6 (12-0) | Times A Wastin (6-y-o b g)(23)(cheekpieces) | Mr J. M. Halford(7) | Nigel Slevin | |||||||||
0864P | Sholokhov - Road To Pearls (Grape Tree Road) | 300/1 | ||||||||||
Track: Turf. Going: Soft
15:25 Navan 2m NHF | ||||||||
Pre-race trading for Times A Wastin | ||||||||
Back | Last price traded / total amount | Lay | SP forecast | |||||
Times A Wastin | 65 £1.54 |
70 £2.29 |
75 £1.13 |
70.00 £71.60 |
160 £1.80 |
170 £2.00 |
480 £1.23 |
300/1 |
Event | BSP | IP Max | IP Min | IP Traded | ||||||||||||||||
26/12/2024 12:35 , 2m Mdn Hrd (Good, 2m, finished: pu/17)
1000.00 (999.999) | 1000.00 | £14.17 | |||||||||||||||||
24/11/2024 3:32 , 2m1f INHF (Soft, 2m 166y, finished: 4/9)
347.14 (269.765) | 330.00 | £312.05 | |||||||||||||||||
7/10/2024 5:25 , 2m INHF (Good, 2m, finished: 6/8)
89.01 (1.000) | 34.00 | £530.01 | |||||||||||||||||
15/6/2024 5:10 , 2m3f NHF (Good, 2m 2f 185y, finished: 8/9)
122.49 (40.998) | 65.00 | £130.36 | |||||||||||||||||
7/5/2024 8:20 , 2m1f INHF (Gd/Sft, 2m 172y, finished: 12/16)
202.31 (62.120) | 110.00 | £170.17 |
Highlighted in yellow are all runs on similar ground to todays: Gd/Sft, Soft, Heavy
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