£0.00 Bet at £1.00 level stakes would result in a profit of £0.00 at industry SP. The same bets placed at Betfair SP would show a profit of £0.00 to £1.00 level stakes.
Horse Name | Race | SP forecast | Morning AVG | Trading now | Matched |
Weston | 16:35 Leopardstown 1m2f Hcap | 33/1 | 81.84 | 0.00 | £0.00 |
The trainers runners for today and all other trainer statistics are updated around 9.30am each day.
Date | Race | Horse | Placed | SP f/c | SP | M.AVG | BSP | IP |
29th Jul 24 | 19:10 Galway 2m1f Hcap | Weston | 17/20 | 16/1 | 40/1 | 36.75 | 56.47 | 55.00 (97%) |
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