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In-Running Blog

8/7/2011 6:45 Cork 2m4f Hcap Hrd

Horse BSP IP Max IP Min IP Traded
Back Of The Pack 4.40 3.15 £29277.40
Some Gem 5.71 4.60 £6674.76
Lady Perspex 7.60 3.55 £6108.00
Carutomark 11.20 11.00 £1261.92
Lea Lady 21.80 36.00 £238.24
Clan Music 25.72 25.00 £578.66
Lady Chatterbox 27.95 24.00 £365.22
Canitellyou 33.52 27.00 £188.06
High Notes 34.33 30.00 £237.86
All The Best Mate Winner! 37.59 44.00 £83138.16
Coosan Belle 44.14 21.00 £315.32
Monart Lantern 44.46 6.80 £1249.16
Susie Van Hall 48.14 13.00 £631.32
Inishark 48.61 40.00 £55.92
Killogan Lass 51.89 42.00 £136.16
Young Milly 54.39 6.80 £708.40
Carrig More Annie 69.93 27.00 £103.90
Lus Na Hoiche 104.06 60.00 £50.88
The Blarney Rose 105.22 26.00 £221.50
A Better Excuse 120.32 90.00 £78.46
Clodas Choice 131.42 90.00 £69.90