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In-Running Blog

13/11/2008 3:40 Taunton 2m7f Hcap Chs

Horse BSP IP Max IP Min IP Traded
13. Gold Penny 0.00 1001.00 £0.00
11. Riba Rocket 0.00 1001.00 £0.00
8. Matipo 0.00 1001.00 £0.00
1. Bally Heights 0.00 1001.00 £0.00
10. Pensive 0.00 1001.00 £0.00
2. Shelby Winner! 0.00 1.00 £0.00
4. Minkam 0.00 1001.00 £0.00
12. Lord Tioga 0.00 1001.00 £0.00
9. Mybrearne 0.00 1001.00 £0.00
Iriss Prince 3.98 1.77 £138669.06
The Venetian 5.60 5.40 £28352.02
Flight Command Winner! 7.42 7.80 £151633.38
Mighty Moose 9.42 3.00 £13313.82
Alcatras 11.50 10.00 £4987.28
Wizard Of Edge 13.55 6.20 £3812.50
Meggies Beau 14.00 11.00 £3251.20
Classic Clover 23.90 25.00 £916.72
Celtic Son 37.69 5.00 £5427.20
Walton Way 53.19 40.00 £898.46
The Walnut Tree 63.43 20.00 £857.10
Primrose Park 82.53 50.00 £343.38