20/12/2024 3:40 , 1m7f NHF C1 (Gd/Sft, 1m 7f 152y, finished: pu/14)
Track details | Ascot
:, 1m 7f 152y, Gd/Sft |
Jockey | David Bass | SP | 150/1 |
Value | £14238 | Race details | 4yo to 5yo |
Draw | NA | Finished | pu/14 |
281.99 (151.041) |
140.00 |
£206.96 |
6/12/2024 3:27 , 2m1f NHF C5 (Soft, 2m 178y, finished: 3/6)
Track details | Sedgefield
:, 2m 178y, Soft |
Jockey | Brian Hughes | SP | 9/2 |
Value | £2451 | Race details | 4yo to 5yo |
Draw | NA | Finished | 3/6 |
6.91 (5.995) |
1.06 |
£25632.98 |
11/12/2023 12:35 , 2m NHF C5 (Std, 2m, finished: 6/14)
Track details | Lingfield Park
:, 2m, Std |
Jockey | David Bass | SP | 6/1 |
Value | £2614 | Race details | 4yo to 5yo |
Draw | NA | Finished | 6/14 |
8.31 (7.580) |
4.10 |
£5232.87 |
1/1/2023 3:40 , 1m6f NHF C1 (Soft, 1m 5f 209y (New), finished: 12/14)
Track details | Cheltenham
:, 1m 5f 209y (New), Soft |
Jockey | Nico de Boinville | SP | 11/1 |
Value | £14238 | Race details | 4yo |
Draw | NA | Finished | 12/14 |
16.00 (22.123) |
6.20 |
£1753.41 |
25/3/2011 5:00 Newbury, 3m Hunt Chs C6 (Gd/Sft, 3m, finished: 4/6)
Track details | Newbury, 3m, Gd/Sft |
Jockey | Maurice Linehan | SP | 10/1 |
Value | £989 | Race details | 6yo+ |
Draw | NA | Finished | 4/6 |
13.00 (9.455) |
11.50 |
£4011.90 |
14/2/2009 4:15 Wincanton, 2m6f Hcap Hrd C3 (Soft, 2m 6f, finished: pu/7)
Track details | Wincanton, 2m 6f, Soft |
Jockey | Andrew Tinkler | SP | 12/1 |
Value | £12524 | Race details | 4yo+ (0-135) |
Draw | NA | Finished | pu/7 |
15.23 (10.915) |
14.00 |
£2907.44 |