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In-Running Blog

13/3/2010 2:05 Limerick 2m3f Mdn Hrd

Horse BSP IP Max IP Min IP Traded
Liss Na Tintri 1.59 1.30 £77030.68
Royal Crew 6.31 6.60 £1696.46
Guzzle An Go Winner! 18.88 26.00 £55357.48
Milanette 20.00 6.60 £1100.06
Minnie Wyse 25.00 14.00 £478.70
Chasing Clouds 33.41 6.80 £1086.70
Qeasy 48.00 20.00 £387.58
Greenhill Millie 74.65 30.00 £102.90
Najemi 90.98 42.00 £104.40
Macville 94.89 38.00 £100.98
Josie James 106.47 27.00 £46.62
Theft 152.89 17.00 £285.64
Gortnagros 620.81 220.00 £47.10
Most Chaste 850.44 330.00 £15.62
The Three Colleens 868.04 55.00 £164.86
Sound Out 951.31 110.00 £86.00
Isourbell 1000.00 390.00 £14.00
Broadhaven Bay 1000.00 790.00 £14.00