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In-Running Blog

12/2/2022 3:25 Naas 1m7f Hcap Hrd

Horse BSP IP Max IP Min IP Traded
Whiskey Lullaby 6.40 3.05 £13577.96
The Toothpicker 7.40 8.00 £3514.17
Sparkling Stars Winner! 9.24 9.40 £34175.23
Uncle Gerhard 10.50 9.40 £1710.36
Junior Bee 13.76 6.00 £2079.98
I Dont Get It 16.51 1.60 £28418.84
Plassey House 18.97 19.00 £491.38
Fair Minded 19.00 16.00 £911.97
Init Together 24.32 8.00 £2023.04
Lake Chad 26.00 44.00 £307.04
Majavango 30.00 140.00 £174.42
Dylan Lombardy 38.06 10.00 £555.49
Kellies Dream 40.07 26.00 £282.07
Capture The Action 45.55 32.00 £486.70
Mastermind 60.00 2.02 £9055.55
Malbas 66.61 60.00 £119.48
Yaha Fizz 110.00 80.00 £202.04
Lucky Ranger 117.27 10.00 £1127.06
Mr Jackman 130.00 65.00 £160.61
Josies Orders 150.00 80.00 £109.01
Haveuseentherain 251.41 110.00 £75.21
Vermilion Cliffs 261.12 130.00 £73.19
Globetrottersivola 295.65 120.00 £106.23