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In-Running Blog

25/10/2010 3:35 Galway 2m6f Hcap Hrd

Horse BSP IP Max IP Min IP Traded
Prosperity Square 7.80 5.60 £9495.04
Kaiser So Say Winner! 9.00 18.00 £52638.60
Super Daisy 9.40 5.60 £4243.46
Manger Hanagment 11.38 10.00 £1621.50
The Shepherd 12.00 5.00 £3043.02
Lets Go Sunshine 15.13 13.50 £632.28
Gallilei 15.69 5.20 £2693.02
I Hear A Symphony 16.68 9.80 £957.90
Shane Rock 17.50 14.00 £649.56
One Cool Cookie 25.19 29.00 £165.04
Sunwake 26.40 21.00 £222.52
Diyla 28.98 3.70 £5978.46
Duroob 32.00 30.00 £219.26
Ponmeoath 36.21 17.00 £408.90
Killeenmore 41.17 21.00 £343.28
The Lady Granuaile 49.11 2.58 £3851.98
Garamor Boy 85.22 30.00 £231.94
Chaussettes 104.13 75.00 £95.30
Knock On The Head 110.46 32.00 £151.22
Cymau Lass 202.51 210.00 £31.26