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In-Running Blog

6/11/2009 2:35 Down Royal 2m6f Mdn Hrd

Horse BSP IP Max IP Min IP Traded
Itdosnot Botherme 7.40 7.00 £3016.52
Little Barney 7.60 2.30 £17905.16
Blown By The Wind 8.02 2.66 £7851.90
Billie Beg 8.34 7.00 £2694.08
Wait For Green 8.60 4.00 £4443.68
Hughies Grey 12.50 4.90 £4311.64
Presenting Massey 12.50 9.60 £1037.60
Havagoodsip 12.51 4.10 £2853.06
Danderry Winner! 18.14 22.00 £57031.10
Billy Boy Buck 96.53 23.00 £219.06
Heathery Hills 112.00 46.00 £457.16
Steviemac 149.88 50.00 £159.18
Instigator 200.28 110.00 £103.62
Brownpolish 214.78 160.00 £30.26
Sounds Great 219.65 90.00 £68.22
Hijincks 300.00 90.00 £14.24
Tirconaillcountess 308.53 150.00 £21.20
Pincin 380.72 140.00 £83.14
Castleroe 763.08 580.00 £4.60
Kiltevnasluckylady 1000.00 1000.00 £9.20