7/12/2018 8:45 Kempton, 1m3f Hcap C6 (Artificial, Slow, 1m 2f 219y, finished: 12/14)
Track details | Kempton Park
, Artificial, 1m 2f 219y, Slow |
Jockey | Liam Jones | SP | 33/1 |
Value | £3105 | Race details | 3yo (0-60) |
Draw | 3 | Finished | 12/14 |
140.00 (50.128) |
110.00 |
£80.04 |
12/11/2018 1:40 Southwell, 1m3f Mdn Stks C5 (Artificial, Std/Slow, 1m 3f 23y, finished: 7/9)
Track details | Southwell
:, Artificial, 1m 3f 23y, Std/Slow |
Jockey | Liam Jones | SP | 20/1 |
Value | £3752 | Race details | 3yo to 5yo |
Draw | 6 | Finished | 7/9 |
28.12 (71.722) |
27.00 |
£521.50 |
10/10/2018 6:40 Kempton, 1m3f Mdn Stks C5 (Artificial, Slow, 1m 2f 219y, finished: 9/13)
Track details | Kempton Park, Artificial, 1m 2f 219y, Slow |
Jockey | Liam Jones | SP | 66/1 |
Value | £3881 | Race details | 3yo to 5yo |
Draw | 4 | Finished | 9/13 |
1000.00 (131.432) |
1000.00 |
£15.62 |
1/9/2018 2:55 Wolverhampton, 1m1f Mdn Stks C5 (Artificial, Std, 1m 1f 104y, finished: 10/12)
Track details | Wolverhampton, Artificial, 1m 1f 104y, Std |
Jockey | Liam Jones | SP | 100/1 |
Value | £4140 | Race details | 3yo+ |
Draw | 3 | Finished | 10/12 |
357.13 (151.465) |
350.00 |
£30.96 |