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In-Running Blog

12/3/2020 4:50 Cheltenham 2m1f Grd2 Mares Nov Hrd

Horse BSP IP Max IP Min IP Traded
Minella Melody 4.20 2.94 £81764.13
Colreevy 5.50 4.90 £19841.88
Concertista Winner! 6.41 13.00 £182846.44
Dolcita 11.50 2.10 £23549.30
Ard Abhainn 13.79 8.00 £7959.56
Floressa 13.84 11.00 £8976.84
Yukon Lil 21.38 5.20 £5164.70
Emmas Joy 27.32 26.00 £2121.79
Mount Ida 34.77 24.00 £1501.91
Whitehotchillifili 65.00 5.00 £7730.03
Vienna Court 75.00 55.00 £534.06
Getaway Totherock 119.22 75.00 £383.56
Midnights Gift 137.04 100.00 £395.60
Timetochill 140.68 11.00 £2351.69
Rosie And Millie 184.30 34.00 £1475.62
Full Of Surprises 195.96 80.00 £990.12
Fort Worth Texas 242.97 28.00 £1186.48
Rhythm Divine 280.00 200.00 £219.96
Anna Bunina 306.55 80.00 £912.06
La Feline 322.81 250.00 £226.43
Raynas World 658.57 520.00 £82.54
Red Archangel 1000.00 1000.00 £178.03