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In-Running Blog

5/11/2011 1:20 Down Royal 2m6f Hcap Hrd

Horse BSP IP Max IP Min IP Traded
Get In There 5.85 5.00 £8149.48
Down Under 8.60 5.60 £4456.58
Whiskey Hall 9.98 10.00 £1051.88
Selection Box Winner! 11.11 12.00 £41913.18
Representing 12.00 13.50 £756.96
Back On The Road 13.50 11.50 £1052.82
Mr Pernickety 15.05 14.50 £568.98
Referent 15.44 13.50 £705.28
Strange Encounter 25.00 5.30 £1375.84
Forestside 27.96 23.00 £513.82
Wilde Rebel 42.00 44.00 £159.98
Al Dafa 44.00 24.00 £584.20
Clash Rebel 44.16 10.00 £1144.90
Drumlister 52.27 11.00 £388.10
Another Harbour 60.00 55.00 £80.50
New Tactics 70.00 60.00 £206.88
Ryans Princess 78.96 65.00 £42.62
Failed The Test 95.00 80.00 £94.40
Templar Knight 100.00 55.00 £155.56
Air Of Confusion 187.32 65.00 £34.08