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In-Running Blog

28/5/2010 8:35 Cork 2m INHF

Horse BSP IP Max IP Min IP Traded
Kavanagh 3.79 3.15 £13837.22
Khorun 5.57 3.50 £8384.08
The Real Article Winner! 5.79 6.00 £64647.98
Inthelineoffire 13.63 8.40 £1375.72
Glancing 16.04 15.00 £1100.88
Ferretina 18.44 15.50 £299.66
Lehaunstown 23.00 7.00 £903.70
Be My Sunshine 26.29 7.00 £2030.36
Residence 37.00 30.00 £137.46
Rince Deireadh 50.37 75.00 £67.68
Bay Rebel 55.89 65.00 £24.34
Teagan 56.53 48.00 £34.44
Butterfly Lounge 67.85 40.00 £43.96
Milans Pride 95.85 38.00 £149.30
Johnies Star 116.63 130.00 £5.04
Oscars Ex 124.15 1000.00 £5.02
Shanran 163.87 48.00 £73.94
Tuesdays Girl 167.86 65.00 £60.00
Pharohs Witness 1000.00 1000.00 £9.40
Che Copete 1000.00 830.00 £11.40