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In-Running Blog

7/8/2017 4:35 Cork 2m3f Hcap Hrd

Horse BSP IP Max IP Min IP Traded
Pass The Ball 3.86 2.22 £37848.58
Mindsmadeup 5.91 2.70 £8405.54
Carlitos Bay Winner! 9.60 8.00 £32031.64
Wee Tiger 12.93 7.80 £5097.10
Dark Outsider 19.50 14.00 £1598.26
Eight And Bob 21.27 16.50 £1196.24
Padraigs Joy 25.00 18.00 £779.16
Unas Pleasure 26.41 30.00 £569.64
Samanntom 29.00 22.00 £554.16
Undefined Beauty 31.08 28.00 £294.08
Naturally Blond 40.00 32.00 £610.96
Coolmill 43.01 36.00 £284.84
Rock On Bach 55.45 55.00 £98.72
Indian Court 60.00 46.00 £283.82
Miracle Cure 65.00 40.00 £456.70
Auld Brig 66.73 48.00 £147.70
Baron Von Chill 81.50 50.00 £146.54
You Cant Catch Me 85.81 48.00 £375.42
Analyse That 154.83 44.00 £448.90
Ballylibert 211.32 120.00 £359.80