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In-Running Blog

20/9/2008 3:10 Newbury 1m2f Hcap

Horse BSP IP Max IP Min IP Traded
Ask The Butler 4.72 4.80 £17851.82
Presvis Winner! 7.14 7.40 £79016.48
Rose Street 9.60 3.00 £18912.66
Monte Alto 13.00 9.00 £4171.28
Prince Kalamoun 17.48 9.00 £1658.94
Proponent 17.82 9.00 £2162.90
Tazeez 18.65 14.00 £1617.74
Indian Days 20.00 11.00 £2604.92
Siberian Tiger 23.65 13.50 £1132.64
Love Galore 26.00 4.10 £1024.18
Unshakable 29.89 28.00 £508.92
Night Crescendo 32.00 13.50 £857.00
Kings Quay 35.08 48.00 £122.44
Nanton 40.00 13.50 £358.86
Samsons Son 40.37 12.00 £285.60
Beauchamp Viceroy 65.00 7.00 £1142.30
Tamimis History 76.69 26.00 £105.48
Alexander Castle 95.11 100.00 £71.98
Mount Hadley 167.82 150.00 £35.48
Count Ceprano 260.00 130.00 £82.34