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In-Running Blog

19/6/2010 5:35 Ascot 2m5f Cond Stks

Horse BSP IP Max IP Min IP Traded
Sentry Duty 5.48 4.90 £35188.00
Swingkeel 5.97 2.12 £32420.10
Munsef 6.28 4.40 £12848.42
Deutschland 8.14 7.00 £6907.42
Bergo Winner! 14.00 17.00 £108206.74
Aajel 15.52 5.00 £10168.20
Ringaroses 17.15 11.00 £2669.26
Starfala 20.16 12.50 £2975.04
Hollins 27.02 10.00 £2814.02
Sweetheart 36.00 30.00 £976.00
Balkan Knight 47.64 11.50 £921.14
Caracciola 50.00 16.00 £1191.70
Baddam 73.04 17.00 £2016.66
Kid Charlemagne 80.00 10.00 £3377.88
Prince Picasso 130.78 70.00 £201.06
Midas Way 180.00 170.00 £147.62
Casual Garcia 1000.00 900.00 £122.14
Star Of Pompey 1000.00 1000.00 £39.40