11/8/2020 4:30 Perth, 2m4f Nov Hrd
Track details | , , |
Jockey | | SP | |
Value | | Race details | |
Draw | NA | Finished | / |
840.00 (149.404) |
560.00 |
£65.49 |
27/5/2018 5:35 Kelso, 2m Stks NHF C3 (Good, 2m 51y, finished: 9/10)
Track details | Kelso, 2m 51y, Good |
Jockey | Lucy Alexander | SP | 33/1 |
Value | £7820 | Race details | 4yo to 6yo |
Draw | NA | Finished | 9/10 |
75.36 (59.984) |
70.00 |
£198.16 |
27/4/2018 5:15 Perth, 2m NHF C4 (Soft, 2m 47y, finished: 9/13)
Track details | Perth, 2m 47y, Soft |
Jockey | Lucy Alexander | SP | 66/1 |
Value | £3165 | Race details | 4yo to 6yo |
Draw | NA | Finished | 9/13 |
307.64 (106.756) |
150.00 |
£178.60 |
5/2/2018 1:40 Newcastle, 2m NHF C5 (Standard, 2m 56y, finished: 10/13)
Track details | Newcastle, 2m 56y, Standard |
Jockey | Lucy Alexander | SP | 25/1 |
Value | £2274 | Race details | 4yo to 6yo |
Draw | NA | Finished | 10/13 |
30.35 (25.916) |
18.50 |
£840.34 |