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In-Running Blog

22/11/2008 2:20 Gowran Park 3m Hcap Hrd

Horse BSP IP Max IP Min IP Traded
Cloth Fair 8.84 3.30 £11463.12
Guts For Garters Winner! 9.17 38.00 £78148.64
Oar House 11.53 5.00 £3704.92
Burren Bob 11.76 2.00 £12096.86
Donttellmother 14.86 55.00 £150.80
Bandearg 15.60 10.00 £1998.46
Accorry More 15.65 10.00 £762.82
Canitellyou 18.19 15.00 £290.94
Theicecreamfellow 19.23 13.00 £298.48
Keep Me 20.63 12.00 £186.04
Graces Choice 28.00 18.50 £177.82
My Red Vic 32.71 23.00 £106.48
Mustangsallyrally 36.00 2.00 £4479.86
Brandam 36.91 20.00 £501.48
Flamenco Prince 40.07 25.00 £52.80
Flying Paragan 47.50 38.00 £60.46
The Flying Dustman 70.00 21.00 £82.50
So Billiant 70.00 15.00 £72.32
Whatever Trevor 110.00 85.00 £14.50
Sallybgood 172.38 160.00 £12.00