23/2/2020 2:30 Wolverhampton, 2m NHF C4 (Slow, 2m 119y, finished: 9/10)
Track details | Wolverhampton
, 2m 119y, Slow |
Jockey | Brian Hughes | SP | 20/1 |
Value | £3249 | Race details | 4yo+ |
Draw | NA | Finished | 9/10 |
36.00 (9.908) |
26.00 |
£1926.28 |
10/1/2020 3:35 Sedgefield, 2m1f NHF C5 (Heavy, 2m 178y, finished: 8/9)
Track details | Sedgefield
, 2m 178y, Heavy |
Jockey | Brian Hughes | SP | 8/1 |
Value | £2274 | Race details | 4yo to 6yo |
Draw | NA | Finished | 8/9 |
14.50 (5.298) |
9.60 |
£4678.33 |
14/7/2019 5:10 Sligo, 2m2f INHF (Good, 2m 2f, finished: 1/10)
Track details | Sligo
, 2m 2f, Good |
Jockey | Mr J. J. Codd | SP | 4/7 |
Value | £10500 | Race details | 4yo to 7yo |
Draw | NA | Finished | 1/10 |
1.66 (1.893) |
2.32 |
£136619.34 |