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In-Running Blog

11/4/2009 3:00 Cork 2m3f Hcap Hrd

Horse BSP IP Max IP Min IP Traded
Askmeroe 4.50 4.20 £17832.78
Bar The Rest Winner! 5.48 7.20 £77359.98
Flemensford 13.00 13.50 £772.42
Duartin 14.57 2.64 £8299.08
Mano Boy 17.50 8.00 £1095.98
Shake The Bottle 18.00 11.00 £520.82
Nipper John 19.08 11.00 £2888.60
Sher Fountin 21.28 20.00 £371.00
Indian Love 27.00 25.00 £214.72
Matchbook 27.20 17.00 £228.12
Premier Hero 29.00 21.00 £262.48
Kalellshan 32.43 34.00 £56.36
Vast Consumption 53.41 15.00 £540.14
Alderfield 57.48 34.00 £63.82
Ballinavortha 57.53 40.00 £142.16
Grand Opera 65.00 26.00 £156.24
Baily Storm 66.29 100.00 £25.76
The Rocking Dock 69.91 90.00 £28.60
Whos To Know 75.07 85.00 £18.28
Capdalight 150.00 32.00 £68.16
Thespian Star 176.65 210.00 £10.12
Double Bank 220.00 50.00 £10.68