16/1/2018 4:10 Hereford, 2m Stks NHF C5 (Soft, 2m 53y, finished: 7/9)
Track details | Hereford, 2m 53y, Soft |
Jockey | Harry Teal | SP | 50/1 |
Value | £2599 | Race details | 4yo to 6yo |
Draw | NA | Finished | 7/9 |
111.08 (169.912) |
60.00 |
£1388.56 |
31/12/2017 3:40 Warwick, 2m NHF C6 (Heavy, 2m, finished: 5/7)
Track details | Warwick, 2m, Heavy |
Jockey | Harry Teal | SP | 22/1 |
Value | £1949 | Race details | 4yo to 6yo |
Draw | NA | Finished | 5/7 |
24.66 (131.557) |
13.50 |
£6016.82 |
28/11/2017 1:00 Lingfield, 2m Stks NHF C6 (Std, 2m, finished: 7/8)
Track details | Lingfield Park, 2m, Std |
Jockey | Harry Teal | SP | 33/1 |
Value | £1949 | Race details | 4yo to 6yo |
Draw | NA | Finished | 7/8 |
110.00 (95.820) |
27.00 |
£716.60 |