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In-Running Blog

28/12/2019 2:35 Leopardstown 2m4f Hcap Hrd

Horse BSP IP Max IP Min IP Traded
Encore Lui 6.20 3.00 £25375.43
Dalton Highway Winner! 6.94 13.50 £65382.82
Goodbye Someday 8.60 6.80 £6574.38
Visioman 11.99 13.50 £1732.67
Punitive 12.22 5.00 £6391.64
Bythesametoken 15.26 8.40 £4839.60
The Church Gate 17.12 2.52 £16599.91
Whatucallher 18.00 26.00 £629.26
Iknowwhereiamnow 20.79 18.00 £957.12
Electricitywork 23.32 8.20 £1712.49
Bua Boy 34.00 13.00 £972.46
Rapid Response 36.99 26.00 £1001.76
Thegoaheadman 55.00 12.50 £2080.09
Emily Square 64.94 42.00 £523.30
Pat Coyne 66.54 60.00 £263.29
Youngnedofthehill 80.00 1.35 £20820.90
Bold Emperor 95.00 60.00 £288.08
Tashman 130.00 34.00 £910.96
Shantelle 170.00 27.00 £632.26
Kings War 190.00 13.00 £607.87
Manomine 281.84 70.00 £424.26
Nomanbehind 330.00 200.00 £90.24
Balaclava 397.23 200.00 £100.87