4 (24%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Cafe Au Lait Pace Rating
Emerald green, orange hoops, checked sleeves, quartered cap Tamarillo Grove 19 Recent form poor in-running 17 (43%) 19.00 3.10 (12%)
Tamarillo Grove Pace Rating
Emerald green, orange hoops, checked sleeves, white cap Dun Scaith 12 Recent form poor in-running 15 (52%) 16.08 7.40 (42%)
Royal blue, large light blue spots and sleeves Chief Brody 12 Recent form poor in-running 3 (30%) 14.30 12.50 (86%)
Chief Brody Pace Rating
Royal blue, yellow cross belts, striped sleeves and cap. Equity Swap 72 Recent form poor in-running 4 (24%) 18.50 15.00 (80%)

17:40 Lingfield 1m2f Hcap

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Dark blue and pink diamonds, pink sleeves, light blue diamonds, dark blue cap, pink star Pike Corner Cross 9 24 2 (25%) 4.27 3.00 (61%)
Pike Corner Cross Pace Rating
White and light green check, white sleeves, hooped cap Speculator 13 184 6 (60%) 3.69 3.70 (100%)
Speculator Pace Rating
Purple, beige star, purple sleeves, beige stars and stars on cap Nouvelle Ere 8 29 11 (37%) 34.00 32.00 (94%)
Nouvelle Ere Pace Rating
Black, yellow sash, yellow cap Lord Of The Storm 8 16 Inform recently in-running 9 (75%) 10.82 7.40 (65%)
Lord Of The Storm Pace Rating
Grey, light blue seams, light blue cap Attain 3 47 27 (57%) 9.14 1.01 (0%)
Attain Pace Rating
Dark blue, yellow star, light blue sleeves, yellow cap. Light Rose 6 10 21 (66%) 44.00 32.00 (72%)
Black, orange epaulets, quartered cap Loving Your Work 3 173 13 (52%) 26.98 5.10 (16%)
Loving Your Work Pace Rating
Dark green, grey sleeves Runaiocht 4 29 11 (30%) 15.33 4.80 (27%)
Runaiocht Pace Rating
Yellow, black diamond on cap. Head Coach 8 23 Inform recently in-running 4 (67%) 7.04 2.50 (25%)
Yellow, dark green disc, black sleeves, black and yellow striped cap Tatawu 5 50 1 (20%) 80.00 38.00 (47%)

17:45 Sedgefield 2m3f Hcap Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Black, yellow cross belts, sleeves and cap Court of Law 44 9 (53%) 4.80 3.00 (53%)
Black, mauve seams, black sleeves, mauve stars, mauve cap Attimo 13 4 (44%) 2.08 1.01 (1%)
Attimo Pace Rating
Red, yellow sash, hooped sleeves and cap King of The Dark 13 Inform recently in-running 7 (64%) 5.81 2.98 (41%)
King of The Dark Pace Rating
Royal blue and yellow check, yellow sleeves, check cap Personal Shopper 10 Inform recently in-running 25 (50%) 10.96 4.50 (35%)
Personal Shopper Pace Rating
Red, large yellow spots and sleeves Hi Bob 44 6 (43%) 17.50 17.50 (100%)
Hi Bob Pace Rating

18:05 Chepstow 2m3f Hcap Chs

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue, dark green sleeves, pink armlets, pink cap Long Lunch 36 12 (71%) 2.90 1.01 (1%)
Long Lunch Pace Rating
Royal blue and grey diabolo, quartered cap Iona Days 21 24 (75%) 7.17 2.50 (24%)
Iona Days Pace Rating
Black, red braces, armlets and cap Hit The Headlines 29 9 (47%) 11.67 2.30 (12%)
Hit The Headlines Pace Rating
Yellow, red sash, red and yellow halved sleeves, red cap Albertos Dream 12 Inform recently in-running 10 (71%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Albertos Dream Pace Rating
Royal blue, orange and royal blue check sleeves and cap. Didntitellya 58 3 (43%) 9.09 5.10 (51%)
Royal blue and light blue (quartered), diabolo on sleeves, light blue cap, royal blue diamond Calin Du Brizais 32 Inform recently in-running 8 (89%) 3.00 1.20 (10%)
Calin Du Brizais Pace Rating
Purple, white star, purple sleeves, white stars, purple cap, white star Cruchain 16 40 (74%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)

18:10 Aintree 2m Hcap Hrd

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Yellow, emerald green and yellow striped sleeves Automated 21 11 (55%) 9.20 1.39 (5%)
Automated Pace Rating
Orange, dark green chevrons, orange sleeves, quartered cap Thunder Sheik 8 Inform recently in-running 11 (52%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Thunder Sheik Pace Rating
Red, white cross belts, hooped sleeves and star on cap All Set To Go 19 6 (43%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
All Set To Go Pace Rating
Royal blue, white star, royal blue sleeves, white stars and stars on cap Allee Bleue 12 Inform recently in-running 6 (86%) 11.50 8.20 (69%)
Allee Bleue Pace Rating
Royal blue, white chevron, hooped sleeves, white cap Frodon 22 2 (67%) 6.76 4.10 (54%)
Frodon Pace Rating
Beige and black halved, black chevrons on sleeves, beige cap Ivan Grozny 22 6 (75%) 18.00 1.01 (0%)
Ivan Grozny Pace Rating
Dark green, red cross belts, dark green and beige striped sleeves, dark green cap, red star Dell Arca 55 9 (47%) 5.80 3.80 (58%)
Dell Arca Pace Rating
Black, orange star and armlets Master Jake 13 3 (50%) 22.00 22.00 (100%)
Master Jake Pace Rating
Black, white star, halved sleeves and star on cap Bigmartre 21 1 (25%) 16.50 13.50 (81%)
Bigmartre Pace Rating
Dark blue, white star, red sleeves, white stars, red cap, white star. Madfuninthewest 109 3 (50%) 15.00 4.40 (24%)
Dark blue, pink sash, pink sleeves, dark blue armlets, dark blue cap, pink spots Boite 35 Inform recently in-running 14 (78%) 18.00 7.00 (35%)
Boite Pace Rating
Emerald green, purple armlets Nesterenko 19 5 (38%) 54.20 16.00 (28%)
Nesterenko Pace Rating
Black, black and maroon striped cap. Nabucco 22 Inform recently in-running 15 (71%) 36.14 9.00 (23%)
Dark blue, royal blue epaulets and armlets, pink cap Sgt Reckless 5 24 Recent form poor in-running 9 (45%) 24.18 20.00 (82%)
White, emerald green hollow box, hooped sleeves, emerald green diamond on cap Tempo Mac 21 27 15 (63%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Red, black seams, white sleeves, black armlets, black cap Always Resolute 36 21 9 (45%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
White and red chevrons, striped cap Mr Boss Man 17 Inform recently in-running 16 (62%) 48.74 30.00 (61%)
Mr Boss Man Pace Rating
Black and pink diabolo, black sleeves, white cap Sir Chauvelin 9 62 8 (53%) 33.27 28.00 (84%)
Light blue and dark blue stripes, dark blue sleeves, light blue spots, light blue and dark blue hooped cap Chieftains Choice 56 9 (69%) 86.22 50.00 (57%)
Chieftains Choice Pace Rating
Red, yellow sash, striped sleeves and star on cap War Singer 67 20 (65%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
War Singer Pace Rating
Maroon, white star and sleeves, hooped cap Sir Ector 14 14 (37%) 46.00 34.00 (73%)
Sir Ector Pace Rating
White, purple disc, purple cap, white spots My Manekineko 6 50 Inform recently in-running 19 (51%) 102.63 16.00 (15%)
My Manekineko Pace Rating

18:20 Wolverhampton 6f Hcap

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Royal blue and white diamonds, striped sleeves, check cap Colourbearer 8 9 29 (42%) 6.20 4.30 (63%)
Colourbearer Pace Rating
Maroon, beige cross belts, beige and maroon chevrons on sleeves, beige cap, maroon star City Of Angkor Wat 5 25 Inform recently in-running 20 (67%) 8.00 6.00 (71%)
City Of Angkor Wat Pace Rating
Yellow, dark blue seams, dark blue and yellow chevrons on sleeves, yellow cap Burtonwood 5 176 Inform recently in-running 13 (72%) 9.60 9.80 (102%)
Burtonwood Pace Rating
Yellow, orange triple diamond, diamonds on sleeves, yellow cap, orange diamond. Diatomic 6 13 14 (58%) 7.97 7.80 (98%)
Black, red cross belts, diabolo on sleeves, quartered cap Available 5 8 27 (56%) 3.63 1.01 (0%)
Green, grey and lemon striped sleeves, maroon cap. Ancient Cross 2 37 Recent form poor in-running 48 (55%) 9.80 8.00 (80%)
Lavender, black hoop, armlets and cap Temple Road 6 29 29 (58%) 20.18 23.00 (115%)
Temple Road Pace Rating
Yellow, black star, red cap Quickaswecan 10 24 11 (48%) 28.44 30.00 (106%)
Yellow, orange disc Ambitious Boy 7 8 13 (42%) 15.50 15.50 (100%)
Ambitious Boy Pace Rating

18:35 Chepstow 2m INHF

Track: Turf. Going: Good

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Purple and white stripes, black velvet cap, gold tassel Post War 17 1 (100%) 6.76 3.00 (35%)
Post War Pace Rating
White and red stripes, black and white halved sleeves, black cap Ballymalin 24 2 (67%) 2.80 2.34 (74%)
Ballymalin Pace Rating
Yellow, black hoops, halved sleeves, yellow cap Hoo Bally Diva 26 1 (33%) 36.00 32.00 (89%)
Hoo Bally Diva Pace Rating
Dark blue, light blue hoop, checked sleeves and cap Resolution Bay 367 0 (0%) 6.82 6.40 (93%)
Resolution Bay Pace Rating
Light blue, red diamond and armlets, quartered cap. Monthyne 18 0 (0%) 30.00 17.50 (57%)
Royal blue, white hoops, maroon sleeves and cap The Worlds End 367 0 (0%) 6.80 1.01 (0%)
The Worlds End Pace Rating
Yellow, purple chevron, diabolo on sleeves Admirals Secret 46 1 (100%) 22.79 32.00 (142%)
Admirals Secret Pace Rating
Dark blue, white star, red sleeves, white stars, red cap, white star. Indy Five 367 0 (0%) 18.00 1.67 (4%)
Red, dark blue chevrons, red sleeves, white cap Flints Legacy 367 0 (0%) 69.33 5.70 (7%)
Flints Legacy Pace Rating
Purple, yellow star, red sleeves, yellow cap Lady Longshot 70 1 (100%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Lady Longshot Pace Rating
Dark blue, red chevrons, red and grey chevrons on sleeves, dark blue cap. Cinderfella 68 0 (0%) 36.83 30.00 (81%)
Yellow, royal blue hoop, yellow sleeves, royal blue stars Bueno Rica 21 1 (100%) 154.48 75.00 (48%)
Bueno Rica Pace Rating

18:50 Wolverhampton 5f Nov Stks

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Red, mauve cap Accladora 7 367 0 (0%) 4.94 3.00 (51%)
Accladora Pace Rating
Dark green and white (quartered), dark green sleeves and cap Rajar 8 367 0 (0%) 4.37 4.00 (89%)
White, dark blue cross belts, sleeves and cap Imdancinwithurwife 6 367 0 (0%) 19.21 1.01 (0%)
Imdancinwithurwife Pace Rating
Purple, royal blue chevron, quartered cap Mesmeric Moment 6 14 0 (0%) 3.59 3.20 (85%)
Mesmeric Moment Pace Rating
Pink, black chevron, pink sleeves, black spots, pink cap, black diamond Log Off 4 367 0 (0%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Log Off Pace Rating
Black, grey seams, black sleeves and cap Kodi Da Capo 5 367 0 (0%) 5.64 3.45 (53%)
Light blue and yellow diabolo, white sleeves and cap Roys Dream 1 367 0 (0%) 28.82 38.00 (133%)
Red, white cross belts, halved sleeves Hi Milady 8 367 0 (0%) 31.06 30.00 (96%)

19:20 Wolverhampton 1m4f Sell Hc

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Red, black hoop and armlets, red cap, white star. Let Me In 1 33 8 (53%) 2.90 2.44 (76%)
Yellow, dark blue sleeves, white cap, green stripe Rainford Glory 7 15 28 (58%) 9.04 6.00 (62%)
Rainford Glory Pace Rating
Pink and dark blue stripes, dark blue and pink diabolo on sleeves, pink cap Yasir 3 21 29 (48%) 4.65 1.01 (0%)
Yasir Pace Rating
Grey, maroon armlets, maroon cap Chauvelin 5 9 6 (38%) 9.33 11.50 (126%)
Purple, beige cross belts, chevrons on sleeves, purple cap, beige star Virgil Earp 17 Recent form poor in-running 5 (31%) 47.33 44.00 (93%)
Black, red star and stars on cap. Mac Tiernan 4 9 18 (55%) 38.00 30.00 (78%)
Maroon, black chevron and armlets Cosette 25 Inform recently in-running 11 (48%) 22.00 15.50 (69%)
Grey, maroon hoop, black cap Shirataki 7 24 36 (55%) 44.88 8.00 (16%)
Red, yellow seams, halved sleeves, quartered cap Yourholidayisover 24 Inform recently in-running 23 (62%) 35.55 24.00 (67%)
Yourholidayisover Pace Rating
Maroon, black hoop and armlets. Easydoesit 2 8 20 (33%) 15.50 11.00 (69%)
Light blue, red braces, sleeves and star on cap. Red Skipper 281 Inform recently in-running 35 (59%) 95.00 46.00 (48%)
Red, yellow disc, quartered cap. Rebel Yell 9 11 Recent form poor in-running 0 (0%) 60.00 90.00 (151%)

19:50 Wolverhampton 1m Hcap

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Silver, tassel on cap Revolutionist 3 30 Inform recently in-running 4 (67%) 2.92 2.84 (96%)
Royal blue, white seams, royal blue cap, white star Librisa Breeze 6 182 5 (100%) 3.84 1.01 (0%)
White, dark blue spots on sleeves, white cap, dark blue star Mont Ras 4 21 Inform recently in-running 23 (68%) 15.56 16.50 (106%)
Mont Ras Pace Rating
Red, yellow cross of lorraine and sleeves Ready 1 21 14 (38%) 8.07 6.20 (74%)
Ready Pace Rating
Black, orange disc Secret Art 2 198 14 (47%) 16.00 14.00 (87%)
Dark blue, red disc, diabolo on sleeves, quartered cap Capo Rosso 6 21 Recent form poor in-running 20 (53%) 7.40 4.00 (47%)
Capo Rosso Pace Rating
Black, beige disc Aqua Ardens 5 124 Recent form poor in-running 19 (51%) 73.99 20.00 (26%)
Aqua Ardens Pace Rating

20:20 Wolverhampton 7f Hcap

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Mazarine blue, silver braid and tassel on black cap. Magical Path 4 22 2 (100%) 1.96 1.45 (47%)
Light blue, large pink spots Be Kool 14 238 1 (33%) 4.37 1.01 (0%)
Red, white spots, white sleeves, red seams, red and white striped cap Kingthistle 3 247 0 (0%) 9.80 5.70 (53%)
Kingthistle Pace Rating
Purple, light blue chevron, light blue cap Indie Music 13 182 1 (20%) 13.77 8.00 (55%)
Red, dark blue and red striped sleeves Protest 7 148 2 (50%) 9.76 3.00 (23%)

20:50 Wolverhampton 1m4f Mdn Stk

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Light blue and red diamonds, light blue sleeves, red cap, light blue diamond. Rock n Red 7 9 3 (60%) 2.82 1.01 (1%)
Pink, red epaulets, white sleeves, orange cap Forgiving Flower 5 157 0 (0%) 4.20 4.00 (94%)
Light blue, white epaulets, white sleeves, light blue armlets Introductory 3 367 0 (0%) 9.01 1.58 (7%)
White, emerald green hoops, white sleeves and cap Ms Gillard 4 44 0 (0%) 16.39 15.50 (94%)
Ms Gillard Pace Rating
Emerald green and white (quartered), hooped sleeves, black cap Cosmic Tigress 6 38 3 (50%) 9.60 6.40 (63%)
Cosmic Tigress Pace Rating
Orange and yellow (quartered), diabolo on sleeves, striped cap Princess Roania 10 Inform recently in-running 5 (83%) 9.49 6.00 (59%)
Maroon, white hoop, hooped sleeves, white cap. Cettas Hill 7 367 0 (0%) 29.13 20.00 (68%)

21:20 Wolverhampton 1m4f Hcap

Track: Artificial. Going: Standard

Horse name 50% BSP BSP IPMIN Pace / Rating
Pink, purple cross belts, white sleeves, pink cap, purple star. Cartographic 3 22 Inform recently in-running 7 (64%) 3.45 3.30 (94%)
Yellow, dark blue chevron, yellow sleeves, dark blue stars, yellow cap, dark blue star Comanche Chieftain 18 Recent form poor in-running 5 (29%) 7.06 5.00 (66%)
Comanche Chieftain Pace Rating
Royal blue, yellow hoop, royal blue sleeves, yellow stars, royal blue cap, yellow star Pao De Acuca 1 17 6 (50%) 10.99 8.80 (78%)
White, purple cap Obboorr 5 50 10 (50%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Obboorr Pace Rating
White, red diamond, chevrons on sleeves, white cap, red diamond Lean On Pete 7 13 Recent form poor in-running 30 (57%) 4.40 4.20 (94%)
Red, emerald green braces, white cap Innoko 3 16 13 (38%) 0.00 0.00 (100%)
Innoko Pace Rating
Light green, purple hoops, light green sleeves Wildomar 6 45 11 (37%) 15.50 14.50 (93%)
Red, black stripe, diamonds on sleeves, hooped cap. Fast Pick 3 182 Recent form poor in-running 0 (0%) 14.25 1.01 (0%)
Red, yellow disc, hooped sleeves and cap Nolecce 15 50 (51%) 14.82 9.00 (58%)
Red, royal blue epaulets, royal blue sleeves, red armlets, white cap Frantical 7 99 6 (50%) 38.00 34.00 (89%)
White, purple sash, white sleeves, yellow armlets and cap Saint Thomas 3 16 Recent form poor in-running 36 (60%) 30.77 29.00 (94%)
Table Item Definition
Winner! In-running Rating based on all career runs
Pace rating Pace rating, based on past performances (Green: hold-up, orange: mid-pack, red: front-runner)
4 Draw, stall number
13 Days since last run
Inform recently in-running Inform recently in-running compared to BSP (based on last 5 runs)
Recent form poor in-running Recent form poor in-running compared to BSP (based on last 5 runs)
BSP Betfair Starting Price
IP Max Maximum price matched In-Play
IP Min Minimum price matched In-Play
IP Traded Total traded on this market
Green Text Has traded to or below a percentage band a reasonable amount
Orange Text Has traded to or below a percentage band a high amount
Red Text Has traded to or below a percentage band a very high amount

In-running Ratings History Archive